A lot of fun, a bit of shame, and no regrets [MF]

It was a rather pleasant summer that year, albeit a bit hot. I remember how the waves of heat radiated off the line of cars parked outside as I stared out my bedroom window. That day I was in my sterile little bubble with the windows closed and the air conditioner on. As a matter of fact, I had been staying indoors like that for most of the summer, even though the long, warm days and pleasant evenings were as inviting as they had always been. Something had been keeping me from going out and enjoying myself. I hadn’t realized that it was a combination of too much of the wrong kind of stimulation and not enough of the right kind of stimulation. You see, I had been spending far too much time drinking, smoking, and playing computer games alone during my down time. What had once been enjoyable habits from my late teens to early twenties eventually turned into debilitating vices. At twenty-seven, I was finally feeling the effects of a decade of getting stoned daily and drunk every weekend. What I needed was less artificial and chemical stimulation and more natural and physical stimulation.

Of course, I didn’t realize how severe and impactful my substance abuse was at the time. It takes hindsight to be able to look back at a situation like this and finally understand what one was really going through. And fortunately or unfortunately for me, the area where I lived happened to be going through a bit of a dry spell as far as weed goes. So, I was experiencing that particularly warm Saturday with a grim attitude of sobriety. As was my custom, I eventually opened up that special drawer in my living room which contained all my assorted smoking paraphernalia. I knew I didn’t have any bud left, so I pulled out my pipe and my trusty paperclip and began to scrape away at the thick black resin coating the inside of the pipe. If you’ve never smoked resin from a pipe before, I don’t recommend it. It’s the equivalent of a person digging through an ashtray, emptying out cigarette butts, and rolling whatever tobacco you can scrounge up into your own Frankenstein cigarette.

As I worked on emptying the pipe of its gritty and goopy black content, a knock on my door took me by surprise. It was my friend and neighbor, Ron, and he wanted me to accompany him to the beach. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I gladly joined him and left my comfortable bubble because I thought he might have a bit of bud, and I wouldn’t have to resort to smoking resin like a fiend.

Ron was a typical surfer dude. A great guy all around, but a bit of an air head from time to time. That didn’t stop him from being lucky with the ladies though. In fact, years of surfing had toned his body so that he was lean, tan, and hard. Not that I really care about those things, I’ve never been attracted to my own sex. Anyways, we took the short, 5-minute walk to the beach from our quiet, residential street. When we got there, Ron hit the water and I cracked open a puzzle book. I hadn’t enquired about whether he had any weed, but I knew that good things come to those who wait.

As I was trying to solve a particularly difficult sudoku, I peered over my puzzle book and noticed a tall, striking figure coming my way about two hundred feet down the beach. Her gentle sway and the saunter of her hips from side to side captured my attention as she walked in my direction. You know how your brain can sometimes determine whether or not you want to sleep with someone in half a second? Well, that’s what happened here. I was enraptured by her stunning presence, the way her blue sundress clung to the left side of her body as her curly, brown hair and the rest of her dress fluttered in the wind. It wasn’t until she was about fifty feet away that I realized one: I had been blatantly staring at her, and two: I actually knew her.

As the realization dawned on me, a smile crept across my face and I decided to call out to her, “Alicia!” Even at this distance, I could see her face change from startled, to confused, to recognition. She shouted back “Is that Alex?” I stood up and beckoned to her “Come join me!”

As she walked toward me, I felt a little flutter from my stomach up to my chest. See, Alicia had been a bit of a crush of mine since I had moved to the area about 3 years prior. I still remember the first time I met her too. We were at a beach party on this very beach. Someone else had mentioned her height, and I foolishly made a joke about it and compared her to an Amazonian. I thought the joke was harmless, but it didn’t go over very well. Luckily for me, time mends all wounds, and she had seemingly forgiven me for my initial blunder.I admired Alicia some more as she walked toward me. She was full figured and tall and around the same age as me. She had thick, long legs that led up to a plump yet firm ass that I had often fantasized about before. I mean, I don’t normally like to gush about such things, but believe me when I say her ass was absolutely top shelf. She was a naturally large-framed girl but in good shape with medium sized breasts and no gut to speak of. Her long, elegant neck led to a face with rosy, chubby cheeks, pink, inviting lips, a large nose, and her most striking feature: deep blue eyes that seemed to pierce your very soul. To be honest, I sometimes felt a bit intimidated and shy when I looked into her eyes during conversation, and I found it difficult to keep eye contact with her because of how beautiful and profound they were. As she sat down on the blanket next to me, her soft, fruity aroma engulfed my senses, and I felt myself once again smitten by her presence.

Now might be a good time to describe myself. You see, I’m not the most attractive of men, but I’m not totally hideous either. Those unhealthy habits I mentioned before had definitely taken a toll on me, although I had never truly been what you could describe as svelte. My body type is most easily explained as pudgy, and I carry a lot of extra weight around my midsection. I am lucky enough to have a handsome face which usually rocks a lazy, five-day beard. My eyes are brown as is my hair which is curly and is often referred to as a Jew ‘fro, although I am not actually Jewish. My face is really my redeeming feature, and I have been told countless times that I tend to smile with my eyes, whatever that means. As coincidence would have it, Alicia and I happened to be the same height: five foot nine.“Hey, what are you doing over here in our neck of the woods?” I asked with what I hoped was a sly smile and tone.“What does it look like I’m doing?” she responded in a friendly, but playful way.

“Looking for sexy surfer dudes obviously.”

“Is that Ron I see out there?” she gestured toward Ron just as he failed to stand up on another rolling wave.

“Yeah, we decided to chill at the beach. Not much else to do today.”

“Want to chill a little harder?” she asked. My heart skipped a beat thinking she was trying to imply something flirtatious, but then she pulled a pipe, baggy, and lighter out of her purse. I could hear a chorus of angels as I set my eyes on her little baggy of weed. It’s almost sad how quickly my priorities shifted from trying to charm Alicia to trying to smoke myself normal once again.

“Oh fuck yeah! I’m all out right now!” I exclaimed as I gave her a genuinely huge grin and shook my legs like an excited child. I watched as her delicate, knowing fingers crumbled the bud and packed it in the bowl. The wind was blowing in strong from the sea, so I volunteered to shelter the area around her head so she could light it up. I used Ron’s towel to create a barrier. She finally got the bowl going, and while holding in her first hit, she beckoned to me to lean down and take my hit as she held the pipe in her hands and fed it to my mouth. There was something so intimate about that moment which gave me a strange sort of confidence. I didn’t act on this confidence immediately, but I felt for a second like I actually had a chance with this girl.

Let me just be perfectly honest. I shouldn’t have even been entertaining these kinds of thoughts. At the time I was already in a relationship, and Alicia knew my girlfriend as well. The thing is, she had left a few months earlier to do a year abroad as part of a program for her job. Now, at first it didn’t seem like a big deal to have that distance between us, but it had become increasingly clear that the long distance thing wasn’t working. I didn’t want to be the kind of asshole who cheats before breaking it off, but I also couldn’t let myself pass on a golden opportunity. I wrestled with thoughts of guilt and infidelity for about half a second before my compartmentalizing nature buried the thought somewhere deep within my mind. I ignored my misgivings and continued to entertain the thought of me and her getting even more intimate.

When the bowl was finished, I was feeling a bit of a head change, but I knew I would have to wait a few minutes before it really hit me. We started making idle chit chat about what we had been up to recently and how the summer had been going. By the time I was starting to feel a head change, Ron emerged from the water with his surfboard tucked under his arm. As he approached us with his dripping, well-toned body, I felt a pang of jealousy and resentment. I knew I shouldn’t feel that way, but the thought of a handsome surfer guy intruding right now got me a bit flustered. The feeling passed quickly though, as I realized how petty and immature I was being.“Hey Ron, long time no see. How were the waves?”“Alicia, where did you come from?”

“I just wanted to go for a walk so I decided to drive down here and take in some sun and have a toke.”

“Hell yeah! Let’s smoke one!” Ron dried his hands on his towel and reached into his bag only to produce the most beautifully rolled joint I had seen in a long time. He lit it up, we passed it around, and it wasn’t long before the three of us were sitting in stony bliss. We chatted a bit more about life, the way weed had become really expensive and hard to find recently, and who was fucking who this summer. We didn’t live in a particularly large community, so everybody tended to know who was doing what with whom. As we continued chatting, I finally felt a pang of hunger and decided it was time to go get some lunch.

“I think I’m gonna get some lunch now guys.”

“Me too, I’m starving.” Ron said. We started packing our things to go.

“What are you guys doing tonight? Want to come camp out at the dump?” *The dump* was actually a pretty nice public area in the wooded foothills at the edge of town. See, it was actually a landfill up until about 30 years ago, and then they filled it in with dirt and made it into a beautiful public park. This didn’t change the fact that there were tons of garbage buried underneath this quaint, natural area, but it didn’t bother us as we had never seen it when it was actually a dump.

“Who’s all going?” I asked.

“Matt and Beth, Chris and Kate, Andrew and Kylie, and a few other maybes.”

“I’ll have to pass tonight, I’m going fishing early tomorrow morning, so I can’t camp out. But maybe I’ll join you guys for a few beers.” Ron said.

“Oh that’s too bad. But yeah definitely come by tonight if you wanna chill for a bit. How about you, Alex?” she looked at me with those stunning, deep, blue eyes.

“Yeah that sounds like fun. Plus I don’t have much else to do.” I responded, perhaps sharing too much.

“Well then you better come join us.” Was she giving me the sexy eyes as she said that or was I just stoned imagining things? I quickly shrugged off the thought, she couldn’t be.

We then walked back up the beach to the road and parted ways. For the rest of the day I felt sort of excited and kept imagining what it would be like to get my hands on Alicia’s sweet behind. She was a total package, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her ass and hips and how they jiggled and swayed as her sundress clung tight to her form. I’m not necessarily an ass man, but I thought it was her best feature. Okay I won’t lie, I had become a bit of an ass man earlier that year while involved with my girlfriend. One night while we were engaged in foreplay, I found myself thumbing gently but firmly around her asshole and got a lot of positive response from her. One thing led to another, and I discovered a new pleasure that surprised me: eating ass. I kept thinking about what it would be like to get my hands on Alicia’s cheeks and massage her asshole with my tongue. Before I went out that night to join them, I had to jerk off once when I got back from the beach and again when I was in the shower. It always helps me to unclog the pipes in order to think more clearly and be on my A game.

I met up with the group at the dump around 7:30 just as the sun was starting to go down behind the hills. It was good timing as I was able to set up my own tent and then help Alicia with hers. She had changed into a black college sweater and black yoga pants for the cool night weather. I found myself fantasizing about her ass once again as she bent over in front of me to insert her tent poles into the ground stakes. She kept bending over a certain way which I could have sworn was intentionally to give me a good view, but I shrugged the thought off again and dismissed it as wishful thinking. When we finally got our tents all set up, it was time to party.

There were eight of us in total that night. It hadn’t dawned on me until we finished setting up the tents that she and I were the only two people without a significant other that evening. Well, that’s not entirely true. I had a girlfriend of course, but she wasn’t there. And she and I had been going through a rough patch because of our relationship being long distance. I think that may have been part of my general malaise that summer. Without a person to spend it with and be intimate with, and without being allowed to see other girls, I didn’t really have much of a reason to go out and be social. It felt refreshing to finally get out and spend time with others, especially Alicia.

We started a fire in the pit and passed around a handle of cheap rum and a bottle of coke to chase it with. After the handle was done, we moved on to the beers that had been waiting in the cooler. Luckily for me, the others had brought a few joints which we passed around merrily. Matt played the guitar as usual and we sang along to the tunes he could play from bands such as Green Day, Third Eye Blind, and Oasis. I was playing it cool with Alicia all night, trying not to act like I was interested in her. As the night went on, the couples said their goodbyes two by two and left to go fuck and pass out in their tents until eventually it was just me and Alicia sitting by the dying fire.

The moon and stars were shining very bright in the clear black sky, and we continued to chat about places we had traveled to, strange people we had met, and interesting things we had seen. Thankfully, the alcohol we drank that night overpowered the weed, and I was talkative and engaging without having to make an effort. I noticed at one point that she and I had the same casual sort of posture lying on the ground in a relaxed and care-free way. I remembered something I had read online about how people who are attracted to each other copy each other’s postures. I felt a strong connection to her in that moment, but I kept debating in my head whether I was imagining signals or if I actually had a chance with her. It was hard to see the details of her face clearly in the dim light, but I thought that once or twice I caught a glimpse of longing and vulnerability in her eyes. This was especially obvious when she was talking about how her love life had been so lackluster recently. Was that a sign? Things started to click in my head and I finally decided that she was interested in some intimacy and attention, perhaps even from me.

Eventually, she said that she was going to go smoke a bowl and pass out and asked if I wanted to join her. This time I definitely noticed something inviting in her eyes, so I followed her to her tent with a dull but tingling anticipation mixed with my determination to play it cool and calm. We entered the tent, turned on a small lantern, and zipped up the flap behind us. With the loud noise of the zipper, it dawned on me that everyone else in their tents would probably be able to hear whatever we were doing if they were still awake. We sat down on her sleeping bag and she packed the last of her little baggy into the pipe. We shared this final bowl without saying a thing. We had been drinking and smoking for hours at this point, so we were both pretty tired.

When we finished the bowl, I suddenly felt simultaneously stoned and anxious. I felt like I needed to get out of there and retreat to my tent where I wouldn’t have to make any regretful decisions or potentially make a fool of myself. So, I looked into her eyes and told her that I should get going, but I didn’t make any motion to leave and she just stared back at me. Her radiant, blue eyes were fixed upon mine and I felt drawn to her. Without even thinking I lifted up my left hand, put it firmly but gently on the nape of her neck, and pulled her in for a kiss. For a second, the world stood still. I was taking my chance and being impulsive. I felt her mouth yield to mine as we turned our heads sideways and began to explore each other’s mouths with our tongues. I don’t know how long the first kiss lasted. It could have been ten seconds or a minute. All I knew was that all bets were off. I was determined to take this as far it would go, consequences be damned.

I could feel the warmth of her mouth and the sweet taste of her saliva. I felt drunk once again, but this time with a sort of clarity and determination. I wanted her more than anything, and nothing else really mattered in that moment. When the kiss ended, she looked into my eyes and I could see shame and guilt. She and I both knew that this was wrong.

“Alex… You can’t do this. Your girlfriend…”

“She doesn’t have to find out.”

“I don’t know…”

“I’m sorry. If you want to stop, we can stop.”

She looked at me again and I could see shame, but I could also see something else. I saw vulnerability, lust, and maybe a bit of confusion. She didn’t say anything. I didn’t say anything. We sat there quietly, only the sounds of our hard breathing to pierce the silence. I decided to take the initiative once again and went in for a second kiss. This time it went on for longer. I pulled her down on top of me and felt utterly warm and secure with her soft body pressed to me. I had one hand firmly holding on to her head from behind and another sliding up her back under her clothes. To my surprise, she wasn’t wearing a bra. That made it easier to rub and scratch her back in deep, intimate motions up and down. This went on for a few minutes, but once again she stopped and had misgivings. We pulled apart and sat up.

“Alex, we need to stop. I can live with myself if we do this, but you’re gonna feel guilty. And I don’t want an angry girlfriend with a vendetta against me.”

“You’re right, but I’ve already gone too far. I already crossed that boundary and there’s no turning back. Might as well enjoy it since we already fucked up, right?”

“Okay I get that, but I don’t want a reputation. I hate drama and I don’t want to deal with any of that.”

“I promise nobody has to know.” I leaned in for another kiss, but she didn’t return the gesture.

“Alex…” the way she said my name was a mixture of you’re not listening and don’t be foolish. I immediately felt like I had gone too far.

“Okay, I’m sorry. We don’t have to keep going if you don’t want to.”

“I do, it’s just that we really shouldn’t.”

“Well, like you said, you don’t want anyone to know about this. I won’t tell anyone about it. I promise. I’ve already crossed the line. And honestly we can stop at any point, just tell me if you want to stop. Seriously, just say the word.”

She looked at me again and her eyes looked sad but hungry. I knew what I wanted, so I decided to go for it again. This time she returned the kiss with the same passion as before.

“Alright fine, if you’ve already crossed the line, I don’t want you to leave disappointed.”

With this, she started taking off her shirt and sweater. As she pulled her clothes up and exposed her bare chest, I felt a rush of excitement. Her breasts were not proportionally large on her frame, but they were big enough to get a handful. She had small, light pink nipples with medium-sized areolas. To be perfectly honest, they weren’t the most impressive or amazing boobs I had ever seen or touched, but they were boobs nonetheless. I made sure to give her breasts some affection as she had so generously offered them to me. I used both hands and cupped them from the bottom pushing upward and inward like a sensual massage. I took one breast and squeezed it with both hands and then sucked on her small, pink nipple. She moaned softly and said “oh, Alex.” Then I put one hand behind her neck again and went back in to kiss her some more. Our kissing had become more rhythmic and well-paced. We were a really good match for each other in this respect.She was on her back now and I was lying half next to her and half on top of her. We continued exploring each other’s mouths and sucking the other’s tongue in turns. My left hand remained firmly on the nape of her neck which gave me a thrill because I felt like I had control of her that way. My right hand started to explore. I wanted to know and feel every intimate part of her body if I could. First I played with her left breast again and massaged and rubbed her whole breast and then the nipple. I got bored of that pretty quickly and started moving my hand across her ribs, her side, and then toward her belly button. I went pretty slowly because I wanted to tease her, but I also wanted to give her a chance to let me know if I was going too far. Finally my hand found its way to her waist line. I let my pinky slip under the elastic of her yoga pants and panties, and I could feel some pubic hair brush the tip of my finger. This excited me beyond belief. She wasn’t stopping me or slowing me down at all, and I wanted more.

The kissing continued, and my right hand slowly moved its way over the fabric of her pants and across her soft pubic mound. I could feel her pubes poking through as I guided my hand downard. I was moving slowly trying to give her a chance to say no if she wanted to. But when I felt her legs spread and her hips move upward, I knew she wanted me to keep going. I slid my hand down until I had all four fingers cupping her vagina. It was difficult to tell exactly what I was touching through the fabric of her pants and panties, so I made sure to touch every inch of her pussy area. I started to pet her with long, slow, deep, circular motions. I made sure to also press down near the top so that I could stimulate her clit. She was responding very well to this. Her eyes were closed and I could tell she was allowing herself to relax and enjoy the moment. At this point all I wanted to do was give her pleasure. I tend to be a giving lover, and I usually don’t seek my pleasure until I have given my partner hers.

I continued to rub her pussy like this for a couple of minutes before my hand started wandering a bit lower. I wanted nothing more than to get ahold of her ass and play with it. I let my fingers slide through her natural creases which meant pinky and index finger sliding along the outside of her cheeks and my middle and ring finger going straight down to her ass crack. I probably shouldn’t have been so bold as to start rubbing her asshole, but she didn’t react negatively at all. I could feel that she was very turned on and fully into it. I used my thumb to stimulate her clit and my middle and ring finger to stimulate her asshole. I could feel the fabric of her clothes rubbing sensuously, the heat and moisture coming from each hole, and as I continued to rub her rhythmically, she showed me approval by kissing deeper and sucking my tongue longer and harder. After a minute of this she kept moaning and repeating things like “Oh my god, Alex this feels so good.”

As I continued rubbing her every hole, I told her I wanted to eat her pussy, but she declined. I told her I wanted to eat the booty, but she declined. Then, I told her I just wanted to give her an orgasm. I thought that maybe she had set a boundary in her mind and that she was trying hard not to cross it. I didn’t want to cross that line or make her feel uncomfortable, but finally she relented and told me I could finger her. This excited me greatly, and she pulled her pants and panties down to her knees.

Rather than go in for a closer look, I went and kissed her deeply again as my right hand found its way between her legs. I rubbed the inside of her thighs first because I wanted to arouse her and tease her before entering. My hand wandered down to her ass where I grabbed a handful, but I was sure not to directly touch her asshole or pussy just yet. I did one of my favorite moves with my thumb where I firmly press it in just an inch or so away from her asshole and then slowly and deeply moved my finger away from the center so that the skin around her hole would get stretched and aroused. To me, this moment of anticipation is what can turn okay sex into amazing sex. I could tell she wanted me to press forward as she bucked her hips up and her pussy grazed my hand. Finally I embraced her bare pussy for the first time. I was going by feel, and she felt absolutely soaking wet. I let my middle finger find her vagina, and with barely any pressure it slid into her warm center. Half a second later my ring finger joined the other, and her pussy was so wet that both fingers fit effortlessly.

I have a method for fingering pussy which most sexually liberated women will tell you is the right way to do it. I curled the end of my fingers upward and instead of fingering into her, I was fucking the back of her clit hard, otherwise known as the g spot. As I continued to pull upward and outward to pound her g spot, I found that she was more than receptive to my rough handling of her. I kept a continuous motion going and tried to keep a consistent rhythm. When the fingering started, we were still kissing, but after a minute or two I stopped kissing her to allow her to focus on the pleasure she was receiving.

She got louder and more into it as I continued, and her grunts and moans and murmurs of approval turned me on more than anything else had. In my experience, the moment when a girl cums for me is actually more important than the moment that I cum. I could feel this moment building inside of her as her responses became louder, her breathing heavier, and her hips pushing harder into my hand. My senses were inflamed with lust; the smell of her hair mixed with her breath, sweat and pussy juices. The primalistic sounds of her approval. The warm, soft, wet feeling inside her. She let me know that she was about to cum, although I didn’t need her to tell me. I could feel the anticipation building to a climax, and all I had to do was keep going with the exact same pace and rhythm. As she reached that plateau and announced that she was cumming, I pressed my cheek against hers, not kissing her, but allowing her to feel my presence and intimacy. This put my ear right next to her face, and I took in every utterance that escaped her lips. She let out a series of sounds that I can only describe as cathartic sexual release. Her hips pressed hard against my force as she enjoyed the lingering tremors of orgasmic release, and I could feel her pussy walls flexing then loosening around my fingers. I think she had needed this orgasm for a long time, and now she was finally getting it.As her orgasm subsided, she put a hand on my wrist to gently inform me that I could stop now. She pulled her pants back up and then I wrapped my arm around her midsection under her breasts. I watched them move up and down as her heavy breathing slowly subsided, and I continued to revel in the sweet smell of her hair and sweat. Still wanting more, I asked her if I could have a taste of her pussy, but she politely declined. I had already gotten more than I had expected from her, but I wasn’t going to quit until I had milked this opportunity for everything it was worth. I asked again, and she laughed annoyedly at me. Then I asked if I could eat the booty. She had to think about it for a second, so I pressed her again saying “Come on, Alicia, let me eat the booty. You know you want to.” I think I was also trying to convince myself that she wanted it, too.

Finally she said “fine” and turned over onto her stomach. This actually took me by surprise as I had already started to feel the creep of resignation and defeat. I now had a topless girl lying down in front of me like she was ready for a massage, but this wasn’t going to be your average massage. I pulled her pants and panties down below her ass in one swift motion. This revealed the bubbliest, softest, palest ass I had ever seen up close. I used both hands to tease and stimulate the area around her asshole like I had done before, but this time I could see exactly what I was doing. When I spread her cheeks with my thumbs, her tight, puckered asshole and curly brown pubic hairs were exposed and I felt more excited and turned on than I had ever been in my life. This level of intimacy was something special for me. She was lying there vulnerable and open and trusting me to treat her right. This sent me into a kind of frenzy, and I dove into her ass tongue first with a determination to taste her sweet hole. I could hear her responding positively, but the sound of her moans of approval were drowned out by my other senses. The taste, the feeling, the warmth, the mingling of sweat, saliva, and the taboo of it all turned me into an animal. I took turns licking, flicking, and sucking on her ass like my life depended on it. The forbidden nature of what I was doing made it all the better, and I felt even more turned on by my own degenerate behavior. This was the moment I had been waiting for, and it was better than I could have even imagined.

After a few minutes of this, she begged me to put it inside her. I definitely wasn’t expecting to go that far, and I had to double check with her and ask if she was sure. She told me she was absolutely sure and seemed pretty urgent about it. I think that in that moment her lust and desire overrode her good sense and she was aware of it and didn’t care anymore. I quickly pulled my pants and boxers down to my knees and stroked my cock a bit to get it ready. Of course it had been hard since we first started kissing, and it was already sticky with precum. Without giving much thought to it, I spat into my hand to lube up my dick. Alicia was looking back and gave a “yeah” of approval when she saw that, and then she turned her head forward and waited for my entry. She was still on her stomach, but she stuck her ass up for me. I hadn’t realized it at the time, but her large frame and the hard ground made it very easy for us to fuck in this position. It’s sort of like lazy doggy style, and I haven’t been able to pull it off with any partner since.

I pulled myself up across her body until my cock was touching her bare ass. I used my left hand to hold myself up while I guided my cock with the right. To my surprise, my dick found her pussy effortlessly and when I lowered my body to enter her, I slid into her warm, wet slit without any resistance. I don’t normally make a habit of having sex without a condom, but right then and there I didn’t care at all. This was a moment of deep, passionate intimacy, and I could hardly keep myself from cumming instantly. I had been aroused for over 30 minutes, and I was aware that if I didn’t cum soon I was gonna get blue balls for sure. This time we were both letting out sounds of approval. “Oh yes” “Fuck yeah” “Oh my god oh my god” “Mmnnghhh…”

I started slowly so that I wouldn’t immediately cum, but I was so turned on it was almost too much. I told her I didn’t know how long I could last and she said that it didn’t matter. This acceptance turned me on even more and I started to thrust harder and deeper. I could feel her pussy lips gripping my cock hard as I attempted to stick in as deep as possible. The heat and the tightness of it all was overwhelming. I felt my foreskin sliding back and forth and the tip of my cock being massaged from every angle. I could feel myself getting close to the edge, and suddenly she let me know that she was too. She started getting louder and more into it as I thrust my hips forward, desperately trying to fill her with as much cock as possible. We were both near our limit and I asked if I should cum inside or out. She said “whatever,” and her indifference to me cumming inside of her made me determined to do just so.

As the tension and the heat built, I could feel an enormous climax about to burst forth. I thought about slowing down so I wouldn’t cum too soon, but then I realized I was past the point of no return. All in one brief moment she let me know she was cumming, I could feel her pussy lips contract and squeeze again, and suddenly I was shooting thick ropes into her. The longing and throbbing of my erection turned into an eruption as hot liquid poured out delivering sweet relief. My ejaculation then caused me to slow down my pace, and I switched to deep, slow, circular motions as we both rode out the final waves of our orgasms. A minute passed as we gradually slowed and I could feel the tension in my cock start to subside. I collapsed onto her letting her feel the warmth and weight of my body. Luckily for me she wasn’t a small girl, so I knew I wasn’t crushing her.

We lay like that for a couple minutes panting and not saying anything other than the occasional “holy shit” and “oh my god.” I think we were both stunned at what we had done and how far we had gone. Neither one of us was expecting things to unfold quite like that, and my feelings of lust and satisfaction quickly turned to remorse and guilt. I wish I could say that we fucked again or that this became a regular thing or that it was the start of something beautiful, but unfortunately that’s not the case. We said goodnight without another kiss, and I stumbled back to my own tent to pass out immediately.

When I awoke the next morning and emerged groggy and hungover from my tent, I saw the rest of the group had already gotten up and were preparing breakfast. As I sat half in my tent with the flap open, I took in the fresh morning air. The bright sun caused me to cast my head down, and that’s when I noticed my right hand looked dirty. Upon closer inspection, I realized the dried, brownish substance on my hand must have been the reason why Alicia wouldn’t let me eat her pussy. She had been on her period when we hooked up, but somehow that didn’t stop us.

I wobbled over to the extinguished fire from the night before and sat down with the others. Nobody seemed to have overheard us the night before, and if they did they certainly didn’t act like it. Despite that, I couldn’t bring myself to look anyone in the eye, and I felt that I needed to get away as quickly as possible. I left as soon as I could without arousing any suspicion, and said my goodbyes to everyone. As I said my farewell to Alicia, I looked one last time in her iridescent eyes and saw shame, guilt, and a hint of sadness. We knew what we had done. It wasn’t until years later that I was able to look her in the eyes again without feeling ashamed. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed the experience and would probably do it again if given the chance, but that moment will always hold a bittersweet place in my heart.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jtddx9/a_lot_of_fun_a_bit_of_shame_and_no_regrets_mf