The Spoils of War (Warning: violent, may be triggering for some)

J’nell stoked the fire under the cauldron and stirred the stew while her daughter played with the kitten on the rug in front of the fireplace.
“Dinner will be ready momentarily.” She softly said.
“Stew…” Her daughter grumbled. “Now…I know you’d rather have some venison and crisp bread but this is what we have and we thank the court for what we have.” J’nell said in a coo as she brushed her daughters hair from her brow.

The town outside her door was still lively for it being past sundown. The tavern across the ally poured forth drunk and whore, one after the other in a riotous laughter. She didn’t mind living so close to such trouble, it gave her the discount she needed on rent every month to afford the place since so no one else reliable enough would stay there. She took two wooden bowls from the cupboard and two spoons from the drawer and sat them on the table before taking the bowls over to the boiling meal and scooping out two full bowls. One with mostly broth since she knew her little bit wouldn’t eat chunks of vegetables. And she couldn’t blame her. Spoiled vegetable stew was no one’s favorite. Especially when the meat is rat. But it was better than most meals they ate and it was all they had.

“Shawna, come eat, love.” She said sitting down. Her daughter came to the table with a curled lip and a snarled nose. “It smells funny.” She said.
“Well why aren’t you laughing? Mustn’t be so funny.” She said wryly and blew gently on her spoon of supper.

Drunken revelry was louder tonight than usual and caused J’nell to take notice again. The view through the cloudy glass window gave vague shapes with undefined purpose or motion. But it did seem to be more than what…

Suddenly an axe head smashed through and the chest of an orc was moving past quickly, retrieving the axe from the window frame it had just smashed. Shawna screamed and J’nell’s breath was caught in her throat. The door was kicked in and two large orcs with dark green skin and large tusks protruding from their jaws stepped in.

“Well…looks like s’ppa’s ready.” One said chuckling.
“I’m famished.” said the other.

They moved quickly towards the woman and her daughter and each seized one before J’nell could move to block their advances.
“This one’ll make for a good mole in the mines. Thin and skrawny gets in the tunnels nicely.” He said holding Shawna by the forearm two feet off the ground. The girl screamed and reached for her mother. The orc left the hovel while the other held J’nell by the shoulders.

“MMmmm You’re fair.” He said sniffing her hair.
“Let me go! Where are you taking me daughter!?” J’nell tried to scream through the lump in her throat. But she knew. She knew her daughter would be worked until she was too big for the mines and then she’d be passed out and used like a cum rag until she was fucked to death. There was no mystery to what happened to the slaves the orcs would take. But this one didn’t even bat an eye are her pleas and cries. He breathed in her scent and smelled her hair and it was obvious what was coming next.

The orc bent her over the table that she had just set for herself and her daughter and felt the girthy meat of the orc pressed against the crack of her ass and he tore at her clothes until they were only tattered rags. she screamed and tried to fight him off but her lack luster punches landed on muscular chest muscles. Her voice drowned out by the rest of the village being sacked. The screams of other women filled the night while the wailing of men and roar of orc deafened any cry that anyone else would hear.

J’nell’s breasts jiggled as the orc freed them from her dress and groped at her defiant of her cries and begging. He twisted her brown nipple in his hand and grunted pleasurably. “I haven’t had a ‘uman woman in some time.” he admitted and licked his fingers, then ran them between her ass cheeks and over her lower lips. His fingers were already the size of any man’s cock she had ever known and she stiffened at the thought of how much bigger his cock must be. All protest had left her voice as she was paralyzed with fear.

The orc dropped his loin clothe and guided his hard ,veiny cock to her slit and pressed in. She screamed. It was like a man’s forearm. Too big for her small cunt but after all that’s why the orc rape human women isn’t it? To feel the constriction around their shaft.

J’nell’s opening tore to accommodate his flesh and he pushed all the way in. She felt as if it might come out her throat. She could feel him deep inside her like nothing she’d ever known. His cockhead thrust over and over against her cervix threatening to squeeze past and into her vacant womb. He grunted with pleasure and thrust harder holding her by the hips. Her legs splayed wide as if she were riding a horse trying to allow herself to stretch to his size.

But he was too fast, too rough, too much and she simply held onto the sides of the table as tightly as she could until he was done. She cried burning hot tears of anger and hate and fear until he was ramming her so hard that she thought the table might cut her in two.

He cam and she actually felt thicker…heavier….fuller by his expulsion. He flopped his meat out of her and let his seed drip down her legs and onto the floor. He laughed and stretched, roaring loudly as if he was now invigorated. J’nell howled in pain and sorrow and the orc simply picked up his axe and removed her head from her shoulders. “Shut up!” he said afterward and wiped his cock on her garments. He pulled up his loin clothe and and stepped back out into the village and roared again, ready for battle. He took two large steps forward and raised his axe.

An arrow met the center of his throat and he gasped once, twice, fell to his knees, gurgled something unintelligible and fell dead.

An archer on the cliffs above the town grinned and notched another arrow in her long bow, took aim and loosed another and another. Killing orc after orc.

Fire illuminated the night sky and smoke rose high. The new moon held the secret of the smoke and nothing was seen for miles around except the eerie glow of flames in the night sky rising from what once was a town in the middle of the forest.

As day broke, hundreds lay dead. What was left of the men and women stared absently into the maimed horror that littered the ground. Wordless they cried their sorrows. the archer moved among the town and retrieved what arrows could be reused. She arrived at J’nell’s home and retrieved the arrow from the neck of the orc, wiped the blood off on his garments and stuck it back in her quiver. She looked into the home and saw the headless body of a woman who had been raped. The archer said a silent prayer to the courts and closed the door.

She passed through the carnage silently and followed the tracks out of town. The orc raiding party was dangerous but dumb. They left tracks as clearly as if they had drawn her a map. She would find her people and she would find her vengeance.


1 comment

  1. It struck me as odd that the archer would grin after killing the orc considering the grim circumstances. Not really my cup of tea at all but thanks for the effort.

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