[MFF] Threesome with two girls from work

Kelly: You’re out there, in the bar, waiting for us, everyone else has left, and Katie is having a meltdown. She’s at the mirror, frantically ‘fixing’ eyeliner that’s been fine all along, and I’d be sympathetic, it’s just: You. Luke. Waiting for us. In the bar. I keep myself from saying something sharp to her, give her a pointed look instead.

‘I know,’ she says, ‘it’s just… why does he decide to show up, today, of all days, when he never does, I… I didn’t prepare for this.’ She’s been saying versions of the same all day, ever since you responded to the group email we’ve been pretty sure you’ve been annoyed we’ve kept including you in, and that’s been okay, letting her be the jittery one has actually helped contain my own butterflies a bit, but I’m done now.

‘Katherine,’ I say, ‘there is no way that you, little miss always-put-together, isn’t wearing exactly what you would be, head to toe, even if you knew something like this would happen. I mean, look at you.’ Something like this. As if that’s a thing.

‘Don’t call me that,’ she hisses, ‘I should never have shown you my ID!’ ‘Only way to prove you’re actually older than me.’ I smile. ‘Fuck you.’ ‘You’re mean when you’re nervous, Katie.’ She smiles back.

‘So… we’re actually going to do this?’ she looks at me now, ‘I mean, you’re certainly dressed for it,’ she says, throwing my top a glance. ‘Really?’ I shake my head, ‘Honestly, there might not even be anything to do. He came out, which is something of a miracle, but for all we know about him still, he could be married… or gay.’ ‘Kelly, the man is not gay, I’m not the only one who noticed your neckline tonight.’ I feel a bit warm at that, even if I can hear the small twinge of jealousy in her voice, but I don’t comment on it. ‘Regardless though, he is Luke. We can’t not do this – the cosmic repercussions for throwing away that kind of opportunity would be…’ She is giggling at me now. Actually giggling, and Katie is not a giggler, at least not until after several more G&Ts than she’s had.

‘Okay,’ she says, ‘but both of us? That was supposed to be a joke. And he might not even want that. Maybe I should just go, let you two…’ ‘Katie,’ I say, ‘today I watched you watch him pour himself a cup of coffee – you made it look like he was chopping wood, shirtless. Or something. You would never forgive me.’

I’m aware that the honourable thing to do now would be offer to leave myself, let her have this. But I don’t quite have that in me. A sense of honour is not why I’m telling her to stay though. I’m not sure I’d be able to keep my courage up without her, as crazy as that is. I might not be reapplying my makeup for the fourth time, but I am pretty edgy here, too. But it’s you, I remind myself. You. Waiting for us, in the bar. How could we not do this?


Kelly is doing that thing she does: compensating for her uncertainty with a lot of false bravado; covering up her own nerves by teasing me for mine. You wouldn’t be able to tell from looking at her – and she really does look great tonight, the crisp white of her top looks amazing against her skin and she’s got a bit of cleavage peeking out through the cut-outs – but I know her. I also know that she wants you, bad, maybe not as much as I do, but enough for it to not make much of a difference.

‘So, just to be clear,’ I say, ‘what we’re saying is we, both of us, want to take him back to yours… together. We’re saying that?’ ‘Well, it is closer,’ she quips, because she just can’t help herself. ‘Kelly! I swear, I’ll…’ ‘Okay, okay. Relax. Yes. We’re saying that. Assuming that he wants to. I’m up for it.’

The thing is, I am too, not just as a joke, I’m pretty sure. Somehow. Or I wouldn’t be in here freaking out, would I.

‘And how exactly do we go about figuring out if he wants to?’ I want to leave as little uncertainty about this as I can, but I’m also increasingly aware that we’ve been in here for a while now, and you are out there, on your own.

‘Well, this is some next-level sluttiness for us here,’ she starts, and I want to tell her to stop with the tough talk and just… talk to me, but I let it go, ‘but I don’t think we should throw ourselves at the guy exactly. He might very well not be interested, despite the faith you seem to have in the power of my chest.’ I give her arm a half-hearted swat.

‘So let’s just go out there,’ she continues, ‘and have another drink with him, and see what it’s like when it’s just the three of us and if he seems at all inclined to make a move.’ ‘And if he does, but only with one of us?’ ‘Then,’ she lets out a long breath, ‘one of us is just going to have to suck it up and be happy for the other.’ ‘Okay,’ I say, ‘…yes. I’m up for it.’

And I turn to make my way back to the bar, to where you – the guy who’s been driving me crazy for the past six months – is waiting, trying not to look like I’ve just had the absolutely insane conversation we’ve been having in the toilets.

Luke to Katie:

I stand up as I watch the two of you weaving back across the bar, glancing at each other when you see me, as if silently following up on an earlier conversation. I imagine you’ve been having a chat, of course – I can recognise that exchange with the eyes when girls go to the bathroom together – but I’m not going to bother wondering what it was about. I finish the last of my bourbon and set it down on the table. I’m feeling a little buzzed, relaxed and positive. It was a good idea to come out tonight, when Lisa cancelled – I’ve only seen her twice now, so it’s not serious, but I was betting she’d fuck on the third date. Instead, I ended up sandwiched between you two cute girls from work, and though it’s only been social, with a light touch of flirting, I’ve enjoyed feeling you close, one on either side, sometimes brushing me when you leaned across, or patting my arm, and both of you gazing, gratifyingly, into my eyes when I talk. Kelly doesn’t seem to mind me glancing at her cleavage, either. Kelly? Yeah, the brunette. I keep getting you confused at work, but I’m sure I’ve got it in my head now. Anyway, I’m pretty sure you’d let me off, if I got it wrong.

So far it’s been just a pleasant distraction, a second best after my sure-thing date fell through, but once everyone else had drifted away, I felt the flirtation ramp up a little, and now we’re winding down to leave, it seems there just might be the potential for this to go further… with one of you, anyway. Which one, I don’t know, and don’t really mind. Katie looks sweeter, classier, more shy, and Kelly has been more forward, with more front – including that top she wasn’t wearing back in the office – but I wouldn’t say no to either of you. I guess there’ll come a point, not too long from now, where I’ll find out which of you likes me more, and we’ll say goodbye to her friend. Or maybe you’ve agreed to leave together, and I’ll be left hanging.

As you both lift your coats and shrug them on, tying the belts, I’m between you again, and I slip my hand around the waist of Kelly on my left, Katie on my right. Just friendly, but enough to send a signal that I’m interested, and that there was talk of going back to… Kelly’s? Whichever of you lived a few streets away, I can’t remember. Whichever way it works out, I’m confident of getting a little action tonight. My hand circles around a waist, a hip, and I pull you both a little closer, one on each side, enjoying the warmth of your bodies pressed to me for a moment.

‘So, who’s hosting the party?’

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jth77c/mff_threesome_with_two_girls_from_work


  1. **Kelly to Luke:** ‘So, who’s hosting the party?’

    I feel you slip a warm hand around my waist, and can tell from what I can see of Katie’s near-beaming face that you’ve done the same thing on your other side, and isn’t this going promisingly already. I try not to chuckle at her, although I just know she is leaning into that touch now, she might be a bit shy, but when offered something she wants, she grabs hold of it, I just look up at you and give you my brightest smile.

    ‘I am,’ I say.

    You smile back, that way that I hadn’t really seen you smile until tonight, and that brings my butterflies back in force. If you’d left, I’m sure that smile would have been added to the official reasons why you’re the uncontested top of our list. But you stayed, and you’ve been smiling that smile, and not shying away from either of our touches. I’ve seen you give us both looks that have been… almost appraising at times, but I don’t mind, and I know Katie doesn’t either. She’s been trying to get you to look at her for months.

    ‘It’s not far, just three streets down,’ I explain, leading the two of you down the pavement, not quite believing our luck.

    You’ve seemed relaxed and happy all evening, and you’re more than willing to come back to mine with us. Now we just need to not fuck this up.

    **Luke to Kelly:** To anyone else, we’d just look like three work friends, arm in arm on the street; but my thoughts are definitely going beyond friendship, and I don’t know what’s on your minds. Katie and you are both beaming at each other, and you eagerly offered to play host at your place, so I’m reckoning the odds and thinking it’s a safe bet I’ll get together with one of you by the end of the evening. Maybe you, Kelly. I squeeze my hand on your waist and feel you lean in close, just as you catch Katie’s eye again and she laughs quietly at a hidden joke.

    I don’t care if you’ve both been gossiping behind my back. My hand is only inches from sliding up your side, where it would brush the curve of your breast through the coat and your cheeky top. I imagine how it’d feel cupped in my hand, and how your lips would feel on mine; how your tongue would feel when it first slips into my mouth, and how you might gasp. I can feel my cock just starting to stir.

    Katie and I step back as you find your keys, fumble your way in and lead us up a dark flight of stairs to your flat. She’s quiet now, not meeting my eye. Maybe having second thoughts about this, or wondering if she should have joined us at all. Nobody wants to be a third wheel. She’s really cute, though. It would be incredible to kiss you both tonight, even if it’s behind each other’s back – sneak a quick moment while the other girl’s out of the room? She looks like she’d be more tentative, less full-on, but I can imagine sliding my hand inside her coat, too, over her dress.

    ‘I hope you’ve got some more drink in there,’ I tell you.

    **Katie to Luke**: Oh, this is a bad idea, isn’t it. I see your eyes on Kelly, and surely you must be wondering why I came back with you at all. There’s an odd person out here, and it’s definitely me. You must notice me tense up a bit, I suppose, because you’re looking at me again now, as she’s getting the second door open, but I can’t quite look you in the eye.

    I take in other parts of your face though: your jawline, that scruff I’ve been wanting to reach out and touch, and now I’m wondering what it would feel like against my neck, against other parts of me. The thought makes me instinctively lean in closer to you, despite my uncertainty and, fuck, I’m setting myself up for some disappointment here. You even smell great.

    Then we’re in Kelly’s hallway, and I’ve been here many times before, but the place looks different now, as does she – shrugging off her coat with a sort of nervous energy coming off her. You don’t seem nervous at all, but then I don’t suppose you’ve not just been plotting a threesome with your close friend and a third person, behind said person’s back. Kelly leans back past me to lock the door behind us and whispers: ‘Courage, Katie. Top of the list, remember?’ But I think it’s for her own benefit, as well as mine.

    Out loud she says: ‘Right. I’ll find us something to drink.’

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