Forbidden: A Novel, Part 2 [MF][INCE]

**Part 2**

The next morning as I got up, I decided I would do my damnedest to bury the taboo events of the previous night. I went downstairs, started a pot of coffee, and was just sitting down at the table with my mug when Ashley came strolling into the kitchen.

“Morning, Brother Dear,” she said with a smile. I nodded a quick greeting and watched with interest as my sister flitted around the room, going about her morning routine. She seemed awful damn chipper for someone who had cum herself to sleep while thinking about her older brother. “I take it you slept well, Sis?” I asked her with a raised eyebrow. Ashley beamed at me. “I slept wonderfully,” she replied elated. She pulled her phone out, and as she looked at it while humming happily, I watched with growing annoyance. I had told myself I was done with all of the weird shit that had been going on lately, but seeing her acting like she was on cloud nine while knowing what she had been up to the previous night, I couldn’t help myself.

“So, Ash,” I said casually, as I sat my mug on the table. “You might want to be a tad bit more discrete the next time you decide to click your own mouse.” She slowly sat her phone down and stared at me with wide eyes and a red face. “You heard me?” she asked embarrassed. I grinned at her. “Oh yeah, I heard you alright.” She looked at me with the world’s biggest ‘oh shit’ face. “What exactly did you hear, Jay?”

I could’ve really hammered her about the fact she had been pleasuring herself and thinking about me in the process, but Ashley had been cool about ‘the incident’ and I didn’t want to be too hard on her.

“Nothing specific,” I lied. “But it was obvious you were having a little too good of a time.” She eyed me skeptically. “You’re sure that’s all you heard?” she asked insistently. I nodded my head. “Yes Ashley, I’m sure.” She smiled tentatively. “Okay,” she said. “But now we’re even. Deal?” she reached her hand out, and I took it. “Deal,” I said shaking. We both went our separate ways after that, and the rest of the week ended up being pretty uneventful, at least until movie night.

It was Friday afternoon and I sat on the couch reading a novel when Ashley sat down next to me. “Whatcha readin?” she asked curiously. I showed her the cover. “It’s a horror book I got at the store,” I told her. “It looked and sounded interesting, but it’s really not that good. What are you up to?” Ashley shrugged. “Nothing really,” she said. “I’m just kinda bored, so I thought I would see what you were up to.” I grinned at her. “Well Ash, I hate to break it to you, but I’m not much better off,” I told her as I went back to my novel. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see she was staring at me. “You’re no fun at all,” she said with defeat before turning on the TV.

As she scanned through the channels, I continued reading. After a few minutes, I grew bored with the novel and looked to see what Ashley had found to watch. It was *Weekend at Bernie’s.* “Man, we must’ve watched this movie a million times when we were kids,” I said to her smiling. “No doubt,” she replied fondly. “It was a late-night staple for us, huh?” Then she smacked me on the leg. “I have a great idea,” she said excitedly. “And what’s that?” I asked curiously. “Let’s have movie night,” she said. “Just like when we were kids.”

When we were younger, movie night was the highlight of our weekends. With Saturday being the one night of the week our parents allowed us to stay up as late as we wanted, Ashley and I would spend them watching the worst movies HBO and Cinemax had to offer. They were good times.

“I guess it’s something to do,” I told her downplaying my interest. “You ass,” Ashley said playfully. “You know you want to. It’ll be fun.” I grinned at my sister. “So…pizza with our entertainment?” I asked her inquiringly. “Hell yeah,” she said eagerly. “Then you, m’lady, have yourself a date,” I said with my best British accent.”

That evening we ordered two pizzas, and once they’d arrived, the two of us settled in for a night of bad movies. “You pick first,” Ashley said handing me the remote. “You sure?” I asked her teasingly. “What if I pick something terrible?” “Jay, just pick something,” she said impatiently. “You’re my brother, so you have to have good taste by default.” I chuckled at her. “If you say so, Ash.” I scanned through the movies on Prime and decided on the original *Friday the 13th.* “Ooohh, good choice,” she said approvingly.

Over the next hour and a half, as Jason’s mother hacked her way through Camp Crystal Lake, my sister and I laughed, ate, and enjoyed each other’s company. “Okay, this is our new Friday night tradition for the rest of the summer,” she said smiling. “I’ve really missed this kind of stuff.” “Me too,” I said sincerely. “Things have been kinda weird the last week and a half, but this has been fun.”

With the mention of previous events, I noticed Ashley turn red slightly, and I felt bad for bringing it up. “So…what’s next?” I asked awkwardly. “I’m going to go change into my PJs real quick,” she said standing up. “When I get back, I’ll pick the next movie.” I nodded at her and watched as she started up the stairs.

I sat there for about ten minutes, and as I waited for her to return, I felt like a total heel. Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut? “Here, give me the remote,” Ashley said from behind me. “My turn.” I turned to hand it to her, and couldn’t help but be confused by her appearance.

Typically, when we hung out before bed, my sister would have her hair up in a ponytail, while lounging around in a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, but not this time. Ashley’s naturally-curly, dirty-blonde mane still hung free around her back and shoulders, while the snug-fitting top she wore stopped several inches above the waistband of the too-short, shorts she had put on. “That’s a different look,” I said handing her the remote. Ashley shrugged as she took the object from me. “I might as well be comfortable,” she said scanning through the movie choices. “Besides, it’s getting kind of hot in here.” It didn’t really feel that hot to me, but whatever.

I waited patiently as Ashley looked through the menu, then she stopped. “I wanna surprise you,” she said mischievously. “Go in the kitchen or something.” I eyed her suspiciously. “What are planning?” I asked her. “Just go,” she said giving me a playful shove. “Fine,” I said standing up. “I might as well go change, myself.” I went up to my room and changed into a pair of basketball shorts and an old Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt, and then I made a quick trip to the bathroom.

When I came back down a couple of minutes later, Ashley had the TV on pause and sat there looking way too pleased with herself. “You’re up to something,” I told her as I sat down. “Just go with it,” she said smirking as she pushed play on the remote.

The image of an exotic, tropical beach filled the screen as the words *Pleasure Island* appeared. I stared daggers at my sister. “Really, Ashley?” I asked in disbelief. She shrugged. “What?” she said with false innocence. “It looked interesting.”

While I hadn’t watched *Pleasure Island*, myself, it had popped up a few times as I had previously scanned through the menu, and from the description and short preview displayed, it was obviously not a movie I needed to watch with my sister.

“It’s a softcore porn flick,” I told her flatly. “So?” Ashley said no longer trying to hide her awareness of the fact. “We’re both adults.” I shook my head. “We’re also siblings, and siblings don’t watch porn together, Ash.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Jay, I think you’re being a prude?”

I stared at her with my mouth agape. She knew I hated being called that, and I knew she was doing it to manipulate the situation. “Fine,” I said annoyed. “We’ll watch your movie, but when you start feeling uncomfortable because you’re watching porn with your older brother, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She smiled, knowing she had just won, and pushed play.

After about fifteen minutes, I found out two things. Calling this movie softcore was a mistake. It was just shy of the real deal, and Ashley was really into it. As I watched my eighteen-year-old sister devour the film like a juicy steak, I didn’t really know how to take it. Part of me felt weird watching the film with her, but another part… “Bathroom break,” she said hitting pause and thankfully bringing me out of my thoughts.

Ashley hopped up off the sofa, but before she got too far, she turned back. “Don’t miss me too much,” she said with a wink. I watched her go into the bathroom. “Weirdo,” I thought shaking my head. This night had gone from fun to odd, but little did I know how crazy it was about to get.

After a couple of minutes, Ashley returned, but instead of taking her place on the far side of the couch as before, she snuggled in right next to me. She re-started the movie, and I couldn’t help but stare at her curiously.

We had always been close, and as kids, it was nothing for us to hang, innocently, all over each other, but as we both hit our teen years that had all stopped. Now, as my sister sat snuggled against me, my awareness of her physical closeness felt like a lead weight. All I could do was write it off as that strange comfort close friends and siblings have with one another sometimes, and move on. But when Ashley casually placed her hand on my inner thigh, just millimeters from my member, and it answered her touch with a twitch, I had, had enough. I stood up as nonchalant as I could.

“I think it’s my bedtime,” I said with false composure. Ashley looked up at me, confused. “Why? She asked. “What’s wrong now?” I shook my head. “Nothing’s wrong,” I lied. “I’m just getting tired, that’s all.” She looked at the clock. “It’s only 9:30,” she said frowning. “So?” I asked. “So,” she said mockingly. “I think you’re full of it. You’re just afraid of getting turned on in front of your little sister.” I felt the color rise in my cheeks. “I’m not getting turned on,” I blurted, but it was a lie as well. Due to a combination of the sounds coming from the TV, my sister’s touch, and the tilt of the conversation, my pecker was now standing at full mast. I turned my body trying to hide it, but it was no use.

“You’re there already,” Ashley said with piqued interest. “Let me see.” I stared at her, incredulous at what I was hearing. “What the fuck, Ashley?” I asked indignantly. “Oh, come on, Jay,” she said jovially. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.” “Well, it doesn’t mean you have to see it again,” I told her perturbed. “When did you lose your damned mind?” She stood up and looked me in the face. “Probably when I came home and caught you hand fucking yourself in the living room,” she shot back at me. I grinned. Two could play this game. “Oh, you mean as you stood there and stared like an idiot?” I retorted. Ashley put her hands on her hips. “Fine,” she said boldly. “I’ll admit it. I thought it was hot.

I stared at her with shock and then sat back down, defeated. “Jesus Christ,” I said, palming my face. “This is beyond twisted. I’m your brother Ashley.” She shrugged. “And I’m your sister, but I’m also a woman.” Then, gesturing to my throbbing manhood. “And well, you’re most definitely a man.” Self-conscious, I tried to hide my erection once again but gave up. What was the point? “I can’t stop thinking about that night,” she continued. “Believe me, Jay, I’ve tried. It’s driving me crazy.”

I looked up at my sister and saw all jest was gone from her face. Ashley was just as tortured by this as I was, and her eyes showed it. Seeing this, I wanted nothing more than to hold her and tell her it would be ok, and as I stood and took her in my arms, I swear to God, that was my only intention. But, that’s not what happened. As my arms went around Ashley, our eyes met, and then our lips. Before I knew what I was doing, I was kissing my sister in a very unbrotherly way, and she was more than reciprocating.

Ashley pressed herself hard against me as our kiss grew more passionate. The heat radiated off of her in waves, and I was beginning to lose myself to it. Picking her up, I laid her gently on the couch and then crawled down on top of her.

My lips found hers once again, and as we made out, I ran my hand under her shirt. Ashley moaned softly into my mouth as I began massaging the hidden breast and nipple with my hand, and after a moment, I pushed the shirt up, exposing her heaving chest. “They’re perfect,” I said with awe as I looked down at my sister’s assets. “Yes, yes they are, and they need your attention,” she said playfully as she took my head and pulled it to her bosom.

I began tonguing her right nipple as I pinched the left with my fingers, and when I was satisfied, I switched. “Oh my God that feels wonderful,” she moaned while squirming under me. “But it’s driving me crazy.” Pausing, I looked up at her. “Isn’t that the point?” I asked with a grin. Rolling her eyes, Ashley buried her fingers in my hair, pulled me back up to her, and kissed me. “Only if you’re trying to be a tease,” she said sensually between kisses. “But I’m ready for more than just a taste.”

Reaching down, my sister began fumbling with the waistband of my shorts, but I stopped her. “Ash, wait a minute,” I said to her. “If we stop this now, we can at least move forward with some semblance of normalcy.” She squeezed my ass hard. “I don’t want normal,” she said through clenched teeth. “I want you.” Lord knows I wanted her just as bad, but I was going to have my say. “If we do this, there’s no going back Ashley.” She smiled sweetly. “Dear Brother, I think we jumped that shark the minute you put your tongue in my mouth and fondled my tits, so please don’t take this wrong, because I say it with more love than you will ever know. Man the fuck up, and put it in me.” Looking down at her and seeing the pure, unadulterated desire in my sister’s eyes, the last little bit of my resistance fell away. I pushed my shorts down to my thighs, and as she held the leg of hers aside, I guided myself into Ashley’s warmth.

Biting her lip, Ashley winced slightly as I slowly pushed myself into her up to the root. Now fully inside her, my sister reached around and held me to her tightly. “Give me a second,” she panted. I looked down at her with concern. “You okay, Ash?” I asked worriedly. “Yeah, I’m good,” she said grinning. “It’s just…” She winced again as I adjusted my position. “Fuck, how are you so big?” I smiled shyly. “Luck of the draw I guess.” She chuckled “Well you could break a girl, so be easy with me, okay?” I kissed her. “Always,” I assured her. Then, taking a couple of deep breaths, Ashley licked her lips. “Okay, I think I’m ready.”

I began moving in her tentatively. “Careful, Babe,” she said caressing my back. “Mmm, yes. Just like that Jay,” she coaxed. “Right there. Shit, I’m about to cum already.” I stopped and looked at her, amazed. “Really?” I asked. “Not if you don’t keep going, silly,” she said squeezing my ass. “Go on.”

I continued my gentle strokes and momentarily felt Ash tense beneath me. “Uuunnhhh,” she moaned pleasurably. “Don’t stop, baby,” she panted. “Mmmm, yes. Again?” She buried her face in my shoulder, stifling a loud moan as she came a second time. “Holy hell,” she said between breaths. “I hope you cum soon, otherwise I’m going to be a blithering mess.” Stopping my rhythm, I smirked at her. “Guess I better pick it up then?” I asked her. “Obviously, smartypants,” she said sarcastically. “Just don’t forget the importance of not cumming in me. Lord knows if you knocked me up, that would go over like a turd in the punchbowl with our parents.” I shook my head and then smiled at her. “Ash, would please shut up and let me do this?” She rolled her eyes at me playfully. “As you wish,” she said before returning my smile. “Carry on.” I kissed her one last time and then began again.

I thrust my cock into her with careful, but intense strokes, and as I made love to her, Ashley’s moaning, encouragement, prodded me forward like a runaway train. Each time she came, I increased my power, letting her animal sounds push me closer and closer to the edge. Then, when I felt the pressure begin to build, I held it at bay until just the right moment. “I’m there, Baby,” I grunted to her. “Cum for me. Now.” She bucked her hips up into me, and the combined force of our rutting pushed her over the edge. “Oh God, Jaaayyy,” she groaned as her body tensed. I gave her convulsing pussy two more hard thrusts, and then I pulled out and came. As her body continued its spasming, I released my seed on her stomach and between her breasts. “Mmmm,” she moaned, elated from the sensation.

There was no turning back now, for sure, and even though I had no idea what the wage for this sin would be, right then I was willing to pay it.


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