[MF] An affair I can’t help but remember – PART 2 [LONG-ISH]

First story [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jjycmd/mf_an_affair_i_cant_help_but_remember_longish/). If you’re not into my attempt at Gabriel Garcia Marquez storytelling, jump to **** for the raunchy stuff, you perv.

Again, the upfront warning, this story is mostly buildup and details and less of the gonzo physical. If that’s not for you…no judgment. It’s just that in remembering these stories, what sticks with me is less the exact details of how we fucked and more the details about the emotions and the lead up.

The next day, I packed my bag and left the hotel for my gig feeling deeply, profoundly conflicted. There was still a fog from the three orgasms over the course of the previous 12 hours but, in that strange post-nut clarity that washes over guys, I felt a wave a guilt washing over me. What I had just done I could never undo. Never again in my life could I say I had been faithful to my wife. Never again could I say she was the only one I had ever had sex with. I had just crossed the line and become someone who was a cheater, someone who was unfaithful. I felt gross and ashamed. And I determined it would never happen again. I couldn’t do that to myself and my wife. It was done, it was over.

As I was driving, Sarah texted me (don’t text and drive kids!), “I can’t stop thinking about last night.”

“Me too,” was pretty much all I could muster. I didn’t want to ghost her, that was too cruel. I was too scared to be honest about how I was feeling in the moment and just tell her I wanted to be a better person by ending it. And there was also a small sneaking part of me that was excited to hear from her, so it was an opening.

As we texted back and forth I did eventually tell her I was feeling torn, and she admitted to it too, but we both left things open ended. What followed was a few days of silence between us.

A week later though, we were back to our standard flirty texting and I started to realize there was no willpower for me that would overpower my desire to keep things going with her.

**The second time**

A few months pass and I get asked to play another gig in Denver. Just as the previous time, I text Sarah, tell her the timing, and ask her to join me. This time there’s less hesitation on both our parts. We know what’s coming, it’s no longer an unknown quantity…there’s no question of if we’ll be compatible or if the sex will be good or if we’ll like each other’s bodies. We know those answers.

This time the people who booked my gig get me a room at the Sheraton downtown, surrounded by Denver’s tallest buildings and at one end of the walking mall. In the approaching days, we talk about what we want and agree to actually go to dinner and have a proper date night. I check into the room, it’s in the older annex with smaller rooms that have narrow windows looking out over the walking mall. Again she’s an hour or so behind my schedule so I have a time to just wait eagerly, anticipating her arrival. My heart is racing, this time less with nerves and more with a primal desire to feel her body again, to relive that passion from last time. There’s pacing, a relentless checking of my phone to see if she texted. And eventually the knock at the door comes.

I run over and let her in, trying to act cool and collected. As soon as the door closes we start kissing. Have I mentioned how much I loved kissing Sarah? It was so many of the things my wife and I don’t have. The way we kiss is just different. It’s more immediate, less “familiarity-breeds-contempt-ey.” My wife and I are about the same height and there’s something about that that makes our kissing just not always seem compatible. Sarah was shorter, smaller, she just fit into my arms and our lips matched each other. We knew we didn’t have enough time to fully undress and destroy our bed before dinner, so we made due with what time we had.

After a while, Sarah pulls out a bottle of wine (are we noticing a theme yet) and we pour two glasses. She proceeds into the bathroom to make some final touches before we leave for our dinner and we talk, all the while eyeing each other hungrily. There was something about the tension that always seemed to exist between the two of us that was heightened by the fact that we knew we wouldn’t be fucking for at least a couple of hours. I think it was driving us both mad.

We leave the hotel room to head to our dinner reservation. The restaurant was far enough away that to walk would have been just a bit too far. Fortunately, the walking mall had free shuttles. As we walk to the shuttle, I’m struck by an awareness this is the first time we’ve been out, in public, in daylight with each other. Denver is four hours away from my hometown but I have this slight panic in my throat that someone my see me. It wouldn’t be the first time I had run across a random acquaintance in the city. We hop onto the shuttle and I look up to see the back side of who I am almost certain is one of my closest friends who had moved to Denver just a few years prior. Same leather jacket, same build, same shaved head…it had to be him. I tapped Sarah on the shoulder and just as quickly as we had walked on, we walk off before the doors closed. The shuttle drives away and the panic subsided as I explained what had happened. To this day I have no idea if that was actually my friend.

Eventually, we make it to the restaurant. For those who don’t know, Denver has become a pretty foodie city. There are lots of amazing options. We settled on a upscale mediterranean place called Rioja in the highest rent district of downtown. The food was incredible, as was the wine and the dessert. The entire time I’ve got this cocktail of emotions. Lust, excitement, guilt, anxiety, desire, and paranoia we’ll get seen. Across the restaurant I see someone I could swear is from my small hometown but I just can’t be sure. By the end of the meal, we’re both a couple glasses of wine in, we’re full of incredible food, and we both have waited enough.


Rather than the slower walk/shuttle/walk back to the hotel, we hail a cab outside the restaurant. As we settle into the back seat our hand begin exploring. I’ve got mine sliding between her thighs, not hesitating at all to tease her pussy through her pants. We kiss, our tongues playing with each other. Both of us have that weird, shark-like constant movement against each other as though we cannot get close enough to the other’s body. Sarah asks the cabbie to stop by a liquor store on the way to the hotel. He does and she steps out, promising to be back in a moment. The cabbie looks in the mirror and says, “looks like you’re going to have a good time tonight.” All I could think was, “yes…yes I am.”

Sarah returns with a bottle a wine for us and an airplane mini bottle of liquor for the cabbie, which she gives him and he quite properly puts away to enjoy at a later time. As he drives off through the city lights, and with my head swimming with alcohol and the enjoyment of not needing to worry about where we were going because I had some stranger driving me home, I couldn’t keep my hands off Sarah. We go right back to kissing, our tongues playing with each other wildly. It’s the type of kissing that is in no way appropriate for public display, but it’s not like we’re doing anything that’s going to make the cabbie kick us out or get us arrested. My hands are all over her. She rubs my cock through my jeans. Again, very obvious to the cabbie what she’s doing, but it’s just on the border of overly inappropriate. Too soon we arrive at the hotel. I pay the lovely gentlemen for the ride and we stumble out in a haze.

Honestly, I don’t even remember how we got to the room, but we did somehow. We’re both swaying a little from the booze and the lust and Sarah opens the bottle of wine. We each take a big swig right from the bottle and then it’s on. I press her up against the wall way more aggressively than I would have had I been sober. She lets out a high pitched moan and I start kissing her neck while my hands fumble with her shirt. I unbutton her top as quickly as I can and let it fall to the floor. Sarah has clearly worn a special bra for the occasion, something frilly and skimpy and incredible. I bend down, pull out one of her incredible tits and suck on it. She moans loudly right in my ear, letting me know how much she likes it. We both proceed to drunkenly undress each other, leaving a trail of clothes across the floor. Once we’re both totally naked, in the room lit only by the surrounding buildings of the city, I push her down on the bed, legs dangling over the side. I spread her legs wide. Fuck the foreplay, fuck the teasing and gentle kisses on the side of her thighs…I just go right for what I want.

It doesn’t take build up, it doesn’t take time, as soon as I start eating her smooth pussy she is loudly vocal – telling me how good it feels, saying my name, moaning again and again. She’s soaking wet and her thighs tighten around my ears as my tongue does its work. She bucks her hips and grinds against my face, pushing my head into her with her hands. I alternate between flicking her clit with my tongue and just going to town on her entire pussy. It’s a big mess and it’s incredible. A few times I stop and come up to kiss her. It’s like she’s desperate to taste herself on my because our kissing is aggressive and open mouthed. I love it, my wife never lets me kiss her after I’ve spent any time at all eating her out. Sarah seems to delight in it.

Soon, she’s bucking faster and faster as she starts to cum. She’s loud and beautiful and curvy and sexual and incredible. We don’t take a breather, we don’t wait for her to cum down from her orgasm. We both just need to keep going.

I pick her up off the bed and lead her to the windows of the room. She puts her hands up against them, her face and tits just a few inches away from the glass, and I slide myself into her. She’s so wet, so warm. She arches her back to meet my cock and meets my rhythm perfectly as I fuck her from behind. After a few minutes I look up and have a moment of clarity enough to realize that just a few stories below us, people are walking by on the busy street and walking mall. We are fucking in full view of all of them should they just choose to look up and see what’s going on. But no one seems to be noticing. They are going about their lives, their heads down walking to their destinations, hand in hand with a friend or lover, while we fuck like rabbits above them. It’s a moment that is burned into my mind and, as I would come to later be told, also burned into Sarah’s. Just like the cab, it felt risky but safe. No one was going to come arrest us for fucking in our unlit room, but if they were paying attention, they were getting a hell of a show.

As we moved from the window to the bed, we both took another big swig from the wine bottle. It was like our headspace was so perfect, so geared towards hedonism, that any thought of propriety or the typical was gone. On the bed we fuck in missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl. I put her on the edge of the bed and fuck her with my feet on the floor. We take a break for a while and I make her cum again by eating her out. We’re kissing every inch of each other, sucking anything we can get our mouths on.

I feel my orgasm rising. She flips over into doggie on the bed and I grab a handful of her hair as I push myself as deeply into her as I can. She says my name over and over and I tell her I’m going to cum. Nothing changes, we just keep going, it’s her permission for me to cum inside her. And I do, with a long, slow grunt and some spastic thrusts, I fill her.

We fall back onto the bed and just like the first time we had ever fucked, we aren’t necessarily aware of each other and cuddling, but more just reveling in the experience we had both just shared. After a few minutes, she gets up to clean up a bit and I follow her for some reason that I can’t seem to remember, but what I do remember is noting that, in our drunkenness and desire for each other as we got to the room, neither of us had remembered to fully close the hotel room door. It had been left cracked open by the latch of the door. In the time we had been fucking, I’m sure many people walked by that door. And if they had been paying any attention at all, I’m sure they had heard us….quite clearly.

I close the door, return to the bed, and realize my erection hasn’t gone anywhere. As soon as Sarah comes back, we’re back at it. After that time, she asked me to play music for her on the bed naked. I felt remarkably self conscious but did it for her, just before we went a third time after which we both finally collapsed to sleep around 3 in the morning.

Again, depending on how this is received, maybe I’ll share the story of our next time together. Thanks for reading this War and Peace edition of gonewildstories.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jvdftl/mf_an_affair_i_cant_help_but_remember_part_2


  1. Awesome story! How many more times do you meet up with Sarah?

    I went through the same emotions after I slept with a friend of a friend… guilt and the thought I am no longer monogamous were interspersed with giddy desire thinking about her and the sex we had.

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