The Taylor Family 2 [A lesbian incest romance. Yet more romance and build up here and almost no sex really. Don’t worry – the fucking starts in part three.]

The Taylor sisters had risen late this Saturday morning of course, but with no school to attend or appointments to keep that was perfectly acceptable.

After the bizarre events that had taken place the day before, the two teenagers had made plans to spend this day together in the hopes of getting things back to normal between them. To that end, they were going to visit the shopping mall and see what there was to do there when you don’t have a whole lot of cash.

If this day was supposed to be all about proving what a normal pair of siblings these girls really were though, it had not gotten off to a very promising start.

Both Kristen and Ruth had carefully prepared for this day as if they were going out on the most important date of their young lives. They had bathed themselves and styled their hair, applied some make-up and dabbed on a little perfume. Only when it came to dress did the girls manage to hold back, resisting the temptation to dress up in favor of keeping to casual slacks, T-shirts, jackets, and sneakers.

The young women were so preoccupied with getting ready and convincing themselves that this was not actually a date that neither of them noticed that they were being keenly watched. While their dad paid little attention to them, still all but hidden behind his morning newspaper, their mom could not keep her eyes off them. Whenever one or the other of her little girls happened to pass by, her eyes would track them like the head of a sunflower follows the sun.

Once all had been prepared, the two girls borrowed their mother’s little two door coupe and took off for the mall, leaving behind them an obsessing mother and an oblivious father.

Ann Taylor followed her daughter’s as far as the door to the garage and watched in silence from the window as they sped off together.

Given the scene she had stumbled onto that morning, it was probably natural that she would be a little worried about what might be happening between those two girls, but the way she’d responded to her discovery proved that she just wasn’t thinking like a concerned parent should.

She could not help but recall the vision of what had been in Ruth’s bed this morning – the image had been playing and replaying vividly before her mind’s eye all day now. The fact that both girls were still dressed in their nightshirts suggested that things might not have progressed very far yet between them, but the intimacy of their pose was unmistakable and unforgettable. What was going on between those two?! Was it really possible that they might have violated the ancient taboo against incest?

Meanwhile, why wasn’t she at least a little upset over the notion they maybe they had? She was their mother! She had given birth to both of those girls and it was her responsibility to see that they were raised to be decent and upstanding citizens of the human community! What did it say about her that she was instead drooling over fantasies of the two of them making love to each other and feeling a little faint over the idea of somehow getting her girls to let her join in the perverse fun?

Ann had been making her way back to the living room and her husband when that last thought made her freeze in her tracks.

Join in? A threesome with her two daughters? Lesbian incest? Oh, my . . .

Without even thinking about it, she changed direction and went dashing for the bathroom to play with herself again. Though she had told herself that she was just putting on some sweat pants and an old T-shirt today because they were so comfortable and because they weren’t expecting any visitors today, she would soon realize that it had really been because it gave her such quick and convenient access to her most intimate places.

Places that were on fire this morning and surely would be all day.

With only a locked door to hide her shame from her spouse, she shoved down her sweats and her panties and took a sat herself down on the toilet seat to get to work. She had used her fingers to do this earlier when she first spied the two teens in what could only be described as a lover’s embrace, but this time she thought to grab up a little wash cloth and rub it between her legs and the rough texture against her most sensitive parts sent her straight into orbit.

Breathing hard and dripping with sweat as she came back to herself in the aftermath, the entire bathroom reeking of the smell of sex, Ann reflected that she was going to wear herself out if she spent the entire day running off to masturbate every few minutes. Given that they were now all alone in the house, perhaps if she could talk her husband Roger into playing with her, it would distract her from these weird thoughts about her children for a while?

It might have worked, but it was not to be.

Somehow, the notion of going to bed with her own husband just wasn’t very appealing after the taboo busting fantasy she had just enjoyed.

* * *

Sitting in one of the plastic chairs in the mall’s one and only shoe store, Kristen held up one foot to have a better look at the adorable little pump she was trying on.

“Isn’t it cute?!” she gushed. “Isn’t it too die for?!”

Still kneeling on the carpet where she had helped her sister put the shoe on, Ruth could only roll her eyes. Fashion was just one of the many stereotypical girly pursuits that a tomboy like her just could not fathom. What was the point of a fragile little thing like that when you could do so much more with a sturdy pair of sneakers? For goodness sakes, they fit her foot so snugly that Kristen had not even been able to get the shoe on all by herself.

“Yes, Kris,” she answered dryly, “but if it was any tighter you would probably end up losing that foot.”

“Oh, stop it. These things are always tight at first. It’ll loosen up once it’s broken in.”

“But how can you get them broken in,” Ruth scoffed, “if you can’t even walk in the stupid things?”

The best way to respond to that, Kristen decided, was to prove her wrong. She put her foot back down firmly, hoping that her sister didn’t notice the little wince of pain when she did so, and rose to her feet. Steeling herself to hide any trace of discomfort, determined to not let even one whimper of pain escape her lips, she resolutely marched across the store and then back to the other girl.

It was a brave effort to be sure, but it was spoiled when she was all but hopping by the time she returned, crying, “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow . . .”

There was a distinct I-told-you-so gleam shining in Ruth’s eyes, but for once in her life she managed to not say it out loud. Instead, she deftly guided her sister back into the uncomfortable chair and launched an attack on that shoe, hoping to get it off before any real damage was done. The deep sigh of relief that Kristen let out when it came off was very eloquent and Ruth could not resist a little chuckle at the other girl’s expense.

“Well, maybe those were a little tight,” Kristen sheepishly conceded. She would normally have added something more – something about how her judgement in shoes was usually better and how this one unfortunate incident really should not be held against her – but her train of thought was derailed when she noticed what her sister was up to.

“Um, Ruthie? What are you doing . . . ?”

“Nothing,” Ruth replied casually, not looking up from what she was working on. “Just making sure that stupid shoe didn’t hurt your foot.”

In fact, what the younger girl was doing was cradling her sore foot in her lap, using both hands to tenderly stroke and firmly knead the exposed flesh.

Kristen had to admit it was the finest foot massage she had ever had, but it was more than just unusual for her sister to be giving it to her. In normal times, it seemed like the only time these two girls ever touched each other was during their wrestling matches. An exercise into intimacy like this was completely unknown to them. After the weirdness of the previous day, this was starting to set off alarm bells in the elder girl’s mind, but it felt so very nice that she found it disturbingly easy to drown out that noise.

“Thank you,” she breathed at length, biting her bottom lip. “That feels . . . really good.”

Ruth heard the tone of her voice and could not help but look up into her eyes for a long moment, getting a little lost in their warm depths. She saw something in there that made her rejoice, but also knew it was something that she did not dare acknowledge right now.

“I’m glad you’re . . . enjoying it.”

* * *

Surrounded by the infernal machines – their screens flashing brilliant and hypnotizing colors, their speakers blaring tinny music and disturbing sound effects – Kristen just knew that she was going to get a migraine.

At least for her, the unpleasantness of this place was only heightened by how the video game arcade had been designed. The entrance had been sculpted to look something like a cave entrance, a huge sign overhead proclaiming this to be “The Gold Mine.” Kristen didn’t need to be told that the only people this place was a gold mine for was whoever was raking in the profits from all of the kids who were spending what little money that had here. In any case, the underground theme had been duly carried over in the dimly lit interior what with the walls being made to look like rough stone and the few pillars holding the ceiling up being made to look like unfinished timber beams.

The result, at least so far as Kristen was concerned, was a claustrophobic atmosphere, the noise echoing oddly and the glowing screens seeming even more brilliant and dazzling, Under normal circumstances, she would not have come within ten yards of this place.

Kristen had never really been able to grasp the appeal of video games somehow, but having just dragged her sister into a shoe store and made her endure just over an hour of oohing and aahing over shoes, she just hadn’t been able to talk herself into refusing when her little sister insisted on stopping here.

Ruth quite clearly did not share her big sister’s discomfort with these surroundings and this was probably her destination of choice whenever she had some money burning a hole in her pocket and could score a ride. She had certainly known exactly where to find the machines she wanted and her game play was good enough to suggest that she’d had plenty of practice.

The girl had wanted to share this experience with her and had begged her big sister to plug in some money and play the games with her, but it was taking all of Kristen’s will power just to keep her in this place and she felt no need to waste what little cash she had. Ruth had looked a little hurt that she wouldn’t want to share this with her, but Kristen was sure she’d get over it.

So, instead of trying her own hand at one of these pointless games, she merely stood at her sister’s shoulder – trying to block out the distracting lights so that she could see what Ruth was doing in the game, trying to tune out the cacophony of noise so that she could hear as the younger girl excitedly described what was happening.

As a matter of fact, Kristen had edged in awfully close to her little sister and it was not just so that she could hear her better.

The fragrance she detected rising from Ruth was intoxicating and it drew her in closer and closer so that she could breathe it in more deeply. Kristen knew perfectly well that her sister hardly ever wore perfume and the thought that she had put some on just for her was making her belly do some interesting flip flops.

The game came to it’s inevitable end when her character was killed and Ruth finally thought better of feeding this machine any more money. Letting her hands drop away from the controls at last after immortalizing her name as one of this video game’s top scorers, the young woman took a step back and was a little surprised when she ran into Kristen.

Ruth had been so distracted by what was going on in the world of artificial reality that she had not noticed just how close her big sister was standing to her. In times past there would have been a mumbled apology or perhaps a “Watch where you’re going!” but not today. This time, Ruth was perfectly happy to lean back into her sister and enjoy this moment of closeness, of almost embrace.

Judging from the sigh she heard behind her, Ruth knew that Kristen didn’t have any problems with it either.

It was so easy to forget that they were in a public arcade, surrounded not just by machines but also by other people. Ruth found it hard to keep herself from reaching back to grasp the other girl’s hand and Kristen was just thinking about how easy it would be to slip her arms snugly around her sister’s waist.

“Ruth! I didn’t know you were in here!”

The sudden cry startled both the girls and they jumped apart as if they’d just gotten caught doing . . . well, doing what they had done yesterday. Spinning to find the source of the shout, they found none other than Charlie Jones trotting towards them with his normal big, friendly smile plastered on his face.

A lean and lanky boy of just barely eighteen years, this young man had been Ruth’s very best friend in the whole world ever since the two of them bonded over a big box of crayons way back in kindergarten. There were those who might have thought him too cute for his own good with his blond hair, blue eyes, and sprinkling of freckles. There were a very few girls who wondered what he might be packing considering his big ears and large hands, but most of the feminine side of the species couldn’t quite get past how gangly and clumsy he was, how he lacked any real muscles, and how awkward and shy he could be. As always, he was dressed today in high top sneakers, cargo pants, and a T-shirt advertising his favorite rock ‘n’ roll band.

“Charlie! What are you doing here?” Kristen noticed that, while her little sister sounded awfully surprised to see her pal here, she did not seem at all bothered by it.

The young man motioned behind him at a small school of kids who were bunched around one of the video games and Ruth recognized them as friends he and she shared. “The gang and I are just hanging out. Would you like to come and join us?”

Ruth glanced back briefly at her sister with the kind of smile that could only melt the other girl’s heart. “Sorry, but I’m spending the day with my sister.”

Charlie frowned in confusion at that. He was familiar enough with the dynamics in the Taylor home to know that the two girls didn’t often get along. It was unusual to say the least to have them spending time alone together when they didn’t have to. “Are you sure?”

The idea of seeing her special day with Ruth come to an end hurt her more than she could say, but Kristen nonetheless felt the need to give her little sister the option. “It’s okay, Ruth, if you want to go spend some time with your friends . . .”

Ruth wasn’t having any of that, though. “Sorry, Charlie. I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Sure.” Though he was still obviously uncertain about what might be going on between the sisters, the teenaged boy this time took the hint and returned to his friends on the other side of the arcade.

Kristen’s heart sang at the thought that her little sister had just blown off her friends, preferring to spend time with her. She slid in close beside her, draping an arm lightly around her waist and letting one of her firm breasts rub up against Ruth’s arm. The embrace seemed to take the younger girl by surprise, but she was obviously pleased.

“Say, Ruthie,” she ventured, “how about you show me how to play that game again?” Ruth answered that with an odd look, asking without words why she would want to pull free of the older girl just to play some video game, but her sister was already digging into a pocket with her free hand for a quarter. “It doesn’t look too hard. I’ll bet I can beat you.”

The smile that made an appearance on Ruth’s face then absolutely lit up this darkened place. For Kristen, that alone made her migraine well worth it.

* * *

Kristen frowned across the little table as she took notice of her little sister’s meal. “I can’t believe you eat that junk.”

Ruth didn’t seem to understand what she was getting at and spent a few moments pondering the big greasy cheeseburger, seasoned fries, and large soft drink spread out in front of her. “What do you mean? This is great!”

“It might taste good, Ruthie,” came the retort, “but it’s so bad for you! I swear I can hear your arteries clogging up from way over here.”

Ruth raised an eyebrow. “Look around, Kris. We’re in a shopping mall’s food court! All they have here is fast food places. Even if I had wanted something that was better for me, there’s not a lot of healthy food to choose from around here.”

Kristen just scoffed at that, motioning towards the big salad and diet soft drink that were sitting in front of her.

Ruth had a unique talent for grumbling under her breath and yet still managing to be clearly heard. “Rabbit food.”

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with a salad, Ruthie, and I will have you know that they taste great.” Kristen stabbed her fork into the salad and brought up a small load, holding it out towards her sister. “Here, just give this a try.”

Ruth’s eyes sparkled and she wore a small smile on her face.

She leaned across the table to accept the mouthful, her eyes never straying once from the older girl’s, but also dared to bring her hands into play. With one hand, she lightly caught the other girl’s wrist on the pretense of steadying the fork, but the activities of the other hand did not have any innocent excuses to offer. It came to rest on Kristen’s forearm and moved in a slow, rhythmic caressing motion.

Kristen’s response was to suck in a deep breath and shiver with pleasure. This was certainly not an appropriate way for two sister’s to behave towards each other, but the idea of protesting or pulling away never occurred to her.

More than satisfied with the results she had achieved, Ruth then sat back for a moment to munch on the mouthful she had been given. “Not bad,” she conceded thoughtfully, “Not bad at all. But have you even tried these seasoned fries? I’m telling you, they are addictive!” Using her hand, she scooped up a couple of the fries in question and held them out.

Recovering some of her equilibrium, Kristen was eager to prove that she knew how to play this game, too. Holding her sister’s eyes with her own, she leaned forward to accept the sample, both hands rising to hold and stroke just as the younger girl’s had. The older girl threw a new wrinkle into the works, though.

Still maintaining the eye contact, her gaze smoldering, she continued to hold onto her sister’s arm even as she tried the fries. “Mmm, those really are tasty.” Then, under the pretense of getting at the bits of seasoning that were still clinging to the girl’s fingers, she took the fingers into her mouth one by one and sucked them clean, her tongue sensuously stroking each digit.

The shudder that coursed through Ruth was so intense and so profound, the gasp she let out so very loud, that Kristen wondered for just a moment if the other girl had actually had a little orgasm.

The teenagers remained like that for quite some time, their eyes locked together as they leaned forward over the table towards one another and held onto each other’s hands, but ever so gradually they started to remember that they were in a very public place and surrounded by a lot of humanity.

Kristen’s eyes cut to the right, Ruth’s to the left. Sure enough, after a display like that, almost every eye was on the two of them.

Going a bright red, the two girls retreated to their own sides of the table to finish their meals quickly so they could escape all of this attention.

* * *

“Considering how much complaining you did about my trip to that shoe store,” the older teen observed dryly, “I can’t believe you’ve dragged me in here.”

Intently studying the racks of clothing in front of her, Ruth dismissed the argument out of hand. “That was different. All you were doing was drooling over some stupid shoes that you could never afford and would probably never actually wear. I, meanwhile, am looking for something useful and practical.” She pulled a hanger down from the rack and studied the pair of shorts they held. “You know how much time I spend running around and playing sports with my friends over the summer.”

Kristen ran a knowledgeable eye over the shorts, one hand rising to finger the material. “Oh, I wouldn’t get these if I were you. You’ll be putting them through a lot of wear and tear and they don’t seem very durable.” Taking the hanger from her sister, she returned them to the rack and then pulled the younger girl over to a different display. “Come over here. I think these would be a lot more hard wearing.”

Ruth followed after her, but groused about it just loud enough to make sure her sister heard. “Excuse me, but I think I would be a better judge of what I would like to wear.”

That earned an arched eyebrow from Kristen. “Oh, yes? And which of us actually knows anything at all about clothes and fashion?” The older girl did not wait for a response to that, turning her attention immediately back to the display in front of her and rummaging about for just the right pair of shorts. “Here we are! Take a look at these!”

Ruth carefully considered the garment her sister had found for her, noticing that the shorts were quite a bit shorter than the other ones had been. “Um . . .”

“Oh!” Kristen continued with a delighted little squeal. “And look at these tops! They would go perfectly with those shorts!”

The shirt that was pressed into Ruth’s hands seemed a little thin to her in fact, and she found herself wondering if it might go transparent if it got soaked through with sweat or water or something. Further, there were a few buttons up at the collar and she wondered just how long they would last in a particularly rough game. It seemed as if she was always losing buttons. “Um . . .”

Kristen propelled her sister towards the dressing room. “Go and try them on!”

Still considering the shorts and shirt her sister had picked out, Ruth seemed to resist this idea. “What for? I know what size I wear.”

“It doesn’t hurt to make absolutely sure. I mean, the clothes might seem perfect, but they’ll be of absolutely no use to you if they don’t fit. Right? Isn’t that what you were telling me back at the shoe store?”

“I guess so.”

“And when you have them on, you simply have to come back out here and show me.”

A small smile appeared on Ruth’s face as she understood. “You don’t think I’ll be able to figure out for myself if they fit me?”

Putting her hands on her hips, Kristen just repeated, “Which of us knows anything at all about clothes?”

With a smile a mile wide, Ruth took the shirt and shorts and quickly vanished into one of the store’s cramped little dressing rooms. If her big sister wanted a show, then she was resolved to give her one! Tearing off her own clothes, she then put on the new ones, studying herself in the mirror and taking great care to make sure everything was just right.

When the younger girl emerged from the dressing room a few moments later, Kristen’s mouth fell open and her eyes glazed over. There was a coy smile on Ruth’s lips – she’d gotten exactly the reaction she had been hoping for.

The shorts were very short indeed and showed off the young girl’s long, smooth legs very nicely. Meanwhile, the short-sleeved shirt was not one of those abbreviated ones that left the belly bare, but Ruth had not bothered to close even one of the button’s at the collar so that her sister caught a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. Given that they had shared a bedroom all of their lives, Kristen had of course seen her sister in a lot less, but she just could not stop staring at her little sister even so.

Thoroughly enjoying the way her big sister was drooling over her, Ruth turned this way and that, posing for Kristen and allowing her to get a look at her from every last angle. The answer was pretty obvious, to say the least, but Ruth still had to ask.

“So, what do you think? Do you like?”

The sound of the other girl’s voice finally broke Kristen out of her trance. Stepping forward, she answered, “Well, I don’t know yet. Let’s just see how well these are really fitting you.”

Ruth had figured out that her sister had made her try these clothes on in the hopes of seeing her in a little less, but she had not imagined that it would also be used as an excuse to get her hands on her. Kristen hurried over though to fiddle with this and adjust that and, even though she never actually put her hands on anything too intimate, the younger girl still ended up feeling pretty thoroughly groped.

When her sister actually knelt behind her and spent a lot of time adjusting her shorts however, Ruth couldn’t hold her tongue. Looking back over her shoulder with a smirk, she warned, “Be careful, Kris, or you’re going to end up pulling them down. Or did you want to see my butt?”

Kristen was indecisive for a moment, studying the body part in question and running her tongue slowly and sensuously over her lips. It clearly took a supreme effort of will power, but she finally withdrew her shaking hands and spoke in a breathless voice. “Yes, I think these should fit you fine.”

Ruth stuck out her bottom lip in an adorable pout. “Really? Are you sure you don’t want to see my butt?”

Giving her sister a pleading look, Kristen could only whisper a heartfelt, “Ruth . . .”

“Okay, okay, spoilsport,” Ruth said with a heavy, theatrical sigh, choosing to let her off the hook. Without a backwards glance, she turned and disappeared back into the fitting room.

Rising slowly and awkwardly back to her feet, Kristen leaned heavily against a nearby rack of dresses for support as her legs seemed awfully wobbly.

Over and over, she silently told herself that she had not been tempted at all to haul down her little sister’s shorts, that she had not been dying to not only see the girl’s butt but to actually get her hands on it.

No matter how often or how firmly she might tell herself this however, she couldn’t quite make herself believe it.

In the dressing room meanwhile, now safely out of sight, Ruth sagged down onto the little bench that had been provided there. Though she took some pride in the fact that she had been able to retain her composure out there in public, there was no denying that it was going to be necessary for her to take a moment or two to catch her breath and try to slow her pounding heart.

For just an instant there, she had thought that her sister really might be about to haul down those tiny little shorts and the notion had set her whole body ablaze.

One hand gravitated quite naturally to the swampy center of the inferno, but she resisted the idea of playing with herself here for fear of getting caught.

* * *

No day at the mall would be complete for any teenager alive without a stop at the movie cinema to see a show. The prices were too high, the seats were often ripped up, the floors were sticky, and the walls were so thin and poorly insulated that you could clearly hear what was playing in the next cinema, but the tradition prevailed.

Unfortunately, the Taylor sisters had very different views on what constituted a good movie.

For Kristen, there was nothing better than a good romance or a nice tear-jerker and so she naturally gravitated towards the latest chick flicks. For Ruth on the other hand, there was nothing better than a good adventure flick with lots of shoot outs and explosions, but a good gross out comedy came in a pretty close second.

When the two teens elected to catch one of Hollywood’s latest efforts at the mall’s cinema then, the debate about what they would see grew just a little heated. They could have seen two separate shows of course, but that was unthinkable given that they wanted to spend this day together.

With no compromise movie available either, they hung their heads in defeat and retreated from the cinema.

This was how Kristen and Ruth ended up on one of the park benches – the kind that was provided for the comfort of weary shoppers, but was made of metal and so was just uncomfortable enough to ensure that they would be back on their feet in short order and into the stores again. The bags containing the things they’d bought meanwhile were arranged neatly at their feet.

Ruth looked at the bags ruefully. “Given how little money we had, who would have thought we could have bought so much stuff?”

“I’m an expert shopper – what can I say?” her sister replied with a little grin, the pride evident. “I know how to get the biggest bang for my buck.”

“Hard to argue with, I guess,” Ruth chuckled.

Kristen slumped back a little on the bench, wishing it had been given even a little padding. “I’m glad for this chance to sit down for awhile. Do you realize that we’ve spent almost the entire day on our feet now? And I’m not nearly as athletic as you are.”

“Oh, you poor baby.”

Without even thinking about what she was doing, Ruth slipped an arm around her big sister’s shoulders and pulled her in for a cozy cuddle. Kristen did not protest though, eagerly laying her head down to rest on the other girl’s shoulder, snuggling in comfortably and even letting out a contented sigh.

Delighted, Ruth boldly chose to press a tender kiss to the older girl’s temple and was rewarded with a throaty noise that could only be described as a happy purr.

And that was how the couple would remain for almost a half hour, each of them loath to bring this moment of closeness and intimacy to an end .

* * *

It had been a very long day for Ann Taylor as she tried to deal with her perverse new desires and waited impatiently for her two daughters to come home.

She’d had to run to the bathroom so many times to try to tamp down the inferno that was burning inside her that even her husband Roger had noticed and worriedly inquired if she was feeling all right. Well, she could hardly tell him the truth – that she was burning with lust for their daughters – so she’d just assured him that she was fine and tried to change the subject. Even so, she did think it best if she stopped running off to masturbate every few minutes.

The problem with this however, was that it left her feeling as if she was on the verge of exploding!

No longer able to deal with her bodies disturbing needs all by herself, she eventually broke down and approached her husband. Ann made it quite clear to him what she wanted, going so far as to suggest that she might be prepared to do things with him that she’d always been unwilling to try before, but he refused her even so.

Unaware of the state his wife was really in and not quite getting that she was willing to play the slut for him just this once, Roger was not interested in an afternoon romp while the big game was on TV. He could not actually use that excuse with her though and so he just complained that the girls might come home at any moment and it would be kind of embarrassing for them to walk in on their parents fooling around.

Grumbling to herself, Ann gave up on her distracted spouse and headed upstairs.

If nothing else, she could focus on preparing for her daughter’s eventual homecoming.

* * *

“Well, here we are again,” Ruth said with a sigh that sounded almost sad. “Home again.”

Back home again at long last that afternoon having just spent the best day together either of them could remember, the two teenagers emerged from their mother’s car. Neither of them had wanted to see this day come to an end, but there really is a limit to just how much time a person can spend in a mall. The idea had been floated that they could have gone to take a walk in the park, but the temperature had dropped and it would have been no fun to shiver throughout their stroll.

“Yeah.” Kristen sounded no happier than her sister did and reached out to take hold of her hand as they met in front of the little coupe. “This was a good idea, you had, Ruthie. I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun I had today.”

“I’m so glad, Kris,” Ruth gushed eagerly, squeezing the other girl’s hand. “I had a blast, too.”

The moment grew longer and longer as the two teens stood there in the garage silently, smiling lovingly as they gazed deep into each other’s eyes, holding onto each other’s hands. There was an undercurrent here of something more than mere sisterly affection and it was very possible that something forbidden might happen if they would only let it.

Remembering her sister’s concerns of the previous night though, Ruth’s courage failed her and she tried to let Kristen off the hook. “Come on. We’d better start unloading all of that stuff we bought.”

Ruth tried to let go of her sister’s hand and started to move away, but Kristen was quick to grip her even more tightly and pull her right back.

“Aren’t you forgetting something, Ruthie?”

A little startled by the older girl’s behavior, Ruth wracked her brain worriedly for a moment. The last thing she wanted to do was end this fabulous day by doing anything that might annoy Kristen, but she honestly could not imagine what she might be talking about.

“Am I?”

Kristen tried to affect a playful, teasing look, but any pretense of innocence was spoiled by her smoky eyes and husky voice. “Well, it’s customary to get a little kiss at the end of a date?”

Ruth was shocked to say the least.

Did she want to kiss her sister? Of course, she did! She had wanted to do that and more at least since that wrestling match the day before. On the other hand, she could also remember that little conversation they had shared in the aftermath. But if she was determined to not permit anything even vaguely incestuous to happen between them, why was she now calling their day together a date and asking for a kiss?

Thinking that maybe Kristen was a bit overcome after all of the little intimacies they had shared at the mall, that she was saying things she would probably regret later, Ruth once again tried to play it safe.

Stepping closer to her sister, the young girl leaned in to give her a kiss, careful to only let her lips brush Kristen’s cheek.

Kristen put on a pout, not even trying to hide her disappointment. “I think I’m beginning to understand why you don’t get asked out on more dates, Ruthie.” Without waiting for a response, she pulled the younger girl up against herself, belly to belly and breast to breast, one of her legs moving almost naturally in between Ruth’s. “Let me show you what I mean.”

Gazing up into her sister’s eyes, her entire body feeling Kristen’s entire body, Ruth very nearly swooned.

Kristen kissed her lips.

It was a tender and loving kiss at first, really only a little more than what one might have expected to see between two relatives, but it would not stay that way for very long. What should have been a relatively brief peck quickly lengthened and deepened though, growing more and more passionate by the moment. They clung to each other desperately for what seemed like an eternity, an audible moan of ecstacy escaping them both when their lips finally parted.

“Wow . . .” Ruth sighed, looking at her sister in wonder.

“Yeah,” Kristen agreed wholeheartedly. “Wow.”

Now it was Ruth who took the initiative, moving quickly as if wanting to make sure this was done before either girl could think better of what they were doing. Taking hold of her big sister, she turned and pushed her up against the wall, firmly pinning her there with her own body and once more kissing her.

It was a fierce, bruising kiss that, on the one hand, seemed to last forever and, on the other, came to an end all too soon.

Pulling back at long last, Ruth looked at her big sister with a shy smile and her heart leapt when she saw it mirrored on Kristen’s face. A significant line was being crossed, but this time there was no fretting and worrying over that fact. Searching each other’s eyes and finding only excitement and happiness, they both came to the same decision at the same time.

“Let’s go inside,” Kristen murmured. “I think we need to spend a little more . . . quality time together.”

“I’d like that.”

Hand in hand, the two girls made a dash for the door to go inside the house, but their plan to just sprint upstairs to their bedroom and close the door behind them was not to come to fruition. Instead, they had hardly taken three steps indoors before they were intercepted by their mother.

Ann Taylor had carefully prepared for this encounter. She was freshly bathed and perfumed, had made sure her legs and armpits were shaved smooth, had styled her hair and put on some make-up, and had even dressed in her tightest jeans and a blouse that she left unbuttoned enough to show off plenty of cleavage.

Ann knew exactly how perverse it was for her to be throwing herself at her own children like this and felt like such a slut, but at that precise moment she just didn’t care.

“Welcome home, girls,” she said to them in an emotion choked voice. “I’ve been waiting for you.”


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