Cassie & Kayla 1 [Lesbian incest] – Mother seduces teen daughter in a hotel room

Standing by the door, Kayla watched in silence as her mother paced angrily back and forth across the hotel room, gripping the telephone handset so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.

“Now listen you, I made these reservations weeks ago, I paid for a room with two beds, and that’s exactly what I want!” There was a momentary pause as the unfortunate person on the other end of the line said something, but it only served to set her mother off again. “I don’t care how overbooked this hotel is, dammit! I want the room I paid for.”

Seeing the way the conversation seemed to be heading, Kayla just sighed and went to pick up one of the suitcases and throw it on the bed to start unpacking it. However upset her mother might be, it was quite obvious to her that the argument was going to be a waste of time.

“All right, fine!” Cassie snarled at length. “But I had better be getting some of my money back over this stupid screw up!” She slammed the receiver down then, pausing to take a few deep, calming breaths.

“No luck?” Kayla inquired innocently, stepping around the older woman to put an armload of clothes into a dresser drawer.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but it looks like we’re just going to have to share a bed while we’re here. The hotel is completely full because of the competition and there just aren’t any other rooms.”

“It’s fine, Mom,” the girl assured her, going to work on the next suitcase. “It’s not gonna kill us to share a bed for a few nights. Not unless it turns out you hog the bed sheets, anyway. Maybe I should call Dad and ask about that . . .”

“Ha, ha.” Cassie allowed that a small smile. “If either of us is going to hog the sheets, I’m betting it’s you. I’m the one who’s used to sleeping with someone else, after all.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

As soon as everything was unpacked and put away, Kayla grabbed a towel and a bottle of shampoo and headed for the bathroom. “I’ll be right back, Mom.”


Cassie managed to hold on until she heard the water start running, but then every last bit of her strength left her in a rush and she collapsed, missing the bed and ending up sitting on the floor. Breathing hard, her heart pounding, she was shaking like a leaf as she stared with wide eyes at the bathroom door.

She’d had some serious doubts about whether she would be able to pull it off, but her daughter seemed to have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Once upon a time, Cassandra Mann had been just an average, run-of-the-mill suburban wife and mother who would never in a million years have an inappropriate thought about her own daughter. That had all changed however when Kayla decided to join her high schools swim team. Oh, she had never been blind to the fact that her little girl was growing up to be quite the little heartbreaker, but it wasn’t until she found herself faced with the eighteen year old stretching and exercising day after day and wearing her surprisingly sexy little one-piece swimsuit that something unforgivably wicked was stirred up within her.

Suddenly, all she could think about was what an angelic face the girl had and what an exquisitely slender little figure. She loved the sight of those perky little breasts with their firm peaks pressing through the swimsuit so very obviously. She couldn’t stop staring at that tight little butt and drooling when she saw how the crotch of the suit contoured itself exactly to the shape of that sweet young pussy.

It had been with a great deal of shock that Cassie realized that she had started lusting after her own child, but no matter how hard she tried she just could not shake off these forbidden and unnatural feelings, no matter how weird it was though, no matter how guilty she might feel, it did not stop her from fantasizing about her every single day and masturbating over her almost as often.

The school year was coming to an end now and Kayla’s team had won enough meets to reach the finals, facing off against teams from all over the state. The event was expected to last about a week however and were taking place about three towns over, so naturally Cassie and her husband Shawn had decided that a chaperone was required. It wouldn’t be her father though as Shawn had been unable to get that much time off from work when things were so busy there and so it was that Cassie now found herself all alone in a tiny hotel room with a daughter she wanted so badly that it made her ache.

Picking herself up off the floor just as soon as her rubbery legs would let her, Cassie sagged onto the bed instead.

Somehow, she hadn’t been able to convince herself that she could stay in such close quarters all alone with Kayla for so long without saying or doing something stupid that would reveal the passion she had for her only child and so she’d made up her mind that there was really only one thing she could do.

She had to take control of this situation.

She had to seduce Kayla and start making all of those wild and crazy fantasies start coming true.

As a matter of fact, she had deliberately reserved this room where the two women would be forced to share a bed as part of her scheming to get into the teens pants! It wouldn’t do to have Kayla know that obviously and so she had just carried on a furious argument with the dial tone over their supposedly mixed-up reservations.

She was looking to cross two huge lines here – to cheat on her husband for the first time ever and to take her own daughter as her lover. It was a daunting prospect indeed and she had been arguing with herself ever since they left home that morning over whether or not she would actually have the nerve to pull it off.

She closed her eyes and found that imagining her sexy daughter naked in that shower gave her the strength she needed to carry on.

Yes, she would find a way to make this happen.

* * *

Kayla was kept very busy that first day with learning where the event was to take place and being shown around, and going over some last minute details with her coach and teammates, so Cassie didn’t have a chance to be alone with the teen. Afterward, Kayla wanted to go out and see some of the sights in this city with her friends, but her mother refused to allow it for fear they would get into some kind of trouble.

. . . and also so that they could get back to the hotel room and that bed as soon as possible.

Still, they needed some supper if they were going to keep their strength up and so Cassie first took her to the hotel’s comfortable little restaurant.

Sitting side by side in one of the booths at the back, chitchatting animatedly about everything and nothing, she found herself sorely tempted to play footsie with Kayla or maybe even put a hand on her knee. Even if anyone in that restaurant had been able to guess that they were mother and daughter, she was certain that they wouldn’t have known she was doing it thanks to the red checkered tablecloths.

On the other hand, there was no telling how Kayla would react to being so blatantly hit on by her own mom in so public a place. No, she told herself, it would be better to wait until they were alone in the privacy of their hotel room.

She just needed to have a little more patience.

And a glass or two of wine.

* * *

To keep up the pretense that everything here was still normal and that she wasn’t a depraved middle-aged woman looking to seduce her own daughter, Cassie had stepped into the bathroom when they got back to their room so they could have a little privacy as they changed for bed.

When she emerged, it was to find Kayla sitting up on the bed in a nightshirt, leaning back against the headboard. If Cassie had been suffering from any last minute doubts about whether or not she could go through with this, the sight of those long, smooth legs utterly quashed them. Because of the way the girl had sat down, her mother even got just the tiniest hint of what kind of panties she was wearing and so it was a wonder that she didn’t just leap onto the bed and start ripping those clothes off then and there!

Belatedly, Cassie realized that she had her phone to her ear.

“Yeah, Dad,” Kayla was saying. “We miss you, too. Mom and I were just getting ready for bed. You want to talk to her? Okay, hold on.” The teen held out the phone to her mother with a smile.

Cassie came right over to stand beside the bed. She was wearing her bathrobe and had been holding it closed around her with both hands, but as she took the phone it fell open to reveal that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath it. Somehow, even though her heart was racing again, she managed to have an apparently normal conversation with her husband while standing very close to Kayla and showing off her cunt and the valley between her full breasts.

Pretending that she didn’t realize how much she was revealing to her daughter, Cassie nevertheless made an effort to watch her and see how she was responding to the view. It gave her a lot of reassurance to note that Kayla was staring in wide-eyed fascination as if she could not look away, but not complaining or anything.

“Okay, dear,”Cassie said into the phone at length. “We’ll talk to you again tomorrow.” Hanging up the phone, she tried to hand it back.

When the teenager didn’t react at all to the proffered cell phone, her mother affected a look of confusion and looked down to see what was holding her attention so firmly. Only then, she pretended, did she realize that she was flashing the girl and drop the phone to pull her robe closed again around her.

“Sorry about that, honey.”

“Mom . . .”

“It’s just that I’m so very used to sleeping in the nude that I have a hard time getting to sleep if I’m wearing anything. It doesn’t bother you too much, does it? I mean, this is my problem and it shouldn’t be yours. If it’s too weird for you to be sharing a bed with me while I’m in the buff, I’ll go and put something on.”

The girl stuttered and stammered for a long moment, but finally said that it would be all right with her if her mother climbed into bed with her naked. Cassie couldn’t help but let out a small smile though when she heard her little girl’s voice crack as she said it. Everything was going just as she had hoped.


Going around to the other side of the bed, she sat down next to Kayla to watch a little TV with her before they went to sleep, her grip on the robe loosening again as she got situated. Again, she pretended not to notice how it gaped open, happily watching out the corner of her eye as the teen tried hard to get a look at her breast without being to obvious about it.

Finally glancing over at the girl, Cassie made a great show of catching her checking her out again and pulled her robe closed once more. “Okay, that’s it,” she pronounced. “This is getting a little too strange. I’m gonna go and put something on . . .”

“No!” Kayla responded immediately, putting her hand on her mother’s arm as if to keep her from getting off the bed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. I’ve just never seen . . . this much of you before and you’re super hot! Dad’s a really lucky guy!”

Cassie blushed happily and not just because of the earnest praise. This was exactly the kind of reaction that she had been hoping for!

“All right then. Maybe this won’t be so awkward if it was dark in here and I wasn’t quite so visible. We have to get up early tomorrow anyway.”

Standing up, she went to switch off the lights, almost plunging the hotel room into darkness. Kayla left the TV set running until her mother had returned to her own side of the bed to make sure she didn’t trip over anything or stub a toe, but then switched it off too.

Cassie was delighted to realize that, while it was certainly very dark in their room now, it was not pitch black. As their eyes adjusted, they found that the pale moonlight streaming in through the window cast a soft and romantic glow over everything. Seeing her daughter’s eyes gleaming in the darkness and knowing she was watching closely, she slipped off her robe and then took a long moment to enjoy a sensuous stretch.

As she was standing between the teen and the window, she couldn’t be sure if Kayla could see any details or if she was entirely in silhouette, but the girl had her gaze fixed on her nonetheless.

As the two women crawled under the sheets then, Cassie leaned towards the girl and reached out to touch her cheek lightly. “Have I told you how proud I am of you, honey?” she purred softly, their lips now mere inches from each other. “I know how much hard work it’s taken for you and your swim team to get this far.”

Kayla did not complain or try to pull back as her mother closed in, instead covering that hand on her face with one of her own. “Thank you, Mom,” she answered in a soft, shaky voice. “I really appreciate your saying that.”

“Well, goodnight, sweetheart.”

Kayla had not gotten a goodnight kiss from her mother since she was a little girl and what followed really bore little resemblance to a goodnight kiss. Rather, this was a gentle, lingering kiss with the tip of Cassie’s tongue teasing the teenager’s lips. There was no way Kayla could mistake what this kiss meant and she was left breathless in it’s aftermath.

Cassie pulled back very slightly to gauge her daughter’s reaction and was pleased with what she saw.

Dipping her head down for a second, somewhat longer kiss, Cassie was thrilled when the girl’s mouth this time opened immediately to accept her tongue. In fact, both of Kayla’s hands were soon entangled in her mother’s hair as the girl now gave her mother a long and very thorough kiss.

When it finally ended, Cassie was all smiles, but her daughter still looked somewhat confused. “Mom . . . ?”

“Hush now, dear,” Cassie murmured, gazing into Kayla’s eyes and caressing the teenager’s cheek. “It’s all right.” They were kissing again then, a lengthy and passionate kiss that both women felt from the tops of their heads to the tips of their toes. “Everything’s just as it should be, baby.”

That seemed to satisfy Kayla for the moment – or maybe she just decided there were better things she could be doing with her time than asking questions.

The hand that had been on the girls cheek now drifted down to her neck, fingertips ever so lightly stroking her throat. It was an intimate, familiar caress that made the teen shiver with pleasure in a way she had never known before. “Oh, my God, Mom!” she whimpered, her whole body reacting strongly.

Cassie grinned, leaning in to share one more kiss with the teenager. “I love you so much, baby.”

Kayla giggled a little at that. “Yeah, I kinda figured that when you started making out with me, Mom.”

Her mother laughed too. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Kayla purred, both her hands rising to claim her mother’s breasts. “I love you too, Mom.” A deep moan was pulled out of Cassie as her daughter cupped her, eagerly running her hands all over her full tits.

Cassie could hardly believe how well this was going! In all the times she had fantasized about doing this, she had never guessed that Kayla would be so willing to play with her. Who could have guessed that she would be so happy to put out for her own mother?! She had imagined that she would have to really push to get her to commit incest, not to mention to betray her father, that she would have to wear down her defenses in order to have her way with her, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

She decided that there was no point in looking a gift horse in the mouth and that she should just focus on enjoying it.

After all, all it meant that she would have that much more time to fuck this teen!

Rolling over onto her back, Cassie pulled the girl up on top of her and then pushed her head down so that Kayla could feast upon those breasts she had been so busily fondling. The teenager didn’t waste the opportunity and went straight to work.

Cuddling her little girl close, moaning in delirious ecstacy, Cassie thoroughly enjoyed the way she was sucking on one and then the other of her thick nipples. Kayla had a real knack for this – a natural born talent, her mother assumed. Her back arching as that darting, lapping tongue worked it’s magic on her, the older woman began to twist and writhe beneath the girl. When strong teeth took hold of one of those teats and gave it a gentle but playful tug, Cassie’s legs involuntarily flew wide open.

Kayla shifted her position slightly so that one of her thighs was pressed into her mother’s crotch and then started pushing and grinding it against her. Cassie crushed the teenager’s head into her cleavage as she rubbed herself hard against that leg, grunting and groaning madly as the heat built up between them fast.

The older woman would have let out a piercing scream that her husband would surely have heard all the way back home if she’d been able, but Cassie couldn’t exactly catch her breath just then and so it came out as more of a whimper when she orgasmed.

Heaving a shuddering sigh of pure and blissful happiness, the mother simply collapsed then still lewdly tangled up in her own daughter.

“Kayla?” came the breathless whisper.

“Yeah, Mom?”

“You are very, very, very good at that.”

The teenager giggled. “Thanks. The internet can be a pretty useful research tool.”

Cassie looked at her with a small frown that was spoiled by the smirk that was trying to force it’s way through, affecting a scolding tone that wasn’t even remotely believable. “Kayla Anne Mann! Did you just confess that you’ve been looking at porn on the internet?!”

Kayla shrugged. “It’s the internet, Mom. It’s kinda hard to avoid the porn.”

Her mother couldn’t help but laugh.

Pushing herself up and off the other woman at last, Kayla pulled her nightshirt up and over her head, tossing it aside carelessly. Cassie’s eyes were wide as they feasted on the beautiful young woman whose body seemed to glow softly in the moonlight. It was obvious from her expression just how much she was enjoying the view and that seemed to delight Kayla.

“Baby, you are even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.”

The girl ducked her head, blushing and obviously very flattered. “Only because I take after you, Mom.” When Kayla started moving then, it was obvious that she was planning to go down on her mother, but Cassie put a stop to that idea right away.

“It’s my turn to make you feel as good as you just made me feel,” she said, pushing herself up to move over a little. “Come and lie down here so I can eat your pussy.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Kayla stretched out on the bed, putting a pillow under her butt to elevate her crotch a little. Her mother lost no time meanwhile in scooting down to the foot of the bed and taking up a position between her splayed legs.

Cassie started to lean forward, but then hesitated uncertainly. “I should maybe warn you that I’ve never really done this before and I certainly haven’t been on-line doing research . . .”

“Don’t worry about it, Mom. Just the fact that it’s you down there will make this the greatest muff dive of all time! Besides which, I suspect we’re both going to be getting a whole lot of practice at it from now on.”

“What a sweet girl you are . . .”

With no more fear or hesitation, Cassie dove in headfirst, using her fingers to spread open the teens pussy as she thrust her tongue deep inside. Both of Kayla’s hands went to the back of her mother’s head, pushing her face firmly into her pussy as she was licked and lapped, nibbled and sucked, and just generally driven out of her mind. Kayla made so much noise as she was devoured that her mother had to worry a little.

The staff at this hotel knew full well that they were a mother and daughter and if people started complaining about all the noise coming from this room in the middle of the night, someone might cause them more than a little trouble.

Mind you, Cassie wasn’t so worried that she was going to stop what she was doing . . .

Fortunately, the teenager seemed to recognize that she might be about to let out a shriek that would shatter glass when she came and had the foresight to grab the beds second pillow and bury her face in it. Shivering with excitement, her whole body jerked and jumped as a huge climax ripped through her.

Her face soaked with her daughters juices and gleaming in the moonlight, Cassie lifted her head from between her daughters legs to enjoy the sight of her limp and exhausted child, loving the fact that she was the one who had done it to her.

Pulling the pillow from her face, Kayla raised her head to look down there and met her mothers eyes. If Cassie were still in need of reassurance over her skills at cunnilingus, then she got all she needed and more when the teen gave her a grin and then pushed her head right back down between her legs.

Cassie was only too happy to give her exactly what she was asking for.

Later, as the two women lay together on the bed and caught their breath, their bodies tightly entwined, they spent a long time just kissing and murmuring sweet little endearments to each other. Obviously, Kayla could taste herself in every kiss, but it was not nearly enough to make her want to stop doing it.

“I really should let you get some rest now,” the mother whispered at length. “Your competition starts tomorrow, after all. . .”

Kayla reacted to this by suddenly rolling her mother over onto her back and mounting her again. “Neither of us is going to get any rest tonight, Mom.”

Truer words were never spoken.

* * *

The next day found Kayla yawning and stretching as she sat on a bench next to the pool with the rest of her school’s team, waiting for their turn to hit the water. She had been worn to a frazzle by the strenuous activities of the previous night but she was positively glowing with happiness as her eyes searched the stands until they found her equally tired but radiant mother.

The girl next to her gave Kayla a little nudge with her elbow and leaned closer to speak in a voice so soft that no one, not even the other girls on the bench, could have heard. “So it finally happened?,” the girl asked with a big, toothy grin. “Your mother finally made a pass at you?”

Kayla laughed and nodded. “It sure took her long enough, but yeah. I finally fucked her last night! Let me tell you, she was well worth the wait.”



  1. OUTSTANDING well written story! Absolutely perfect!! Five stars!!! Any chance for a part 2 in order to get same story about her friend who nudged her to join them?? ??

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