My Wives, Yin and Yang – Part 2 [MFF] [Polygamy] [Emotion]

Part 1

After part one, I was so excited to start part two. I think this is shaping up to be my favorite thing I’ve written.

The three sat excitedly in the living room. Sam fidgeted in her seat, her mind swirling with emotions. Josh sat almost statue-like running ideas through his mind. So many doors had just appeared before him and he was speculating what lie beyond each one. Mary looked at Sam and, though only a few years her senior, was reminded of her youth. Sam’s lack of experience reminded her of an adolescent in a way. She was naive and excited in a way that gets worn away over the years.

Then, Mary spoke up, “Tell you what, I’ll give the two of you the night together. I’ll be in the spare room.” Mary got up and walked over to Sam, placed her hands on her shoulders and whispered seductively into her ear, “Remember your part of the deal. I want to see your dedication too. Remember the picture. I’ll have a morning after pill for you tomorrow.”

Sam’s body tensed as her stomach did gymnastics. This would be her first time being with someone, and it was all a bit overwhelming. Sam looked into Mary’s eyes as the mature woman stroked her hair, “And have fun, you only get your first time once.” Mary pulled back and moved towards her husband. Glancing sideways at Sam, she straddled Josh’s legs. “And you, try not to break her. Remember, it’s her first time.” Mary rocked her hips against him, feeling his excitement for their new little relationship.

She pulled his face in for a kiss and kissed deeply. Their tongues danced as the younger girl watched. She felt Mary’s display of dominance in their new relationship, and it started to turn her on a little. Mary pulled back, their tongues retreating back to their owners. She slid off her husband’s lap, his bulge now clearly visible through his pants. She was in the same boat as him in that department. Grinding on his lap was the closest thing to sex she had in a month, and it showed. Tomorrow he’d pay for what she had to go through. After giving one last seductive goodnight to the pair, she made her way to the guest room.

Josh and Sam sat quietly for a few minutes, unsure of how to start. Josh was the first to speak up.

“So, how long have you… been interested in me?” Josh started off with. He could hold his own in a conversation, but he wasn’t exactly a social butterfly. Sam on the other hand was pretty introverted. She could small talk with customers and work friends, but outside of work, Josh was really the only one she would spend time with.

Sam responded, her voice starting off shakily. “Well, since we met really. I’ve always thought of you in a special way. When you started dating Mary, it was hard to deal with at first. I even faked being sick to stay home. I was so disappointed in myself for not having the courage to say anything, but I learned to live with it. I always knew you had a special place for me in your heart, and even though I wasn’t in the center, I knew I was there.”

Josh was amazed. Although she started off nervous, she was opening her heart completely to him. “Wow, why didn’t you tell me you became a poet?” Josh remarked, eliciting a nervous giggle from Sam. “I don’t think I could come up with something half as elegant as that.” Sam blushed a deeper shade, unable to respond to such praise.

“You’re right,” Josh began, “I had and still do have a special place for you. Even when I met Mary, I never forgot you. I would often think, ‘What would my life be like if I just asked her out?’ Well, I finally get to find out.”

Sam’s heart burst upon hearing Josh’s words. Tears quickly fell from her eyes before she could hold them back. Josh moved over to the couch and embraced her tightly but gently, allowing her to cry into his shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” she choked out, “it’s just… a lot of feelings.”

“No, no, it’s alright. I understand. Take as much time as you need,” Josh said softly with his head next to hers.

Sam returned Josh’s embrace, holding on tight. Her tears slowed and slowed until all that was left was the redness around her eyes.

Sam pulled back, composing herself. “I’m sorry, now my face is all red.”

“Don’t be, it doesn’t make you any less beautiful,” Josh reassured her.

Sam smiled, looking at the coffee table in front of her and trying to hold back more tears. She felt as though a great weight was lifted from her shoulders.

After gathering her strength, she continued, “It’s not official yet. We still have to… to… before it’s official.” Sam was such an innocent girl. She was probably the most reserved woman Josh had ever met when it came to that topic.

“We can wait, you don’t have to push yourself too hard,” Josh said comfortingly.

Sam looked into his eyes, “No, I want it to be tonight. It’s just…” She couldn’t find the words to finish her sentence.

Josh, admiring her devotion, slowly stroked her hair, “Don’t worry, we can take it one step at a time.”

Although Sam had never felt more nervous in her life, neither had she ever been so sure of what she needed to do. She had dreams of how her first time would go. She would dream of a night with Josh, though until tonight that seemed like but the stuff of wishful imagination. Now, her dream was finally coming true.

Sam wasn’t a sexual girl. In fact, she could be a bit dense in that department. On multiple occasions she had to be ushered away by her co-workers at the restaurant after accidentally flirting with a customer. She never broached the subject of sex with her friends, and if they tried to pry into her mind, she’d tune them out. She did masturbate on occasion, though only if necessary and never with porn. She would try to get it over with as quick as possible as the whole experience was unpleasant for her.

But now was the big night, the one she could only dream about, and she was going in blind.

“I… I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do,” she said nervously.

“Don’t worry, I’ll guide you through it,” Josh said encouragingly. “We can start off with something easy. Give me your hand.”

Sam lifted her hand gingerly and presented it to Josh. He took it and placed it on his stomach. Josh wasn’t a bodybuilder, but he kept himself toned enough. He would rather work with his brain than his body. Sam felt it, flat but firm, and her heart rate slightly increased.

“How is it?” Josh asked her.

“I like it, it feels nice.” Sam replied, nervous but intrigued.

Josh used his other hand to slowly pull up his white, business shirt, allowing her hand to feel his skin. For Sam, their skin connection was electrifying. She was finally really connected to him.

“Have you ever kissed a man?” Asked Josh.

“Yeah, but not really. I don’t know if I’m any good,” she replied sheepishly.

James replied, “Just follow my lead.”

He released her hand, trailing it around her side and resting it behind her. She was not a curvaceous woman, but he was just able to trace her curves with his hand. Josh applied light pressure on Sam’s back as he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. A spark went off between their lips as Sam tried to match him. His lips applied soft pressure to hers, and she soaked in the feeling. Her hand began stroking Josh’s chest of its own accord as he pulled her in tighter, strengthening the kiss.

Josh released her lips, but continued to hold her. He pulled his head away, and they looked into each other’s eyes.

“Wow,” is all Sam could muster.

Josh smiled. “You seem like you’re a fan of this,” Josh said, gesturing to her hand stroking his stomach. Sam looked down and quickly pulled her hand back, feeling embarrassed. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Mind if I have a go?” Josh gestured to her body.

Sam put her arms back, giving Josh the okay. He gently felt her sides, going up and down and onto her stomach, stopping just North of the waist of her skirt. It was red plaid, the stereotypical school girl type, accompanied by a white blouse. Something told him Mary had a hand in choosing her attire. He had a weakness for the school girl aesthetic, something his wife just couldn’t pull off.

He moved his hands up further, just under her breasts. This made her flinch. The two looked into each other’s eyes.

“Keep going,” she said, almost too quite to hear.

Joshed moved his hands higher and lightly felt up Sam’s modest chest. She sharply inhaled, something Josh felt through her shirt. She’d never gone this far before. The only other times she’d been touched there was when her girl friends would tease her, and when a drunk man at the bar tried to cop a feel. The other waitresses put an end to that as soon as it begun. This was different though. Josh was so gentle and caring. She enjoyed the feeling of him admiring her breasts.

Josh pulled her in for another kiss, then slowly moved his hand down the thigh of her skirt. Once at the hem, he rubbed her thigh, being careful not to move higher. Sam exhaled into Josh’s mouth, something that given enough time would become a moan. Josh massaged her lower, inner thigh and very slowly inched his way Northward.

Now feeling her core heat rising, Sam felt herself getting wet. It was a feeling that normally made her uncomfortable, but now made her feel excited. Josh worked his way to her mid thing before pulling his lips away from hers. Her head followed his slightly before moving back.

“Shall we take this to the bedroom?” Josh asked softly? All Sam could do in response was nod.

Josh lifted her small frame. One arm supporting her shoulders and the other holding behind her knees. He carried her off to his bedroom, soon to be made into their bedroom.

I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did writing it! This part wasn’t explicit, and if that disappointed you, I suggest you read part 3. A lot of the stuff I’ve seen on here is on the more extreme side, so let me know what you guys and gals think of the more sensual/emotional feel I’m aiming for. Remember to drop an upvote and follow me so you don’t miss story updates. See you in part 3!

Also, as a final note. I combined parts 2 and what was originally part 3. I think this is a better length. It feels much longer when writing it than when reading it.



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