Room 222, Part One – [M/F] Teachers and students and a good time.

It was an autumn afternoon and the wind had a brisk bite as it blew across the steadily emptying parking lot of William Jefferson Clinton High School.

Gretchen Ames did not feel the chill however, despite the fact that the cheerleader’s uniform she was wearing was so very brief. The passionate, hungry kisses being pressed to her lips alone would have probably been enough to fight off the cold – certainly, they were igniting quite a fire in the eighteen year old senior – but her boyfriend was also crushing her between his car and himself and she found that his big, muscular body worked well as a windbreak. Nineteen year old Tommy Halpern, the star running back of his school’s football team, wasn’t feeling the cold either though, just the slender young body he was leaning into, the open mouth beneath his, and the firm breast he was holding onto so firmly.

The girl broke the kiss at last to come up for some air, enjoying the feel of something very big and rock hard against her hip. Her guy may not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was strong, he was popular, and he was hung.

“You know, if I didn’t know better,” she teased, her eyes sparkling, “I’d say you kinda liked me.”

As ususal, he didn’t really catch that she was just kidding. “Oh, yeah, I like you,” he enthused eagerly, not wanting his girl to think for a moment that he didn’t. He had one of the hottest girls in school on his arm and he had no intention of losing her because she felt unappreciated. “As a matter of fact, I lo- . . .” his voice trailed off for a moment as, like so many men his age and older, he had some trouble with the L word. “I really, really like you! A lot!”

Though her smile never wavered, Gretchen hid a little sigh. She should have known better. It was lucky for him that he had so many other wonderful qualities to compensate or someone as dumb as this big ox would never have gotten the time of day from her.

“How about you show me how much you like me?” she ventured, one hand going to that sizable swelling in his pants. I think it would be really hot if you fucked me right here at school.”

The young man nodded quickly, a big and very happy smile on his face. “Yeah, yeah!” This was one proposition that he did not need interpreted. Tommy backed away from her a step so that he could stuff a hand into his pocket for his car keys, but she stopped him hastily by grabbing hold of his wrist.

“No, babe – not in the backseat of your car, again.”

He gave her a confused look. “No?”

They had done it in the backseat of his car before and, even though that was a rite of passage of sorts that she thought everybody should do at least once, the fact remained that it really was an awkward and uncomfortable place to have sex. In any case, when she’d said that she wanted to do it at the school, she’d hadn’t meant someplace so mundane as the parking lot.

Oh, no. She had a much better spot in mind.

“Let’s go back inside,” she urged him, motioning towards the building with her head. “Let’s do it in my algebra classroom!”

That idea startled him. “Inside the school building? But what about Mrs. Lawler?”

“Don’t worry about her. That old bitch will have left by now.”

Gretchen had always hated math, but this algebra class was proving to be worst than anything that had come before. It was pure torture for her just to sit through it everyday, much less to have all of those stupid, mind-numbing formulas and equations that she could never understand thrown at her. She liked the teacher even less than the class as she was convinced that a mean old cow like Mrs. Lawler had it in for young, beautiful and popular girls like her.

The cheerleader knew for a fact that she would be flunking that class now if she hadn’t gotten a certain math nerd to do the work for her in exchange for showing him her boobs.

That was why going back into the school and having her boyfriend nail her right there on the teacher’s desk seemed like such a great idea to her. Firstly, it was a willful desecration of that vile woman’s lair. Secondly, it would give the cheerleader some happy memories that she could daydream over when she would otherwise be bored stiff.

Tommy was hesitant though, spending several long moments looking back and forth between the school building and his girlfriend. “You really think we could get away with that, Gretchen?”

“I know so, babe.” There was nothing but confidence in her voice.

Tommy took another speculative look at the building, but it was a foregone conclusion that he would agree to her demands. The last thing he wanted to do was upset Gretchen and maybe not get to have sex with her at all. “Well, okay, then.”

“Great!” she cried, bounding up and off the car to give him a quick kiss. “Meet me there, okay? It’s room 222. I have something to take care of first, but I’ll meet you there in just a few minutes.”

“Huh? Where are you going?”

She was already rushing away though, pretending that she didn’t hear him.

It was better to keep Tommy in the dark about where she was going, she told herself with a smirk. The last thing she needed was for her guy to find out she was showing her goods to someone else, get all jealous, and pound her math nerd into the dirt.

He couldn’t do her algebra for her if he was in the hospital, after all.

* * *

Jack Miller was the Principal of Clinton High and he had long ago made it a habit to tour the halls each afternoon as the place emptied so that he could make sure all was in order, but on at least a few days each week, he also liked to make a little pit stop.

Affecting an air of great casualness that would have been utterly unconvincing had anyone been there to see it, he paused for a moment not too far from the closed door of one of the classrooms to glance up and down the hallway. Nobody could have seen him without wondering what he was really up to.

As the school’s Principal, there were a dozen or more very good reasons why he should be stopping for a few minutes to visit with one of his teachers, but he still preferred to be surreptitious about it. He knew that tongues would wag if he was seen going into one particular classroom regularly and closing the door behind him.

To his great relief, he saw that the hallway was empty for the moment and he decided to seize this opportunity to get inside unobserved. He took a quick step towards the door, but had to veer off at the last second when he heard the sound of sneakers squeaking on the linoleum floor. When a teenaged girl passed through the intersection not four yards away only a moment later, he had his back to her and was pretending to peruse the notices on a bulletin board.

Jack stared at the bulletin board without seeing it, listening with all of his might until the sound of squeaking shoes finally faded away into the distance. Only when all was again quiet did he look back over his shoulder cautiously to reassure himself that he was once more alone.

Turning back to the door, he made an unseemly rush for it and was just about to grab the handle when he was startled by the sound of more footsteps, this time accompanied by soft voices. Thinking quickly, he threw himself down onto one knee and pretended to be retying his shoelaces as a couple more people made their way through that intersection.

The Principal belatedly realized that it was not a perfect deception as he was wearing penny loafers, but he seemed to get away with it.

This time, just as soon as the coast was clear, Jack threw himself bodily at the door. The middle-aged man had yanked it open, ducked through and then closed it again in such a swift and smooth maneuver that suggested he’d had plenty of practice at it. And it all happened without sending a single sound out to echo through the silent hallway.

Over at her desk, Mrs. Abby Lawler had just been finishing putting some papers away in her briefcase when the man’s body came hurtling into her classroom. She glanced over her shoulder with a playful smile, knowing full well who it would be.

“Hi, Jack,” she offered in a throaty purr, immediately forgetting about everything except for greeting him properly. She had no doubt what her boss was there for and was strutting as she approached him.“I was just starting to wonder what was keeping you.” His arms went around her waist as her’s went around his neck and their bodies came together with well practiced precision.

“Hi, Abby. How’s the hottest algebra teacher on earth?”

She rewarded him for the compliment with a lingering kiss. “A lot better now that you’re here.”

This was not an uncommon position for this two educators to find themselves in and they did not need to be told to make the most of it while they had the chance. More and more kisses followed, growing hungrier and more passionate by the moment as tongues threatened to go right down throats. Hands started to stray, moving relentlessly in slow but urgent caresses over each other’s bodies, nothing and nowhere proving to be out of bounds. She could feel the evidence of his arousal through his slacks and did not doubt that her own body was responding with all of the proper recognition signals, too.

“How about we have a little fun before we have to head for home?” he inquired hopefully.

“I don’t know, honey,” she answered without trying to pull free of his embrace. “Remember, how I told you that my husband was starting to ask questions about why I have to work late so often? I’m beginning to worry that he might suspect that something’s going on. Besides which, I really do have a ton of papers I need to get graded before tomorrow.”

“Please, Abby,” the Principal pleaded in a needy whine. “It’s been almost a week since you and I really had a chance to do anything but make out! I just don’t know how much longer I’ll last if I can’t get into your cunt.”

The algebra teacher heaved a slightly annoyed sigh. She hated it when he got like this, begging and pleading like a ten year old would for a piece of candy or some new toy. That he could be like this was just one of the reasons why she would never think of leaving her husband for him. Indeed, she suspected that this was part of the reason why he was single now – perhaps his ex-wife had gotten so fed up with it that she’d divorced him.

Still, there was no denying that he knew what to do with a cock and, after the kind of trying day she’d just had, she didn’t really think it wouldn’t do her any harm to unwind a little before going home.

Besides, when was the last time that her husband had been this anxious to get into her pussy?

“All right, then,” she said at least, noting with some pleasure that he almost leapt with joy. “Go and finish your tour of the school first, though. I’ll be right here waiting for you when you get back.”

Another searing kiss was shared, then the man pulled away so fast that his paramour almost lost her balance. Darting across to the door, he opened it slowly and stuck his head out to look up and down the hallway again. Only when he was absolutely certain that no one would see him leaving this classroom did he make his escape, closing the door behind him.

Abby couldn’t help but chuckle, muttering something under her breath about silly men who wanted to play James Bond.

Turning back to look across the room at her desk however, she found herself pausing for a moment to consider that piece of furniture, possibilities forming in her mind.

It was a lewd and wicked idea, but the more she thought about it, the better an idea it seemed, and a positively evil grin appeared on her face. Walking back across the classroom, she closed her briefcase and moved it so that it was out of the way, sitting on the floor next to the desk. Stepping back a little now, she took another even longer look at her desk and that smile only grew bigger.

There would be more than enough room!

She knew that Jack was probably be sprinting through the school right now, giving himself a heart attack in his desperation to get back to her just as quickly as possible, and so she wanted to be ready for him when he arrived. It was with some speed that she cleared off the few things from the desk top that might have ended up getting in the way. These items were neatly stacked back behind the desk so that they would not be underfoot, but would also be easy to replace when they were done. Abby even took a moment to make absolutely sure that there were no stray pins, paper clips, staple removers or anything else that might poke anyone in an especially sensitive spot.

The deck had now been cleared for action!

* * *

The big football player walked slowly and a little uncertainly down the hallways of the school, proceeding directly to the algebra classroom.

Tommy noted with some pleasure that the place was very nearly deserted, reflecting that this probably meant that Gretchen was right and that Mrs. Lawler too was long gone, but he still cringed a bit whenever he happened to pass another person. He enjoyed having sex in weird and unusual places as much as the next guy, but being spotted by some anonymous passerby he would never see again was a very different thing to getting caught by some authority figure who could punish him.

The terrible thought occurred to him that Coach might throw him off the team if he got caught doing this! Now there was a thought that made him shudder. That might even be worse than losing Gretchen!

One of these days, he was just going to have to learn how to say no to his girlfriend.

Still, he told himself to look on the plus side of this. If they succeeded, he would have a cool new story to brag about to the guys in the locker room.

As he rounded the last corner before room 222, the boy was hit squarely by someone who came speeding along from the opposite direction. The impact didn’t even make Tommy flinch, but the other person was knocked backward and sent tumbling to the floor. The big boy looked down at the older man who was suddenly sitting at his feet.

“Oh, sorry, dude. You okay?” There was a pause as the gears between Tommy’s ears cranked into life just long enough for him to recognize exactly who it was he had just knocked down. “Principal Miller? Is that you, sir?”

Jack jumped in alarm at being recognized so close to his mistresses classroom and his first instinct was to hide his face and make a run for it, but he calmed himself down with an effort. There was no need to panic, he reassured himself. There was no way in the world that this kid could know that he had just spent a few moments in Abby Lawler’s arms.

“Man, I’m really sorry about that, sir,” the football player continued sincerely, holding out his hand to help the educator up. “I should really do a better job of watching where I’m going.”

“Yes, well, no harm done, son,” Jack assured him, taking the offered hand and gasping as he was effortlessly lifted off the floor like a rag doll and set back on his feet. “Um, yes, just an accident. Everything’s all right now.”

The Principal paused, noting the young man was now frowning quizzically at him. “What? What is it?”

Tommy pointed. “Dude, do you have lipstick on your face?”

Jack’s eyes went wide in alarm. “No! No, I don’t have anything on my face! Do you understand me, boy?”

“No, really,” Tommy insisted, pointing again. “It’s right there.”

“NO!” the Principal screamed, grabbing the younger man by the upper arms to try to shake him. It was like trying to shake a mountain. “I’m telling you that there is absolutely nothing on my face! Got it?!”

The gears ground into motion for a moment again, but this time could not help poor Tommy Halpern understand what the older man was freaking out for. “Uh, sure, dude,” he agreed, utterly baffled. “Whatever you say.”


Dodging around this immense mound of teenaged muscle, the Principal sprinted for the bathroom at a pace that might have made the kids who went out for track and field a bit envious. Tommy could only watch him go in silent confusion, unable for the life of him to figure out what that had all been about.

At length, he just shrugged his shoulders and gave up trying.

“Old people are weird,” he muttered to himself, continuing on his way up the hall. “Sure looked like lipstick to me . . .”

* * *

Abby felt like a whore and was loving every moment of it.

Past experience had taught Jack that she would most likely just sit down demurely on the edge of her desk while she waited for him, keeping all of her clothes on since she knew that he really liked to undress her himself. She couldn’t wait to see how he reacted when he came back and saw how she’d arranged herself this time, however.

Almost all of the students would have left for home just as soon as the final bell rang. If any had lingered to ask her a question or something, she was confident that they would have been here by now. The clock on the wall told her that most of her fellow teachers would be filing out the exits by now, too, and it was extremely rare that any of them would stop by her room even if they were still here unless maybe they were collecting for the next staff birthday party.

With no question in her mind then that nobody would be coming to this classroom but Jack, she had posed herself in the nastiest, sexiest position she could think of.

She had bent herself over the edge of her desk with her dress hauled up and draped over her waist to make sure it would not slip back down. As she had also peeled off her panties and tossed them onto the pile of items behind her desk, she was now aiming her full moon straight at the door so that it would be the very first thing Jack saw on his return.

For good measure, she had her legs wide apart so that her dripping pussy was also exposed and available, doing a little work with her fingers to make sure it would stay aroused and ready no matter how long she had to wait like that.

Seeing her posing for him like a porn star was going to bring out the animal in him, she was sure, and she was looking forward to being fucked even better than usual today!

All she could do now though, was wait . . .

* * *

“I’m sorry, but I just can’t do this anymore,” math nerd Henry Gibbs complained in a whimper, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “It’s just not right for me to do all of your class work for you.”

Having cornered her prey in the school’s library, the young cheerleader had managed to get him behind some bookshelves so that they could carry out their transaction in private. After all, the last thing Gretchen wanted was for anyone to see her within ten yards of someone like this. Something like that would surely bring her coolness factor down by at least thirty points! She needed to get this done and be on her way as quickly as possible.

For him now to be wasting her time by putting up this kind of a fuss was just too much.

“What’s the matter?” she asked him, both hands going to the bottom edge of her uniform’s top. “It’s not like you aren’t very well compensated for helping me.”

The boy’s eyes were wide and glued to those hands. “But it’s cheating. You’re getting grades you don’t deserve.”

She snorted at that. “Oh, I’m earning my algebra grade. I’m earning it just by letting someone like you see my titties!” How could this creep not understand that, she wondered. How could he not see that, in the final analysis, he was being paid very, very generously for the work he was doing on her behalf?

“But . . .”

Sick and tired of this nonsense, wanting to get back to her boyfriend, Gretchen started to tug up the front of her top only to be startled by the sight of Henry quickly covering up his eyes with both hands.

“No!” he whined, stamping his foot. “I’m not going to help you cheat any more!”

The girl sighed. “Oh, all right then, you big baby. You win.”

Henry couldn’t believe his ears. “I what?”

* * *

Cracking open the classroom door, Tommy stuck his head in cautiously for a quick look around.

He still wasn’t quite sure that it was as safe and deserted as his girlfriend had claimed it would be and that encounter with the Principal had only served to unnerve him even more. His eyes swept carefully across the room using the self same intensity with which they found weaknesses in an opposing teams front line and he was soon reassured that there was only one person in the room.

And that person was a woman, bent over the teacher’s desk and naked from the waist down, her legs wide apart as she played with her own juicy cunt. This was a woman who was here for the sole purpose of getting fucked.

Well, that just had to be Gretchen, didn’t it?

He couldn’t see her face, but what were the odds that some other woman would not only just happen to be right here where he was supposed to meet his girlfriend, but also coincidentally be waiting for someone to come along and screw her? He couldn’t imagine how this could possibly be anyone but Gretchen.

With a big smile on his face, Tommy darted into the classroom and shut the door behind him, his eyes never leaving his girl’s tail for an instant, the flagpole in his pants rising fast.

So that was why she had darted off like that! So that she could get here ahead of him and assume the position!

Somewhere in the back of his head, a small voice questioned why Gretchen should have gone to all the trouble of changing her clothes before they met to do this, but he dismissed that by telling it that she probably just didn’t want any embarrassing cum stains on her cheerleading uniform.

What he was really focused on at that moment was the fact that his girl had obviously put on a bit of weight! He couldn’t really imagine how he had managed to miss it before, considering how much flesh that little uniform of her’s left bare, but he could certainly see it clearly now. Tommy wondered for a moment if he should mention it, but discarded that idea swiftly when he remembered how badly Gretchen reacted that time he tried to warn her that she might be getting some acne.

Still, a few extra pounds was not nearly enough to dissuade Tommy Halpern from doing what he had come here to do. In fact, there was just about nothing that could have put him off at this point.

Opening his pants, he hauled his hard cock out of it’s painful confinement and into the open air at last. Stepping forward then, he closed the distance between himself and his girl, aiming the big head of his cock into her tunnel of love.

Abby had heard the door to her classroom open and perked up, glad that her man had made such good time and returned to her so very quickly. She grinned as she imagined the look that must be on his face right now as he found her posed for him like this. That he would love it, went without question!

She was tempted to look back over her shoulder so that she could see his expression for herself, but decided against it when she heard him move up close behind her quickly and without a single word spoken, his pants coming open. She hastily took her hand from between her legs to make sure she would not be in his way.

If playing the whore for him like this had her lover so thoroughly steamed up that he was just going to dive straight into her, then she thought it might be best if she just held on tight and enjoyed the ride!

An instant later, Abby would reflect that she had made the right choice as the head of his cock began to press in between the swollen lips of her sex, his strong hands firmly gripping her by the hips. He seemed so much bigger to her than he usually did somehow, but she dismissed that as an illusion created by how intensely aroused she was right now.

With a hoarse grunt, he started to enter her, stretching her twat to it’s limits as he sank all the way in.

* * *

Standing at the men’s room sink, Jack eyed his face with a critical eye, making sure that he had gotten off every last trace of Abby’s lipstick.

As a matter of fact, he had very nearly rubbed his face raw using the watery soap and rough paper towels the school stocked to make absolutely sure it was all gone. With a pained groan, he made a mental note to see to it that they started buying higher quality toiletries here from now on.

It just would not do for the Principal of a school to be seen walking around with lipstick on his face! People would immediately start asking who he had been kissing, after all.

If people thought for one moment that it was one of the students, ugly rumors would start to spread and he could lose his job! Or, do jail time, in the worst case scenario. It wouldn’t be much better if they assumed it was one of the teachers though as most of them were married! Discipline here at the school would be a thing of the past as everyone would do nothing but speculate on who his mistress might be.

It was not just for his own benefit that he was making such a determined effort to hide his sin, however. He knew that it would surely be the end of Abby’s marriage if it ever got out that she was putting out for someone other than her husband and he was not about to let that happen.

He knew Abby would never leave her husband and, as much as he adored that woman, he would never ask her to. This was not about stealing her away so much as it was about two people enjoying the thrill of a little illicit fun.

Satisfied with his appearance at long last, he rushed out of the men’s room, not wanting to waste any more time getting this walk-through done.

His cock had been waiting to get into Abby’s twat for far too long already.

* * *

As he watched the last of his big shaft disappear into his girlfriend, Tommy told himself that he and Gretchen were going to have to start fucking at school more often if it was going to be like this.

Her cunt hadn’t wrapped this tightly around his manhood since the first few times they had done it! It had made things much more comfortable for her when she finally learned how to cope with his size, but he had come to miss the exquisite tightness of those early days. The thrill of doing it in one of the classrooms, knowing that they were seriously risking being caught red-handed by everyone from teachers to students to janitors was clearly doing something to her that was making this time seem just like their first time.

A wordless, ecstatic moan was pulled from his very soul as he finally got the last inch of his cock into her.

Wow, what a realistic illusion! Abby said to herself, putting her head down on the desk as she gloried in the incredible sensations that were coming from between her legs. It really did feel like her lover’s cock had somehow managed to double in size! Not only had it seemingly grown thicker, but it even seemed longer!

Oh, God, yes! She was definitely going to be playing the slut for him like this again and again in the future!

Jack had been with his fair share of women over the years and had seemingly learned all of the tricks of the trade, so she was very used to him using some skill and technique when he serviced her. She’d always climaxed when she was with Jack, while her husband averaged at only about seventy-five or eighty percent.

Abby was discovering that this time was going to be different, however. The only words she could find to describe how her lover was taking care of business today were “savage” and “brutal.”

With his hands gripping her so crushingly tight that she knew that there would be bruising, he started to pump in and out of her slowly at first, but in mere moments he was gaining in both speed and momentum. Jack must have been a blur back there, slamming himself into her so very hard that she would have sworn that her feet were lifting off the floor.

Why, it was almost like she was being screwed by a teenaged boy who so far had learned only the basics of pleasing a woman! Yes, she realized, that was it – Jack was fucking her like a teenaged boy would, focusing on his own pleasure and not really worrying so much about her taking care of her needs.

While Abby normally did appreciate it when her men made a little bit of an effort with her, when she was being plowed by a cock as big as this one seemed to be, this simpler and more straight forward approach was serving perfectly well. As he pistoned in and out of her that afternoon with all the sex-crazed fury of a wild animal, she found that she was reaching heights of ecstacy that she had never imagined existed.

Clenching the edge of her desk so tightly that it was a wonder that she didn’t shatter the wood, Abby exploded in a huge orgasm.

More than anything, she wanted to shriek loud enough to shatter glass, maybe even loud enough to knock this school house off it’s foundation! She wanted to let the whole world know just how good this felt!

Considering that she had a husband at home, not to mention that she could lose her job if this affair with her boss were revealed, it was probably for the best then that she could only find breath enough to emit a pretty pathetic squeak.

Tommy came only moments later, shooting off a spectacular flood of cum that could never have been contained inside her. Pearly white seed came spurting back out, splashing back on the burly football player and dripping down the woman’s legs. If that weren’t bad enough though, his jerking cock popped out towards the end and he gave her whole butt a good frosting, too.

Gasping as he staggered exhaustedly one step, then another back from his girlfriend, Tommy looked on in amazement at how much cum he had just given up. This was one for the record books!

But then he noticed with a disgusted frown just how much of it had splattered back on him.

He would need to get that cleaned off and fast.

Hauling his jeans back up, Tommy didn’t bother to fasten them as he headed out the classroom door with a noticeably awkward gait, simply holding them up with his hands as he made his escape.

After a fantastic ride like that, his mind had seized up and he didn’t think for even a moment about how awkward it would be if someone happened to catch sight of him like that.

Fortunately, luck would be with him and the running back disappeared into the nearby men’s room without incident.

Behind him, he left a woman who had been totally laid to waste, unable to move until the inferno between her thighs started to die down, unwilling to even lift her head until the world stopped swimming around her.

Abby was completely unaware of anything at this point except how very well her lover had serviced her.

* * *

Henry cautiously kept his hands over his eyes, certain that this must be some kind of trick. “What did you say?”

“I said, you win. I didn’t realize that you felt so strongly about this,” Gretchen answered. “I’ll just have to start doing my own work from now on, I guess.”


“Yeah, yeah.”

The teenaged boy heaved a huge sigh of relief and let his hands drop from his eyes, only to discover that he had been betrayed. Gretchen had her top pulled all the way up and was showing off her big, firm breasts. His brain melted immediately, eyes bulging as his glasses steamed up, his mouth falling open, and his body trembling.

The cheerleader’s smile was smug. “Now, can I have my algebra work?”

Without taking his eyes off her gloriously full bosom for even a moment, the helplessly mesmerized Henry rummaged in his book bag for a moment with one hand and produced a wad of papers. She snatched them from him, picking through them until she had the right ones and then tossing the rest back at him.

“Good boy. Keep up the good work and one day I might even do that when I’m not wearing a bra!”

Pulling her top back down, she turned on her heel and walked away as quickly as she could. This had already taken far too long and she needed to get away from the math nerd before her luck ran out and they were spotted together.

Even more importantly, she had an appointment to keep with Tommy!

She disappeared with such speed that she didn’t even hear the thud of Henry Gibbs collapsing behind the bookcase in a dead faint.



  1. really great story telling! and the smut was good too obviously ;) can’t wait to read more!

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