An Evening with Chopin [FF]

An Evening with Chopin

Jenna glanced out the diner’s window and diddled nervously with her phone. No messages from Cassie, no missed calls. But she was ten minutes late.

She took another sip of her soda then dug the course list out of her backpack. She was still reeling a bit from her rejection by Oberlin, but the local state university had a nationally recognized music program and offered her a full all-expenses scholarship. This meant being near to home – and near to Cassie.

Cassie had been her piano teacher in high school, and also tutored her, becoming a friend and trusted advisor. Staying nearby meant she could continue her studies both at school and privately.

Having Cassie around, now that she was out of high school, would have other benefits as well.

Meanwhile, nearby, Cassie hung up from a call with a student’s parents and glanced at the clock. 5:10 PM, she was ten minutes late. The diner was just a block from her house. She texted Jenna and bolted out the door.

It was predicted to be a warm night with heavy summer rains, the kind that flooded local roads and made driving treacherous. Such storms usually prompted Jenna to sleep in Cassie’s guest room rather than brave the floods.

The first drops of rain were just falling when she pushed through the diner’s doors. Jenna sat in a booth at the far end of the diner. She wore a light T-shirt and jeans.

When Cassie approached, Jenna rose and they embraced. Jenna’s tutor was about thirty and wore her jet black hair in a pony tail. Her blue top showed substantial cleavage dappled with drying raindrops. Her gray tights were similar spattered.

They ordered a sandwich to split, and a large plate of french fries.

“Back from beach week. Ready to get back to work?” Cassie asked.

“I met with my counselor this afternoon,” Jenna said. “We laid out a possible course strategy, I wanted to talk to you and my mom before I finalized anything.” She dug the list out of her bag and was about to hand it across the table to Cassie, when the older woman moved to sit next to her in the booth. Their thighs pressed together.

Cassie was so close. Their legs were touching. A shot of adrenaline went through Jenna.

That the two of them had feelings for each other had become obvious by the time Jenna was a junior. Jenna’s mother, Anne, had figured it out pretty quickly.

Anne was no puritan. When she was in her twenties she had a five-year relationship with another woman, and always identified as bisexual even after her marriage to Jenna’s late father. Her innate radar immediately picked up on the connection between her daughter and her piano tutor. She put her foot down. Jenna needed to have a childhood. Sometimes that meant having crushes. When Jenna was out of high school and legal, if they still had feelings, then they could pursue them. But until then, friendship could blossom, music lessons could continue, but there was to be no romantic or sexual relationship between Cassie and Jenna.

Cassie was grateful for the rules removing any temptation. Taking liberties with Jenna could have put her career at risk. Jenna took it hard initially, but complied.

Cassie also sensed Anne would have liked to be the one putting the moves on her. But Anne was a class act, and let her daughter chart her own course within the boundaries she laid out.

During Jenna’s junior and senior years she was over Cassie’s house a lot for tutoring and lessons, often even sleeping in Cassie’s guest room when they were hard at work. Everything had been on the level. The trust between all three had grown implicitly.

Now, with Jenna’s graduation, everyone – Cassie, Jenna, Anne – knew the rules had changed. The restrictions were gone.

Jenna spoke up. “Here’s what the counselor said . . .” She pointed to a course on the sheet with her finger, turning slightly and leaning in to Cassie. Jenna made sure the hard little dart of her nipple pressed firmly into Cassie’s arm through the thin fabric of her T-shirt, under which she went braless. Her breath caressed Cassie’s cheek and neck as she spoke.

This was the first time she and Cassie had been alone together since graduation. The day after the ceremony, she and a half-dozen other kids had gone to the beach for a week. She had just gotten back the day before.

Jenna’s thought was interrupted by the simultaneous squealing of every cell phone in the diner. Flash Flood Warning. The sky had opened up a torrential downpour. The local roads would be shut down. If she was going home tonight, it would be the long way around. A 40 minute drive instead of a fifteen minute drive.

*If* she went home tonight…

Before she could put the phone down, another text came through. This one from her mother, Anne.

“Roads look bad. You’re over at Cassie’s right? You should probably spend the night. You know, sleep in her guest room, LOL.”

Wow…the barriers were definitely down…

She heard Cassie stifle a giggle and realized that the other woman had seen the text.

Another lurid text came in, this from one of Jenna’s best friends. Again, references to the roads being flooded and spending the night at Cassie’s.

Why didn’t someone just take out an ad in the paper for fuck’s sake…

Cassie knew that Jenna hated it when other people figured out her moves before she sprung them. She needed a little space. The food arrived. She took half the turkey club and slid the other half to Jenna, then dumped a layer of ketchup across the fries. They ate in silence, listening to the chatter in the diner and the rain outside. Slowly the conversation turned back to the curriculum, and after finishing the sandwich, Cassie went over it again, making some minor adjustments.

Several fries still remained, and Jenna reached across Cassie for the ketchup, again sliding her body against her tutor, their breasts brushing. Their thighs were again pressing together, and as they talked about the curriculum, Jenna held her breasts against Cassie’s arm.

The conversation about the courses lagged. Cassie pulled out a wrapped package and handed it to Jenna.

“Happy graduation.”

They hugged awkwardly in the booth. Inside the package, sealed in a plastic bag, was antique sheet music. It was an old, complicated, Chopin Nocturne.

“Oh my god, this is fantastic.” They hugged awkwardly in the booth again.

“Why don’t you come by and play it?” Cassie said.

They paid their bill. Jenna suggested they take her car to Cassie’s house, but Cassie pointed out that they could just leave the car in the diner parking lot and walk. They were going to get soaked just getting to the car, why bother pretending otherwise?

They were drenched to the skin immediately upon exiting the diner. They giggled and laughed as they walked up the street in the soaking, warm summer rain. Wet clothes pressed close to their bodies, accenting their shapes, turning fabrics translucent.

They splashed each other in a puddle as they approached the front door of Cassie’s house. Standing on the porch they were finally out of the rain, still laughing and giggling.

As Cassie fumbled in her bag looking for her keys, Jenna reached over, lifted her chin, and kissed her, sending thrills through both of their bodies. Their eyes locked. Cassie leaned forward and stole one in return, holding it just long enough, then pulling back, winking. She found her keys and opened the door.

They both started giggling again.

The house was warm, and they stood on the hallway mat, dripping wet.

Cassie giggled. “How can we get upstairs to dry clothes without getting water all over the house?”

Jenna tossed her wet T-shirt it in a heap on a mat nearby. A moment later her jeans and thong followed them. Cassie shrugged and stripped, and then they scampered naked up the stairs. Jenna headed towards the guest room, but Cassie took her hand and guided her to her bedroom.

“But I have some dry clothes from the last time I was here stashed in the guest room,” Jenna protested. Cassie put a finger to her lips and guided her down the hallway to the master bedroom. Jenna walked in, and gasped.

Laid out on the bed were two outfits. The styles were pseudo-Victorian. Black corsets with colored accents, black lace knee-length skirts, stockings, lace-up knee-high boots. There were no brassiere’s but the corsets had heavy lace that extended up behind the neck, over the bust.

The thinner outfit was accented in red, the somewhat curvier in purple.

Jenna picked up the red outfit and held it in front of herself in the mirror.

“These are beautiful! Oh my god. I can’t wait to try them on.”

She loosened the laces on the corset to put it on, but Cassie stopped her, again without a word. She led her to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Cassie lathered Jenna’s body. Jenna pressed the inside of her hips into Cassie’s hands, but the older woman slipped her hand away. Jenna rinsed off the soap then returned the favor, slowly washing Cassie’s body, lingering in sensitive areas. Cassie gently urged her hands away when they spent too much time in any one spot. After Cassie had rinsed, Jenna reached again between her legs, but Cassie pulled her hands away, licking her fingertips and kissing the palms. Jenna lowered her head as to lick Cassie’s breasts, but Cassie took her head in her hands.

“Not yet, child. Patience. Relax and enjoy.” she whispered, then leaned forward and kissed her lightly. Jenna pressed more firmly but Cassie backed away.

They dried each other listening to the sound of the rain pattering on the roof.

Cassie took Jenna’s hand and led her back out to the bedroom. They stood in front of the mirror and applied light makeup to each other, highlighting their eyes in dark mascara, and painting their lips with black lipstick.

They turned to the costumes and pulled on their stockings and the garters. Cassie tightened the corset around Jenna’s stomach, just tight enough to stay in place comfortably. She slid her hands up Jenna’s chest and pulled the lace around Jenna’s neck, clipping it in the back. Under the heavy lace, Jenna’s tiny nipples stood out against her white skin, outlined between tan lines from the week at the beach. Cassie kissed Jenna’s neck and cupped her breasts briefly. Jenna gave a sharp intake of breath. Cassie helped Jenna into her dress and boots. She slid her hands up Jenna’s thighs, allowing on the briefest brush against the dampening space between them.

“My turn,” Jenna said, but Cassie stopped her.

“No, love, sit down.”

Cassie lifted the other corset and stepped inside. She fit it around her body, adjusting its fit comfortably under her larger bust. She allowed Jenna to tie it, just tight enough. Jenna reached around and fastened the lace around Cassie’s neck. She lingered her hands on Cassie’s breasts too long, however, and the older woman moved them down and away. After helping Cassie into her dress and boots, Jenna licked Cassie’s boot tip, working her way up her calf, past her knee, then pushing her skirt aside and moving between her thighs. She reached the soft, damp slit between Cassie’s thighs and was permitted the briefest taste before Cassie pulled her head back out, kissed her lips.

“Patience, love. Patience. One final item for you to wear.” She opened a drawer and pulled out two small masks. She tied one around Jenna’s head, then allowed the younger woman to tie the other around her own head.

Jenna was delighted.

“A masquerade party for two,” she whispered, stealing another kiss from Cassie, who allowed only a short peck before disengaging and taking the girl’s hand. She picked up a bottle of perfume from her dresser and spritzed both of them, then led Jenna back down the stairs to the living room where the piano stood. The cloudbursts outside had darkened the skies prematurely and the room was almost dark.

“You light the candles,” Cassie said. “I will get the wine.”

Jenna lit several candles around the room, plus the large candelabra on the grand piano. She flipped through the antique sheet music in the orange glow from the candles. Chopin was a master, and as she read the notes, the music flowed through her mind. She flipped back to the opening stanzas, placed her hands on the keys and was about to begin playing when Cassie arrived with two wine glasses and a bottle.

“Not yet,” she said. “Come and have some wine.” She poured two glasses and sat down on the divan, beckoning Jenna come sit.

The white wine sparkled in the candle glow, the rain pattered outside, the warmth and humidity of the air glistened on their skin. They sipped their wine. Cassie brushed Jenna’s hair away from her face and leaned in. They kissed. Their lips met, parted, tongues twined. A soft moan. Jenna’s hands slid up the ribs of Cassie’s corset, touching her breasts under the lace, softly tracing the outlines of her nipples with her fingertips.

Cassie rose and moved to a vinyl record collection that stood on the far wall, next to a traditional turntable.

She selected a record and queued it up. Strauss’s Blue Danube filtered from the speakers. She held out her hand.

“We dance,” she whispered.

Jenna allowed the older woman to take the lead. They danced. They kissed. They sipped wine. They pressed close to each other. After Strauss, Tchaiokovsky’s Sleeping Beauty and Shostakovich’s Second Waltz. Then Brahms, Dvorak, Liszt, nearly a dozen others. The air smelled of summer rain, perfume, and gentle arousal.

Finally, after another bow and another curtsy and another kiss at the end of a dance, the two fanned themselves with hand fans in the warm night air. Cassie smiled and poured fresh glasses of wine.

“And now, Frederic.”

Jenna addressed the piano, then sat down on the bench. Cassie stood behind her, lightly resting her hands on the younger woman’s shoulders.

“Ready?” Cassie whispered. Jenna nodded.

“Then begin.”

Jenna began playing the Nocturne, aware of the warmth of her teacher’s body behind her. The wine and the dancing had flushed her skin and she was afraid she would ruin Chopin’s beautiful handiwork. But the notes flowed through her to the keys and out into the night air. Cassie turned the pages as she played, otherwise standing silently behind her. The entire Nocturne took about ten minutes to play.

As Jenna reached the end, Cassie flipped back to the beginning of the music sheet, and whispered in her ear.

“Again.” Her breath stirred the hair above Jenna’s neck.

Cassie moved her hands from her shoulders slowly down Jenna’s chest, coming to rest on her breasts. She caressed them softly. Jenna’s hands faltered on the keys.

“Play,” Cassie urged breathlessly, then kissed her ear, her neck, her shoulder. Jenna picked up where she left off. Cassie slipped her hands underneath the lace top, fondling, pinching, caressing. Jenna struggled to keep her focus, but kept her eyes locked on the Nocturne’s lilting notes before her.

Cassie unhooked the lace behind Jenna’s neck and let it fall forward, then moved to the bench beside her. She kissed and licked her small round breasts, tasting the perfume and the gentle sweat from their dancing. She softly suckled as Jenna played, eliciting quiet moans.

Emotions, sensations, feelings raced through Jenna. This was the moment she had fantasized about, dreamed about, masturbated to since she met Cassie. She had needed her hands, her lips on her body. Her breath on her skin. The desire was overwhelming, the satisfaction breathtaking.

Cassie slid down to her knees and slipped Jenna’s legs apart. Her mouth drifted into a place few had seen, fewer had touched, and only Jenna had ever pleasured. Her breath drifted over the sliver of curly hair above an otherwise neatly trimmed slit. She licked, caressed, softly penetrated, and found that special space. She ran her tongue along the interior of Jenna’s thigh as she curled her fingers inside of her lover. Jenna opened wide, her mist flowed free, her body shook with her climax.

Jenna arched her back, moaned, and her fingers flew across the keys. The surge that was overtaking her body flowed down her arms and into the ivory, into the ebony, down to the hammers striking the cords, and out into the dim, steamy room. The music flew out an opened window carrying the depth of her passion out into the rainy night. A couple passing by paused to listen, felt the desire, the love, the need. The man and the woman lowered their umbrella and kissed in the warm summer rain, then laughed, hugged, and walked on holding hands as the downpour soaked them through.

The Nocturne continued.

Jenna hunched forward, spent, but still she played. Cassie climbed back onto the bench next to her, lifted her head, kissed her lips. Their tongues intertwined. Jenna was reaching the end of another round of the Nocturne. Cassie slipped her hand over Jenna’s and as she whispered “my turn”. As the Nocturne ended, Jenna released and Cassie took over, playing the Nocturne by heart.

Jenna, her arms throbbing, her body pulsing, devoured Cassie. Her fingers shook as she loosened the lace top above her corset, then unlaced the restrictive purple-and-black garment and tossed it to the floor. Both women now wore only stockings, boots, and masks. Jenna had spent many a night, tossing in her bed, thinking about what it would be like to touch, to taste, to caress, Cassie’s substantial decollete. She ate hungrily, running her tongue across it, tasting it, suckling almost endlessly.

The tone of the Nocturne had changed. The passion was still there, but it was muted. This was not Cassie’s first time, either with man or woman. She, too, had desired Jenna for a long time, and she felt the deep passion but also a nurturing love. The Nocturne that coursed through the rainy night spoke of passion, but also caring and sweetness.

Jenna remained suckling at Cassie’s breasts for the second half of the Nocturne. As Cassie started another round, Jenna detached and slipped below. Cassie too had a sliver of neatly trimmed curls above her slit. Jenna knew what she wanted to do, but never having done it before was unsure. She looked up at Cassie, who smiled down and nodded encouragingly. The older woman pulled her legs wide.

Hesitatingly, Jenna tried the things she had just felt Cassie do to her. It took longer for her nervous fingers to finally bring Cassie to the moment she desired, but Cassie didn’t care. She played contentedly, letting the younger girl make her mistakes, and just enjoying what she was doing, enjoying her nearness, her warmth, her smell, her taste. Finally the orgasm overtook her and she poured it into the notes that filled the room.

Jenna climbed back onto the stool. Cassie whispered for her to place her right arm against hers and as they started another round of the Nocturne, Cassie played the left hand and Jenna played the right.

Their hands played in perfect synchronization, turning the Nocturne into a duet. Their lips met, their tongues intertwined. The both moved to straddle the piano bench so they could face each other, playing the Nocturne with one hand, now kissing each other, now caressing, now suckling.

They intertwined their legs, pressing their softest, tenderest places together, then kissed again, and slowly gyrated their hips.

They ground themselves together, pulsing to the tune of the Nocturne, the notes flowing from their sex out through their bodies into the candle glow. The sounds of piano intertwined with the sound of their panting, their soft moans as they pushed themselves together, ground together, rubbed their desire into a frenzy.

The Nocturne reached its final climax of the night. Jenna screamed in joy and ecstasy. The two of them tumbled to the floor, arms and legs intertwined.

The music stopped. The only sound was their breathing and the rain outside.

Cassie was the first to rise. She extinguished all the candles except the candelabra on the piano. That she picked up and reached out to Jenna. The younger woman climbed to her feet and took her hand.

By the glow of the candelabra, Cassie led her young lover up to their bed, where they spent a long, joyous night in each other’s arms.



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