My soph year of college I hooked up with a dork in my intermediate accounting class. We made out at a party and it was hot kissing, like me sitting in his lap and him rubbing my thighs and making his way to my pussy.
We went to his dorm and in the dark kept making out in his bed. He took off my shirt, suckled on my breasts and then tried to finger me under my panties.
Except he put his finger in my butt instead.
I let him finger my butt for a few seconds before I let him know. “Um, wrong hole!” He was embarrassed and when he tried to finger me correctly I said “uh, not anymore.”
I gave him a blowjob and when I licked his balls I put my finger in his butt. He flinched so hard! So uncomfortable lol. Anyway it kinda fizzled out after that. I said I wasn’t feelin it and he agreed.
Lol can’t be scared poor virgin
Lol, you took new blood right to the top of the game first time out???
There are no wrong holes.
But kudos to you, for returning the compliment.
Some of the best blowjobs I ever received included a finger in my butt. I say don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!
poor guy, he don’t know getting fingered with a blowjob will make you cum buckets
Gold medal.
Can I dm you about your experiences?