How My Best Friends Became My Fuck Buddies [MFM]

*This is a little slice of my life that happened when I was 21, and for reasons pertaining safety, security and privacy, I have changed the names of the people involved (and have assigned them pet names that I call them by). This will be quite long, so, please bear with me. I hope this gives you an insight of my mind and my life.*

It was in the first week of May, 2016 and I was at my friends’ apartment. I remember the month quite clearly because I had a rather messy breakup in March and was going through one of the darkest patches of my life. I was never suicidal but the lure of that thought did cross my mind more than once. In those times, it was my friends, Arjun (24) and Richie (25) who helped me come back to life.

I used to live in university hostel, so the food and sometimes even the social environment was not conducive to people who were battling depression. But these two gems would make sure that I always woke up on time, attended classes, had food and had something to keep myself occupied. So, these two would come and pick me up every day from my college to go to places– simple acts of kindness, which made me warm up to them.

I had known them for quite some time but it was after my third breakup that I got really attached to them. Arjun was a fair, tall young man, who incidentally was from my school– so our relationship was, perhaps, one of the stuff that friendship stories were made of. And Richie was an artist-turned-photographer who is the antithesis of who I’m. He is reckless, a nomad, a free-spirit. But, goodness me! The man was a looker. With perfect jawlines, ruffled hair, deep eyes and muscular frame, he was drool worthy. And admitably I had an instataneous crush on him, but that was nothing more than my fleeting infatuations. Now, they were my life lines.

It was a Friday, and I feigned an email from my parents to my warden, and I left for Arjun’s and Richie’s apartment in my white t-shirt and black shorts, a comfortable wear for a casual visit to one’s friend’s place. But that evening when I went there, there were 4 more people at their place. 2 girls and 2 guys. (Fatima, Veronica, Iqbal and Rohit) I had seen them around before and even hung out with them, but I never knew them on a more intimate level. The evening was lacklustre with all of us getting together, drinking, talking and smoking up. While I partake in alcohol, I don’t always smoke weed, save for a few times I did before, but I’m glad I did that evening, because people tend to forge bonds over alcohol and weed, and so did we.

Few hours into the drunken party, the seven of us, Arjun, Richie, Fatima, Veronica, Iqbal and Rohit, were the best of friends, lazing on the couch, laughing, drinking and passing bong around.

Around midnight or so, we decided none of us were feeling sleeping and that the night was too young to be wasted, so we decided to play a game of Truth and Dare. It started out pretty tame, with simple PG13 questions, but with each passing round, and each emptying glass, our questions and dares became more and more risque. I soon had spilled out my crush for Richie, and why I thought Rohit looked the best amongst them all, and why Iqbal’s fashion sense was amazing and why Arjun had a beautiful smile, all amongst peals of laughter, hoots and cat calls. I wasn’t, however, the only person to get such attention. Fatima and Veronica too had shed their veil of shame and gleefully partook in the entire act.

Soon enough, as the night grew darker, so did our mind, and the Truths became less about relationships and more about our bed room shenanigans. We soon revealed our favourite sex positions, our fantasies and our kinks and fetishes amidst cheer and laughter. But I soon noticed Richie and the guys staring– or was it ogling?– at me whenever I was asked about my sexual escapade or trysts.

In the very next round, Iqbal asked me about my take on anal sex, and while I hesitated for a moment, I told him how much I loved anal sex, perhaps with a little more lust in my voice than I had intended it to be.

And that coupled with the copious amount of alcohol and weed in my system made me light-headed and quite aroused. While I stuck with Truth leaving others to do Dare and making fun of themselves, I knew soon enough someone would would point out at what I was doing and would force me to do something.

And just as I feared, when it was my turn and I opted for tried and tested option of Truth, Arjun cut me off, and reminded everyone that I have been choosing Truth all this while and that I should be given Dare henceforth. Everyone agreed. Arjun asked me to kiss Fatima, and for a moment both Fatima and I were mortified, which soon became a laughter and after a bit of reluctance from both of us, we yielded in. She was a cute, Mangalorean girl who was both coy and sensual in her own way. It wasn’t the first time I had kissed a girl, but it definitely was the first time the kiss had an audience. She tasted of chocolate, alcohol and nervousness. I felt my nipples poke through my t-shirt, something that Ritchie noticed almost immediately and he grinned. Soon, it became abundantly clear that by the end of the night, we would either be too stoned and drunk to remember anything or that some of our antics would be irreversibly burnt into our memories.

As time flew, I emptied glass after glass and kept smoking up until I lost all my inhibitions, and was fully submissive to the party and the intentions of the men in the group. The men decided to dole out more wanton acts of dare. What started as doing embarrassing stuff ended up becoming bolder and kinkier, and I was getting drunker and sluttier. Much of the game went like a blur.

Then when it was Veronica’s turn, she demanded Iqbal take his shirt off. Now, until now, the game was still a game albeit sexually charged. Nobody had anything to remove or expose. It was clear from the start that Veronica liked Iqbal, so this would only lead to their cascading of lust and in pushing the first domino in making me feel like a whore. Iqbal, being the exhibitionist that he is, quickly removed his shirt. More laughter and cheer. Soon, it was Veronica, who removed her jacket. A safe bet, but her sheer top revealed enough to get the men excited. Soon it was Rahul, and he sportingly removed his t-shirt and sat bare chested, followed by Fatima who removed her scarf, and then it was Arjun, who being as cocky as usual, removed his trousers and sat with his legs wide.

Then it was Ritchie’s turn, and he removed his t-shirt to show us all his perfectly chiselled body. I gawked. Fatima and Veronica followed my suit. I’m sure even Iqbal and Rahul stared. The man was like a well chiselled statue of a Greek God. And that was when a little lump formed in my throat. I knew this would mean that soon even I’ll be asked to remove something. I’m far from being a prude, but I show that side of me exclusively with my partners. With my friends, I’m always the goody-two-shoes. And goody-two-shoes do not do things like this. But the thrill of what I was about to do made my pussy tingle. And then it was my turn. All the men unanimously shouted ‘strip’! And that rose into a chant. I was wearing just a t-shirt and shorts, and I had to choose between sitting in my bra or my thongs. But I wasn’t ready to give it all to them just yet.

I reached behind me and unclasped my bra and pulled it out from t-shirt with a smirk. Although my intention was to delay as much as possible from exposing myself, and while I was partially successful at the endeavor, where I failed was in deciphering how aroused I had become and how hard my nipples were. My boobs had swelled and the t-shirt made perfect contours of its size and shape, even hinting at the colour of my nipples. I daintly kept the bra on the side while Arjun and Ritchie stared at me rather wantonly and that made my pussy leak.

Sensing the other girls will follow my logic and remove their bra or an accessory, Iqbal jumped in and said that the group will dictate which piece of clothing to be removed, and to his contention, he argued, it was a dare. And the group reserves the right to state what is a dare and what isn’t. It almost felt the collective consensus was to have everyone naked. The idea terrified me as much as it aroused me. There was a part of me that desperately wanted to see Ritchie naked. Perhaps just see how his cock measured up. That thought sent warm tingling sensation between my legs.

And thus, in that round, the disrobing of the men and women began. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the group removed their token of shame that they held on to. Veronica had bared her tits and they were an impressive pair, but the surprise package was the coy Fatima who now sat proudly topless and in her panties. I was down to my bra and thongs that barely covered my arse. The men were all naked. Ritchie sat, his cock, proud and erect, a massive meat between his legs that stood prominently. I drooled a little, and he saw that. He winked. Arjun had a decently sized cock, but what set it apart from the rest was its bulbuous head. For a few moments I sat there imagining what it’d feel if I were to have them both in me.

But I didn’t have time to fantasize anymore, it was soon my turn to shed my shame. Armed with lust, weed and alcohol, I removed my bra slowly, letting the moment last longer than it should, and maintaining eye contact with every one in the room, and then I presented my topless body for everyone to feast. And as they gawked at my perky nipples, I looked at Ritchie, and then at his cock. It had become harder than before and it bewildered me how hard could a man possibly get. And right then and there my pussy leaked profusely, and I’m certain every man who has had his senses attuned to a woman’s sex would have sensed my lust right there.

I don’t what overcame me. Was it the sense of being ‘liberated’ from the shackles of the society, of right and wrong, or good and bad, or was it the sheer recklessness of what I did or the pure sluttiness of doing everything my parents and society told me not to, or was it the lust I saw in the men’s eyes, and I wanted to fuel it more. I didn’t know. But I wanted to push it. So, I touched my nipples and pinched myself before squeezing and pulling it. That invited gasps from the women and surprised cheers from the men.

I should have stopped, but I didn’t. I began to squeeze my tits in front of everyone and slap my boobs the way my ex boyfriend liked when I used to strip tease for him. I bit my lips, to stop a moan from escaping my lips, and I arched my back and played with my boobs, squeezing them. The crowd grew silent and everyone, men and women had their eyes on me, transfixed, as they watched a petite, cute girl turn into an absolute slut. All the cocks were lined up in complete attention and I knew where the men stared. While my exposed body gained a lot of attention, they were staring at my thongs that had a few dark, wet spots, outlining the pussy lips that it conceded. So I looked at Ritchie in a rather slutty manner, and spread my legs and pulled it down in one go, and stood naked.

I heard exclamations and gasps, but that’s all I heard, because by that point I was beside myself. I was possessed. I don’t know to what extent I’d have gone but just then there was a knock on the door, and that brought us all back to our senses. It was their neighbour who had come to complain about the loud music and noise. We quickly wore our cloths, and although nothing sexual happened that night, it changed the dynamics for all of us.

My two best friends were soon in my bed, together, naked, fucking their beloved ‘Tina’, as they called me as I came again and again and again until I lost senses.



  1. This is hot. Well if you ever have a need for a fuck buddy in Toronto, I’d like to apply ?

  2. You built up the tension wonderfully, and then left two sentences briefly mentioning sex. Good start, but ultimately underwhelming

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