[FM-teen[ [1st] [oral] FIRST SEX WITH MY OLDER STEP-SISTER – A slightly retarded 18-year-old is shown what real sex feels like by his older step-sister. A step-sister erotic story.

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This is a story about my first sexual experience. It wasn’t with a stranger. They were with my older step-sister.

It began when I was 18 I didn’t have many friends. I have a slight developmental disability in the brain so I wasn’t attracted to girls as early as other boys. I also didn’t grow very quickly either, so at 18, I

still looked like I was a lot younger.

As curious as boys are, I began to notice females and the shapes of their bodies. I noticed the shape of their bodies, the curve of their hips their soft skin and hair, and even their wonderful smells. After a while, I began to play with myself when I was alone, exploring my body and thinking about women.

When I started playing with myself, I wouldn’t do it for very long. I was kind of afraid of the strange feeling that began to build when I did it too long. After all, I was young and didn’t know what was happening.

After a while, I began looking at my step-sister. So after a while, she became the object of my fantasies. I would dream it was her hand wrapped around my cock jerking me off. I would dream it was her mouth sucking me off in the shower.

My step-sister at the time Mary was 26 years old. To me she was perfect. She was single. She had auburn red hair, and she had the finest body I had ever seen. One day, my parents went out, and it was only me and Mary left at home. I decided I was bored and went to my room. As most young boys have, being curious, I started looking at a dirty magazine. I began playing with myself. I may have been a bit too loud, but Mary called out to me, “Anthony are you ok?” Now I’m in the middle of jerking off, with my hand around my cock, and close to cumming. All I could do was try to catch my breath and utter a small “yes, I’m fine.”

**Short of cumming…**

Needless to say, I stopped just short of cumming again. “Ok,” she called from the other room.

The next day, Mary was cleaning my room. She came into my bedroom with a Hustler magazine in her hands. She asked me “Where did this come from?” I said nothing. She just stood there for a second and looked at me. Then with a slight chuckle and a grin, she left the room. Now sweating, I’m wondering if she is going to tell our parents. I followed her into the next room, and I asked “Are you going to tell mom and dad?”

She gave me a fake stern look and said “I won’t tell them if you tell me what you were doing with this magazine”. Still sweating and nervous, I mumbled, “I was playing with myself…” my voice trailed off. She just grinned at me and went about what she was doing, without saying anything. Now I’m sweating bullets. “Are you going to tell me?” I asked. Mary chuckled at me and said “No” and tossed the magazine back at me.

A few very nerve-racking days passed. Nothing was said. I was so nervous I hadn’t jerked off in days. Our parents ended up going away for the weekend, and again, it was only Mary and I left in the house. I was in the living room watching TV. Mary had come down from her bedroom and sat with me. We both looked at each other. Then she said, “How did you learn to play with yourself?”

I said, “I was just imitating what I saw in the magazine. I saw this girl holding onto this guy’s… um…”

“Penis?” she said, finishing my sentence.

“Yeah,” I continued, “and moving her hand back and forth. I tried to do it to myself seeing how simple it was. I did it for so long, I don’t know what happened but it felt soo good. I got a strange feeling and I stopped. I only did it twice…”


A little while later, I was still watching TV when Mary called me up to her bedroom. I went upstairs, into her room, and on the TV, was a porn movie. Mary looked at me and grinned.

“You like that? It’s much better than a magazine no?” she asked. I couldn’t take my eyes off the TV of the couple having full-blown sex.

“Here, sit,” she said as she patted the bed next to her. So I sat down next to Mary. She leaned back on the bed, and pulled me back to her, putting my head on her chest. We continued to watch porn. On the screen, this guy was sliding his cock in and out of a woman.

“Sit up,” she said. So I did so. She slid over slightly to the side of the bed. “Take off your pants,” she said. Now, a girl telling me to take off my pants, that’s like a nuclear bomb going off in my head. I started sweating from nerves. I just sat there. Mary grinned at me and said, “Ok, I know you’re nervous. I’ll go very slowly.”

Still a little hesitant, wondering if what she is saying is real, I just sat there again. She said, “Come on, you know how good it feels when you play with yourself? When 2 people have sex it feels even better! Trust me, I’m your step-sister, I would never do anything to make you feel bad.”

Realizing she was right, I stood up off the bed and removed my pants. I was hard already. Seeing my cock pressing my underwear, she smiled again and said, “I see you’re ready.” I chuckled and took off my shirt and underwear. “Come here, and lay down next to me,” she said. “Now I’m going to show you how good your body can make you feel.”


With that said she laid a hand on my chest and slowly slid her hand down to my waist, and ever so gently took hold of my cock. A Shiver ran through my body. Her soft skin and her warm hand on my cock was the most amazing feeling in the world. Occasionally she moved her hand and flexed her fingers. I couldn’t believe what was happening.

Mary smiled and said, “See what I mean? Doesn’t that feel good Anthony?”

All I could do was groan.

She took that as a yes, and just continued to hold my cock. It felt like hours passed, but in reality, it was only 5 minutes. By the end of that 5 minutes, I was as hard as steel.

Next Mary slid further down the bed. Her face was totally in line with my cock. “I’m going to do something to you that’s gonna feel even better. Again, I’m going to go slow, so don’t be afraid.”

All I could do was nod.

She took my rock hard cock in her hand again and tilted it straight up. “I’m going to put your penis in my mouth. Try to relax,” she said feeling how tense I was.

Slowly I felt her breath on the head of my cock, then all of a sudden, with a shiver again, this intense warm feeling came over my whole body. Thinking back, it felt kind of weird. I lifted my head only to see my step-sister’s lips covering the head of my cock. It felt like electricity flowing through my whole body. It was perhaps the best feeling I ever had up until that point.

**Try something else?…**

She didn’t bob her head up and down, not a first. She just sort of held the head of my cock in her mouth. Occasionally I felt her tongue brush against my head, making my body jerk slightly. I guess that was part of her being gentle with my the first time. Then after a few minutes, her mouth slowly made her way all the way down my shaft, then back up. She did this maybe a total of 4 times.

The pressure began to build in my crotch and I was getting nervous. Once more and I probably would have cum in her mouth. She then released my cock from her mouth. Still holding my penis in her hand she looked up at me smiling. She said, “You want me to keep going, or do you want to try something else?”

By that moment, I’m flying so high, I barely understand a word she says. I feel a slight slap on my cheek. “Are you ok?” she asked laughing.

Coming down from my high of having my penis in a woman’s mouth, I was able to mumble, “I’m fine…”

“See, it feels good doesn’t it?” she asked.

“Awesome!” I said with great enthusiasm.

“What is that strange feeling I started to get when you had my thing in your mouth?” I asked.

“It’s called a penis, you can say it, there’s no reason to be embarrassed around me. That means you were about to shoot stuff out of your penis. It’s called cumming. You wouldn’t believe how good it feels when it happens,” she said.

“Oh ok, how can I cum?” I asked.

**Many different ways…**

“Well there are different ways, you can do it yourself, I’m sure you felt it when you played with yourself. Or I can make you cum.” Mary said. “It always feels better when someone else does it for you though”.

“Can you make me cum?” I asked.

“You’re so cute,” she said smiling. “Lay back on the bed,” she told me.

As I lay back, she left the room. When she came back she wasn’t wearing any pants or underwear, but she still had her shirt on. By this time my cock had gone soft. This time Mary got back on the bed, only this time she straddled me. She took my cock in her hand, and gently stroked it. I became hard as steel.

“Now, what I’m gonna do to you will feel a little weird at first, but you’ll get used to it. I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked.

“See what those people are doing on the screen?” referring to the sex on the TV. “I’m going to put your penis inside me. That’s how people have sex. It feels really good, you’ll see,” she said.

I just nodded.

She lifted herself up onto her knees and positioned her body directly over my penis. She held my cock straight up in her hand, I felt something warm and wet touching the head. “Are you ready?” she asked. I just nodded, with that, she smiled at me and slowly slid my cock into her hole. It was warm. a little warmer than her mouth I think. As she sat down on my waist with my cock inside her body.

**Audible gasp…**

As she sank down on my rock hard shaft I let out an audible GASP and arched my back. “That feels good!” I said very happily, but I was a bit unaware of what was about to happen.

“Do you feel like you are going to cum? Most boys are very sensitive their first time, it usually doesn’t take more than a few minutes.”

“Almost,” I said, but the feeling is going away.” By this time, she placed her hands on my chest, in a traditional riding position. She just sat still with my cock inside her, waiting for me to get used to the feeling of being inside a woman. “Can I touch you?” I asked.

She took both of my hands and placed them on her chest. “Be gentle,” she said. “They’re a very sensitive area on a girl.”

I began gently squeezing and exploring my first rack.

Then she said, “Is it ok if I start moving now? This is where the good feeling will become explosive!”

All I could do was nod.

I was a virgin and then I wasn’t. I was having sex for the first time. She lifted her torso slightly, making my cock slide out of her slightly, and she sat back down pushing it back in. “OH MY GOD!” I yelled.

All Mary did was smile. My heart started to race. She lifted herself up again and slid my cock out and in again and then again until she built a slow but steady rhythm. I started to gasp from excitement.

She looked down at me, my hands still gently grasping her boobs. She asked me, “Do you feel like you are going to cum yet?” With that, there was an explosion in my head. The feeling in my pelvic area continued to build until I couldn’t hold it anymore. “It’s… happening!” I gasped. My cock suddenly pulsed. Mary must have felt it because she stopped moving up and down and sat on my cock, sliding me completely inside her. I started moaning very loudly, “OH MY GOD!” I shouted as my cock pulsed again and again, over and over. My whole body Bucked with pleasure as shoved deep into her, shooting every last drop of my cum into this vagina that happened to belong to my step-sister.


“See what I mean? Didn’t that feel awesome?” Mary asked very happily.

“Yeah, that was great!” I panted.

At that moment she was still sitting at my waist with my now softening cock still inside her.

“Can we do it again?” I asked hopefully.

She just laughed. “You’re young, but most boys aren’t able to have sex again that quickly, maybe another time.” She stood up pulling me out of her and my half-hard cock slid out of her body.

“Now you’ll know what it feels like to have sex with your girlfriend when you find one,” she said.

“I really liked that, especially when I was cumming. They call it something else in the movie, but it’s a word I can’t say.”

“Yes, you can, around me. It’s called fucking,” she said. “Go ahead and say it, tell me you want to fuck me.”

I hesitated.

“If you don’t say it, this will be the last time we do it.”

“Will you fuck me again sometime?” I asked nervously.

She smiled and gave me hug and a kiss. “Next time mom and dad go away, we can do it again.” And then she left the room to go take a shower.

I just lay on her bed and fell asleep totally sated.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jukqrv/fmteen_1st_oral_first_sex_with_my_older