Demon Lover

FTM, Demon, Master, Pet, Milk, Consent, Has plot

I’m tryna go for porn you can get invested in! I would love any regular or constructive feedback. Hope you enjoy. :)



I got out of my car and the fall wind blew onto my face. The wind rose with it leaves and paper. I was about to close my door when a paper flew into the driver’s side window. I took it off and looked at it. It was purple or black. I couldn’t tell because it was dark already outside. I stuffed it into my pocket and got my grocery bags out and went into my house. It had been a long day. I started to put away the items that needed refrigeration first, milk, cheese, and so on. I checked my pocket to see what that paper was. It was a deep purple paper with gold ink and the size of a sticky note. On one side there was a pentagram and on the other there was a strange list of rules. First rule was, always close the door, second was know what you want, the third was have something valuable, and the fourth was use your own blood to summon. I inspected the pentagram more. There were strange symbols around it. However, there was one word in english letters. Above the pentagram was the word, Shayfursir. What a weird art project. I opened a box of cereal and the glue was stupidly stubborn. It wouldn’t give so I kept trying harder to get my finger under the cardboard. I accidentally ripped it open and got a cardboard cut. I dropped the cereal box and grasped my index finger with my other hand. It was deeper than a papercut and it started bleeding. I looked for a paper towel when I realized that I ran out and forgot to get some more while I was at the store.

“Shit,” I muttered. I got the sticky note and cleaned up my finger a bit. I went over to the sink and washed it off. Once it wasn’t bleeding anymore I put a band-aid on it.

I walked to my bedroom from the kitchen. It was a drab house. There were undecorated walls and filled in holes in the drywall that went unpainted. However, it was cheap and it could retain heat which was good enough for me. My bedroom was not messy but it never looked nice simply because I didn’t own nice things. I started getting ready for bed. I closed the door to change even though I lived alone. It was a force of habit. I had guitar and bass riffs playing from my phone. Occasionally there would be a piano song I liked enough to put on my playlist of instrumental music but they were a one in ten kind of song. My music buffered. When I picked it up the lockscreen didn’t even turn on. When I put it down it was at fifty percent so I was extremely confused. I tried to turn it on again but it didn’t work.

I put it down and the sudden silence of the room gave me the chills. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I felt a presence behind me. It was just in my head. I couldn’t get myself to turn around. I listened for movement. Then I started listening for anything. I couldn’t hear my refrigerator or the dripping of my broken sink. The only thing I could hear was the buzz from the floor heater. There were no cars passing by or stopping. I moved to look out the window. It was black. I opened it and squinted through the broken window screen. This was more than street lights being out.

I poked my finger out into the void. It felt like gelatinous air. It was thick and soft but it wasn’t water. I pulled my finger back to inspect it and a strand of void stuck to my finger like cartoon cheese. I squished it between my fingers and it evaporated between them into black dust.

“Having fun?” a man’s voice came from behind me. I jumped and screamed. I turned around and no one was there. I went to the door and opened it. There was more black void. I tried to stick my arm through to see if I could get out but the further in I got the denser it was. I tried to drag it out but it was holding me there. I was pulling my arm when I heard the man again.

“Nuh uh. Once you go in you can’t get out unless I say so,” He said behind me. I turned around. No one was there. I felt a heat settle onto my shoulder. It was like just the air around there got really hot. I pulled harder on my arm.

“So what do you have that’s valuable?” he whispered in my ear. Again no one was there.

“What’s going on? Please let me go!” I panicked. There was literally no give to this black air goop. I stopped trying to get my arm out because I felt no progress.

“You summoned me! I won’t let you go till things are settled. Now tell me what valuable item you’re going to sacrifice,” he started to sound angry. I looked around my bedroom and saw nothing. Being poor was shit normally but this made things difficult. Valuable, valuable, what did I have that was valuable? I had thrift store clothes and hand me down blankets. I thought about what was in my drawers. Nothing. I had nothing.

“I don’t have anything valuable,” I said in fear. My heart was beating out of my chest.

“Oh well that’s a problem. I can’t leave until we fulfil a contract,” the man’s voice paused for a moment, “I know what you can give me.” He started chuckling.

“What is it?” I asked without thinking. I felt his presence move throughout the room. It was almost as if I could see him without my eyes. So I closed them tightly.

“Why I think I’ll take you as my valuable item,” he laughed sadistically, “Now there’s one last order of business. What do you want?” His words confused and scared me.

“Take me? Why? I’m just a poor piece of shit. I’m not worth crap. And I want you to go away.” I started to sob in fear and a bit of self hatred.

“No no no. That’s not how this works. What’s something you wish for every night? Do you want money, power, fame? I mean you are in pitiful quarters maybe you want a house that’ll be yours forever? As to your question, well you’re a good size for a pet or a slave. I haven’t decided yet. Time will tell,” he said in better spirits. What was something I always wanted? I felt a pang in my chest from the hurt of this want that I’ve always had.

“Does it have to be realistic? Or is this magic? Can I wish for anything?” I asked still crying.

“It’s magic, there are very few things I can’t do for a contract,” he explained.

“Then I know what I want. Can you turn me into a guy?” I asked hesitantly. There was an unbearable moment of silence. Then I heard a footstep in front of me and I opened my eyes. He was huge. He had red skin and black hair. He looked like a devil. However, in stark contrast to his intimidating body he had a gorgeously handsome face. His eyes pierced me like a hungry predator. My arm came out of the void.

“I can do anything to your body you want me to,” He grinned eagerly, “This might hurt a bit. Also, since you’re mine I’m going to make some modifications to you for me.” He grabbed my waist and his hands were like heaters. My tears stopped. He started to lift my shirt. I felt extremely uncomfortable. I closed my eyes and scrunched my face. He stopped and let my shirt fall down.

“Now I can’t enjoy this fully when you’re making that face. I suppose we can take this slower. You should know I need to be able to touch you to mold your body the way you want me to,” he started speaking more gently. I nodded at him. He sat down on my bed and he was so heavy he sunk like a rock. He guided me to his lap. I felt this overwhelming sexual energy from him and I didn’t understand why. Why did he give off that vibe? I looked away from him and stiffened up. He turned my head towards him. He closed his eyes and pushed our foreheads together. I closed my eyes. Did I really belong to him now? I gulped with fear. We just sat there for what felt like a long time. A strange excitement started to well up slowly inside me as I began to understand that I was going to get my wish. I never felt right living as a female. I always felt like I was lying to the world. I didn’t have the money or insurance to pay to change into who I wanted to be and even then I would never have everything a regular guy had. I would always be doubted and called mentally ill or influenced by others. Maybe this would let the world see me differently, maybe even see me as who I really am. All I had to do was give myself over to this devil. I never had a high regard for my body’s safety anyway. I took a deep breath and inched my way forward.

I kissed him lightly. Even so he took me by surprise. His lips were perfectly soft, and they were physically hot. It was like he had a fever of over a hundred degrees but he seemed fine. He leaned in for another kiss but this time it was much harsher. It was like he was starved and I was his meal. I tried to keep up but it became overwhelming. He separated his lips from mine and moved down to my neck. It had been a while since anyone kissed me. I was slowly starting to lose my mind to just the feeling of him. I moved to face him while still on his lap. He started to kiss me lower. I felt his hands on my waist again. He lifted my shirt and I offered no resistance. He unclipped my bra and began to kiss my chest. With one of his hands he massaged one breast and with the other he used it to guide my nipple to his mouth. After a few teasing kisses he sucked on it finally. I let out a little moan. I had my arms loosely around his neck and I began to pull him closer. His long black hair was in a pony tail and I messed with it. His hair was as thick as horse hair and soft. He switched sides and teased my other breast.

Then I felt something strange. His hand began to push down on the breast he had just moved from and it started to shrink. It was hot like my body had reached its boiling point and it melted inside of me. I gasped in panic. It hurt but it wasn’t unbearable. It didn’t feel like I was being burned just melted. He moved his hand to sculpt my chest. Then he released my other nipple and molded that breast too. The heat moved deeper inside me into my torso. Then the heat settled and began to feel normal again. I dared to look down and it was gone. My big chest was finally gone. I felt for the first time looking at myself and something was right. It was a new feeling that rushed over me and I felt this sense of contentment with that part of myself that I couldn’t even process. He kissed my chest again.

“We’re on our way to making your wish come true. To go further I’m going to need you to take off your pants and underwear,” He said softly. I got off of him and all of the sudden I felt very cold. I got the chills again. I began to untie my pajama pants when I noticed he was staring at me intently. I stopped for a moment and then kept going. Afterall, I made it this far. I let them fall and began to feel embarrassment creep in. Even so, I took down my underwear as well. I stepped out of them and then he stood up. I came up to about his chest. That’s when I realized he had a hard on. I gulped at the size of him. He took me and switched places with me so now I was closer to the bed.

“Lay down,” he commanded. With no hesitation I laid down. It was like I didn’t have control over my own body. My heart grew nervous again and I began to breath heavily. His hands touched my thighs and he opened up my legs. I closed my eyes and felt flustered. I hadn’t been with someone in so long I didn’t even trim things up, and I certainly wasn’t expecting this to happen. He moved aside my hair and I felt my whole lower body become hot. I felt his tongue lightly start to lick me. It was hotter than the rest of him so I flinched. After a pause he continued to lick. He rubbed me with his tongue. I started to moan because I couldn’t help myself. Unexpectedly, I heard him moan deeply while he ate me. He wrapped his arms under my legs and pulled me closer to his mouth. I was on fire now. Then he started greedily sucking my clit like he was gonna drink up my melted body. I felt a heat in my thighs move to his mouth, and the heat intensified. I then started to feel my clit grow inside his mouth. He moved his lips up and down my small shaft. It kept growing slowly. The pain of the heat was all mixed up with the pleasure of him sucking me. Eventually I felt his mouth move up and down inches at a time. I finally got the courage to look at what was happening to me. I immediately felt more turned on. I loved seeing him sucking my dick. My head fell back in pleasure. Every time I got close to orgasm I stopped it just so I could make this last longer but he made it so hard. I stopped feeling my penis grow and now he was just sucking me.

I couldn’t help myself, I came while his lips were wrapped around me. I didn’t feel anything come out but then again where would it come from anyway? I pushed his head with my hand to let him know I came. He slowed down and finally released me from his mouth. Even so he licked and kissed it.

“So tell me what you want from here. I can turn your ovaries into testicles. Do you want that? Are you ready to commit to just anal or are you going to keep that other hole? Whatever you wish, it is my command,” he tried to question me but I was gone; I was in ecstasy, “Did I break your mind already?” I took a few deep breaths and collected my thoughts. I had bad experiences with receiving anal. I also really liked being penetrated. I didn’t hate the thought of being pregnant. I never found someone I wanted to have kids either. I always kind of despised having ovaries giving me estrogen and periods and pregnancy scares I didn’t want. Would keeping the front hole make me less of a man? The devil rested his head in the crook of my thigh and stomach then he started messing with my pubic hair by lightly massaging and tugging like an afterthought, which distracted me.

“If I kept the front hole would that make me less of a man?” I asked aloud.

“No, I don’t think so. Being a man has more nuance than just parts. If I wanted I could give myself one but it’d only be for gratification. I don’t think it’d make me less of a man, perhaps just a horny kinky one instead,” he sighed out and smiled. Something gave me the idea he was already a horny kinky man.

“Okay then. I’ve decided. I want to keep it but I don’t want ovaries. I want testes instead,” I declared shyly.

“If that is your wish, then so be it,” he exclaimed. I wondered if he was going to use his mouth for this too, and if so, how? He pulled his arms out from under me and put his hand just above my pubic bone. I felt that heat again and it moved down. It kept going down until I felt it inside behind my new penis. Then the strangest sensation overtook the heat. I felt my flesh stretching and being pulled downward. With one hand he pressed me down, his other hand he began to tug at my labia. They felt like they were stuck together now. The heat descended into what were folds. He kept tugging and massaging the flesh until it became loose and moved a bit more freely. Then it started to feel settled like things weren’t changing for a moment. It was only a moment though. The heat moved deeper inside me. I could feel inside my legs my flesh was moving. My whole torso felt hot. It wasn’t pleasurable at all, on the contrary this was the most intense heat yet. I let out a little yelp of pain but he didn’t skip a beat.

“Now for the fun part,” he said in a gruff voice that made me feel scared but also excited somehow. He got up and got onto the bed. I didn’t move besides closing my legs. Which felt very different now. I rubbed my thighs together and they felt thinner, but also I could feel my balls being rubbed between them. The devil looked at me strangely like I was being weird.

“Come here next to me,” he said. Again I felt my body move on it’s own. I adjusted myself until I was up against his body. I still wasn’t used to his crimson skin but it didn’t seem to matter, I think I was attracted to him anyway. He made me feel tiny though which I didn’t know how to feel about. He looked at me, not in any particular place, just all of me. I looked down at myself now and it was so strange to not despise my body parts. I looked back at him. I think I had an idea of what he wanted to do next.

“Are you ready for the last part of your transformation?” He asked quietly like he was trying not to scare me. It only half worked.

“What’s the last part?” I asked hesitantly.

“Well your fat still needs to be redistributed. Ah yes, and I need to thicken up your vocal chords. I’ll test if they’re thick enough by your screams. Of pleasure of course,” he said with his statist joy. I was extremely intimidated. He pressed his forehead against mine again and waited with his eyes closed. I tried to look at him. I could see him smiling. I approached his lips and gave him another light kiss. He nearly laughed and went in to connect with my lips again. He kissed me with this joy I couldn’t understand. He moved on top of me and supported himself with his arms so he didn’t crush me. He kissed me on my lips then onto my neck. He teased me with light licks then long ones that lasted from my collar bone to jaw. I’d never felt so aroused and excited in my life. I then felt him lower his pelvis and rub himself against me. It was terrifyingly large. All of the sudden he lifted himself up and I was dazed by this. As he began to take his shirt off I understood. I was fully naked and he was fully clothed. I sat up and tried to help him with his pants. They were tight and the more I tried the more I failed. After a moment I looked up at him smiling at my lack of skill.

“Do you need help?” he chuckled. I gave up.

“Yes,” I removed my hands. He undid the button with ease and pulled down his zipper. I was still sitting up. He pulled down his underwear a bit and pulled out his dick. It was red and very proportionate to this large man. I didn’t know if I could handle this without breaking. Although, I was strangely happy to see he also had a black bush of hair like mine.

“Do you mind getting it wet first,” He asked politely. I shook my head and grasped his cock with both of my hands. It was as hot as inside his mouth. I started licking the tip of it and working my way to the rest of the head. Thankfully his dick was circumcised so that made this easier for me. I stroked him with my hands and sucked the tip for a little bit until I had enough saliva to start going down the shaft. I tasted a little salty precum and I licked it up. I licked from the tip to the base on the top of his dick and tried to get it as wet as possible. I lifted his cock and licked from the base to the tip on the underside. After that I just licked everywhere. I lost myself in the act and I kept going over his cock with my tongue over and over again until it was dripping. He pulled away from me and I felt like something important was just taken from me.

The devil took off his pants and I couldn’t get enough of looking at him. He brought himself back to me and kissed me. I felt him move my balls up so they weren’t in the way. My cock was hard again and I hadn’t even realized because of what I was doing to him. The tip of his dick touched me and I braced myself. I wanted him inside me but he was so god damned big.

“Don’t worry, I can change myself. I’m going to make sure I fit perfectly inside you,” he said reassuringly. I closed my eyes and kissed his chest and then felt him enter me. It was actually not that big. He buried himself inside me for a second then he moved back. I felt him grow more and he pushed himself in again. It was definitely bigger this time. He kept slowly growing until not only did he hit the deepest part of me but I was wrapped tightly around him. I moaned a little more each time he grew.

“Ah there it is,” he said before he wrapped his arms around me and started pounding himself into me. I moaned loudly and wildly as he fucked me. My whole body was enveloped in his heat. I tried to hold onto him but I couldn’t and waves of pleasure made me dig into his skin. I kept grasping to take hold but I couldn’t. Over and over again he pushed himself inside of me and I couldn’t help but score his back with my nails. I dug my face into his chest and the pain of the heat was nothing in comparison to how good he felt inside me. He was like an animal taking me. He lowered his mouth to me and kissed me harshly. His tongue somehow entered my mouth and I accepted it. Now he was inside me here too. Our tongues played and he liked licking the bottom of mine. Then his tongue became longer and entered deeper into my throat. I moaned as this devil felt all of my insides. My moans started cracking and they became deeper and deeper. I moved my thighs higher near my belly so he could be deeper inside me and this made him pound harder. I practically screamed while his tongue was still in my mouth and I could tell this excited him too because I could feel him smile.

I was getting close to finishing. My body was hot and him pulsing inside me emptied my brain until all I was was pleasure. His moans made me feel like I was a good partner. They were bassy and unlike any other guy I had been with. It seemed as though he couldn’t hold them back either. It turned me on so much. I managed to get my hand near my dick and he noticed so he lifted himself up so that I could stroke myself. He removed one of his hands from underneath me and reached for something across the bed. His mouth separated from mine and I couldn’t help but leave my mouth open with my tongue out waiting for him to come back.

“Cum in this would you?” he asked of me. It had the shape of a canteen but made of something like leather. It had a soft opening that I could put my dick into. I nodded and moaned. I quickly positioned the tip of my dick inside it and then when he noticed I was done he gave me back his mouth to play with. He moaned while exploring my mouth. I started to stroke myself and that was the last straw. There was this warmth coming from inside me and then I tipped over the edge.

I felt something coming out of me and I screamed and I felt it gush out of me. I came and as soon as I thought it would be over it kept coming out of me. It was like he was pushing it out of me with each thrust of his hips. I couldn’t do anything anymore. I laid there with my mouth open and I couldn’t stroke myself. I laid their limp and cum kept pouring out of me. He didn’t stop fucking me and his mouth was still consuming me. I was too far gone.

“I’m gonna cum in you. I wanna fill you up with my cum till you’re bursting at the seams with me,” he moaned out. I saw his face clench. I saw the pleasure build up inside him; he moaned loudly and he burst inside me. His cum was so hot. I felt it come out of him and start to fill me up. He kept thrusting and it kept coming. I felt inflated with all of it and then he slowed down until he stopped. He didn’t pull himself out of me. He was basically doing a low plank on top of me to keep me from being crushed. I felt my sweat start to cool me off slightly but he was just way too hot. I wanted to ask him why he stayed inside but my mouth didn’t work. I felt like I relieved a headache I didn’t know I had. I was elated to the point I couldn’t function.

After a bit he got soft again and started to fall out of me. I was sad about that for some reason. Out of thin air he pulled out a white cloth that he used to clean off his dick. When he was done he pulled another one out of the god damned air and handed it to me. I was prepared for a full on mess when I checked it was just a normal mess. There was almost no cum dripping out of me when I got up. I made a puzzled look but continued to clean. I still felt very full and warm inside. I handed the cloth to him when I was done and he made it disappear.

“How am I not a mess right now?” I asked curiously. He bent down to my belly and kissed it.

“I sealed it inside you. That’s why I had to wait till I was soft to leave you, otherwise it would have all leaked out of you and I would hate for all of my cum to go to waste,” he stated caringly. He got up and put back on his underwear. I didn’t remember where mine were. He noticed and handed them to me.

“Thanks,” I made a soft smile, “Um, what’s gonna happen to it? Now that it’s sealed inside me where can it go?” He came over and sat next to me. He kissed my cheek and ran his fingers through my short brown hair.

“It is one of the changes I made for my pleasure. There’s now a little tube that leads from your womb to your stomach. So slowly it’s gonna suck up all my cum and feed you. You’ll only feel full for a few hours before it’s empty again,” he explained happily, “Oh yes also you felt another change to you as well. I filled the gaps between your organs with a new one. Now when you cum you actually have milk coming out of you. Of course if during sex you were thinking really hard about reproducing, then you’d cum regular sperm. It wouldn’t last nearly as long in comparison.” I looked at him dumbfounded.

“Is that all? Or is there more I need to know about?” I asked kind of shocked.

“No, I also gave you a prostate so everything functions correctly. Also even though your breasts are gone doesn’t mean I didn’t keep some machinery. I can drink your milk from there too,” He smiled knowing I could do nothing about this.

“So I’m gonna be a cow to you?” I asked, stunned.

“No! No. Cows make sub par milk that honestly lacks substance and flavor. Also I’m not into fucking cows. No, you are gonna be my pet. I’ve decided. Yes, you’ll produce a lot of milk for me and I may or may not sell it from time to time to other demons to make extra cash on the side. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. After all, the happier you are the better the milk,” he laughed. I couldn’t tell if he was serious. I looked at that canteen and it closed itself after I finished. I quickly grabbed it and realized how full it was. I ran to the other side of the room with it and clenched it tightly.

“So this canteen is all I’m worth to you?” I asked, frightened of him again. He stood up slowly and approached me.

“No,” he got closer and hugged me. I didn’t know how to feel. Why not? What else was I worth to this devil? Why is he hugging me? I’m not worth anything. I started to tear up and breathe unevenly.

“Why not?” I asked him choking on my words. I tried to breath in deeply to calm myself down.

“It’s not something I can tell you exactly. I have to show you. I’m trying to show you right now,” he squeezed me harder. I didn’t know why, but somehow I felt valued. It hurt for some reason. Why does this supposed good thing hurt so much? I started bawling.

“Thank you,” I cried, “Oh and by the way, um, what’s your name?” He laughed loudly and it shook my whole head.

“It was on the summoning spell you idiot. It’s Shayfursir,” he laughed out while holding me.
