[MF] [fant] EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT – Laura falls deeply for the Greek god Narcissus in what seems a fantastical dream in the City center. But is it a dream? Greek sex story.

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Five-fifteen. Still, time to make the bus if she hurried. Laura quickened her pace as she made her way through the park towards the Cayman Street bus stop. She really wished she wasn’t in such a rush, but alas, such is life. She sighed as she adjusted her packages in her arms. The sun shined brilliantly overhead. The pigeons had all gathered about the statue of Narcissus staring into the fountain that decorated the city park.

Laura stopped and stared. She had never really taken time out of her day to look at the statue. In spite of its weathered outer texture, he was truly beautiful. She set her bags down on the steps of the fountain and climbed up two more for a closer look. The pigeons scattered as she crossed into their territory. He was indeed spectacular, this Narcissus. No wonder he fell in love with himself. The grayish-green marble was fading, but you could imagine that it once gave the illusion of alabaster skin. His eyes were deep set, and Laura imagined them to be dark green, perhaps with flecks of gold. His lips were rosebuds, and his hair, a thatch of golden curls. Laura was baffled that she had never noticed it before. His face bore a boyish smirk as he gazed into the water to feast upon himself. She felt the need to touch it.

She reached her hand out, stretching her fingers tentatively toward the statue. Her fingers grazed his cheek and a hand clamped over hers. She looked up, expecting to see a policeman hovering over her, but there was no one there. She looked to her own hand and realized it was covered by a young man’s. He was about 19 and bore an uncanny resemblance to the statue.


“Hey!” she said. “What’s the problem?”

“Nothing,” he answered face down. “I just saw you looking at …looking that way.”

He looked into her eyes and she gasped.

“You…you…uhh….” she stammered. “Did..uhh…you pose for that?”

She gestured toward the statue, and as she set her gaze upon it, she realized there was nothing there.

“I guess you could say so…” he smirked.

“You mean…you…”

He nodded.

“But…but…can’t anyone see you, like I am seeing you now, I mean? Aren’t the scientists and TV crews going to bombard us at any moment?”

“No,” he answered. “You are the only one who can see me.”

“Wow. How did this happen?”

“Well, I have loved myself for so long, and only myself, and yet, when someone worships me as I worship myself, I am allowed a bitter taste of true mutual love.”


“Please…” he said. “Let’s not talk anymore.”

He kissed Laura’s hand and moved to be next to her. He slowly lifted her arm. He frowned as he examined the clothing she wore. He was clad only in something that could only be described as a mixture of a toga and loincloth, cinched at the waist with gold braid. He examined the clothing for a moment, then began tugging at it.

**How to react?…**

Laura made no move to stop him. She didn’t know exactly how to react, so she just let him. He finally tugged so hard that the flimsy cotton blouse tore. A tear formed at the corner of his right eye.

“Laura,” he said sorrowfully. “I broke it!”

“No, no, honey…you just ripped it. Look…”

She showed him how the buttons fastened and unfastened. He was intrigued. He unfastened them all and removed her shirt. She was not wearing a bra, and her hard nipples stuck out from her small, firm breasts. She felt the slight chill of the April breeze and brought her arms up to shield her breasts.

Narcissus moved to her skirt next. Finding no buttons, he tugged at it and found it yielded willingly. Laura was scantily dressed in only her small cotton panties. But not for long, he removed those too.

He then walked around to face her, standing her up. He walked around her entire form, stopping to kiss the sensitive areas on the back of her neck. Shivers ran up and down her spine. With his hands. He began exploring her body. He let his palms caress her swollen nipples as she moaned with delight. She turned herself so she was facing him. She wanted him to be as naked as she was. She felt so free.

She remembered where she was for a moment and looked around. Mothers strolled by with carriages, men walked dogs, children played, but no one seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary. She put them out of her mind and focused on her Narcissus.

He looked deep into her eyes as he lifted her arm once again. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it gently, then moved on to kiss the entire length of her arm… She let her head roll back and her eyes close. There was something so passionate, and yet so innocent about this man.

**Taking the lead…**

Narcissus took her hand and led her to the fountain. He stepped in. She wondered for a moment if she could get in trouble for that, but only for a moment did she wonder before following him. The water was warm in comparison to the wind. She trailed her fingers in it as they walked to the rocks that adorned the center. He sat Laura down and stroked her hair. He was still wearing his makeshift robe. Sensing her arousal, he removed it, and for the first time, she gazed upon his erect penis. It was beautiful, quite perfect in her eyes…

Narcissus soaked his robe in the water and wrung it out. He let it trail across Laura’s breasts and then began washing her with it. She had never been washed by a man, and certainly not by a Greek hero of mythology!

All at once he dropped the robe into the water and kneeled in front of her. She closed her eyes as his lips met hers. They were the sweetest candy she’d ever tasted. It seemed like an eternity they just held on like that. His hands began caressing her breasts, stopping to circle her nipples gently. She hooked her right hand in his hair and with her left, she stroked his back. The more aroused she got, the lighter his touch would be making her want him even more. She began raking her fingernails up and down his back, his kiss became more fierce and he forced her back against the rocks. The water from the fountain cascaded down on their nakedness. She felt his hardness against her and wanted him more and more. He let his hands move down to her thighs. He lightly glided his nails over them. Laura let out a little sigh.

His fingers kept teasing her, each time getting a little closer to her pussy. Finally, she could take no more. She turned him over and began kissing him all the way down his body. She licked and sucked on his ear-lobes, breathed her way down his neck, teased his nipples with her tongue, nibbled at his inner thigh…Narcissus moaned in ecstasy.

**Massaging and licking…**

With her right hand, she began massaging his hard penis. She started by running her fingertips the length of it and then began breathing on it. She licked his balls as she massaged the head. She had never felt so free in her life. She then kissed it, running her tongue along its underside. She opened her mouth and took it in, rolling her tongue around it as she sucked. With her left hand, she massaged the area right above his scrotum, and she glided the fingernails of her right along his inner thigh.

His body tensed and flexed as she sucked him, finally, he could take no more and pulled her face away. He pulled her to him and held her there for a moment. She felt his heart beating in his chest. He began stroking her buttocks and this turned her on again. The water came in stronger waves now, only adding to the excitement.

Boldly, she climbed on top of him and let her warm pussy covered his shaft. She looked into his eyes, and he stroked her cheek. She leaned forward to let him suck on her nipples. Laura began moving her hips in a circular motion…she felt him against her and loved it.

He grabbed her by the waist and positioned her. She knew what was about to happen… It would seem absurd to analyze it, so she just let it happen. She felt a wave of dizziness wash over her as his penis entered her vagina. Neither of them moved for a moment, and then Laura began with slow, rhythmic movements. In the distance she could hear car horns, children laughing, dogs barking, sirens blaring, but in her mind, she could only hear the pounding reverberations of passionate times and distant places. The world shook, the water poured over them, and Narcissus began thrusting his pelvis up to meet hers.


Laura knew it wouldn’t be long. She knew she was about to come. She could feel the familiar sensations invading her body. It was unlike any sexual experience she had ever had. All her sexual knowledge began with masturbating in dorm showers and ended here…right here.

As she neared the peak, her rhythms became erratic and faster. He matched her with every move. She was getting closer, closer… she reached that last moment that everyone reaches before climax. That feeling of strong elation and unreality. She threw her head back and gasped as she felt herself clench and release…her body racked with orgasm. Elation passed over her in dizzy waves of relief. She fell backward into the pool as she passed out.

“Been staring a long time…shame they don’t keep better care of it, eh?”

“What?” she asked.

She turned to meet with a kind-faced old policeman. She shook her head.

“Yeah…Narcissus has been with us for quite a while…” he said. “I wonder what he thinks about all day, staring in that pool. You have a nice day now.”

She stared after him as he strolled away.

She turned her gaze back to the statue. She understood the boyish smirk now. She smiled as she gathered her packages. Lifting her wrist, she checked the time on her watch.

Five twenty-seven. She could still make the bus. She turned and walked down the fountain steps, hurrying toward the bus stop.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jvuzql/mf_fant_embraced_by_the_light_laura_falls_deeply