Submit the demons (chapeter 4)

Any critique is appreciated.

I had allmost no sleep when I went to the base of the guards. It was a huge building. It has five floors and twenty windows per floor. The door was double the size of me, which intimidated me in a strange way. There were two statues on each side, like ethernal guards guarding the house. I didn’t even need to enter, because the head of the guards allready stepped outside and greeted me, “I see, you took your friends with you.” She stressed the ‘friends’ in a hositle maner. “Not my friends, these four are my slaves. Only she is a friend.” “It doesn’t really matter. Let’s get to the business. What do you want from me?”

“First I want informations from you. And I want some materials. The materials are easier, so I’ll ask them first. I want some ropes. A lot of them, and I also want some of your weapons. As for information, I want to know how humans can use sexual energy and some techniques of the men all these years ago. Information about Palemoon town and who you are. I think that wouldn’t be asked to much, right?”

She frowned. “Everything is doable, expect the techniques of the men. Even tho we have some here, we can’t open them because of some reason. You won’t be able to do so too, so don’t even try.” I really disliked her attitude, because she acts extremly superior. I wished for nothing more, than to let my slaves pin her down and fuck her until she follows me, but she is a human, and I shouldn’t do that. “If it is like that, it won’t hurt you to give them to me, right. You wouldn’t go back on your words, or would you?” She grunted and commanded some guards to get what I aked for.

“My name is Norma, and as you might have guessed, I’m the heads of the guards of Palemoon town. Palemoon town is just one of several towns in our empire. It was built and is still standing. You should be able to use your cum as sexual energy.” That was all. She merely told me this, and then my mterials arrived. There were six dildos, which sadly were bigger than my cock. But the size doesn’t matter, right? There also were some scrolls which were sealed. And a lot of rope to bind a lot of people.

I got to my room again I inspected my gains further. I can feel a special type of energy in the dildos, it’s similar to my cum but weaker by a lot. The ropes were just simple ropes, sadly. But what truly wondered me was the scrolls. Even though the guards couldn’t open then, I maybe could open them, because I’m a man and these scrolls were made for men. But now it didn’t look like it.

Suddenly Serva said, “Maybe they need cum to open, I’ve read of such things before, and the scrolls of our Succubus Race works just the other way around.” She gave me hopes again, because that could really work. I ordered the slaves to get me a bucket and I layed the scrolls in it. I knew, that I needed a lot of pussy juices to be able to produce such amouts of cum, because of this I was going to produce and easy factory. I got some ropes and installed a hook at the ceiling.

“Toy slave, I’m going to need you don’t resist, if you won’t resist, you’ll going to love it.” After I said that, I took some ropes and bound her hands behind her back. Then I bound the rest of her body and kept her legs spread. Finally I lifted her to the ceilling and left her there. I used a pretty long time for this, because I’m not very good at roping people. Then I put a dildo in her pussy and bound it in place. I placed my hand under her cunt, that her honey could drop onto my hand, for me to absorb.

“Slaves, this is my first time using you, if you’re able to do a good job, you can get every 10th load of mine for you. Each one of you is going to rotate on me, first blowjob, then handjob, then boobjob and again blowjob. You have to place all the loads in the bucket, except the 10th. This all excludes you, toy, because you’re going to be punished.”

The blowjob slave did again an amazing job and the bottom of the bucked was layered with cum. But I noticed, that the honey wasn’t enough. I had to use more to stimulate the toy slave. I showed a dildo up her asshole and roped it to the place too. The honey I got multiplied by a lot, but it wasn’t nearly enough.

“The two that aren’t directly serving me will have to move the dildos in he up and down to make her produce more honey.” Servas face was filled with joy as she watched the show. These slaves were once at the same level or higher than her, but not anymore. Now she was on a much higher social level. Something bright flashed through her eyes, like she just thought of something. Then she asked me like an innocent girl, “As your lover, it would be unfair if I couldn’t command over your slaves, isn’t it like that, master?”

I knew she was up to something, because she wouldn’t call me master if not, but I still agreed to her request. What horrible things could she do?

She smiled and then inspected my hand. Her face was filled with questions, because all the honey just dissapeared when it came in touch with my skin. She held her hand in the waterfall of honey. But it didn’t vanish, so she knew that the problem was on my side. While I was still milked by my slaves and the toy slave tried to not make a sound, Serva layed my hand on her cunt and she dripped her pussy juices on my hand. And they of course did vanish.

I played innocent and said, “Are you envious, that you get nothing? Wasn’t last night enough, should we do it again later?” I put two fingers in her pussy and started to finger her. Before long, the bucket was full of cum, and she scrolls were fully covered in it. Only one of the six scrolls started to change itself. It created a vortex and the cum was sucked into it. After a few seconds, there was no cum left in the bucket, but the scroll was still closed. I removed the other five scrolls from the bucket and started to do the same again. And again.

After five buckets the scroll floated into the air and a strange radiance filled the room. All the demons fainted before I could finally lay my hands onto the opened scroll.
