I [F] Play a Drinking Game with 4 Hockey Players [Group]

This happened in my first year of college. I was casually dating a guy, Colin. He was exactly what I was looking for at the time – the jock type – tall and strong. 6 years older. He played hockey and spent most of his time with his friends which was fine with me.

For Valentines weekend he asked me to come to the neighbouring city to watch his hockey game and cheer him on. We would spend the weekend there together and stay in a hotel. I couldn’t wait for my romantic weekend getaway with my man.

But I never really got it, because all the time he wanted to hangout with the guys on the team. He would bring me around the other guys and it would just be awkward for me while they did guy stuff and i was bored silly.

The day of the game was fun though. I watched his game and cheered him on. They won the game and he scored a goal. I was so proud of him. Then I went out for drinks with him and his whole team.

Predictably I got too drunk too fast trying to keep up with the boys so Colin took me back to the hotel. But he didn’t want to stop partying so he invited 3 of his friends back too.

Once we got back to the hotel I couldn’t get any rest because the guys were so loud so I just kept drinking with them. They were playing a drinking game and let me play along, but I only had to drink half as much as them if I lost.

Basically they would flip a card from the deck and everyone who guessed the suit correctly got to pick someone to take a drink. They were going easy on me luckily and Colin was really the only one making me drink.

At this point I was excessively drunk, but I perked up when they started talking about a girl I know. They were talking about pictures of her that she had sent on of the guys. nudes. I was surprised and chimed in that we were friends and asked to see. He wouldn’t share even when the guys pressured him to. Eventually we all got back to the game. Now though they switched the conversation to me and started asking Colin what I had sent him. I was blushing hard and I told him not to say and that we should switch the topic of conversation.

They did, but they decided to make it a rule that if someone guessed the suit right twice in a row they got to give someone a dare. Pretty quickly one of the guys did this and dared me to sit on Colin’s lap for the rest of the game. Easy

The next time it happened another guy dared me to take off my underwear (I was wearing just a dress, underwear, and bra). Colin nodded that it was okay so I just did it, shocked at this point what was happening. I hoped it was a coincidence that they had both chosen me.

The surprise was when Colin got it right twice in a row and he dared me to sit on each guys lap and give him a kiss on the lips. What kind of bf wants that? Of course I did it (I’m not chicken) and had to admit to myself that it was exciting. At the same time I recognized where the guys wanted to go with this and I wasn’t interested in a 5-way on valentines so I decided I would stop playing and go to bed after the next double, still holding out hope that I could get one back at them. I didn’t and was dared for the 4th time in a row. This time the dare was to let all of them touch me wherever they wanted over clothes for 30 seconds. So for 30 seconds I had 8 hands grabbing my ass, touching my boobs, feeling my stomach and between my thighs. A couple were brave enough to graze my pussy. It was unbelievable. After way more than 30-seconds I told them their time was up and to keep playing while i went to the bathroom.

I was so turned on it took every ounce of self-control I had left to stop playing the game and tell them I wanted to go to sleep. They moaned and groaned that I should keep playing, but I wouldn’t give in. I knew where it was going. After that the game quickly broke up and the guys left. Colin told me how sexy it was to see me getting groped by his friends and we had incredible sex that night.

We broke up that March and I never saw any of those guys again, but I still think about what might have happened if I had kept playing.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jyedde/i_f_play_a_drinking_game_with_4_hockey_players