Cream & Coco, Chapter 9 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 8](

I woke up next to Drew, tucked into bed facing him. For entire minutes, I forgot where I was, what had happened, and what I wasn’t wearing. I just watched him sleep, his face in the most peaceful expression I’d seen in a long while. I smiled blissfully, thanking all the powers that be that he was mine. He stirred with a groan and peeked out of one eye, the hazel looking like liquid gold.

“Good morning, baby,” I murmured. His voice rumbled with his pleasure, and he blinked slowly, basking in his drowsiness.

“Morning, mom,” he replied. Lifting his head off the pillow, he leaned in for a kiss, and for the first time I realized I was topless and leaking milk onto his bedsheets. And he was about to kiss me on the lips in broad daylight.

With a yelp, I jerked back and flew out of bed, clutching an arm across my breasts as I scooped my shirt off the floor. “I’m gonna make breakfast!” I stammered, and hurried out the door and back to my bathroom.

Panting, I stared at myself in the mirror. This was becoming a habit, but how else was I to see the shame on my face? The scariest thing was that I saw less and less each day. I sighed and picked up the pump, ready to milk myself for the morning. Apparently Drew had other ideas.

With a brisk knock on the door, he stepped into my bathroom. I whirled to face him, and before I could react he took the pump out of my hand and dropped it into the sink. His hands went to my waist, and though I put mine on his chest, I couldn’t bring myself to resist.

“Thought you were making breakfast, mom. I’m hungry,” he crooned, and for some reason I couldn’t do anything but gasp. His gaze dropped to my leaking nipple, and he chewed his lip. My body felt so hot I thought I was going to burn to ashes. That was probably my soul burning in hell. “Guess I’ll just have to help myself then.”

With that, he brought his mouth to my breast and drank. I arched my back into his arms and covered my mouth to stifle the moans. My tits lay raised and open for him, and he granted me no mercy, suckling on me voraciously. The sense of relief he gave me by easing the ache of fullness was dangerous, but it was too late; I was already beholden to it. My panties were soaking through, and one of my hands involuntarily clutched his head closer to me.

Drew had his breakfast right there in my bathroom, and I already couldn’t wait for evening.

“So *somebody’s* been in a good mood all morning,” Jazz said with a mischievous look. I blushed, biting back a smile as I stirred my coffee. She set her mug down on the pantry counter, eyes wide. “Hold up. The fuck was that?”

“Nothing,” I replied weakly, even as I imagined how much Drew enjoyed the taste of my milk.

“That ain’t nothing, fam. That’s some cum-drunk shit right there. C’mon. ‘Fess up.” She pursed her lips.

Was I going to tell her? I think I was. Consequences be damned, I wanted to share with her part of how I was feeling. “I think… I found a guy,” I said shyly.

She was frozen for a moment, and it was probably good she’d already put her coffee down. “Wait, you did?” she said in disbelief. “Goddamn, girl! Hell yeah!” She almost whooped with joy, and I gestured for her to wind it down. “What’s his name? Eh, fuck that. How big’s his dick?”

I almost laughed that she prioritized penis size over a man’s name. “It’s massive,” I whispered, biting my lip.

“Ooh, yes, bitch!” she squealed. “And have you sucked it yet?”

*Snap out of it, Coco! You’re his mother!* My morals were finally back, it seemed. About time, though they probably weren’t here to stay. “Not yet,” I admitted. *Not yet? What’s that supposed to mean?!*

Jazz was about to say something else when some of our other colleagues came in for coffee. We exchanged pleasantries with them, and then Leon entered as well. He instructed them on what documents to hand him after lunch, then joined us.

“Jasmine. Colette.” He nodded to each of us as he topped his mug up. “Mind if I borrow her?” he said to Jazz.

She gave me a look that I could practically hear the words for: *Damn, girl, shit’s getting real! Best believe you’re telling me about it later!* Leon and I were left alone in the pantry.

“So what’s up, boss?” I asked.

“I was just wondering if you were coming to the company Christmas party next week,” he said, focusing on stirring sugar into his drink.

“Of course,” I replied with a smile.

He nodded, seemingly deep in thought. “You know, Drew is invited as well. I’ll be bringing Cherish myself.”

“Guess what we discussed over dinner definitely holds true. Bringing our kids as dates, huh?” I joked. Given the circumstances, it felt like the definite wrong thing to say. We both froze for a moment, both of us blushing. He swallowed before continuing.

“I think it would be good for Cherish to go. She’s been acting… strangely, lately. And it’s only gotten worse after she turned eighteen last month.” He paused, pressing his lips together. “I know she and Drew already know each other, and take the bus to school together and all that. But maybe if they met formally at a function–”

He cut himself off, taking a deep breath. He sounded about as enthused by that idea as I felt. Cherry was a sweet girl, but there was no way I was letting her have Drew. He was mine. *Whoa.* I felt shaken. Where had that come from? I realized I’d been referring to him as “my Drew” more often lately. This was dangerous; I had to get it together. He wasn’t just my baby boy anymore. He was an adult who could make his own decisions, and be with who he wanted. Girls his age.

*No, he’s mine.*

“Colette? You alright?”

“Yeah! Sounds like a great idea!” He knew I was lying through my teeth. How deep did the anguish in his own eyes run? He nodded stiffly and departed without another word, and I exhaled heavily. I knew better than anybody how difficult it was to raise a hormonal teenager alone.

A part of me felt giddy that I was taking Drew to the party as a date, as if we could act like a real couple in front of my colleagues, and I groaned. Seemed I’d be thinking such thoughts all day.

“*Privet,* Coco,” Sasha greeted. She looked energetic today, her grey eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Privet, Sasha.” I sat down, looking at my drink. Back to latte, presweetened by Sasha.

“You make good progress yesterday?” she asked enthusiastically, and I frowned.

“How did you know?”

She smirked. “Because you are… How you say…?” She made a circular gesture to outline me, looking for the right word. “Shining?”

Understanding what she was saying, I tried and failed to hide my smile, and she giggled gleefully. “You could say that. A… A lot of progress, actually.”

She patted the table impatiently. “Yes, yes, tell Sasha good story!”

I laughed. “Well, I… Last night I spied on Drew again,” I began, and she nodded emphatically. “And…” I bit my lip, feeling naughty for enjoying the retelling so much. “…he caught me.”

Despite the chilly weather, Sasha tugged at her collar, breathy. I could feel my blush run up my ears and down my neck. I took a long swig of coffee, feeling the now-familiar ache of needing to be milked. The wise thing to do would be to find out once and for all what the cause of my lactation was. Unfortunately I wasn’t making rational decisions anymore. I had my baby to feed.

“He, um…” *Give no signs that he and you live in the same house.* “He invited me in and threw me on his bed. He started kissing me, then fondled my breasts, and…”

Sasha’s gaze dropped lustfully to my chest, and she drew a breath through her teeth. “He finds you have milk?” she asked softly.

I nodded, feeling aroused while sitting at a cafe in the afternoon. I was the worst. “And I… let him drink.”

Sasha’s eyes blazed with ardor, and she wet her lips. “His mama probably very jealous,” she remarked with a knowing smirk. I gulped, and her smirk grew into a grin. Damn, nothing got past this girl. “And what will you do tonight? He was kind to drain you of milk. You must return favor, yes?”

“But he isn’t lactating,” I giggled.

Sasha shook her head, with a look indicating she was about to educate me. “Boy cream,” she drawled, almost cooing. I didn’t think I could get any redder, but I’m pretty sure I did. It was as if she and Jazz were in sync. Was everybody so ready to see the conservative woman submit to her lust?

“You want me to suck my so– Drew’s cock?” Sasha’s eyes widened wickedly when I caught myself, and I gave my brain a frustrated kick. Fuck. *Fuck.* There was no way she didn’t catch that. Now she knew. She knew I was enjoying an illicit affair with my son.

“Is not about what I want,” she murmured, with a grin as if she were feasting on this new information. “Is about what you want. You have thought of sucking your so– Drew’s cock?” She was teasing me, letting me know in no uncertain terms that she hadn’t missed a thing.

I swallowed. In for a penny, in for a pound, right? “Yes,” I rasped. Sasha *moaned* appreciatively. Was she… into this? She didn’t care that Drew was my son, she just wanted to be a part of his seduction. I didn’t know how to feel about that. I should have been repulsed. *Should have.*

“You know how?” she inquired. “You have no experience, yes?”

“I mean, it’s not quite so bad as *no* experience,” I said defensively, pouting a bit. “But… if we’re talking mouth stuff… Fine, I have no experience in that area.” The devil on my shoulder shot the angel, execution style, and Goody Two-Shoes Coco toppled dead onto the sidewalk. My morals had lost. I wanted to impress my son.

“Is very simple,” Sasha assured me. “You cook food, yes?” I nodded. “*Khoroshiy.* First you take cock in hand, like kitchen knife. Then you stir like mixing spoon, while you move hand up and down like churn butter.”

This was beginning to sound anything but simple. There seemed to be a lot of simultaneous movements, and I’d never churned butter before. Luckily, Sasha used a spoon to demonstrate, and the visual aid helped enormously.

“Then you lick like lollipop. Small first, then bigger and bigger.” Probably referring to the strokes of my tongue. “After he is moaning, you put in mouth like banana. But do not bite!” I wasn’t that much of an amateur to make that mistake. “If you want to take deep–”

“Deep?” I echoed, eyes widening in alarm.

“Boys like deep,” Sasha assured me, then paused in consideration. “Do you gag?”

“At what? Dead animals?”

“At going deep.” She pushed the spoon into her mouth, and I finally understood.

With a blush I said, “Sometimes, when I scrub my tongue.”

She tsked, shaking her head in disapproval. “Then you need trick to last long. Sasha hear you can hum to last long.” She stopped again, looking troubled. “But hum is like singing. May be strange.” Suddenly her eyes lit up, though looking back I felt her deliberation was more for my benefit. “Or moan. Moan is like hum, yes? Also sexy. Push tongue out also help, and also sexy.”

I just went through Blowjob 101 at a streetside cafe. What was my world coming to? But Professor Sasha wasn’t done.

“Use hand to play with balls. Hold like baby cat, and lift and squeeze sometimes. Move slowly so you can hear if he has pain. Move tongue sideways–”

“Okay, this is getting a bit overwhelming,” I interjected. “Thanks for the advice, but I don’t know how much I can do, or even remember.”

Sasha patted my hand reassuringly, her warm smile a huge contrast to the scandalous nature of the topic at hand. “You are hard-working woman, and you have love for Drew. You will do good, certainly. And your boy will be even better teacher,” she added with a wink. “So good luck. And remember well so you can tell Sasha tomorrow!”

“Yes, we’re putting the rice in raw. Stop being a bitch and trust me,” Stefan said as I closed the front door. They must not have heard me over the sound of something sizzling in the kitchen.

“Maybe if you were more focused on the task at hand, I’d have a little more faith,” Drew shot back. “You found that white wine yet?”

“Right here!” came Sabrina’s chipper voice.

“Thanks, baby,” Stefan said, right as I came into view. He had his arm around her waist, and leaned down and kissed her on the lips. I froze, and it was only after Stefan had taken the bottle of wine from his sister and handed it to Drew that he saw me. He almost tossed Sabrina from his arms, and she whipped around to see what had startled him.

“Ms. H!” they said in unison, short of breath.

“Hey, kids,” I said slowly. Drew merely looked from them to me and back, then clucked his tongue and shook his head with a big smile.

I thought back to the scars on Stefan’s back, which he’d earned from a “young cougar.” According to Jazz, a cougar was another word for a mature woman on the hunt for younger men. Which meant a young cougar would be… Sabrina raking her nails across his back during an embrace.

“Well, would you just look at the time!” Sabrina cried. “We really should be heading over to Lexi’s place. Great to see you again, Ms. H!”

Stefan turned to Drew, giving hurried instructions. “Stir when you add the wine, then add the stock. Cook that shit for fifteen minutes, then chop all that crap on the board over there. And take it off the heat when you add the stuff in!”

The twins sidled past me to the door, but I grabbed Stefan by the elbow. “We’re even now,” I uttered, and he nodded emphatically. We now knew each others’ darkest secrets. MAD: mutually assured destruction.

They left for Lexi’s house, which reminded me. It seemed Lexi was firmly no longer a concern for me, which was a huge relief. Of course, insecure female that I was, I still needed to check.

“You’re not going with them?” I asked Drew. How were other women so confident in their relationships? Oh yeah, their men weren’t their sons.

“Unless you can finish all this by yourself,” he joked, tapping his wooden spoon on the edge of the pan. “But no. Wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.”

I jerked a thumb over my shoulder at the front door. “Did you know?”

He scoffed, smirking ruefully. “Yeah. Found out months ago.”

Months ago… “When you started changing.”

He seemed caught off guard, then looked at the floor guiltily. “I didn’t think I’d changed that much, but I guess…”

“Is that part of it? That it turned out Sabrina had gotten together with her brother?”

He shook his head. “That’s not it. Brie was just a distraction.”

“A distraction from what?”

His expression became wistful, and he approached me. Taking me in his arms, he leaned down and kissed me. My eyes widened in disbelief. Me?! Had he been lusting for me and, because it was taboo, subsequently forced his interest toward other girls? I found that kind of sweet, in a way. And it didn’t really matter, because now we were together.

*Whoa, not so fast, Coco. Together?* I patted his chest and broke the kiss. “Drew,” I breathed. “We… We really shouldn’t. I’m your mother.”

He swallowed, his eyes downcast. “I know,” he murmured. “But I don’t think I care anymore. If you really don’t feel the way I do, just say the word and I’ll stop.”

I sniffed. “That’s not fair, Drew. It’s emotional blackmail. I taught you better than to play so dirty.”

“Playing fair won’t get me what I want,” he whispered. “If it were anything else, I’d yield. But this is worth the price.” He looked me in the eye. “I’m not strong enough to fight it, mom. Are you?”

“I have to be. I’m your mother, I have to be.” I closed my eyes and kissed him. Damn it, I lost. I was such a weak woman. But only for him. For him, I’d fight off the whole world.

We made out for the time it took for dinner to cook. Then he ushered me off to change while he put on the finishing touches. The end result was a delicious spicy sausage rice dish that I commended him greatly for, and he couldn’t look more pleased. And at least for the duration of the meal, it felt like we were a normal parent and child.

After dinner, however, we fell back into our forbidden affair. Drew led me into his room, and he took off our t-shirts and turned the lights off, seemingly ready for an encore of yesterday. But I had promised myself to take the leap. I pushed him back on the bed, then palmed his member through his boxers. He gasped and held the breath while my fingers explored his hardness, as I racked my brain for the tips Sasha had given me.

When I finally pulled his manhood free, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was even more impressive up close, and I had a split moment to decide if we were doing this. Yes. Yes we were. I took hold of it in my hand, marveling at its hardness. I could probably fit my other hand on his shaft as well, but I needed it to play with his balls. Instead I began stroking him, doing my best to mimic what Sasha had demonstrated. It was difficult and, unaccustomed to the motion and positioning, was making my wrist hurt a bit. But one look at Drew’s hazy eyes stayed the pain, and I moved onto the next step.

He could see what I intended as I brought my face close to his sex. I took a few deep breaths, eyeing it warily, before giving it a tentative lick. He gasped again, which I took as a good sign to continue. He started groaning weakly as I licked. I know it was cliché, but the thought of how much my baby boy had grown did cross my mind.

I took him into my mouth, and he let out a quiet string of cusses, seemingly to help maintain control. My tongue slathered the underside of his crown in saliva, and I went to work. I knew the basic principles of a blowjob, but Sasha’s tutelage had apparently taken things to the next level. Drew’s entire body was trembling, and he had a hand buried in his own hair as he grit his teeth. It seemed like he was suffering, but Sasha had assured me it was hard to tell between pain and pleasure when it came to reading men’s reactions during sex.

Sex. I was having oral sex with Drew. Instead of revulsion, instead of shame, all I could feel was my panties getting wet as I sucked his cock. And what a magnificent cock it was. The length, the girth, the hardness, the texture. It was like he was made for me. A burst of possessiveness took hold of me. None of those young hussies were going to have my Drew. Not Lexi, not Sasha, not Cherish, none of them. Drew was all mine.

“Oh my God, mom, you’re amazing,” Drew managed, making me overflow with joy. He liked my skills. I moaned in pleasure and pushed further, feeling his tip hit the back of my throat. As soon as the moan was over, I gagged and I was forced to immediately pull off of him. Drew sat up and patted my back as I coughed, clutching my throat.

“Sorry,” I choked out, and he hushed me, rubbing between my shoulder blades. I indicated I was alright and gestured for him to lie back down so I could continue. This time I worked on my timing, pulling him out enough for me to breathe whenever my moans were about to end. He began thrusting up into my mouth, forcing himself deeper down my throat. I think I started going a little crosseyed in pleasure, despite my own needs being neglected. Milk dripped from my bare tits as my other hand went to his balls, and I felt the little spheres pulse on my fingers.

“Mom!” he cried, and suddenly my throat filled with liquid warmth. Without much choice, I gulped it down, my lips still sucking and my tongue running along the underside, coaxing more out of him. His hands were gripping the bedsheets as he ejaculated, and I couldn’t help but feel proud that I’d brought him such bliss.

I slurped his cock clean, then climbed further up the bed to rest his head on my lap. He was still panting from the orgasm, and he looked up at me dreamily. I smiled down at him, offering one of my breasts. “You forgot dessert, baby,” I teased. He groaned weakly and opened his mouth to receive my milk, and I fed him everything I had.

I’d never been happier. After such a rough week, things were finally looking right again. Righter than ever, actually. I had finally accepted my own relationship with a man I loved, who loved me back like nobody else would. Nothing could cast a shadow on my sunshine.

Except for the return of Andras.



  1. Coco’s finally taken the leap. Thanks for sticking around so long, I know it’s taken a while to work up to this! Hope everybody’s ready for the coming storm that is Andras ;D

  2. So is Drew’s Dad coming back because Andras was the name of the father from the movie Drew and Coco saw and Drew identified with the main character in his hatred for his father, right?

  3. Yup, leon and cherish are definitly the next protagonists.

    Also, can we talk about the nod back to HSB with a flirty blonde girl giving an incestuous girl bj tips? Thats basically dejavu but different people.

  4. Will we see something about Leon and Cherry and may be something with lexi and andras ?

  5. What do you think about Sasha and Coco getting something going, and then they double team Drew

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