Daddy’s Girls – BOOK 3 – Chapter 48: Lessons Learned (no sex)

[First, a quick note to any fans of this story. There is LOTS more to come; but it needs to be written first. I have a definite plan for the adventures our intrepid Girls will be undertaking, and what I hope will be received as be a wonderful ending. I obsessed over the previous chapters, to make sure that continuity was kept intact, and that the characters remained true to themselves, while experiencing significant personal growth at the same time. I want to take the time to do the next book right. So… this means the next few chapters will come out more slowly than before. Thank you all for your kind comments, and for your understanding.]


The Daddy’s Girls spent the next few minutes toweling down their respective fathers, wiping off the sweat from their illicit lovemaking.

“Thank you, Daddy,” Laurie said to Paul, leaning down to gently kiss him.

“Thank me? I thought you’d be mad at me!” he replied.

“Dad, that was the most… I dunno…,” she started.

“Wicked? Evil? Mean?” Paul sputtered.

“Erotic.” Becky said with finality.

”That’s the word,” Laurie agreed. “That was the most EROTIC thing that’s EVER happened to me.”

“Me, too, Daddy.” Stacey added. “Even when you flipped me over onto my knees there at the end, I was TOTALLY expecting a spanking.”

“Me too!” Beth exclaimed with a laugh. “Not that I would have minded, Daddy.”

“Or me!” Laurie added.

“Regardless,” Becky said loudly, “I want all of you to know how sorry I am to have played that trick on you. On ALL of you.”

“Me too,” Beth added. “I’m sorry too.”

“Really?” Don asked, pulling Beth down to sit beside him on the couch. “Didn’t you start all this?”

Beth looked down, and answered sheepishly, “I guess. But…” She sat up straight, and looked Don in the eye. “I only knew that I wanted you, Daddy. And once that dream became a reality, well, I guess I just HAD to tell my girls.”

“And you didn’t think that your little adventure would trigger Laurie’s little seduction of me the next night?” Paul added.

“And Stacey the next night?” Mike asked. “Then Rebecca doing Bill the night after that?”

“I wanted you, too, Daddy, as much as Beth wanted her dad,” Stacey said. “She just gave me the courage to go for it, that’s all.”

“Me too,” Becky added.

“What about you, girl?” Paul asked his daughter. “You certainly pulled out all the stops that night.”

“Hell, I was just pissed off that Lizzie got to Don before I got to you, Daddy.” Laurie leaned up and kissed him quickly. “I wanted to leave NOTHING to chance. That’s how much I wanted you.”

Bill cleared his throat. “So… We’re all supposed to feel… I dunno… ‘touched’ by how hard you all worked to get us to… violate you, I guess is the word.”

“No, Daddy, if anything we violated YOU.” Becky said, gently rubbing his tummy.

“So that doesn’t explain the… onslaught of willing partners that followed you into my bed over the next few days?” Don asked Beth, laughing.

“Well… Once we compared notes on you all…” Beth was squirming.

“And bragging about how good each of you was in the sack,” Laurie added.

“It just sort of happened, that’s all,” Beth said. “I promise, I didn’t mean for it to get out of hand, Daddy.”

“Yes, you did, little girl.” He replied.

“You really mean for us to believe it wasn’t all a competition of some kind?” Mike asked.

“Here I thought we meant something to you all,” Paul added, “but it was all a lie, wasn’t it? The result of some kind of dare.”

“It wasn’t a dare, Paul.” Becky said.

“It wasn’t?” he replied skeptically.

“I wouldn’t cheapen what we shared for a stupid dare,” Becky said, rising from beside her father to sit by Paul. “That night was really special to me, you know.”

Paul was visibly taken back by her sincerity. “I’m… I’m happy to hear that sweetheart. It was special to me, too.” He took her hand and gently kissed it.

Beth rose to sit beside Mike. “And for my part, Mike, that first night with you was really special to me, too. Almost as special as the first night with my Dad.”

Mike nodded. “Thank you, Lizzie.” He leaned up to kiss her cheek. “That was my first threesome, you know.”

“Mine, too.” Don and Paul said in unison.

Stacy had moved to sit beside Bill. “You’re awful quiet, Mr. Sampson. How about it; was I your first threesome?”

“Well…” Bill hawed. The rest of the gang laughed at his sudden discomfort.

“I knew it!” Becky exclaimed, tossing a towel at her father. “No wonder you took my little show with Stacey in stride!”

“Yeah, I’ll bet we weren’t even your first cheerleaders, were we?” Stacey added, laughing as she whipped him playfully with the towel.

“Now that you mention it…,” Bill mused.

“Ugh! My Mom was a cheerleader! I don’t want to know!” Becky exclaimed, hiding her face in mock shame.

“You and her had a lot in common,” Bill said smiling. “Including several… adventurous girlfriends. What’s so surprising about that?”

“You bastard!” Stacey shouted, hitting him and laughing.

“I admit nothing!” Bill shouted, as he took Stacey in his burly arms, preventing her from continuing her beating.

“None of you will believe me, but trust me…, my first time with each of you was amazingly special,” Laurie added, standing up and stretching sensuously, positively glowing with the sheen of post-coital bliss. The whole room stared at her youthful beauty.

“Agreed.” Becky said.

“In fact,” Laurie added, moving to sit down beside Don, then snuggling down into the crook of his arm. His hand naturally came down over her shoulder to casually squeeze her breast. “I was amazed at how different each of you were, in like, almost every way.”

“I know!” Beth added. “I was shocked at how differently you all tasted.”

“Funny,” Mike smiled. “I expected each of you to taste different, and I was not disappointed.”

“So,” Beth said with finality, “I think I can safely say that we’re all really sorry for the deception…”

“But not at all sorry for banging each of you,” Laurie interrupted. “That was FUN!”

“I completely agree!” Becky exclaimed.

“Me too!!” said Stacey. “On both counts.”

“So… What now?” Mike asked.

“What do you mean, Daddy?” Stacey asked.

“He means,” Don said, “What do you vixens have planned next?”

“I don’t know about you ladies, but…” Rebecca said, rising to her feet. “I need a shower.” She extended a hand to Paul. “Join me?”

“Excellent idea!” Elizabeth said, taking Mike’s hand and jumping to her feet, pulling him up with her.

“Dibs on the big shower!” Becky said to her.

“Race you for it, bitch!” Beth shouted, dragging Mike down the hall.

Paul stood quickly, and said, “Hey, relax…, that shower’s plenty big enough for four, wouldn’t you say?”

Becky smiled, “You’re right.”

They strolled arm in arm down the hall, hearing Beth shriek, “Ow! That’s cold!”

“In fact, the water will be nice and warm by the time we get there.” Becky added.

Laurie jumped to her feet, turned and grabbed both of Don’s hands, pulling him up. “Let’s go, stud! There’s another shower outside, right?”

Don rose and smiled. “There is indeed, darlin’.” He allowed himself to be led to the patio doors, which Laurie flung wide open, and danced her way outside into the darkness. Don followed, entranced as her lithe form beckoned him in the moonlight.

Stacey looked over at Bill, and sighed. “It’s a shame the hot tub doesn’t work.”

“All in good time, baby,” Bill said. “Trust me; you and I will have LOTS of fun in that tub once I’m done with it.

“I can’t wait,” She smiled ruefully. “In the meantime, … I guess we can join Laurie and Don, or… wait a little bit for the shower to be available.”

Bill stood up and grabbed a couple towels. “Now girl, what’s happened to your sense of adventure?”

“What?” Stacey asked, as he pulled her to her feet.

Bill leaned down to touch noses. “There’s a great big pond right down there, and we have it all to ourselves.” He kissed her sweetly. “What do you say, gorgeous?”

Stacey smiled, sheepishly. “I dunno, Mr. Sampson. The water’s kinda chilly.”

“That’s alright, I’m sure we’ll find some way to keep warm,” he replied, then suddenly hoisted her over his shoulder, as she shrieked in laughter and surprise. “Besides, I can’t wait to hear you scream when I throw you in.”

