Amelia Nurses Me Part 2 [MF]

I couldn’t stop thinking about the way things turned out at Amelia’s apartment. Her surprise blowjob was constantly on my mind the next few days that I found it difficult to concentrate on work. My hand was healing up and I had removed the gauze and put a large bandaid on it.

Several days went by where I was stuck in front of my desk and would go home extremely drained. I had no energy to go for a run even though I desperately wanted to see Amelia again. I chided myself for not getting her phone number. Even though I knew where she lived, I wasn’t about to show up at her door asking for sex. That was super creepy.

I decided to call in sick from work and go to the park and see if Amelia was there. I knew it seemed like a silly thing to do but I wanted to see her again. Also, I must admit that I wanted to fuck her.

So, I woke up early in the morning and changed into the clothes I usually wore when I wanted to go for a run and walked over to the park. I saw several people already running on the track. I scanned the faces of everyone and my heart started to beat fast as I saw Amelia. She had on a blue t-shirt with red runner’s shorts. I saw that her legs were nice and toned but my eyes could not escape her ass which was firm and round.

I walked near the track and began to casually stretch hoping that Amelia would see me. I pretended like I wasn’t looking at the track when she approached my area.

“Hey,” she said with a smile.

“Hi, Amelia. How are you doing?” I asked her. She walked over to me and her pretty face was covered in sweat.

“I’m doing well. How is your hand?” she asked me as she glanced at my right hand.

“It’s healing up. I definitely have you to thank for it,” I said with a smile. “I was wondering if I could take you out for a drink? It’s the least I can do for your help.

“Sure, that sounds great. Are you free tonight?” she asked me.

“Yes. Do you know Mike’s Bar?”

“Yeah, I’ve been there several times. They have killer cocktails,” Amelia said with a smile.

I laughed. “Yeah, I had the Blue Moonshine cocktail many eons ago and I still don’t know how I got home that night.”

Amelia laughed. “I’ve stumbled out of there on many occasions. The drinks are so strong!”

“At least we’ll stumble out of there together,” I said with a sly smile. Amelia got my drift and smiled back. “I’ll pick you up at 7 pm.”

“That works for me,” Amelia said. “I’m going to take off now as my shift starts in a few hours but I’ll see you later.”

“Ok, bye.” I watched her walk away and felt that same immediate lust blaze within me. I wanted to fuck her badly. It was driving me crazy. I decided to run off some of that sexual energy and spent the next hour and a half running all out.

When I was finished running, I was drenched in sweat so I headed back home and took a quick shower. My body felt fatigued from the run so I decided to take a nap. However, I found it difficult as I kept thinking about Amelia’s body. My cock was hard and I wanted to jerk off. My hand started to stroke my cock through my underwear but I had to quickly stop. I wanted to save my cum for Amelia.

After a while, I finally fell asleep and I found myself having various sex dreams about Amelia. When I woke up, I found that my underwear was covered in cum as I had a wet dream. I looked at all the jizz in my underwear in surprise as I hadn’t had a wet dream in some time. I cleaned myself up and thought about just how horny I must have been to ejaculate while I slept. It made me think back to my high school days where it seemed like at least once a week I had a wet dream. I smiled at the memories as I thought about how extremely horny I was back then. I was jerking off constantly to the girls in my classes but I hadn’t finally gotten laid until many years later.

I looked at my cellphone to check the time and saw that I had slept a large portion of the day away and had about two hours until I met with Amelia. I walked over to my closet and spent considerable time trying to find the perfect clothes to wear. Amelia had only seen me in sweats and running clothes. I wanted to show her that I dressed up nicely too. I finally settled on navy chino pants, a light blue button-up shirt, and my white Vans sneakers. My phone vibrated and walked over to it. Amelia had sent me a message to let me know that she had finished her shift and was heading home now. I replied back by sending her a thumbs-up emoji.

The next hour and a half went by slowly as I thought about how our date was going to be. Date? I guess that was what it was going to be. I laughed at my nervousness even though I had nothing to be nervous about.

I finally left my apartment and began walking to Amelia’s place. The weather was much chillier now and the sun was just beginning to set. I arrived at her apartment and rang the bell to her place.

“Hello?” her voice said through the intercom.

“Hi, Amelia. It’s Miguel,” I responded.

“Oh hey, I’ll be down in a minute,” she said.

“Ok.” I leaned against the banister and looked out at the setting sun. The sky was a mix of red and dark blue. The door opened behind me and Amelia stepped out. She was wearing black jeans, brown boots, and a green jacket. I could see that she had on makeup and large hoop earrings. She looked simply beautiful.

“Hi,” I said with a smile.

“Hey yourself,” she said as she smiled back at me. We walked towards Mike’s Bar which was three blocks away and stepped inside. The bar was warm inside and there were several people at the counter and the tables. We took a seat at a table and I ordered some drinks.

We spent some time talking and I found myself much more attracted to Amelia. She was smart and funny. I found myself laughing a lot and I saw that she even laughed at my lame jokes. I discovered that she had been a nurse for three years and enjoyed it. She explained to me that it was a lot of work but she didn’t mind the long hours. I told her about myself and how my corporate job was eating my soul and that I was looking for a change. She mentioned various open jobs at the hospital if I was interested.

A few drinks later, I finally wanted to ask her the question that had been on my mind the past few days. “So, what made you decide to… you know… go down on me in your apartment?” I basically whispered to her. I didn’t want anybody to hear our conversation even though it was virtually impossible with the music blaring around us. Naughty By Nature’s “O.P.P.” blasted from the speakers in the bar. Amelia had been nodding her head along to the beat before I asked my question.

She laughed at my question. “Well, I think you’re cute and you kept getting hard as I tended to your hand.”

I blushed at this and smiled. “You think I’m cute, huh?”

“Oh, yes I do. You’re as cute as a newborn baby,” She said with a laugh. I laughed and shook my head at the lame joke.

“Well, I must say that the blowjob was amazing.”

“I know,” Amelia replied with a smile. I burst out laughing and she laughed with me. “If you’re lucky you might get another one,” she said as she winked at me.

A large smile broke out on my face. I leaned over the table and kissed her. She kissed me back and I could taste the sweet flavor of the cocktail on her lips and tongue. After a few seconds, we broke apart.

“You want to get out of here?” she asked me.

“Yes,” I said with a smile. I paid the bar tab and we walked back to Amelia’s place. She opened the front door and we stepped inside. I could smell the aroma of food from someone’s apartment.

“Damn, that smells good,” I said and turned to look at Amelia. She pulled me close to her and began to kiss me again. My hands moved over her body as I kissed her back. I traced her ass with my hands and felt just how firm it was. Her tongue darted inside my mouth and my tongue eagerly met hers. She pulled back with a mischievous smile on her face and started to descend to her knees.

I looked at her in surprise as we were standing in the middle of her hallway. I could hear people in the adjoining apartments talking. She unbuckled my pants and pulled it down then she slowly pulled down my underwear as she looked up at me. My hard cock came out and I watched as she began to play with it with her hands. She stroked it for several seconds until a little bit of precum came out of my tip. She licked at it with the flick of her tongue and I tried not to moan. She took me into her mouth and began to suck my cock. I looked down at her in amazement as her warm mouth enveloped my cock.

I heard laughter in one of the apartments and the sound of loud music playing. Amelia looked up at me as she continued to suck my cock. I covered my mouth with one hand as a moan almost escaped. The pleasure felt too fucking good and I could feel my heart beating fast in my chest. We heard the sound of a door being open and Amelia quickly got up and opened her door. She pulled me inside after her and we both started to laugh.

She then gently grabbed my cock and led me to her bedroom. Charlie followed along and meowed at us. Amelia started to take off her clothes and I took off the rest of mine. I stood naked before her with my hard cock pointed at her. I watched her as she got completely undressed. Her body was amazing as I looked at her breasts and her pussy which had some hair above it. Her pink nipples beckoned me to them and I took them into my mouth. My tongue caressed each one in turn. She moaned and held my head to her.

Eventually, I pulled back and tasted her mouth again, and led her to her bed. She descended onto the bed and I moved my mouth across her body. Tasting all of her until I came to her pussy. I moved my tongue against her sweet pink pussy lips and tasted both of them. She watched me and moaned. I opened her lips with my fingers and stuck my tongue inside. I wanted to know all of her and have her on my tongue. I moved my mouth all over her pussy and slowly came to her wet clit. Amelia moaned as my tongue gently caressed her clit. I wanted to take my time on her clit and give her as much pleasure as possible. She bucked against me as my tongue worked against her clit. I applied pressure and she moaned loudly.

I watched her as my tongue lapped against her clit. I could feel her body tensing up and I worked my tongue faster on her clit. She cried out and her body shuddered against me as she came. Her pussy rocked back and forth against my mouth as her orgasm took her. After some time, she laid still and all I could hear was her heavy breathing. I rose up above her and looked down at her. There was a smile on her face.

“Fuck me, Miguel,” she whispered to me.

I eased my cock into her and felt just how warm and tight it felt. I moaned from the pleasure then began to thrust into her. Her pussy was so wet and slick against my cock. I fucked her slowly at first then increased the speed. Our bodies got into a rhythm as she moved against me. My eyes stayed on hers as I fucked her because I wanted to see every expression on her face. Her breasts jiggled as I fucked her and her pink nipples stood erect.

The wetness of her pussy was driving me crazy and I knew I was not going to be able to hold off cumming any longer. I thrust into her faster and looked down at my cock which was covered in her juices. I gritted my teeth as my orgasm hit. My body buckled towards her as my cock unloaded my cum into her. Amelia pulled me down to her and encircled her arms around me as I continued to cum. My eyes were closed as my orgasm vibrated through my body.

After a few moments, the effects of my orgasm dissipated and I slowly rose up from the warmth of Amelia’s body. I looked down at her and could see a small smile on her face. I gave her a long and deep passionate kiss.
