Charlie Cain (pt 3)

Charlie slept fitfully. It had been over a week since Antoinette had been in his loft. After her mysterious disappearance, he had tried to get ahold of her, which was unlike him. Given that, he was unsettled to realize that he was far more concerned that she wasn’t returning his calls than that he was doing something completely out of character over a woman he barely knew. He’d only been able to reach her business manager, who stated rather rudely that Antoinette had no time for peasants like him and he would do well to accept the generosity she’d already extended and leave it at that.
In his dreams, Antoinette was with him, but she wasn’t herself. She was a fox and then a wolf and then an owl, but each time she changed, he knew it was her. He kept trying to catch her only to have her slip out of his grasp, tantalizingly close and agonizingly aloof. Charlie’s bed was soaked with sweat, his sheets wrapped his arms and legs and yet he clung to sleep if only for those brief moments when she was there with him.
“Fuck!” Charlie barked, sitting up in bed as he woke. He rubbed his face, wincing as the sharp stubble raked his palm. He felt exhausted, like he hadn’t slept at all. He felt like he might have been more rested if he hadn’t closed his eyes.
“Preoccupation is a good way to lose your mind, Puppy.”
Antoinette’s voice shot straight to his groin and he quickly arranged the covers so his excitement was less apparent.
“Antoinette?” he asked, then kicked himself. “Antoinette. What are you doing here?”
She laughed intoxicatingly, “Puppy, you’ve been ringing my phones off the hook.”
Charlie barely managed not to blush, “Uh… no, no, just called your business manager.”
“And my assistant, and my body guard, and Red, Cosmos and Annette…”
Charlie chuckled wryly, “Well, uh…” He snorted. “Yeah, I guess I didn’t expect them to tell you.”
“No clever lies to make yourself look less desperate?”
Charlie launched himself out of bed in a rage, managing to look intimidating, even naked, as he stood an inch from her face, “You walked out without a word. I don’t know what you’ve done to me but desperate doesn’t even cover it. I have taken pride in the fact that I’ve never needed anyone, ever. Somehow you’ve made me need you. And the worst part…” He whispered, “…the worst part is that I can’t help but like it.”
Antoinette looked at him appraisingly, taking in his featured which were contorted with frustration. She said, “You are so beautiful when you’re angry.”
Charlie’s face relaxed into a look of surprise and he backed up a few feet. “You said I was ready for answers. I want them now.”
Antoinette grinned, “Be careful what you wish for.”
Charlie swallowed hard, “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
“I suppose that’s true.” Antoinette looked thoughtful, “I’m not in the habit of revealing my secrets, Charlie. However, I would like for you to be a part of my life, my endeavors. The truth would be helpful.” Her eyes flashed, “Just understand well that this knowledge comes with a steep price. You may never tell a soul, and if you do you pay with your life. I will know if you have betrayed me. There are many benefits to being a part of my circle. Additionally, I have taken few lovers in my life, and you are one of them. That comes with its own set of risks – and I don’t mean STDs. But as you experienced, it’s worth it.”
Charlie blushed, then said, “I understand. And i agree.”
Antoinette said, “Even if you disagree someday, the cost is the same. If that suits you, you may share in all my secrets.”
Charlie didn’t hesitate, “Tell me.”
Antoinette’s eyes seemed to glow, “There is no longer a name for what I am in any living language. I am… in a sense, immortal. It is not that I cannot be slain, but rather that my life will not end without the correct weapon in the hands of the right person.”
Charlie’s mind went first to vampires and then to werewolves and his rational brain dismissed them immediately. He didn’t believe in the supernatural. Or at least, he hadn’t.
Antoinette grinned, “You’re not entirely wrong.” She sat on the chair by the window and crossed her legs. “You see, people have it all wrong. Since the dawn of time, in all the histories in every culture, there have been legends about monsters, and stories about gods. There is, in fact, a creator, and certainly if it chose it could wipe us all out. It seems the Creator has left us to our own devices.
In the beginning we were made. Our parents were greater then any human that has ever been since. The Greeks called them Titans, and we, their children, were gods to them. Unfortunately, we were all assigned a role in the small minds of humans based on our interests, and people grew frustrated when we didn’t govern them as they apparently thought we were bound to.
Over the centuries, my brethren sired innumerable children, and our genetics lend to certain… traits, shall we say. Werewolves and vampires are their children, and their conditions are passed unerringly from generation to generation. Humans killed most of the other monsters.” Antoinette’s eyes filled, but she blinked away the sheen of tears, “Such a waste.”
Charlie stared at the woman in front of him and found himself believing her, but he held up a hand, “Wait, you’re telling me you’re a goddess?”
“No, Charlie. I am not. What I am saying is that I am the very essence of humanity. What prevails as humankind now is but a weak shadow of who we once were. Prone to violence and hatred and cruel weapons that destroy all but the strongest of us. Had you been born five thousand, ten-thousand years ago, you would more likely have had traits like mine and been considered a god as well. I inherited all of the old traits, but people like me are not often born anymore.”
Charlie’s eyes widened but he stood and threw up his hands, “I just, I’m sorry, but I just find this… very hard to accept.”
Antoinette sighed, “I figured as much.” She stood and walked toward the door.
Charlie caught her arm, “Wait. I didn’t say I didn’t believe you. Just, give me a minute. Please?” His eyes filled with desire and his voice deepened, “Please.” He kissed her hand, “I don’t care what you are. The only thing that matters to me is that I need you.”
Antoinette sat next to him on the bed, “You are more like us than you think, Charlie.” She pressed her lips to his in a slow, lingering kiss. “The full moon rises tomorrow night. I think you should stay with me.”
“Why?,” Charlie asked, eyes wandering over her body, “what do you mean?”
“You’re one of us, puppy,” she said softly. “I knew it the second I saw you.” She put a hand on his bare chest, “You will be more powerful than any for centuries. A hybrid of sorts… and now that you’ve tasted my blood, more powerful still.”
Charlie’s eyes lingered on her throat.
“I know you can feel it,” she whispered. She stood and took his hand, “Put some clothes on and come with me.”

Charlie felt like his eyes were about to fall out, as they stretched wide in an attempt to absorb what he was seeing. Antoinette had taken him down the path behind his warehouse, where he had walked a million times. The clinging fog didn’t seem to slow Antoinette in the slightest. She forged ahead, leading him through the trees. He hadn’t been able to see his feet for most of the walk, until suddenly the fog thinned enough to see … all this.
Not two miles from his home sprawled a glorious plantation. The big house was imposing, its black paint in stark contrast to the white outbuildings and guest cottages. The fields where there had once been sugar cane or cotton were now a veritable jungle, the verge so tall that it blended into the fog.
A skinny man with weathered black skin trotted up to them and Antoinette beamed at him as he bowed.
“Lon, this is Charlie, the man I’ve been telling you so much about,” Antoinette said conspiratorially.
“I’ve had your room prepared for days, youngster,” Lon said in a voice that was much stronger than Charlie would have expected. “I’m glad to see you’ve finally joined us.”
“He’s not exactly clear on what he’s getting himself into yet,” Antoinette winked. “Have the others gathered?”
“Yes, my lady,” Lon said. “They’re in the ballroom as requested.”
“Ballroom?” Charlie whispered as they walked inside.
“We appreciate some antiquities, here,” Antoinette chuckled. “Of course to many of us, they’re positively modern.”
Charlie swallowed hard as they entered into a huge hall filled with gaslights. A crowd of people nearly a hundred deep stood eerily still, moving only to bow or kneel with throats exposed to Antoinette. Charlie watched as her eyes roamed the gathering, and felt his body stir with lust. She was magnificent; totally in control and obviously appreciating the submission. He tried to meet the eyes in the room as well and felt himself shrink a bit at the jealousy, rage or uncertainty he found in them as they all gazed back.
“My darlings, this is Charlie. He’ll be joining us. Let’s give him a proper introduction shall we?”
A brave voice echoed in the room, “What is he? He smells different.”
“I don’t think we’ve seen the likes of ‘im in eons,” another said. “Smells like sangloup to me.”
Antoinette smiled slowly, “Nearly. But I think he’s something else. Something I haven’t seen since our oldest cousins were born.” The room stirred, but Antoinette raised a hand, “In time.” She looked at Charlie with genuine concern, “Big pills are best swallowed fast, puppy.” She gestured towards the room, “Welcome to my world.”


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