How the princess rescued my Halloween, but did I ruin hers? (MF)

Possible rape triggers. All people are 18+. Would love to hear any feedback and thank you for reading!

This may be too long for some, skip to ****** for the action

It was Halloween weekend and my college campus was buzzing with fervor. I had a last minute change of heart and decided to join my friends in the festivities. Going out isn’t something I’d normally do, but I felt really lonely on that night and wanted to be near people. I threw on a homemade Indiana Jones costume my roommate had extra and scrambled to catch up with them on their way to the bar that was notorious for allowing underaged drinking.

At first the vibe felt great, the lights, the noise, the chaos, the heat from the crowd dancing. As the night progressed I found myself desperate for a woman’s affection. This, however, has never been an easy task for me to accomplish. I struggle to get the right amount of liquid courage in me; enough to seem confident and say something witty, but also avoiding getting sloppy and sounding like a douchebag. Despite the encouragement the guys were providing, the endless rejections had crippled my self esteem and ignited my insecurities until I couldn’t stand to be there anymore. I was cold, drunk, depressed and alone as I left the bar. I shot off an ungodly amount of late night “you up?” texts, but got no replies. The bitterness of my failure mixed with the fall night air cut me hard as I tucked my chin to my chest and zipped my jacket up.

By this point I just wanted to get back to my dorm. I estimated I should have enough time to relieve my frustrations with porn, yet again. If I was quick, I could be asleep before my roommate returned with the girl he was chatting up. There was no point questioning whether she was going to hookup with him, he was an artist when it comes to seducing the opposite sex, it was a certainty. Pretending to sleep through his sexual conquests used to feel kinky and voyeuristic, but now it’s just a reminder that he, and others, have a skill I don’t.

I was only half way through my walk when a stray, stumbling princess appeared before me. She was a short, blonde haired girl who couldn’t have been much older than me. She didn’t have a jacket, but instead wore a tightly fitted pink dress lined with white sequins that poofed out a bit at the bottom. Around her neck was a pink feather boa and a tiara still clung to her hair. There was no one else around, just me and her and she seemed lost. The area that spans from the bars to the campus was said to be a little dangerous, especially at night and even moreso for women. I do have a chivalrous side and here was a damsel in distress.

“You ok?” I asked loudly as I walked up to her. Somehow I startled her despite my loudly clomping footsteps and occasional sniffle. I struggled to understand the garble that fell from her mouth in response. I might have been drunk, but she was worse.

“Are you trying to get back to campus?” I asked louder, now annoyed, as if drunkenness causes deafness. I’ve been told I can be bluntly harsh when I’m drunk. She nodded hesitantly and I lightly took her forearm and placed a hand on her hip to keep her upright as we set off together. Due to the height difference I needed to lean over a bit to gain leverage plus her pace was much slower than mine. Every other step was impeded by her staggering to keep balance, which strained my patience. Combine these things with her repeated attempts to use her phone and she became a major annoyance that had me very close to leaving her right there.

My mind wandered off –

I started to imagine a future where I am questioned by the authorities due to her disappearance. They would tell me I was the last one to see her alive before the imaginary cop would harshly say, “..and you just left her there!?” Which I’d have no response to, knowing I could have prevented to a major catastrophe.

– We continued our journey.

After one of the most frustrating walks, the campus was mercifully in sight. There wasn’t much time before the bars closed and my hopes of beating my roommate back to our room seemed impossible. “Which building do you live in?” I asked, but her words weren’t making any sense still. “Where?!” I asked louder, more irritated. Her mush mouth produced something that sounded vaguely like one of the names of the dorm halls and of course it was on the opposite side of campus.

As we walked through the the school grounds she was visibly nervous every time she saw the campus police. The campus was completely dry, even for those of legal drinking age, which I wasn’t, so we would’ve both been written up (or worse) if we got caught inebriated. I pulled her closer to me for appearance’s sake. My hand tucked under her armpit to stand her more upright, but as I did, I realized a few fingers were actually on side of her breast. Sadly, this was the most action I’ve had since moving to this stupid college. Even after the campus police had faded to the background I didn’t want to move my hand. Her warmth, her softness, the feminine smell of her perfume and hair was a tiny morsel of what I’ve been missing. I resisted any urges to allow my hand to wander her body, but my cock assured me it was well aware of the situation.

Arriving to the building, she reached into her cleavage for her card and handed it to me. I placed the card against the black panel near the double doors while balancing her upright.


The door unlocked and we stumbled through the lobby and into the elevator. Without needing to be asked, she hit the button to highlight floor 3 and I put my faith in her decision. Despite her overwhelming intoxication she seemed to know where she was going. Maybe she was sobering up by now? All I had left to do was keep her standing so she could unlock the door to her room.

As the door flung open I called out a soft “hello” hoping for a roommate to take responsibility of her, but there was no reply except for the low hum from the mini fridge. Two beds sat across from each other, both perfectly made. The room was kept neat and was quaintly decorated with string lights and pictures, like she bought the whole dorm room catalog display. She plopped down on a bed and attempted to use her phone, which she dropped again. Picking it up for her I told her I needed to leave, but she was pointing and saying something. Finally I understood, “water?” I asked, to which she nodded. After handing her one from the fridge, I moved the trash can to next to her bed and once again told her I was leaving.

Her drunken ramblings became slightly more coherent, but still difficult to interpret as she twisted her torso slightly and contorted her arms to reach for her back.

“Do…do you want me to unzip you?” I asked cautiously.

She nodded again, “…yaa”

So I did and the dress opened up around her boobs, but the zipper only went half way down her back so it didn’t move much more. She grabbed and pulled at the dress, pushing it down her but she was failing hysterically. It contoured her curves tightly and she didn’t have the coordination to stand up, let alone derobe herself. I grabbed the sides of her dress and helped peel it down, her bra clad tits were now free. She sighed, seemingly in relief, and then flopped backwards smacking her head against the wall which gave me a shameful chuckle. Her dress was still only half off, stopping just above her waist, and she was wiggling side to side trying to slither out of it like a snake shedding it’s skin, but it was not working.

“Do you want me to help?”


I grabbed the dress where it was bunched up and pulled it lower. She had a beautifully plump ass, which meant there wasn’t much extra fabric to work with, so I was trying to be delicate. She was also struggling to keep her ass in the air and kept falling to her side so it took a few attempts, but I finally rid her body of it. I took her shoes off too and placed them next to it.

My eyes were drawn to her black thong that matched her bra. There wasn’t anything too special about it, just plain black cotton material, but I couldn’t get enough of the way it hugged tightly to her hips. As she lied there, already half asleep, I examined her pale skin, her hip bones poking up from around her underwear, her smooth legs and the little area just above her thong, all freshly shaved. My eyes drank in the sight but somehow felt thirsty for more. My heart beat pulsed down through my dick, which became more hungry for attention. After a few seconds of absent mindedly gawking my brain resumed functioning.

“Ok, I really need to go now,” I said with the same concerned, but firm parental tone my mother used.

“”NooooOooOOoo” she wailed and hurled her torso up, but being unable to support herself she flopped down to her side, planting her cheek into her pillows. I watched her tits jiggle from the abrupt stop. She extended a hand towards me and curious as ever I reached out for it. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me a bit closer to her.


She said nothing but stared blankly at my waist and maintained a tight grip on my wrist. I tried to shake myself free, but she held on. I thought I’d try a different approach; I moved closer to her and with my free hand I rubbed her back between the shoulder straps of her bra hoping she’d fall asleep. Instead she put her free hand on my crotch and started rubbing me through my pants, mimicking the same slow circles I was using on her. The situation felt awkward, but who was I to refuse her? She continued to coax it to full stiffness. She still hadn’t released her grip on my wrist, but by then I didn’t mind one bit.

She did let go eventually and began playing with my buldge with both hands and despite a very cumbersome angle it still felt really good. I stood there motionless, not wanting this to end. Every press she made ramped up my excitement more. My hand on her back slowly moved lower and lower, down onto her ass, with a palm full I squeezed it. “Maybe you shouldn’t go any further” my brain warned me, but my dick had other ideas.

As my hormones took control I reached around her hands for the fly of my jeans and unzipped. My erect cock poked it’s head out. Her palm grazed the tip and she wiped away some precum onto her sheets. She then took a grip around my shaft and tugged on it slowly. I began to thrust into her hand, encouraging her to speed up. Without any more words, she had successfully convinced me not to leave.

She was still laying down as all of this took place, occasionally she pulled her hand away to wipe my excess fluids on her sheets, but then, just as abruptly as it started, it stopped. She lied there with her eyes closed, but I couldn’t bare to let this go after getting this far. I stepped even closer towards her allowing my length to rest on her cheek and shook her by the arm. For a second or so she didn’t react and I was irritated and disappointed thinking this would be the end. After a long moment she finally opened her mouth so I guided myself in and then pressed slowly until I was in her throat. She gagged a little before her tongue lazily went to work against my shaft and I slowly fucked her face. It was the first time in years a girl allowed me into her mouth and I remembered why I missed it so dearly.

Two fingers ran down her tail bone before finally arriving to her other lips. My fingers worked her opening a bit before I plunged them inside her, becoming even more turned on by her wetness. My cock slid out of her mouth while I focused on fingering her. The sounds of her pussy squishing and heavy breathing were enough to put me over the edge, but I fought back, wanting more.

“You have a condom?” I asked.

She had no reply.

I shook her by the shoulder again, “condom?”

She shook her head no. Fine by me.

With expert speed I was naked from the waist down. She lied with her belly to the bed as I mounted her. I slid her underwear to the side while I positioned the head of my cock between her legs, pausing to savor the feeling of her heat on the tip. Slowly, I eased myself inside of her.

I let out a breathy sigh as I was fully inserted. She was so warm and slick it sent tiny shutters through me. I was on cloud 9 feeling her pussy wrapped around my cock, I knew I wasn’t going to last long. I ushered her legs wider with my knees and stroked hard into her before finding a steady rhythm. Her face was buried into her pillow, suppressing her moans with it, so I held back my own too. It was an embarrassingly short time later when I felt my urge to cum building. A couple more deep strokes while watching my cock disappear into her and the air from my lungs forced its way out of my clenched teeth as I suppressed my urge to moan as I came. My thrusts slowed down, carefully draining every drop I had left in her, even smearing some on her ass as I pulled out. I felt so embarrassed for not warning her I was that close, but she didn’t say anything about it. I flopped down and cuddled up next to her as my dick deflated. I rubbed her arm and told her how sexy I thought she was, but she only mumbled back, she was out of it. I felt very weird in that moment, like we should be comparing notes on what we enjoyed or planning our next romp, but she was back to barely making words. My cock resting between her legs felt the remainder of fluids trickling down.

I was very quickly drifting off to sleep and probably could have, but I’ve always hated sleeping in strange places and I suddenly began to feel panicked. Leaning over, I could see she had already fallen asleep with her ass and pussy still exposed. I kissed her cheek and covered her with the sheets before getting dressed and leaving. The doors to the elevator opened and a tall brunette with curly hair walks right by me on her phone, looking quite annoyed. We caught eyes briefly and she shot a disapproving glance at me, probably catching me checking her out, but in my post coitus glow girls like her stopped bothering me as much. As the elevator doors closed I could see her fumble with her keys roughly at the same room I just exited. Was that the roommate? If so, she was very hot.

The endorphins flooded me with a natural high only sex can give as I practically skipped back to my room. In my mind I started recapping the night, practicing how I would discuss the details of it with my roommate when I became curious, which character was I in her version of tonight? Was I her knight who rescued her? Was I the helpful stranger she pity fucked? Then, much more unnerving thoughts took over…Did I cross a line? Did I give her what she wanted? Or did I take what I wanted? Was I the villain or the hero? By the time I saw my roommates hat hanging on the doorknob I couldn’t decide if I wanted this story to be told.



  1. Dang, is real grey area. She was more drunk but she still was the one who initiated. Definitely would be wrong if you were sober but as is I don’t know.

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