Cream & Coco, Chapter 8 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 7](

Drew was certainly in a good mood this morning. And why wouldn’t he be? His mother whom he lusted after was slowly surrendering her inhibitions. A small and particularly feeble part of me chastised myself for my behavior. That voice was getting quieter each day. Besides, we were only kissing, and we kept our fantasies to ourselves. We were still leaving many lines uncrossed. And I was actually beginning to believe my own bullshit.

I had pumped myself before moving to the kitchen. Three quarters of a bottle of milk this time that I sighed at before pouring right down the drain. At least I had clothes that fit today. Couldn’t go around showing that much cleavage all the time.

“Morning, mom,” Drew said as he came out of his room.

“Morning, baby,” I replied, turning away from the pancakes for a moment. He leaned down toward me, and I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips. In broad daylight! But instead he pecked me on the cheek and sat down for breakfast. Why was my heart beating so fast?

“Ugh, I’m so glad finals were done early this year,” he groaned. “And I’m so glad the college apps are in, too.” He rested his face in his hands, exhaling heavily.

“How many did you apply to?” I asked as I plated the pancakes and set them down on the table.

“Thanks. Seven. Eight, if you count the community college in town.”

I frowned quizzically. “No offense to the school, but why did you even bother? You’ve got the smarts. You could get into Ivy League if you wanted.”

“No I can’t. I don’t test well, you know that, mom.” He was shoveling his food down quickly. “I have *one* reach that is Ivy League. A couple of target schools, and then the rest are safety.”

“Including community college?”

“What’s wrong with community college?”

“Oh come on, Drew. You can do better. And it’s not like it’d be breaking the bank. I have enough set aside for two full years of private school, without needing any financial aid. If you have to settle, at least pick a state school.” I arched an eyebrow at him.

“Anything besides community college means I need to leave town,” he stated flatly.

And an ugly feeling in my stomach felt like it was about to disembowel me. How had I forgotten? Drew would have to leave home. Leave me. Which was completely normal, and would help him grow as a person, and would lead him toward a healthy life, and oh my God please not my baby.

I took a deep breath. “I just don’t want you wasting your potential,” I said simply. “Being on your own will be good for you.” I couldn’t even feel the words pass my lips.

When Drew answered, his voice was like gravel. “Yeah. Thanks for breakfast, mom.” With that, he stood woodenly and left. I remained, with a growing pit inside me that ran as deep and cold as Tartarus.

“So, you still milking?” Jazz asked at lunch.

“Why don’t you just tell the whole office,” I hissed, looking around warily. She gave me an infuriating grin, and I sighed. “More than yesterday. I think it’s getting worse, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Y’know, some guys are into that. Find you one of them, and you ain’t never have to pump again.”

“I think I’ll stay away from fetishists, thanks,” I muttered.

She chuckled. “Anyway. You sure it ain’t serious?”

I shook my head. “Just inconvenient. Doesn’t pose an immediate health risk, but I’d like to figure out the cause.”

“Aight. Damn, why does all the cool shit happen to you?” She held back a snicker, knowing the glare I cast at her was coming.

“Define cool shit,” I said sourly, and she laughed.

I had to speak with Leon about my irregular presence lately, and though he refrained from asking many questions, he was firm on the matter of me making it up to all the people who had covered for me. Like I said, the best manager ever.

I was later than usual arriving for coffee with Sasha.

“Privet,” I said hurriedly, sitting down.

“*Privet,* Coco,” she replied. For once, today she hadn’t ordered my drink for me. “You are sure you are not pregnant?”

“Absolutely. Unless I’m the second coming of the Virgin Mary,” I joked, waving down a waitress. She nodded and went to get my coffee without even taking my order.

“But *Deva Mariya* was virgin. Are you?” Sasha chuckled, and I blushed. “Do you want child?”

The question caught me off guard. It seemed out of the blue, but we actually were on topic. I almost told her I already had a son when I caught myself, and she cocked her head questioningly.

“I like children,” I deflected. “But at my age, I don’t know if it’s the best idea.”

“You are still young!” she insisted. “Plenty of time to make baby.” What a strange turn of events, that a teenage girl sounded more like an old woman waiting to become a grandmother. I laughed and shrugged.

“First I’d need a guy to help with that,” I chuckled.

“You will have Drew’s baby?” she wondered innocently, and I think my heart stopped. “Coco? You are alright?”

“I’m– I’m fine. No. Yeah, no. I don’t think so. Probably not a good idea,” I rambled, flustered. If only she knew what she’d just suggested. My latte arrived, and it turned out Sasha had already torn open a packet of sugar for me. She poured the white powder into my coffee and I thanked her, stirring while I stewed in my thoughts.

“Things are going well with boy?” she asked, breaking through whatever haze had come over me.

“Hm? Oh. Yes.” I could feel myself blush. “Pretty… Very good, actually.”

“And you do not tell Sasha?” She huffed in mock indignation, and I laughed.

“Well… Yesterday we kissed. Like really kissed. For a long time,” I said, wondering why I was talking like a simpleton.

“Is called make out,” Sasha supplied.

“I know, thank you,” I giggled nervously. “It just… feels like such a huge step.” She nodded in understanding. “I, uh. I spied on him yesterday.” Her jaw dropped, and I hid my face in my hands. When I peeked through my fingers, she was giving me a vulpine grin, as if she knew all my secrets. She had asked me for a good story, and was absolutely relishing in this one. I had to steer us away from me watching my son pleasure himself. “Anyway, after that I went back to use your gift.”

“Wand toy is good?”

“Crazy good,” I admitted, blushing, and she gave herself a small round of applause.

“Is very powerful. But can also use to keep on edge for long time.”

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about the wand, how it differed from the bullet, suggestions of using them in tandem, and so on. At one point I thought of just how weird our relationship was. I was literally meeting her every day, and we got along quite well considering how different we were. It actually made me a bit sad to think of her going back home. But for now, I’d take all the advice she could give.

Drew didn’t seem like he was too upset from that morning, which I was glad for. It seemed he was as reluctant as I was to be apart, but going to a good school would open many paths for his future. I feared I’d have to have that talk with him again sometime, perhaps when the acceptance letters started coming in. The evening was otherwise uneventful, and we retreated to our rooms.

Before bed, I once again headed out into the hallway. But this time was different. This time I was out to catch a show.

I peeked into his room carefully. I could hear him panting, just like yesterday, but he wasn’t on his bed. I frowned. Where was he? Cracking the door open a little wider gave me a view of his desk. Not there either. It was so curious that I put a hand on the door and was about to push further when it suddenly swung open, sending me tumbling to the ground. I caught myself with an arm and was left with a view of a pair of feet. With a gulp, I looked up to Drew standing over me with his eyebrow arched and a small smirk on his face, wearing a t-shirt and boxers.

“Sorry, I was just passing by, and–”

He helped me to my feet, then firmly pulled me into the room and closed the door behind me. I yelped as he yanked my wrist, spinning me toward the bed and landing me on the mattress. I sat there looking about as guilty as a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

“Just passing by,” he mused, voice low and full of desire. I swallowed, feeling myself get wet. Did I have no shame? “Not at all to watch your son jacking off like the last two times.”

My face burned crimson, and I was at a loss for words. Next to me on the bed, his phone was still playing a recording of his moans, and he reached down to turn it off. He’d really gotten me good.

“So you’ve been caught lying, mom. I think that fair is fair and you deserve punishment, don’t you?” He leaned in close, stopping just short of kissing me as if waiting for permission. And I wordlessly gave it. I closed my eyes and parted my lips, mind swirling with all the things I was supposed to say to get myself out of the situation. Instead I let Drew kiss me, feeling my chest pounding against my ribcage as he leaned us back onto the bed, his body pressing against mine. His tongue grazed my lips and I whimpered before giving him a lick back and feeling incredibly embarrassed at the fact that I should have been much better at this. He didn’t seem to mind though, pressing his hard chest into my leaking breasts–

My eyes popped open right as he pulled away and frowned down at his own shirt, which was damp in two places. His eyes darted to my breasts right as I covered them, and his expression intensified.

“Mom, are you…?” His face was a mask of unbridled rage and distraught devastation, but suddenly shifted to analytical as if he just realized something was logically wrong. And he’d be correct. “Have you been under a lot of stress lately?”

I chuckled once, ruefully. He’d been giving me no small amount of grief these past few days. Not that it was his fault, but I couldn’t help but wonder if that counted. I told him as much, and he looked apologetic, suddenly awkward in the situation we were in.

“Right. Sorry,” he mumbled, then cleared his throat.

“I didn’t mean it that way, baby,” I clarified. “It’s alright. I don’t think that’s it though.” I could feel my sleep t-shirt wetting at the nipples, getting a bit uncomfortable. Damn it all, I really should have pumped myself earlier.

“You had a physical a few weeks ago, right?” he went on, and I nodded. “So that rules out a lot of possibilities.” He was very accurately going down the same list of possible causes I’d looked up online. I didn’t even question why he knew so much about my condition. It was always a habit of his to know bits of information on all kinds of topics, regardless of how unusual or niche they were. “No big change in diet, or drug use. So that leaves…”

He looked at me then with smoldering eyes, wetting his lips. What was he thinking?

“Don’t speculate, baby,” I said quickly. “Just ask whatever you’re thinking.”

“Are you on birth control, mom?” he breathed.

Oh God. He thought I was taking birth control in preparation for having sex with him. Of course he’d think that, he’d caught me spying on him masturbating. I was here, after all, on his bed and at his mercy. I could see how it wouldn’t be too big a stretch of the imagination for him.

“No,” I said definitively. “Nothing of the sort.”

He grunted before stealing another glance at my wet shirt and swallowing. He leaned in to kiss me again and I didn’t stop him. We moaned to each other as we made out, and my hands crept under his shirt to touch his new abs. The cavewoman in me was so turned on, urging me to move my hands up. He could never build muscle before, but in the last three months he had been making some progress. And it seemed my baser instincts were enjoying it.

I slid his shirt off over his head, then pulled him back to me. He was going slow, following my lead, and while the small part of me that was clear of mind was screaming about how wrong this was and the number of lines we were crossing, the rest of me laughed and declared she had no power here.

Drew experimentally tucked his fingers under the hem of my shirt, pulling it up ever so slightly. We both froze in place for a second before he continued undressing me when I didn’t protest. He gasped when my panties were revealed, and involuntarily groaned when my breasts came into view. He wet his lips again and took my shirt off, tossing it far far far away.

I lay almost naked before my son, lips slightly swollen from kissing, a blush all the way down my neck, and panting with need. His hand reached for one of my breasts but he paused, looking at me with questioning eyes. I gulped and nodded, and his breath shuddered. Experimentally, his fingers cupped one of my tits, and we both let out small sounds of anticipation. Milk was beading at my nipple, and suddenly I could hear how dry his mouth was. He kissed me again, then started working his way down, nuzzling my neck very nicely before leaving a trail of kisses on my collarbone.

I knew where he was going. My tits were aching. Begging for a mouth. I looked at Drew with dreamy, heavy-lidded eyes. Please, yes.

His lips settled around my nipple, and I gasped. His teeth grazed it for a moment, then his tongue lapped at the milk before he began sucking. I moaned as he fed from me for the first time in eighteen years. Had I missed this? No, this was a different feeling. He didn’t need to drink from me; he just wanted to. He wanted my milk. He wanted me.

I cupped the back of his head, pulling him closer. His other hand went to my other breast, and I arched my back as he massaged both. At one point he opened his eyes and gave me the most seductive look I’d ever seen, and milk squirted out of me, sprinkling both of us. He moved his mouth to the other one and cleaned up the drizzle before continuing to drink.

I couldn’t help it, and I couldn’t believe it, but I began climaxing right under him. Drew’s expression was shocked, but he remained undeterred, draining me as I came. It intensified the orgasm, and I rode it as it dragged out for whole minutes, a steady electrical current running through me for as long as he was attached to my tits. When he finally pulled himself off with a pop, I sagged back into the mattress, exhausted and spent.

“I love you, mom,” I heard him utter.

I couldn’t answer. All my strength was gone. I wasn’t making it back to my own bed tonight. And I don’t think Drew minded one bit.



  1. A shorter chapter than usual, but hopefully the content makes up for it. Anybody feeling thirsty? ;3

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