Fun With Friends in the Party Dorm [Group]

So I went to like a medium-sized school in the South that sort of resembled the stereotypical party school, but not completely. We didn’t have frats or sororities officially, but every year there’d be a house or two that threw the regular parties, and it was sort of an exclusive thing to be on the “invite” list.

But Freshman year basically everyone lived on campus and didn’t know any upperclassmen. So the party “house” for that year was one floor of a male freshman dorm known as “The Lair.” (Lol)

The Lair was basically the bottom floor of a dorm built into a hill, so most of the dorms didn’t have windows. It was all freshman guys and the RA’s who got the short end of the stick. The Lair was kinda gross, always smelled like cum, but you could get away with anything there.

It had a history and reputation of being very fratty and gross, but my freshman year most the guys I met there were actually pretty cool. Loud and obnoxious sure but, they’re freshmen, yknow?

I went to this school from out of state so I knew nobody when I first started. But a girl who lived on my hall gave the scoop about The Lair and told me it’s the best place to meet people freshman year, especially if you’re trying to get laid.

I have a lot of stories from the Lair but most of the early ones break down to “I get drunk, flirt with guy, fuck him while his roommate knocks on the door or throws up in the bathroom.” Not exactly thrilling sexual intrigue.

But as time went on and I got more comfortable, and I felt more like I had a piece of ownership over this place (after being fucked in plenty of the rooms I think I had that right) I started to get more adventurous.

I’m sure I sound like a real slut. I actually hadn’t had sex or done more than barely kiss a guy before college. My first time was with a guy from the Lair. It was in his car though, and weirdly romantic?

After that I had sex pretty regularly. I wouldn’t say I was a total slut, I didn’t take every offer and didn’t even get laid at every party. But usually I went to the Lair with the understanding that I’d be booking up with someone. And I loved hooking up with people I’d just met. To the chagrin of some of my male friends who’d missed that narrow window.

So, okay, the night in question is when I broke out of the fun but not-that-interesting-for-a-story cycle of random but vanilla hookups.

I arrived at the Lair by myself and went to “the bar,” which is what I called Landis’ room. Landis was like this amateur mixologist who spent a ton on liquor and mixers and stuff just because he liked being the guy that made people drinks. And it was nice to have a guy I trusted making me drinks, and they actually tasted fucking great.

Landis made me something pink and frothy and started to hand it to me, before jerking his hand away and saying “grass cash or ass!” I laughed and turned around to let him get a handful of my ass. He followed that with a smack then handed me the drink.

I wasn’t into Landis but he was definitely into me. He just didn’t strike me as a very sexually interesting person. But that smack on the butt weirdly started to get me going. It was unexpected and made me feel slutty. Like he knew he could smack my ass anytime. And he probably could’ve.

I’ll describe myself now. I’m brunette, very short (like 5’1), not overweight but thicc. I have DD tits and being as humble as I can be, my ass is fucking awesome. A very drunk guy once told me, “you’re the kind of girl who seems all innocent and cute but every guy wants to bend you over a bathroom sink and just ram you, and you KNOW it and you LOVE it.” … that guy did end up bending me over a bathroom sink but that’s another story.

The Lair is always fun on weekend nights, but on special weekends it’s crazy. Some holidays get students, especially freshmen, back to their parents. But not Presidents’ Day at my school. Presidents’ Day mostly meant an extra day to procrastinate on homework, and little else. For the lair it meant the hallways are packed with drunk 18 and 19 year olds. The rooms in the Lair start the nights as interesting pockets of different energies, but as the night goes on one by one close and are filled with the sound of moaning, skin smacking, and guys apologizing for being too drunk to get hard.

This was the most crowded night I had seen yet. I made my way through the crowd, saying hi to the familiar faces. I ran into Rebecca, this dancer I was friends with who was probably my best friend at the time. She was taller and thinner than me but also brunette and had a comparable ass to mine. We kind of looked like sisters. She was more modelish and I was more…”girl who would actually fuck you.”

Rebecca wasn’t a prude, but she had a boyfriend back home so she didn’t go for the full “Lair experience.” She had let guys kiss her here and there, but one night she let a guy finger bang her in the communal showers and she called her boyfriend and cried all night long. They were still together at this point, but the writing was on the wall. Besides the long distance thing not working, Rebecca had realized she might be bi-curious. She told me her roommate frequently got completely naked in front of her, and it really turned her on.

We were both looking hot. I had on a tight black skirt and a black belly shirt that showed off how confident I was in my curves. Rebecca had tight blue jeans and a lacy bralette under a black shear shirt.

We started to work our way out of the main crowd and she wrapped her arm around my waist and yelled into my ear, “so you gonna get some dick tonight bitch?” She was already drunk. I squeezed her great ass and yelled back “or maybe some pussy!”

She actually bit her lip and then shook her head. “What?” I asked.

“That was hot!” She laughed and dashed ahead of me, her ass shaking with each step. Damn.

We made our way to the common area to find somewhere to sit, but the only open spot was on a couch next to a couple that was making out hard. We considered sitting next to them anyways but then his hand when down her pants so we decided to dip.

We ended up at my friend Arthur’s room. Arthur is this really handsome really charming guy, captain of his high school track and field team, who you would say peaked in high school except he was doing even better in college. He was muscular and fit, and the best part is he was into me. But he was one of these guys who had missed the window. I wasn’t looking to date and hooking up with friends felt messy. So I had ignored his advances. Mostly.

One night a couple weeks before this night, I’d gotten a bit too drunk and almost got sick. I ended up spending the night in his bed, wearing just my bra and panties. I slept close to him and grinded my ass into him, but when he tried to grab my tit I pulled his hand away. Not that I was offended. I was just trying to sleep and cuddle a lil. Things had been a little different between us after that. It didn’t help that I’d felt through my panties and his shorts that he was packing a fuckin jackhammer down there.

He was sat on an armchair and people were scattered around the room. It was chill vibes, slightly less horny than the rest of the party, but not by much. People like to get laid on these long weekends, what can I say?

Rebecca found a spot on a top bunk bed next to Raph, this short cute guy who also had a girlfriend back home. So I guess she felt safer with him. I sat on the arm of Arthur’s chair to catch up with him. I could see him trying not to stare at my legs as my skirt rode up.

The night went on and people got drunker and drunker. At probably like 1 AM as the party was still raging, I slipped off the arm of the chair and into Arthur’s lap, spilling my drink all over both of us. I apologized like crazy but we both had a good laugh about it and went to the bathroom to clean up.

The Lair is a boys dorm and technically girls aren’t even supposed to be in there, so there’s just one huge communal bathroom with showers, tons of stalls, and tons of sinks. We went to the sinks to wipe ourselves off. A shower was on and we could hear at least one couple fucking. Arthur had honestly gotten the worst of it and his shirt was pretty soaked. He had brought another from his room to change into after wiping down. He pulled his shirt off and I saw that toned track and field body that had probably only gotten nicer since coming to college. He caught me staring and smirked.

“Window shopping or would you like to make a purchase?”

I giggled at him and tried to think of a clever retort but ended up just staring more and biting my lip. He took his shot and walked up to me. He put his hands on my hips, backed me up gently into a counter, and bent over to kiss me. And he was a tall guy so he really had to bend over. I melted into his kiss, but kicked myself for wanting so badly to break my rule. His hands groped my ass and my tits and I felt him get hard right against me. Damn, he was huge I could tell. The door to the bathroom opened and I pushed him away. The girls that entered giggled and walked past us. Arthur put his shirt back on and we went back to his room.

I sat on his lap in the chair the rest of the night, trying to ignore his obvious hard on pressing into my ass. I know he wanted me to feel it. He wanted to make it impossible for me to turn down fucking him tonight.

As the night went on more people left, ran to the bathroom to puke, or paired off to go find somewhere more private. Eventually it was just me and Arthur, and Rebecca and Raph. During a lull in the conversation, Rebecca suddenly shoved Raph back onto the bed, straddled him, and started making out with him. It was really hot. She was much more dominant than I’d ever been in bed. Grinding her body against his, pulling his shirt off, sticking her hand down his pants. I was getting really turned on by the spectacle and so was Arthur. He put his hand between my legs and I gasped, so he started rubbing. I leaned back into him and whispered “touch me.” He used one hand to grope my tits and the other pulled my skirt up. I was embarrassed being this exposed, Rebecca or Raph could’ve glanced down from the loft bed and seen my pussy. Yeah, as Arthur quickly discovered, I hadn’t worn panties that night.

“Oh, naughty girl…” he whisper into my ear and then pushed a finger inside me. I moaned out for a second then caught my voice. Arthur responded by adding a second finger. I began to gyrate against his fingers fucking myself on them. I checked in on Rebecca and Raph, and they were both naked, making out. Rebecca was still on top. I could see her perfect naked ass and her dripping pussy.

I lifted myself up so Arthur could clumsily slide his pants and shorts off. My shirt came next. I was now in just my skirt, grinding my ass on his huge penis. It must’ve been 8 inches long and idk about thickness but it was thick. I wanted it in me.

I was about to move the action to his bed, assuming that Rebecca and Raph wouldn’t mind us up on Arthur’s loft so near them. I found the idea pretty hot.

But I saw Rebecca lift herself up to start riding Raph’s pretty nice cock, then she stopped herself. She shook her head and climbed off of him. “I’m sorry, I’m so stupid…my boyfriend.”

“Oh yeah…yeah me too…I mean my girlfriend…”

They both looked pretty disappointed to have decided not to fuck, and still just kinda laid naked on the bed, sort of wrapped up in each other. Raph hard as diamond, Rebecca wet as a river.

I decided not to climb up next to them and rub it in their faces. So I hiked my skirt all the way up, lifted my ass and brought my aching pussy back down on Arthur’s beautiful dick. It filled me the fuck up.

I bounced hard quickly, already close to cumming. I didn’t want to count on the freshman guy lasting long in bed.

Eventually Arthur started thrusting into me as I bounced, so our skin was smacking together super loud. I suddenly got insecure about people being able to hear me fucking and I glanced up at the loft. What I saw shocked me. Rebecca and Raph were both sitting up, watching us, and masturbating. Raph was actually sort of laying on his side, and his dick was behind Rebecca but I could tell he was jerking. And when Rebecca saw me see her, she lifted her knees up and spread her legs even more so there was no question about what was happening. My best friend who had a boyfriend was in bed naked with a guy who had a girlfriend, mutually masturbating as they watched me fuck my friend, breaking a rule I had set for myself. And that sight made me cum.

The moans I added as I came must’ve really done it for the men in the room. Arthur pulled out of me and came all over his legs and my stomach. I heard Raph grunt and Rebecca squeal. “You came on my ass!” She screamed and giggled. We all had a good laugh and a good sigh.

We stayed up for a while chatting, all of us naked or mostly naked. Arthur ended up passing out in the chair, so Rebecca and I got into his bed. We laughed about the dry cum on both of us we were too drunk to deal with. I used Rebecca’s as an excuse to feel her ass by trying to wipe it off. She saw through this and giggled. She fell asleep wrapped in my arms as the guy id just fucked snored beneath us and poor Raph tried not to stare at us. I kissed Rebecca softly on the neck and drifted to sleep.



  1. If this story did it for you feel free to DM me and let me know just how much you enjoyed it

  2. The level of detail was amazing. The actual action was pretty short but the build up painted a great picture and made me wonder what would happen next

  3. Commenting instead of DMing out of respect for the raw exhibitionism here.

    So you basically seduced your friend, by fucking wildly in her presence. That’s amazing. I almost assume you two ended up fucking, and if not then that’s a crime.

  4. Really happy to see you posting again, your stories from back in the day were incredible

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