“Wow Mom, how much of you been working out!?” my wife exclaimed as we got out of the car. We had just arrived at her parent’s house to spend a Saturday night. My mother in law had come out to meet us, excited to see her grandkids.
“Oh quit it!” she said as she went to help unbuckle the three kids who were squealing for their grandma, ”only a few times a week.”
You could definitely tell it was working, I thought to myself, watching her bend over to set one of the kids down.
“Well, you are lookin’ good mama!” my wife said teasingly. “You on the prowl for another man?” she asked with a wink.
“Oh give it a rest, Elle” she said as she playfully shoved my wife before giving her a big hug. “You know I only have eyes for your father,” she said sarcastically. As I started to unload the car, she came around and opened her arms to give me a hug.
“It’s good to see you John”, she said as she wrapped her arms around me.
“You too Laurie” I replied as I returned the hug. She was always a big hugger and when she squeezed me I could feel how much working out had changed her over the last few years. I could feel against my body how much more her breasts were noticeable now that her abs were nice and tight, and geez, looking down at her ass apparently the squats were doing wonders.
When my wife and I had started dating, Laurie and my father in law, Tim, had a pretty normal marriage by all accounts, even if Tim could be nasty to her at times for no real reason. I had heard that they had some marital issues when they were younger, and even though the story was that he was the cause of most of it, he would still occasionally treat her like trash.
When I first met Laurie about ten years ago, I was blown away by what a sweet, caring person she was. She immediately accepted me into her family and was genuinely an amazing person. I had never really thought of her in a sexual way as she was a very pretty, slightly pump, married woman in her forties and I was a young man in my twenties in love with her daughter.
Well, about three years ago, Tim’s health deteriorated to the point that he lost his hip and became wheelchair bound and had to go on dialysis. He has since had constant health issues and looks like he is about 78 even though he is only in his mid to late 50s. This all came about because he would not listen to his doctors and take his health seriously when he was younger.
As he had to stop working and go on disability, that left my mother in law having to work to provide for them both and also take care of everything at home. His disability did not cover any in home assistance, so Laurie had to look after his every need. That meant driving him to dialysis 3 times a week at 3 in morning, cooking all his meals, giving him all his showers, and even having to wipe him and empty his bedside toilet. All of this on top of having to work every day as a nurse in the local hospital. Elle and I lived about 3 hours away and my brother in law was out of the country constantly due to his work, so she had no one around to help her.
Tim’s declining health also turned him mean, and he took his anger out on Laurie every chance he got. He was constantly mentally and verbally abusive and was always looking for ways to beat her down. Being a devout Christian, Laurie would not leave him, which left her fully exposed to his malice and it was starting to break her. When face to face, she would put on a brave front and be the happy, cheerful woman I had known and grown to love. In reality though, there were many nights I could hear her sobbing on the phone while talking to Elle and you could tell she was in a deep depression.
In an effort to regain some of her life back and as a way to deal with the stress, she started to work out as much as she could. I had always felt very protective of her and loved her as an adopted mother, but now that the gym was showing results, other feelings started to creep in as well.
We released the hug and she held onto my arms, and I looked down into her beautiful, tired face as she smiled.
“I am so glad you guys are here,” she said wearily.
“We are too,” I replied, feeling a faint urge to kiss her and tell her everything would be ok. She let go of me and turned around to go inside. Not a second too soon, I thought glancing down at my pants, noticing that something else was happy to see her as well.
Later that night, laying in bed with Elle, listening to the kids sleep in the next room, I couldn’t help but think about how I felt earlier. I had some rumblings of attraction earlier in the year, when you could start to see some of her gym gains, but I thought nothing of it and pushed it out of my head. Now, every time I saw her, it felt like those feelings got stronger and stronger. It wasn’t just sexual (though that was definitely there), it was also a strong desire to sweep her away. To take her from this living hell she was in.
I rolled over to see Elle was still awake as well. “So when you spoke to her earlier, did you ask how your mom has been handling everything?” I asked.
“Not great”, she replied. “I wish she would just leave him, or go sleep with someone to help with some of the stress,” she said half-joking.
“Think she just needs a good one night stand huh,” I said, laughing.
“Well it certainly wouldn’t hurt I suppose,” she said staring at the ceiling. “I know she would never do that since she is married. My dad hasn’t been able to for a long time, even before his health issues. She has never gone into detail about it, but she has mentioned how frustrated she is and how she misses it. She is in the best shape of her life and is married to a man who put himself into a position where he can’t even wipe his own ass. Plus, his only goal in life is to tear her down to his level. She feels like she is trapped and life is leaving her behind,” she said trailing off, as her eyes started to close, sleep setting in.
“Alright hun, I’ll talk to you in the morning. Love you,” I said as I kissed her and rolled over. She was already pretty much asleep as I settled in, thinking about what we just discussed.
I woke a few hours later to a dead silent house and looked at the clock next to the bed. It showed 1:10 in the morning. Getting up quietly, I headed to the bathroom next to the bedroom and took a leak. After I washed my hands, I started to walk out of the bathroom when I heard a noise and stopped. Down the hall, I heard the master bedroom door open and light from inside spilled out.
Leaning slightly out of the bathroom I saw Laurie walk out of the master bedroom with her silky brown hair piled in a loose knot on top of her head and nothing but a towel draped across the front of her body, apparently having just gotten out of the shower. The towel was covering her front from the top of her breasts down to her knees, leaving her back completely exposed. I inhaled sharply at the sight. She turned her head and looked down the hall trying to locate the sound just as I ducked back in.
Holding my breath, I tried to think about being invisible. After a few rapid heartbeats, I heard her moving again in the hallway. Slowly leaning out of the bathroom door, I could see she had walked down the hall a few steps to a laundry basket sitting outside the laundry room, her breasts jiggling slightly as she walked. Squatting down she started rummaging through the basket.
Holy shit, I thought. Her entire back and ass were completely exposed. I could not believe how toned her legs and back were and how perfect her ass looked. Judging by her skin she must have one hell of a skincare regimen, because she looked about 10 years younger than she was. It was smooth and tight, and lightly tanned.
She fished out a pair of underwear and an old t-shirt from the basket and stood up. She leaned over to pull her underwear on. As she did so the towel shifted slightly to the side and I briefly caught a sight of her thighs and of those fun little lines that run down the abs to the pubic region. Everything on her looked firm and lightly tanned. It was hard to tell in the light, but it looked like she was shaved completely smooth as well.
She glanced around briefly, dropped the towel, and extending her arms above her head and pulled her shirt on. What I saw when she dropped that towel was so stunning that it took every ounce of my being to stay silent. Her stomach was nice and flat, but not too muscular. Her breasts while not huge, were big enough for a handful (and then some) and they were way perkier than any woman her age had any right to be. Her light brown nipples stood stiff, stimulated by the air in the house.
My god she is perfect I thought watching her put on the shirt, then ass and hips swaying,she picked up her towel and walked back to the master bedroom and shut the door.
I stood in the bathroom, suddenly aware of how fast my heart was racing, my breath rapid and shallow. Trying to catch my breath and ready myself to go back to bed, I noticed how rock hard I felt in my shorts. She looked better than I could ever have imagined. I quietly went back to the bedroom and got in bed. Laying there in bed staring at the ceiling, I pictured all the things I wanted to do to her incredible body. I didn’t get much sleep that night.
[Part 2](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jw1mt1/testing_the_waters_part_2_mf_mother_in_lawson_in/)
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jw1boa/testing_the_waters_part_1_mf_mother_in_lawson_in
Loving it so far.