How a little confidence got me [M] 22 an Omani ?? stunner in my bed [F] 19

Hi. Long time lurker here, you know how it goes. Love the concept of this. This is a real story that happened to me Sunday night. Scroll down to the dotted line to see the action if you can’t be bothered reading.

So where I’m from we are in lockdown now, but at the time we could of gone out.

I was walking around the mall area where I live, approaching different girls and talking to them, because tbh, I was sick of Tinder. I still think it works, but it takes too much time, and girls can’t judge you based on your charisma there, only looks/ presentation. That’s a problem because I feel I’m pretty confident. Even if she likes the way you look, lets just say you’re competing with a lot of people.

I was really in a good mood, just happy to talk to different women, some shrugged me off, but I didn’t let that affect my confidence. At this point I had probably talked to 6/7 women. A lot of smiles were given to me and some chat, but no numbers/ snaps yet.

Suddenly I find myself in this square where people can sit and eat close to the mall. I see two girls, one around 5’8 and one around 5’3. I didn’t want to talk to them at the first instance tbh, I was tired and I wanted to go back home. But I said here goes nothing and went up to them. They were walking around looking really bored lol and then they sat down on a bench.

So I went up to them, and asked them if they knew where a restaurant was. They said “no, haha we are not from here!” So then I asked them where they are from, they said Oman, a country near to Dubai. We proceed to then talk about school, our countries, covid, there being little to do, and how life was like in a new country for all of us both. The taller girl seemed to have been feeling me, so I asked for her snap and added her.

At this point, I go talk to a few more girls, get another snapchat, then call it a night. I had some stuff to do back home. So as soon as she adds me, she adds me to her private story on Snapchat which can either mean she’s interested or I am in the FZ. Lol.

I played it cool, I hit her up first and we were out out the next day in the same vicinity, but didn’t really push it to see her.

She then hit me up about something I posted on my snap, few words were said, nothing big really, she responded really fast which is a good indication that she was interested, and seemed pretty nice.

So this past Friday, 2 weeks from me meeting her, I messaged her asking what she was doing on Sunday. She said “schoolwork, you?” I then asked if she wanted to hang out Sunday night to get food. She said sure. At this point, it’s either she’s really interested or she’s just saying that not to completely shoot you down. Or she could of wanted to meet but maybe she got busy later. So no big deal, I didn’t think anything of it. Then she hit me up again saying it might rain, so she was questioning whether that was a good idea to go out. I wasn’t sure whether she didn’t want to meet, but I told her we could stay inside watch something, and order food. She said sure.
I then message her the next day, she’s just agreed again.

So we planned for 8 pm Sunday and then she messages me “can we both stay in if that’s alright with you”. I feel like this is about to be a flake, because I thought we agreed on that. Anyways I ask her what she means she says can she come over.

——— – – – –

Long story short she came over. This girl is a stunner, green hazel eyes, 5’8 olive skin, nice big natural lips, Tanzanian and Omani. So we kick it off and I show her some music, we listen to some music, it’s all chilled vibes. I get a curious vibe from her. I play it cool, not to pushy etc. She’s sitting on my bed with all her clothes on, I tell her she can take off her shoes. She does and seemingly starts to get relaxed and lies on my bed.

Then the right song came on and I started kissing her juicy sweet lips. I liked kissing her and then after 10 mins I go for her boobs. She stops me and says “so sooon?” Then I smile and we continue watching YouTube. About 5 mins later I try again. This time I take off her bra and started sucking her tits. They are full C cups she I put them in my mouth and lick her nipples while my hand is lightly on her neck, kissing her. A little while later I put my hands down her pants. Her pussy is soo soo tight. I rub her pussy and make her suck my fingers. This girl used to do track for 2 years, so her body is toned and her ass is amazing. Think of a track girl body with 5 pounds added. Real stunner which I didn’t notice in talking to her originally.

I make her cum (I think), as she was convulsing. We kiss and I try to make her go down on me. She says no, I don’t force it. We go again kissing I’m grabbing her everywhere her ass feels really nice. I’m enjoying fingering her tight pussy (I couldn’t get a finger in properly). I then proceed to give her a full body massage with coconut oil. I loved that. It was amazing to massage her well toned body. She’s heaving and says it feels good. She’s one of those really sensitive girls it seems. I attempted for sex but she put that condom down and said not so soon. So I finger her again, then we laid down, talked about life, her opinion on women oppression, how she grew up, her family and her country. Then she says she had to leave to finish some work, I had no problem with that. She blocked me right after.

I felt bad because I didn’t think it was a bad experience so I’m hoping she enjoyed it, but, maybe she wanted it to be a one time thing. Anyways I got to move on and find another Arab girl haha. If you’ve read until here, thanks, more stories on the way.
