Wedding Daze – The End [Mother / Son Incest]

Too long a story. Had to break this one in half!

When the Edwards family arrived at the side of the pool, Adam’s attention was drawn immediately to a pair of teenagers who were stretched out on lounge chairs in barely there bikinis, working on their tans. Slowly but surely, trying his very hardest to make it look like he wasn’t really checking out some girls who were each young enough to be his daughter, he angled over in their direction for a better look.

Donna and Jeff hardly noticed as he wandered away from them, however. As far as these two were concerned, the entire world had shrunk to just the two of them.

As they settled into the cool, clean water, the couple made a point of sticking very close to each other, wandering about the pool in slow meandering circles. They kept themselves at a respectable distance at first as they shared a quiet, intimate conversation and tried to sneak lingering peeks, but drew closer and closer over time as they orbited each other.

Weaving their way through all of the other people in that pool, just aimlessly wandering about with no clear destination in mind, the couple eventually ended up against the side of the pool in the deep end. With her back up against the side, the water level just beneath her breasts, Donna found herself all but pinned there as her son leaned in to her, their conversation by now so quiet that no one could have overheard it.

Jeff leaned in even closer anyway, raising a hand to stroke his mother’s hair. It was an intimate gesture and one he had used with this woman many, many times before, but this time something new happened.

Sporting a serious erection by now thanks entirely to his mother, when he closed the distance between them this time his manhood was pressed into her hip. The way he moved against her made it clear to her that he was big – much bigger than his father, in fact – and from Donna’s lips escaped what sounded like a surprised but not displeased, “Oh!”

Instinct told him to back off – this was his mom, after all. When he started to take a step away from her though, she was quick to stop him. Her hand came to rest on his hip and, if anything, she seemed to draw him ever more firmly against her.

They were surrounded by people laughing and yelling to each other as they played in the water, but Jeff and Donna were completely off in their own little world where it was just the two of them and a heavy silence reigned. Neither of them seemed to be able to find their voice and so no more words were spoken. Their eyes met again though, searching and questioning.

He leaned his face in close to hers, his breath hot on her cheek as his lips approached to within inches of her’s. Her full lips parted in invitation, asking for the kiss he seemed to be offering. He hesitated though, eager but unsure, and settled for a gentle nuzzle of her cheek.

She whined in disappointment, but thought she had a way to encourage him.

The hand on his hip moved, boldly cupping that big bulge in the front of his swimsuit. His mouth happened to be near her ear and the shuddering groan he let out when she took possession of him sent a shiver through her. Thus encouraged, she rubbed and caressed him slowly but firmly through his trunks, marveling that he still seemed to be growing.

She got a kiss then, but only an impulsive and all too brief one close to her ear.

He let one of his big hands come to rest on her arm, trailing up it gradually as he savored the soft and silky smooth texture of her skin. Reaching her shoulder, he hooked a finger in one of her swimsuit’s shoulder straps and pulled it down. He kept pulling it farther and farther down and soon one of her breasts was threatening to spill out into the open water. As she felt the material slowly drag across her sensitive flesh, catching on her very erect nipple, she slumped back heavily against the side of the pool as her legs threatened to give way beneath her.

She moaned hoarsely, bringing her face up to his to let him know just how much she was enjoying all of this.


The moment was ruined by the happy shriek of a ten year old boy who came running up the pavement very close to them and launched himself into the water, sending water sloshing over the mother and son.

For Donna, gazing about herself in awe as if realizing for the first time that they were not all alone here, it was like waking up from what could only be described as a very wet dream.

Pulling away from her son self-consciously, Donna ducked down low in the water to hide her almost exposed breast as she hastily put her swimsuit back into order. Well aware of what had so nearly happened between her and her only child, she marveled at herself over how she’d danced so close to that proverbial line without a second thought.

She looked around worriedly, assuming everyone there knew that she had almost fucked her own son right there in front of them despite the fact that nobody seemed to be paying much attention to her. Her eyes then lit on her husband and she saw that he was engaged in a conversation with a couple of teenaged girls and not paying the least bit of attention to the pool, but Donna was not fooled.

They all knew that she was some kind of sick pervert who wanted to commit the unpardonable crime of incest.

How could they not know?

She thought it might be a good idea to get away from Jeff for a while to let emotions cool and sanity return, but when she turned back to face him she could see for herself that he did not agree. He was still lost in the depths of lust and, with a gleam in his eyes and the smile of a predator, he was stalking towards her slowly but steadily.

She backed away anxiously, bumping into person after person as she staged a blind retreat, her eyes fixed on Jeff.

It was tempting to stop, to let him catch up to her. When was the last time her husband looked at her with the kind of hungry, feral look she was receiving now? It would be so easy to simply give in and accept what they both wanted so very much.

Unfortunately that just couldn’t happen. Not ever. She was a married woman, but more importantly she was this young man’s mother. The two of them as lovers would be completely and utterly wrong on every conceivable level.

If only he wasn’t so devastatingly handsome – not to mention hung like a horse . . .

Letting out a throaty moan as her churning cunt demanded some attention be paid to it, Donna knew she had to get out of here before something happened that they would both regret for the rest of their lives.

Hurrying her pace, she made her way quickly to the nearest ladder to climb up and out of the pool. She glanced back over her shoulder and was alarmed to see Jeff was following and still had that same expression on his face. Normally, she probably would have judged it safer to stay out here among all of these people, but the way things were going she wouldn’t have put it past her son to grab her and give all of these people a little show.

She seriously doubted that her husband would enjoy it very much – if he even noticed.

Taking a moment to glance in Adam’s direction, she saw that her husband was by now deeply engrossed in conversation with those two teenagers. Had she not been so distracted by her own situation, she might have been mildly bothered by how much attention he was paying to them, but all she could think about right now was the youth pursuing her.

Looking back to her boy, she saw that he had reached the ladder and even now was climbing up out of the water. She stepped back, away from the edge of the pool, and watched with wide eyes as her only child faced her with his fearsome manhood tenting the front of his trunks.

For just an instant, Donna hesitated. There was a sizable part of her that wanted to throw herself to her knees in front of him here and now, haul out his erect cock, and suck him off. Her stomach even growled hungrily in anticipation of a hearty meal of his cum. She couldn’t imagine why every female in and around this pool wasn’t lining up for a chance to do the same as soon once was done, too.

Oh, she was in so much trouble!

Without giving any thought to exactly where she might be going, Donna turned and fled for the hotel, leaving behind her towel and a trail of wet footprints. Like a homing pigeon though, her feet were carrying her straight back to the family’s hotel room.

Like those horror movie zombies that always slowly plod along after the madly sprinting hero and yet still somehow manage to run them down, Jeff followed at a steady, unrushed pace, stalking his quarry with his hard on leading the way. In a very real way, he was being pulled along by his erection and homing in like a guided missile on his own mother’s hot, wet twat.

Behind them, Adam was so engrossed in flirting with those two nearly naked girls that he didn’t notice even one moment of the drama unfolding in his family.

Hurling herself into the hotel room, Donna slammed the door shut behind her, backing away from it slowly. Breathing hard out of both fear and anticipation, her wet body shivering but not from the air conditioning, she kept her eyes firmly focused on the door’s handle.

By coming here, she had managed to corner herself and knew there was no way she could escape if her son really did follow her all the way back here. She knew that her only hope now to prevent what was looming was to lock that door so that he would not be able to reach her until after he’d regained his senses. No matter how hard she tried though, she just could not force herself to do it. Instead, she just kept right on retreating until she was stopped by the back of her legs hitting one of the room’s beds.

She knew that it was sick and terrible and wrong, but the simple truth was that she didn’t just want what was coming – she desperately needed it.

Her heart pounding hard in her chest, her face flushed, her mouth dry, her cunt a swamp, she could only stand there and wait for Jeff to claim what they both knew was his. It took mere moments for the young man to arrive in truth, but in Donna’s present state of mind it seemed to take an eternity.

The door swung open almost silently, betrayed only by the slightest creak from the hinges. The boy entered without saying a word, a small smirk on his face as his eyes found her’s and held them fast. He pushed the door closed again behind himself and proceeded across the small room towards his mother.

The door remained unlocked. This meant that anybody, especially Adam, could have thrown that door open at any time and walked in on whatever might soon be happening between mother and son, but the couple were far too consumed with the urgent demands of their own bodies to give any consideration to such trifles.

The smaller the distance between them grew, the more Donna fidgeted anxiously. Jeff came to a stop in front of her, not actually touching his mother but close enough to fully appreciate her aroma and the warmth of her body.

Everything stopped then as they spent a long, tense moment just looking deep into each other’s eyes, savoring the profound change they were making to their lives.

Reaching up with one hand, Jeff griped a big fistful of his mother’s hair, eliciting an excited whimper from her before his mouth came down on hers. This was no chaste, familial peck though, but the kind of forceful, hungry kiss known only to people who not only lust after each other, but are also madly in love. It was a kiss bereft of tenderness and romance, but which spoke only of unrestrained passion and desire. Their tongues wrestled and dueled vigorously as husky moans rose from the back of their throats.

The kiss ended as suddenly as it had begun and he stepped back a pace or two to get himself out of arm’s reach.

He didn’t actually speak to her, meeting her gaze for a long moment. When he finally figured out that she didn’t know what he wanted, he eloquently dipped his eyes down to her body for just a moment.

It didn’t take a genius to understand that. In a matter of moments, she had peeled off the wet swimsuit that was all she was wearing and dropped it to the carpet. Forever after, she would kick herself for not putting a little effort into it and doing a strip-tease for her son, but in reality it was probably just as well as there was no telling how long it would be before Adam came looking for them.

She stood still for a long moment with her head tilted down and her hands clasped behind her back – an oddly demure pose for such a very naked and aroused woman. Looking up through her eyelashes, she watched his face closely, hoping to see only approval there. She would not be disappointed as his face light up with delight at the vision of her nude body.

He did not rejoin her however. Instead, he bent and pulled off his own swimsuit and dropped it casually atop her’s, straightening up again afterwards. Donna’s eyes widened when she finally saw with her own eyes what she’d been feeling and fondling out in the pool. Yes, it really was the biggest cock she’d ever seen, much larger than her husband’s average sized penis, and her mouth watered as it was aimed directly at her.

He wasn’t hung like a horse, he was hung like a porn star!

Jeff allowed her to have a good look at what he was packing, his ego soaring thanks to the awestruck expression on her face, but then he acted.

After this slow, step by step build up towards forbidden intimacy, the hotel room was suddenly the scene of a flurry of vigorous activity. Donna was carried backwards onto the bed she had been standing before all this time, ending up lying diagonally across it with her long legs wantonly spread wide.

Jeff was upon her in an eye blink, his big cock at the entrance to her pussy. Thanks to the fact that it was so rarely used by anything other than her own fingers these days, his mother’s cunt was exquisitely tight, but it was also well lubricated by her arousal. His manhood meanwhile was completely unlubricated but determined to get inside and so he pushed shoved until he had his full length sheathed inside her.

It was not the easiest penetration, but the middle-aged woman beneath him was not about to complain. After so many interminable years of apathy and disinterest from her husband, it felt wonderful to be with a man who was desperate and determined to have his way with her. She found this forcefulness, this passion from him especially thrilling.

They both needed a moment then to catch their breath and let their joined parts get a little more used to each other, looking nowhere but deep into each others eyes. Her arms went around his neck, her legs went around his waist, and she held on tight.

Grunting and snorting then like a wild animal in heat, he went to work, pumping slowly in and out of his mother. He would have dearly loved to have pulled back until only the tip of his cock was still inside her and then slam it home again and again, but it just wasn’t possible because of how she was crushing herself to him. It was soon clear that he would have to content himself with a barrage of short, fast, hard thrusts into her.

She had never felt so full before, never had her most sensitive parts stretched so much, and there was some pain from that, but she was wallowing in far too much pleasure to complain about it. Groaning and snarling as she buried her face in his neck, trying desperately not to let out a shriek that would be loud enough to shatter glass, she took everything he could give her and only wished for more.

Bucking and grinding against each other, bouncing ecstatically atop the bed, making the kind of noises usually associated with wild animals, the taboo couple did not make love that day.

They fucked.

It would not last for long, though. Thanks to his youth and inexperience, the overpowering arousal that had consumed them both, and of course the taboo nature of this event, Jeff and Donna simply didn’t have the self-control and will power it would take to make this moment last. Despite how abbreviated this first sexual encounter would be though, it would still go down in history as the best sex either of them would ever have.

When the time came, Jeff let out a growl of the most immense pleasure, thrust himself all the way into her one last time and sent a load of his seed jetting into her. That was the final straw for Donna and she too came, her arms and legs falling away from him at last as she writhed helplessly beneath him, her back arching.

It was a moment of the purest and most exquisite pleasure for the couple, the start of an addiction to each other that neither would ever be able to shake.

They lay together like that in a lewd tangle atop the bed for what seemed like forever, letting the world stop spinning around them and waiting for the racing hearts to either slow down or just explode, whichever came first. With the full length of their bodies pressed together and absolutely nothing between them – not clothes, not air, not anything – it was a moment of absolute perfection.

The pose could not be held forever though and eventually his cock went limp and came slipping out of her, and Jeff finally rolled off her to lie sprawled on the bed next to his mother. Reaching out, she clasped his hand warmly as they tried to cool off, staring up at the ceiling.

Donna sucked in a big lungful of air, letting it out slowly. “Wow.”

“Yeah,” he agreed heartily, still panting. “Wow.”

She gave his hand a squeeze, but then let go, slowly rolling off the bed and standing up on unsteady legs. “I’m going to go and get cleaned up,” she said, staggering slightly as she headed for the room’s small bathroom. “You’d better get in here next, dear. If I were you, I’d put something on in the meantime. Your father could show up at any moment.”

He raised himself up on his elbows, already catching his second wind. It was his idea that there was no need to take turns when it would be much more fun for them both if they jumped in the shower together. He didn’t actually get too make that suggestion however as something his mother had just said jarred in his memory.


Why was that word so familiar? Where had he heard it before?

He started then, jolted at last from the most marvelous wet dream he had ever had and back into reality.


Jumping up, he hurried to find his wet swimsuit and haul it back on as fast as he could, certain his father must be only moments away from throwing open the door and coming into the room. Once he had something on, he slumped back to sit on the edge of the bed, relieved that his dear old dad hadn’t caught him like that.

With the haze of lust lifted from his mind at long last, the boy was finally able to think about something other than his burning loins, he was finally able to appreciate the repercussions of what he’d just done.

He had just committed incest with his mother! He had made an adulterer out of her and had stabbed his father in the back in the most personal way possible. Sure, the sex had been great and he loved his mother more than ever now, but now what would happen to his family after a crime of this magnitude?

The sound of running water could be heard from behind the shower door and in his head he got a flash of what his lovely mother must have looked like standing naked under the steamy spray of water, washing herself with a slow and sensuous touch. It was an appealing image to say the least, but in his current mood it brought him only despair and he hung his head.

Wasn’t he able to think of his mother in any way that wasn’t sexual anymore?

The door suddenly swung open then to admit Adam at that point, making the younger man jump in surprise.

Adam had been excited to see a couple of delectable morsels like those two nearly naked teenaged girls out there by the pool and had naturally gravitated towards them. What an incredible pair they were, too! Sisters in the prime of life, well aware that they were the hottest things for miles around, who enjoyed a little discrete fun behind their parents’ backs and who were quite interested in what tricks an older man might be able to teach them. With something like that in the offing, was it really any wonder that he should have lost track of his family?

He had been well on his way to what promised to be a wild threesome until the girl’s mother had turned up, suspiciously eyeing this middle-aged man who was paying so much attention to her kids.

The girls had been kind enough to cover for him, reassuring their mom that their new friend was being a perfect gentleman, but he had still found it necessary to beat a hasty retreat to avoid any trouble.

It was only then that he noticed his wife and son had vanished and decided to go hunt them down.

There was a very real chance that he had gotten a little carried away with hitting on those girls, his family had noticed what he was so preoccupied with, and thus had left because they were angry with him. He had followed after them then with some trepidation about what he might find, but was a bit disconcerted by what he now saw.

This wasn’t the happy, cheerful boy he had misplaced out by the pool, but neither was it an angry, betrayed young man who had just caught his father trying to cheat. Instead, what Adam discovered was a son who looked uncertain, worried about something. He couldn’t imagine what might be wrong with the boy, but felt relieved that it didn’t seem to involve him and his two new friends.

“Hey, Sport!” Adam ventured at last with a broad smile as it became clear that the younger man wasn’t going to say anything. “Where did you two disappear, too?”

If anything, Jeff ducked his head even farther, unable to trust himself to answer. How on earth was he supposed to hold a normal, reasonable conversation with this man considering how hard he’d been screwing the guy’s wife only a few moments ago?

Getting no answer from his son, Adam tried again. “So, where’s your mother?”

He was surprised when Jeff actually cringed at this, wondering what in the world could be going on with his family. Still when the boy offered him a vague wave towards the bathroom, he saw his wife’s new swimsuit on the floor, and then he heard the shower running, Adam naturally deduced that his wife was in there washing off the chlorine from the pool.

He wondered at his bride though for so carelessly throwing that wet garment on the carpet and his son for putting his soaking wet butt on that bed. Surely, they knew better than that. He chose not to mention it though, considering both that it wasn’t his bed or carpet and that his son was already acting so weird.

Adam perked up when he heard the water shut off in the restroom, hoping that his wife was in a better mood than their son was.

When she emerged from the bathroom in her robe just a few moments later, Donna got a bit of a start when she saw her husband standing over a perfectly miserable looking Jeff.

What had happened while she was getting cleaned up? Where was the passionate young man she had left just a few minutes ago? Her first thought was the dreadful one that Adam must know what they had just done behind his back, but the expression on her husband’s face was not that of a man who had been betrayed by his own family.

She looked to Jeff, hoping that he would somehow be able to let her know what was going on, but the young man wasn’t able to meet his mother’s eyes any more than his father’s.

“Oh, there you are, Adam,” she said carefully, keeping her expression neutral. “Where have you been?”

“I got into a conversation with some folks,” he answered equally carefully, not wanting to let on what he’d really been doing with those two girls. “I guess I didn’t notice the two of you leave.”

Donna nodded, biting her bottom lip. This didn’t tell her whether or not he knew what had happened of course, but his even tone only added to the suggestion that he knew nothing of it.

Frowning over the halting conversation, Adam offered, “Hey, you two! How about we go and get something to eat? I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starved.”

She smiled softly. “What a good idea, dear. I certainly could use a good meal.”

“Sure.” It was softly spoken and the first thing that Jeff had said since his father arrived.

“Okay then, it looks like we have a plan!” Adam down at his son again. “Are you going to be next in the shower then?”

The idea of getting away from his Dad for even a few minutes was an appealing one to Jeff right now, but as he raised his eyes at long last he found himself meeting his mother’s expressive gaze. She wanted him to stay with her for a moment, of that he was absolutely sure.

“No, thank you.”

As soon as Adam disappeared into the bathroom to wash the sweat off himself with a quick shower, Donna walked over to her son and stood over him in silence, waiting.

“I’m so sorry, mom,” he told her softly, keeping his voice low and ducking his head again. “I can’t imagine what got into me today . . .”

Donna finally realized what was wrong with her boy. Clearly, he had finally started to think about all the terrible things that could happen to them both if anybody ever found out about their incestuous tryst! In all honesty, she had been giving that topic some thought as well – it was hard not to, under the circumstances – but she had come to a firm and unshakeable decision.

Yes, the risks were great and the dangers were fearsome, but the idea of giving up on her child’s love just didn’t bear thinking about. It was very, very wrong and she knew it, but she desperately needed that strong, loving young man who had so forcefully given her just what she needed.

“Jeff? Look at me, Jeff.”

Unwillingly, sure that he would see anger and disgust in her eyes, certain that she would call him a pervert and demand that he never, ever touch her again, he ever so slowly lifted his head. Instead of fury however, he was met by a dazzling smile.

What made his eyes go very wide though was when she then pulled her robe open wide. Since it was all she had been wearing, her incredible body was once more revealed to him in all it’s glory. He could only stare in dumbstruck admiration for a long moment, hoping and fearing that this meant she still wanted him to be her lover.

She cleared up any confusion that might remain quickly.

Bending forward, she kissed his lips lingeringly and purred into his ear, “I love you so much, Jeff, and I want you so much it makes my whole body ache.” There was another kiss then – a longer one. “We will need to be very careful to make sure that nobody ever finds out, especially not your father, but I don’t want this to stop.” With the third kiss, their mouths opened and tongues came into play. “Will you be my lover?”

He responded by reaching up with one hand to the back of her head to pull her in for one of those soul searing kisses only he seemed to be able to provide, his other hand moving to firmly cup one of her breasts. Why should he have answered with words when actions said so much more?

The teenager started to rise then and Donna straightened up with him, keeping her mouth glued to his. Things were promising to escalate very quickly between them, especially after his hand left the back of her head and slipped inside her robe, searching for her ass, but then it all came to a disconcertingly sudden stop.

The sound of the water cutting off in the shower caused Donna to take a quick step back from her son, pulling her robe closed around herself. Jeff hadn’t been paying so much attention to what his father might be doing and so was caught by surprise when he suddenly became dislodged from his mother, stumbling forward and nearly falling.

Cursing under his breath, he resolved in future to pay more attention. It was as much his job as it was hers to make sure they didn’t get caught!

Later, when the freshly cleaned and dressed family found it’s way up to the hotel’s rooftop restaurant with it’s spectacular views of the city skyline, they discovered that the tables did not have tablecloths.

Donna sighed. She’d hoped they would have so that she could play footsie with her boy without anyone noticing.

Jeff sighed. He’d hoped they would have to help conceal the painfully hard cock that was already threatening to rip through his pants thanks to his mother standing so close to him.

Adam sighed. He didn’t care about tablecloths, but was noticing that this place seemed to be staffed mostly by women who looked as if they had stepped out of a men’s magazine. He hadn’t managed to get any phone numbers from those two teenagers, but he resolved that he wasn’t going to leave here without their waitresses number.


1 comment

  1. Excellent story. Filled with just the right amount of passion and doubt. Well done. Hole you write more!

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