Room 222, Part Two [M/F] Teachers and students and a good time.

Jack was walking so fast through the school’s seemingly endless, virtually identical hallways that he might as well have been jogging, giving himself what he would later describe as the best workout he’d ever had.

He was drawing some curious looks from the people he passed to be sure and a handful of them had dared to ask him why he was in such a rush, but he just brushed them off, breathlessly commenting that he was running late. It was enough to satisfy most of them, considering they weren’t really all that interested anyway.

Even if they had wanted to ask him some more questions however, the Principal did not pause and was gone before they could have even tried, sending people darting out of his way to avoid being run over.

* * *

As she ever so slowly came back to her senses, Abby started to grow more and more aware of all that cum that was running down her legs and dripping off her butt.

It wasn’t the most pleasant of sensations and she knew that it would have to be cleaned up or she did not dare go home. There would be no denying her infidelity if her husband ever saw the kind of mess Jack had just left on her. For that matter, just driving home would have been unpleasant task to say the least as she would have to sit in all of that!

Reaching back with one hand, she dragged two fingertips through the spilled seed and popped it into her mouth. Yummy!

She was on the pill of course, but she found herself wondering if this much cum would be able to overwhelm and defeat her pharmaceutical protection. Her husband was pressuring her to quit taking the pill as he was anxious to have children, but she just was not ready to put herself through the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth. When she finally did give in however, she had to wonder if she would ever know for sure which of her two men in her life was the father.

Levering herself up and off the desk, Abby looked around and was rather surprised and disappointed that Jack had taken off so quickly. That wasn’t at all like him, experience telling her that he usually stuck around to cuddle and talk to her and so she was a bit upset. However, she was not so upset that she would waste the precious few minutes they had to spend together griping about it when next she managed to get him alone.

No, instead she would be begging and pleading with him to throw another of those incredible fucks into her!

Heaving herself up to her feet, Abby wobbled for a bit as she tried to find her balance, her skirt falling back into place on it’s own to hide what her man had left her with. Some of the cum would certainly end up on her skirt and she made a quick mental note to get it into the laundry just as soon as she got home so that her husband would never see the stains.

Turning, she stumbled over to the door.

Considering how much trouble she was having just with walking, she could almost believe that she really had just been nailed by a cock of equine proportions! She made another mental note – this time to watch how she moved for awhile so that passers by in general and her spouse in particular would not have reason to wonder why she was walking so funny.

She had almost reached the door when it was suddenly flung open in front of her and someone came charging in.

Abby caught only the briefest glimpse of a cheerleading uniform before the other person crashed into her. Though the teacher managed to keep her feet, mostly because she was able to brace herself by leaning heavily against one of her students’ desks, the cheerleader tumbled to the floor, the papers she had been holding going flying.

Though she was careful not to do so out loud, Abby was screaming in frustration at the very idea of a student turning up in her classroom now. When she could be either spending a little more time with Jack or going home to rest and recover, the very last thing she wanted to have to deal with right now was some stupid kid who couldn’t figure out how to do their algebra homework.

Without waiting to hear what the girl wanted, without complaining about that chaotic entrance, without even bothering to look this cheerleader in the face and try to identify her, Abby just kept right on moving out the door. She needed to get cleaned up in the worst way and this girl was just going to have to wait until that was done.

“I’ll be right back.”

Sitting on the floor, Gretchen watched her go in shock, unable to believe that her teacher was still here. Didn’t that stupid fossil have a home to go to? She had burst in here on the assumption that Tommy would be in here, not her.

A quick look around told her that her boyfriend was nowhere to be found.

Gretchen thought about this. They were obviously not going to be able to fuck in here if Mrs. Lawler was still hanging around. Trying to imagine what her dim-witted guy would have done when he arrived here and found that the teacher still occupied the classroom, she supposed that he would have apologized had he been noticed and then beat a hasty retreat. Since he had no way of knowing where his girlfriend had gone though, he would not have been able to find her and warn her. So where would he have gone to wait for her? The parking lot, she guessed, and his car!

Not wanting to still be there when the teacher came back, Gretchen decided to get herself out of there and out to the parking lot just as fast as she could.

Rolling over onto her hands and knees, she started gathering up all of the work Henry had done for her so that she could do just that.

* * *

As he came around the corner and headed up the hallway towards Abby’s classroom again at long last, Jack found his interest in subtlety and secrecy tempered by his desperate need to get himself some pussy as soon as possible.

Marching up the empty hallway, his footsteps ringing hollowly, he did not swerve away when he noticed that the door to the ladies room was swinging shut just as he arrived. He didn’t have any idea of who might have gone in there of course, but it seemed safe enough to ignore them. As long as they were going in and not coming out, they would never even see him and so he didn’t imagine that they would be able to cause him and Abby any trouble.

No alarm bells started ringing for the Principal when he found the classroom’s door standing wide open. Why should it matter if that door were open or closed? Until he was actually in there with her, he judged that there was no real reason why Abby should need the privacy of a closed door. It’s not like she would have been having sex in there with someone else, right?

As he reached doorway though, he was stopped dead in his tracks by the sight which presented itself.

There were some papers of some sort had somehow ended up scattered all over the floor and Abby had evidently had no choice but to get down on her hands and knees to gather them up, but it wasn’t any of that which had so transfixed Jack. Her back was to him and so she probably didn’t even know he was there yet, but it also wasn’t the fact that her bottom was aimed right at him that had him frozen in place, either. So, what was it that had him staring at his lover in astonishment?

It was the fact that she seemed to have changed clothes!

As he stood there and drooled over the vision that was Abby Lawler, his cock rising fast in his slacks, Jack was simply astonished to discover that she was now wearing a cheerleader’s uniform, of all things! It was a rather worrying that she would have left her door wide open so that anyone who came by could see her in that absurdly sexy little outfit, but he loved that she would go to such an effort just for him.

She looked fantastic!

This was a middle-aged woman he had seen naked numerous times before and he would have expected to see some love-handles if she were dressed in so tight and revealing a getup, yet the body he was now observing might as well belong to a teenager!

Considering how very often he undressed this woman, he found it hard to believe that she could have dieted and exercised her way into a body like that without him noticing. It seemed impossible! The only way he could explain to himself that he had missed such a dramatic change was to guess that the old stereotype of men being pretty oblivious creatures must be true.

He vowed to himself that he would be paying a lot more attention to her from now on.

As he was pulled into the room by his erection though, he reflected that he could safely put off such thoughts until later. Right now, there was sex to be had!

Pushing the door shut behind him, it took him mere moments to get his slacks unfastened and his hard cock out.

* * *

Once he had cleaned himself up as best he could, Tommy emerged from the men’s room at long last.

While he had for the most part rebounded from having his most tender part in such tight confines with all of the stamina and energy youth had to offer, the football star nonetheless had been left with quite a limp.

With the limited supplies available to him in that restroom, he’d been forced to use plenty of paper towels to get cleaned up and the rough texture had left him raw and sore . . . down there.

He was hating this so very much that he had already sworn that he would find out who had ordered those towels so that he could beat the crap out of them.

Tommy didn’t expect that his girlfriend would still be in room 222, so he never even thought about looking in there for her. She was either in the ladies room freshening up, he reasoned, or she was already out at the car waiting for him. Since he didn’t know which, he had to figure that he would be safest if he went out to the parking lot.

There was no point in standing around in here waiting for her, after all, if she was standing around out there waiting for him.

Cursing and griping under his breath with every step, he determinedly headed for the doors that would lead out to the parking lot.

Henry was walking out of the library with a hangdog expression on his face, holding onto the straps so that his book bag dragged along behind him, when he just happened to step right out in front of Tommy.

The math nerd looked up into the running back’s face and went very pale when he suddenly found himself faced with a very unhappy looking Tommy Halpern. It was probably only natural that Henry should have assumed that the problem was that the huge teen had heard that his girlfriend was showing him her breasts and was plenty pissed about it.

“Um, I didn’t . . . I mean . . .”

Tommy frowned at the babbling geek, wondering why he was getting in his way. While he was normally more in the line of a gentle giant than a school bully, the football player was in too much pain right now to want to have to deal with the little guy.

“Outta the way, dude!” he snarled, shoving Henry aside and continuing on his way.

Glad to still be alive, Henry decided not to press his luck any farther and, scooping up his book bag again, he went sprinting off in the opposite direction.

* * *

Gretchen was a little startled by the sound of the classroom door slamming shut behind her, but the very familiar sound of a pair of pants being unfastened told her who had just arrived.

As much as she had wanted to get screwed in here, as much as she loved to get banged with that big cock of his, she knew that she had to tell Tommy fast that their plans had changed. Mrs. Lawler had said that she would be right back and she didn’t really want that old bitch to walk in on her and her guy as they were fucking.

Someone like Mrs. Lawler didn’t deserve to get an eyeful either of her or of her boyfriend

Before she could speak though, Tommy had grabbed hold of her by the back of the neck, pushing her head down to the floor to make her butt jut even higher into the air. His other hand went under the short skirt of her uniform meanwhile to grab hold of her panties and tug them down to reveal her rear entrance.

She was a little peeved at being manhandled like this and might have gone so far as to register a complaint, but that second hand had soon moved down between her legs to start manipulating her cunt in ways it had never known before. With her brain short-circuiting, she completely forgot what she had been about to say, purring as she focused instead on getting her legs spread farther apart.

Gretchen had to wonder where her boyfriend had learned how to do this. Tommy had fingered her plenty of times before, but he had never before been able to find all the right spots just when she needed them found. As a matter of fact, she hadn’t even been aware that it was possible for a set of fingers alone to ignite the kind of feelings that were currently racing hotly through her.

As her arousal soared towards unheard of zeniths, she heard a happy little mewling sound and was startled to realize that it was coming from her own throat. Since when had she ever made a sound like that? Her twat was getting hotter and hotter, wetter and wetter and all it took was one finger dipping inside to nearly bring her to orgasm right then and there.

She might now know where her guy had learned how to do this, or why he had never done it before now, but the feelings that were coursing through her said that questions like that could wait till later.

Dimly, a little voice from the back of her mind reminded her that her algebra teacher would be back at any moment and that it probably wouldn’t be such a hot idea for her and Tommy to get caught like this, but that voice of reason was simply be drowned out. The rest of her body wanted to stay there and ride this roller coaster right to the end and wasn’t going to let anything stand in the way of that.

Gretchen sensed her guy shifting position and guessed correctly that he was moving to better aim the head of his cock into her fuck hole. She was a little annoyed as she assumed this meant he would no longer be letting his fingers do the walking, but consoled herself with the knowledge that she would be able to get him to do it again countless times in the future.

As Tommy mounted her though, she was a bit surprised to notice that he seemed a bit smaller than he usually did.

Gretchen pondered that for just a minute and decided that the fault for it lay in the fact that she’d insisted that they do this here in the school. She’d seen enough dicks in enough places by now to know that just like cold could make a guy seem to shrivel up down there, fear and nervousness could have the same effect. Recalling how worried Tommy had been about having sex in one of the classrooms, she just assumed that he had only been able to get himself up about halfway.

For this one time only, she decided that it would be enough. In any event, that still gave her a dick to play with that was about as big as a normal one.

Still holding his lover down by the scruff of the neck, Jack now set to work, pumping his cock in and out of Abby’s pussy. He was amazed by how wonderfully tight it was in there, how hot and wet and velvety, and just shook his head in wonder. He didn’t know how this woman had done it, but if he hadn’t known better, he would have sworn that he was banging a young and tender teenaged twat right now.

He would have to do something really special for her one day soon to let her know just how much he appreciated all the work she must have gone through to get like this for him.

* * *

Abby frowned to herself as she finished up her repairs, looking herself over in the ladies room mirror.

It was just no good. She was simply going to have to find a way to start keeping a few toiletries up here at the school to make up for these woefully inadequate supplies. Oh, she had managed to clean up the cum which had been splattered all over her all right, but those rough paper towels had left her butt and crotch red and raw.

She had to wonder which was worse – going home to her husband with another man’s seed all over her, or facing him with a burning cunt and super sensitive ass?

Sighing, she made sure her hair and make-up didn’t look too bad and that all of her clothes were back on. She had looked like a slut for her lover, but now she had to look like an innocent teacher and wife for her coworkers and her spouse.

There was only one article of clothing that she could not replace just yet – her panties. She had taken those off back in the classroom and she would have to go back there to get them.

As she headed for the door, each step igniting a fiery response from down below, she pondered on how good an idea it would be to not wear her panties home, perhaps stuffing them into her purse instead.

* * *

With her eyes squeezed tightly shut, the cheerleader was clawing desperately at the linoleum floor as she was taken from behind.

Previously, all of Gretchen’s lovers – including Tommy, himself – had simply pumped back and forth until they and she were overtaken by their orgasms, but her running back was surprising her once again by doing things to her that she had never experienced before.

Reaching around her with one hand, Jack added to the stimulation by sending it right back between her legs.

Keeping a close eye on the woman beneath him to judge what was working and what wasn’t, he would vary both the speed and the angle of his thrusts into her to elicit the most powerful response possible. It was almost as if he could read her mind, knowing what she needed even before she did and never once hesitating to provide it. All of his years of experience went into this, determined to make this the best fuck Abby had ever had.

This was an eye-opening experience for Gretchen – a realization that what she had always before thought of as incredible sex was really just some amateurish shoving. He had such total control over both himself and her by then that she could only marvel at his newfound expertise, putty in his hands.

The result of all of this was that she was being driven out of her mind by the uncontrollable, unstoppable ecstacy.

One of the many new skills Tommy was showing her was the ability to bring her right up to the brink of orgasm, but not let her come. He would give her the time she needed to recover, to let her heart rate slow a little, but then he would do it all over again. Eventually, they reached a point where the inevitable could be denied no longer.

All of his skill and technique broke down at this point and he was reduced to slamming into her hard and deep just as he always had, while she pushed back to meet each and every thrust, just as far gone by now as he was. They had been reduced to little more than wild animals in heat, aware of only their united bodies and joined souls.

It was Gretchen who started to come first, unable to resist the inexorable tide of pure pleasure when it came to sweep her away. Writhing and undulating, gasping and panting, she was consumed by an orgasm that was easily far more powerful than anything that she had experienced before. Jack followed soon after, surging and straining as he held on tight to his mistress, giving her a heaping helping of his seed.

In the aftermath, Jack was left utterly spent as he tried to climb off his lover, losing his balance as he did so and falling over. In his weakened condition, he almost lost consciousness when his head hit the edge of a student’s desk with a harsh crack, setting off a fireworks display in his head.

Gretchen would have loved to have been able to just sit there and savor the experience she had just been treated to, but as her brain started to come back on line she remembered that Mrs. Lawler could walk in on them at any moment. She and Tommy had gotten away with this so far, but she couldn’t believe that their luck would hold for much longer.

It was past time they made their escape.

As soon as she was even half-way sure she could move, the cheerleader struggled to drag herself to her feet. Without turning back to her boyfriend, she begged him to hurry as the teacher was coming and told Tommy to meet her at the car, but after everything she had just been through it all came out as incoherent gibberish.

It didn’t matter, though. The man she left behind her was only half conscious now and never heard a word of it.

* * *

Abby stepped out of the restroom carefully, her attention focused on figuring out which movements would send shock waves of pain through her so that they could be avoided at all costs.

As a result, she never saw the teenaged boy come flying around the corner, sprinting so fast that he may have broken the sound barrier as the sound of his footfalls followed him, but did not seem to precede him. The algebra teacher made the mistake of taking one step forward just as the student passed and suffered a glancing blow that spun her around and sent her into the wall.

Dizzy and dazed, Abby was forced to linger a moment as she struggled to regain her bearings. Under the circumstances, it was probably no wonder that she did not notice how the door to her classroom just happened to swing open right then.

Completely lost in her own happy little world, Gretchen was practically floating on air as she emerged from the algebra classroom just after Henry went flying by, thoughtlessly leaving the door wide open behind her. Somehow managing to make her way across the hall even though her panties were still down around her ankles and cum was dripping out of her twat, she walked right by Mrs. Lawler without seeing her and vanished into the ladies room.

Abby was completely oblivious to the cheerleader too, however. Though she had certainly managed to gather herself in time to have spotted her, she had understandably turned the other way to see if she could see who that was that had nearly run her down. She did not get the chance to even see who it was, much less yell after them to slow down and watch where they were going, so she just muttered a few complaints about stupid, reckless teens and continued on her way.

Finding the door to her classroom open just as she had left it, the teacher went straight in.

* * *

Using the self same desk that had so nearly knocked him unconscious, Jack laboriously hauled himself back up to his feet, muttering curses against unyielding and uncaring furniture.

He had just gotten himself upright when he lost his pants. Still unfastened, his now limp dick still hanging out, his slacks had been caught by gravity and dragged down to the floor. Groaning and cursing again, he bent down to pull them back up, stowing away his manhood so that he could get his pants fastened and this wouldn’t happen again.

The blood went rushing to his head as he bent and the Principal swayed dangerously, so he thought it best to go and sit on the edge of Abby’s desk until he could be absolutely sure he had recovered.

He had just gotten himself perched when Abby walked back into the room.

So addled was he after his blow to the head, that Jack had never even noticed when the girl in the cheerleading uniform walked out, much less when this one had come in. As he finally came back to his senses and looked up to find his mistress standing across from him, he just assumed that both were the same woman.

Jack did notice that Abby seemed to have changed out of that cheerleader costume and gotten back into her normal clothes and he was disappointed as he’d hoped to have a better look at her in it, but he understood why she had swapped outfits. She had to make her way back home to her husband soon and she certainly couldn’t do that unless she had the right clothes on. The sexy little uniform would be hard to explain, after all.

Even so, he supposed that this must have been the fastest any woman had ever changed her clothes . . .

Returning to her classroom, Abby was glad to see that the cheerleader had not bothered to wait and was long gone, but she was delighted to find that her guy had returned to her from wherever he had vanished to before.

Perhaps Jack had helped that girl out and sent her on her way? Who cared, so long as she was gone!

Abby went straight across to him and kissed him long and hard full on the mouth, not concerned in the slightest that the door was wide open. All that mattered right now was letting this wonderful man know just how much his efforts had been appreciated.

“Thank you so much for this, honey,” she murmured, kissing him over and over. “You were absolutely incredible!”

He pulled her in tight, returning this display of affection vigorously. “So were you, sweetheart.” With a wide smile, he added, “In case I haven’t mentioned it recently, let me just add that you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world.”

“We are going to have to do this again,” she vowed. “And soon.”

“Yes, we are. Tomorrow!”


* * *

By the time she’d made it out to the car, griping and grousing about the kind of paper towels this school used, Gretchen found her boyfriend sitting on the fender of his car and looking pretty bored.

Glancing at his watch, he asked, “Hey, babe. What kept you?”

She frowned at that as she thought she had actually made pretty good time all things considered. Still, after her man’s performance today, she just could not find it in herself to really get annoyed at him. “Hey, it takes time to look this good,” she answered. “Especially after what you did to me in there.”

He smiled proudly. “You liked it?”

“I loved it! Baby, you really outdid yourself this afternoon.”

“Thanks. You were terrific, too.” Rising, he went over and pulled her to him to plant a firm kiss on her mouth before placing her back on her feet lightly. “I never imagined it would be like that. We might have to start doing it up here at the school more often.”

“Sounds good to me.”

As she turned to walk around to the other side of the car and hop inside, the young girl could feel his eyes on her and so she gave her butt an extra wiggle. However, just this once he had not been checking her out.

In fact, he was studying her figure, noting that it looked slender and perfect again. Where had all those extra pounds he’d noticed before gone? He wondered for a moment if that almost nonexistent uniform was somehow capable of hiding her new love handles, or if maybe that other dress had only made her look fatter, or perhaps . . .

Leaning across the front seat of the car, Gretchen honked the horn, starting her guy out of his reverie. “Come on, babe, let’s get out of here!”

He nodded, deciding that the question of phantom pounds was really pretty irrelevant.



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