Mason – Following Up [Fiction][College][Hook Up][M/M]

***This story is a follow-up/conclusion to the story “[Mason’s First Physical ]( ”, which follows a college student’s intimate introduction into the sexual world. If you haven’t read that one I recommend going back and giving it a read (both parts), it will provide context and character details. If you’re comfortable starting in the middle of a story then all I have to say is welcome and I hope you enjoy this one!***

[This story is 18+, all characters involved are such, and this story is intended for (and should only be read by) those who are 18+]

Mason Johnson awoke in his dorm room, his eyes stung from the intrusion of the sun into his hereto quiet and uninterrupted rest. ***why did I have to get the bed right next to the window?*** he grudgingly asked himself before attempting to get pry himself up. If he did not force himself out of bed this morning who knows how long it would be before he finally decided to get his day started. Sure, he could have pulled the comforter over his eyes and feigned ignorance of the sun’s unfortunate timing, but where was the fun in that? He’d slept for…how long was it? 10 hours? 11? Too long already. Far too long. Long enough, in fact, he missed the first lecture of the day. ***Of course I did*** he thought with a deep and regretful sigh. ***Whatever. It’s not like I’ll fail from one missed class. I probably would have fallen asleep anyway.***

He glanced around the room, it took him a longer than average moment to realize his roommate’s bed, though disheveled and unkept, was empty. Come to think of it, it looked like that last night when Mason got home from practice. ***Must have stayed at Misty’s last night*** he considered. Overall he liked his roommate, Oliver. A good enough, though at times overly bombastic, 21 year old junior. Compared to Mason’s relatively relaxed 19 year old demeanor, the two made quite a pair. It did not matter though, as truth be told, Oliver was at his girlfriend’s apartment at least as much as he was in the dorm. Mason could not blame him. He wish he could get out more too, but between lectures and practice he was booked solid. Fortunately he’d get a chance to take a break shortly.

For the last two months, since the start of the semester, he had a fairly regimented routine. He’d wake up, eat a protein bar, shower, get dressed, and be out the door all within an hour. He figured he could take his time this morning. That’s exactly what he did. He took a shower at a leisurely pace, the most advantageous side effect of getting a dorm with a private shower. ***Thank you financial aid and early selection*** he still mused while he could take his time in the shower. He got out just in time to hear his phone ringing outside the bathroom. He quickly wrapped himself in his towel and sprang to get the call in time. “Hello?” He answered with that universal greeting.

“Hello, Mason Johnson? This is Clarissa, calling from Harris Hill Health Center. Is this a good time for you?”

Harris Hill? Even the name of the place brought back pleasant memories of a few months prior. Of Dr. Call. The man who’d given him his first full physical so he could even go to the practice sessions that exhausted him now.

“Yes, this is him. I have time, is everything alright?”

“Dr. Call wanted me to reach out to you to inform you that he would like for you to come back into the office for a follow up and second opinion on your last physical exam.”

“A second opinion?” He had heard of such things before, but not for routine physicals. Well, routine would be a generous word for it. The secretary, who he could tell by the voice was a different woman than he’d dealt with during his first visit, continued.

“Yes sir. Dr. Call would like to have another physician consult on his findings and give their thoughts. He did not mention anything urgent, if you’re concerned about that. Would this work for you?”

“Sure I think I can stop in. When would he have an opening?”

“At your earliest convenience. But as early as today if possible for you, at your availability of course.”

Mason stopped and thought about the rest of his day. As far as he could tell he would be free most of the afternoon and only had plans in the evening.

“Can I come by in.. let’s say an hour?”

“That would work. I will inform Dr. Call. Thank you very much and I apologize for such short notice.” The secretary said after a considerable pause. Mason acknowledged and the call ended as abruptly as it had begun. ***This day might not be as boring after all.*** he thought as he wiped himself with the towel to dry. ***But if he’s calling in a coworker… it has to be a real visit. Maybe he did find something strange somewhere… I guess I’ll find out when I get there.***


Mason arrived at the clinic an hour after the call, just as agreed. The young man was, if anything, punctual and reliable. He found Clarissa at the sign in desk, she seemed to recognize him immediately. “You must be Mason. We’re very glad you were able to make it in so early.” He looked around the near barren waiting room. Evidently they meant it when they said early. It was, admittedly, still the morning. But honestly, he thought, there should be at least a few other people in. It was not ***that*** early. Oh well. He was here and that was what mattered.

“If you’d like to follow me we can get started and get you out of here as soon as possible.” The woman said as she stood and led him into the network of hallways behind the waiting room. The pair passed by room 16-A, the room where his first experience at Harris Hill had been so fortuitous. Finally they arrived at a slightly larger room down an adjacent hallway, room 18-D. He walked in and was instructed simply to wait a few minutes. She shut the door and he was alone.

It must have become a newly formed instinct after his last visit, or it could have simply been curiosity coupled with the knowledge he’d have to pass the time somehow, he was looking sound the room taking in the details. First he noticed that the bed he was starting at was roughly of similar dimensions to that found in 16-A, though this one did have a few extra drawers, presumably containing instruments he did not have any desire to be aquatinted with. Or they contained extra paper for the top of the bed. Who could say? He continued his studious scam of the room, taking his attention to a series of diagrams on the wall; a respiratory tract with complete warnings about the dangers of smoking, a spinal map with each vertebra labeled and a brief note about pinched nerves, and finally one highly detailed diagram split down the middle detailing the complexities of the male and female reproductive system. Somehow quite fitting.

The last thing he considered was the countertop, what he considered the most interesting part of the room. If for no other reason because it contained the most stuff. He could not help himself but be amused when he noticed that, where there had been precisely zero before Dr. Call had to exit and retrieve one last time, the countertop had three boxes of rubber gloves, each in a different standardized size. These, as far as he could tell, were white as chalk and of a different material as well. Oh how he could already hear that infamous snap that might be coming in his neat future. He took a seat, where he had been aimlessly walking the room, and gave himself a minute of equally aimless thought.

***No paperwork this time? No waiting room to amplify my anxieties? Hm. I think I might be warming up to this place.*** he caught himself surprised at how relaxed he felt this time. He was not feeling nervous nor was he feeling the desire to simply abandon the place like he did before his first exam. ***Look at that. I’ve grown since then*** he thought humorously to himself. Inevitably his mind returned to the obvious peculiarly in the situation. Why did they not need him to fill out any forms? Was it because this was a request directly from his physician? Did that nullify the insurance question and the general “why are you here” aspect of those files? Why did the question of insurance even cross his mind? He started to laugh to himself again and think ***I haven’t matured that much…*** The thought was interrupted by a rhythmic tap against the door.

As it opened a familiar face walked in, Dr. Call. His green eyes shining a shade brighter than they had before. A trick of the lighting, perhaps? He had the same average built frame as before, the same hair and even was dressed in a similar fashion to his last encounter; Dark brown leather oxfords, tan socks, matching brown business-appropriate slacks, and a well fitting polo shirt tucked into the waistline. Mason had not noticed before that the logo of Harris Hill Health Center was embroidered onto the shirt. Maybe this was a newer outfit than last time. But he could not say for sure, nor did it particularly matter. He may have paid this more mind had it not been for the gentleman that followed Dr. Call into the room.

The juxtaposition between Mason and Dr. Call was obvious to anyone who accidentally wandered past that room: one was a well-built, muscled, 5’10 college student with a clearly defined jawline and admirable cheekbones. The type you’d choose as a stand-in for the stereotypical local football star archetype in any b-rated romcom. Not the first choice to play the part, but close enough to draw the crowd. The other, a mid 40s man with a professional haircut, standing about as tall as his patient, but evidently not as athletic. Still the type to take his due time in the gym every week, but his heavy lifting days, if they’d ever been, were long past. Both were handsome for their demographic, however. This new man was a different sort.

He walked in nearly on the coattails of Dr. Call, he stood at a slightly lesser 5’8, and was apparently a few years younger than Dr. Call. His hair was styled similarly but seemed not to have the same shine to it, it was brown but did not make any impression besides. He was also a much thinner man than Call, almost petite in build. With appropriate proportions on his facial features, limbs, and in his mannerisms. He was also lacking in any facial hair, or any noticeable body hair for that matter. ***Did he wax?*** His dress was just as similar; He wore a set of well-fitted light blue scrubs and a stethoscope around his neck. He certainly would not have drawn much attention in a crowd. If any word at all could describe this newcomer it was “cute” and almost “effeminate”. Mason actually found himself intrigued, was this really another physician? What was most different, however, was to be found in the man’s eyes. They were somewhere between blue and green and though Mason looked into them for only a brief time as the man walked in they were enrapturing. Something was there. Something familiar. ***Is he… no he couldn’t possibly be.*** Mason thought.

Some handful of seconds after both men had entered the room, and the latter had shut the door, did Dr. Call begin their conversation properly. “It’s great to see you again, Mason, and sooner than I’m sure you were expecting.” The older man reached out to shake Mason’s hand. Mason accepted gladly. The grip was exactly as he remembered it. Exactly as he’d fantasized about after their last encounter. He did not even notice or think to let go. When the realization finally came to him he dropped his own hand before this awkward exchange set the mood of the entire visit. “It’s great to see you as well, Dr. Call. I hope everything is ok. Is there.. something I need to know about?”

“Hardly anything at all.” Dr. Call beamed with a matter-of-factness that might have confused Mason in any other context, but here was reassuring. “Mason I’d like to introduce Nurse Lee, he’s been a colleague of mine for years and personal friend for as long.”

Mason reached out to greet this Nurse Lee, ***is that his first or last name?*** Mason thought congruently. A soft, small hand met his. “It’s nice to meet you.” Mason said politely, with genuine pleasure. The man replied in a tone notably unlike his grip or figure, his tone was higher pitched than Mason or Dr. Call’s but carried a similar authority as the latter. “Likewise Mason. I’m glad you could stop in today.”

“So, what does bring me back in today, Dr. Call?”

“As Ms. Clarissa mentioned I was hoping to get a second opinion on the results of your physical from Nurse Lee. If you’re ok with that, he’s very curious about my findings.”

***About his findings. Does he actually mean the “findings” at the beginning?***

“When you say your ‘findings’? Do you mean…” His physician cut him off.

“I mean precisely what I said, Mason.” He remarked with a coy smirk and a glance back at the nurse. Himself with a matching grin. “Would you be alright with having a second physical so close to your first?”

Mason chuckled “I don’t think I can say no. Who knows what could change in two months, right?”

“That’s exactly…” Dr. Call was interrupted by a knocking at the door. Another nurse poked her head in and requested Dr. Call for some other patient. “I’m terribly sorry Mason, but I should go address this. I leave you in the capable hands of Nurse Lee.” With that he was gone. Now only the two strangers remained. Nurse Lee kept his eyes on Mason, his hands clasped together by his waist.

“Looks like it’s just us for right now. What do you say we get started? As I understand it I have a lot to work with here.” He gestured with his slender fingers over all of Mason.

“What do you need me to do first, Nurse?”

He cocked his head and glanced down the length of his patient’s body with that same devious smirk as before. He pulled off his stethoscope, placing each earpiece carefully and holding the metal end in one hand. “First I’ll have you take off your shirt. I need to get some vitals. Since I know Clarissa…’forgot’ on her way in with you.”

Mason did not need to wait, he had his instructions, he lifted his shirt up by the collar, using one arm to lift up over he shoulders as the other arm slid out of its hole. He hoisted his shirt across his chest and pulled it off of himself completely. As much as he would have preferred to set it nicely down, something deep down in him called for a display of athleticism. He tossed his shirt aside like a damp towel, and gripped the bed with both arms stretched to the side. The way he knew best to, as casually as could be possible, show off his abdominal muscles and chest.

Nurse Lee refused to divulge whatever it was he was thinking. He simply approached his patient, placing one of his delicate hands on Mason’s shoulder and the other, affixed to the end of the stethoscope, made contact with Mason’s breast. This nurse was phenomenal at building Mason’s anticipation. As he listened to the young man’s heartbeat and lungs, all Mason could glean was that his lips were full, moist almost to the point of glistening, and his eyes never left his patient’s pectorals. Even when he had no reason to be staring at them. After a long few minutes, Nurse Lee picked his stethoscope off Mason’s chest, placed it back around his neck, and turned back towards the countertop.

“I think you already know what I’m going to ask you.” That devious smirk again. It made Mason’s heart race. “No? Or are you just getting nervous again?” Nurse Lee quipped at him. Mason must have zoned out for a moment. He snapped back to the reality he belonged in.

“Not at all. Should I just…”

“No you don’t need to stand up this time, you can lay back on the bed. Just drop your pants, sweetie.”

As Mason pulled off his shorts the words resonated with him. ***Sweetie? Oh of all things to say.*** that one word, in that tone, made the heat rise in Mason’s chest. More importantly, it made the heat fall down as well. Mason was just pulling off his shorts when he noticed the nurse pulling out a pair of the chalk-white gloves from the S-labeled box. Nurse Lee was methodical, he watched Mason’s unveiling as he passively donned those crisp latex gloves like a second, seductive, skin. Crinkling noisily as he pulled them further onto his fingers, then his palm, and finally his wrist, where he punctuated the spectacle by pulling the cuffs as far as he could, releasing and letting them snap back into place. A shrill sound. It reverberated around the room just as it did in his ears. Mason loved that sound. Lee stood not beside his patient but between his legs. His hands on Mason’s thighs. His fingers one by one inching their way upwards until he was at Mason’s pelvis. Mason was stiff. How could he be any other way?

“Harold wasn’t lying. You are impressive.” ***Harold. Dr. Call’s first name. I’m guessing they really are well aquatinted..*** Nurse Lee did not wait for a response. He was much like Dr. Call in the way he took initiative. He readjusted himself to be firmly holding Mason’s hips. He pulled the athlete so his sack was hanging off the edge. By this point Mason was sitting up. The nurse caressed Mason’s shaft and massaged his hanging sack. There was no medical intention. No professionalism behind these movements. Mason and Nurse Lee locked eyes as the latter began sinking to his knees. As he connected with the floor his left hand grasped firmly the base of Mason’s shaft, his right still massaging, or perhaps just simply playing with, the young man’s balls. With that familiar smirk Nurse Lee descended. Mason’s shaft disappeared between the man’s soft, warm, moist lips. While being help captive inside, Nurse Lee’s tongue explored its new companion.

Gliding up the shaft towards the tip and back down again, wrapping around and lubricating, all while Nurse Lee pulled up his head. And back down again. He stroked with the rhythm of his lips sliding back and forth down the shaft. Mason shivered at this new feeling. So moist, warm, and inviting. He felt as if his spirit was being sucked out of him by this oral artist. Nurse Lee sped up and the feeling intensified. Mason throbbed and pulsed inside. Outside he did not even need to brace himself, he just let the feeling take over, he kept his attention fixated on those two doe eyes that showed the pleasure was mutual.

Before Mason could start thinking about finishing the nurse pulled off of him. He kissed the tip and stood back up. He pulled a small wrapped package out from pocket of his scrubs, forcing it onto Mason’s chest as he half-climbed onto him. He had one hand on his chest and the other wrapped around his body, ending at the opposite shoulder. “Have you ever wanted to fuck the naughty nurse, Mason?”

***A condom. The little wrapper is a condom. Shit. This is amazing*** “Doesn’t every guy have that fantasy?” Mason replied coyly. That must have been the right answer. Nurse Lee slid off and opened the package. Pulling out their protection, he slid it into Mason’s anticipating dick, before pulling Mason up. The nurse swapped places with Mason, bending over the bed, ass up, shaking it in a teasing circle. Mason seized the moment. He pulled the nurse’s scrub pants down just below his ass. Firmly grasping the Nurse Lee’s hips with one hand, Mason started to guide his shaft with the other. He could feel the tip start sliding between the cheeks of his nurse’s ass, to the point where he was at the hole.

“Don’t be shy Mason. Stick it in. I can take it.” So he did. Happily. Nurse Lee was not tight, but there was still resistance as Mason thrusted into him. He could hear Lee exhale sharply as Mason pushed himself inside, inch by inch until his balls were against the man’s cheeks. He could not rest. He pulled backwards, until everything just below the tip was out. He thrusted again. Nurse Lee started moaning lightly. Like his lips had been, this was warm and welcoming. Mason repeated his thrusting motions, slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace as Nurse Lee urged him to speed up.

After a few minutes the nurse was panting, he’d stopped giving advice or encouragement, he was just as in ecstasy as Mason was. Not because Mason was talented or skillful, no, he was sloppy, inexperienced, and rough. Fortunately Nurse Lee likes it rough. Mason, for his part, was struggling not to climax immediately. Pressure built on his shaft as he pushed it in and took it out of that snug hole. His senses failed him, all he could notice was the sensation of his shaft quivering as his body froze. He braved himself before he felt himself contract and release. His shaft pulsed a few times before it was over. He left himself a moment while still inside to catch his breath. When he pulled out he had to try not to collapse. Nurse Lee was breathing harder, but still managed to get out the words to express how good it was for him as well. Then he said “What do you think, Dr. Call? I say your results were spot-on.”

Mason only felt the firm clap of a hand on his shoulder before he realized Dr. Call was in the room. ***When the fuck did he get here? When did…***

“I’m sorry I missed most of the fun. But fortunately I was able to make it back before the end.” ***He must have come in while… wow. I never even heard the door open.*** Mason thought hazily. Nurse Lee pulled his pants back up, walked over to Mason, and pulled off the Now full condom from his softening shaft. He gave Mason a firm smack on the ass as he stepped to the side of the room. It felt appropriate.

“It seems Nurse Lee took care to get that second opinion while I was out. How are you feeling Mason?” He was filling out a file as he spoke.

“Would amazing be an appropriate answer?”

“I’d expect nothing less. From what I could tell you handled yourself well. Thank you for stopping by today, Mason. Don’t forget to schedule your regular follow up with Clarissa, ok?” He made his final notes and left the room again.

Nurse Lee helped Mason collect his clothes and get dressed again. “Is he..?”

“I think Harold is busy today. Don’t take it personally. He always gets that way when we get together too, in and out back to work just as fast. Though, I think he’s jealous.” Said the nurse with a wink.

“Jealous?” Asked Mason curiously

“Sure. He’s not bad, but he has never fucked me like ***that*** before.” With that sly remark and another quick smack on the ass, Nurse Lee left the room.

Mason collected himself and saw his own way out. He knew most visits going forward would not be this. But they, the three of them, would always remember this. He walked out of the office a new man.

***The conclusion to this story is now complete. I sincerely hope you all enjoyed reading this one! I must confess, however, that I wasn’t intending for this one to be this long at first. But once you get started sometimes you end up writing what you write. I’m not complaining. While this story is over, I think I’ll hold off on retiring these characters for a while. Who knows, maybe they’ll pop up in future stories with future characters I have yet to devise. I guess you’ll have to wait and see. Again, thank you very much for taking the time to read this one, and I hope you found it to your liking.***

— Casuallitty
