I [M] finger-fucked my best friend [F] while my blindfolded girlfriend [F] listened and masturbated

My best female friend and my girlfriend always told me they weren’t jealous of each other *at all*. But they didn’t really know each other except by name and face until last week when my friend broke up with her boyfriend and asked if she could stay at my place for a week while her new place came free. When I told her that should be fine but I’d just check that my girlfriend she jokingly asked if I was being pussy-whipped, but only light-heartedly. Anyway, I told my girlfriend the situation. She seemed cool with it at first – like *I trust you, it’s your space so you can have whoever you want over*, but as the day drew closer I could tell she was really unhappy so I suggested she come and stay too, which she jumped at.

Long story short: for a week I was going to work every-day while those two were just hanging around each other in the house. On the first day: they had get-to-know-you drinks and watched Netflix movies. Second day: they swapped pictures and stories of me and talked all about the annoying shit I do. Third: they went out to somewhere called the Stargate sauna for a massage and manicure. By the fourth day it was like they were the best friends and I was the guest in my own place. They were even talking about getting a place together next year when my girlfriend’s lease ended. By the time our last evening together rolled around, it was like a year had passed. They’d been at some punk bar that afternoon, and when I got home they drinking schnapps, literally crying that they were going to miss each other, and having an impromptu clothes swap-meet.

All night, I sat on the couch watching them try on each other’s dresses and skirts and blouses. If it wasn’t so erotic it would’ve been the most fucking boring evening of my life. But the drunker they got, the less modest they got too, and by the end they were playing tease-the-poor-mofo with how little they could wear and how dirty they could talk. It was like they were competing to get the other more and more turned on. And they were succeeding too: talking about their sexual fantasies and teasing their own bodies through their clothes, then kissing, then teasing each other’s bodies, and it all finally culminated when the obvious talk of a threesome came up and my girlfriend said she wasn’t sure if she could handle watching my friend and I have sex but she could definitely handle me fingering her, especially if they were blindfolded.

By that time they’d made a mess of my apartment and I was kind of sick of them – or sick of being teased. I’ve always preferred to run the show. Anyway, I told them that was enough. It was either time to tidy up and go to sleep, or time to go to my bedroom and strip and blindfold themselves.

The tidy-up-and-go-to-sleep option wasn’t the one they wanted.

I gave them a couple of minutes head-start and when I went into the bedroom my friend was lying in the middle of the bed, naked, on her back, blindfolded with one of my t-shirts, one of my work ties binding her wrists in place above her head.

My girlfriend was stripped and blindfolded too, kneeling on the bed beside her.

I thought briefly about jokingly telling them to get the fuck out, but I didn’t want to risk wrecking the mood so I just shut up, left my clothes on, and got straight onto the bed.

As I climbed on, I heard them both inhale deeply in anticipation. My girlfriend reacted to the sound by turning her head towards me – trying to locate where I was exactly – and then reaching out. I batted her hand away.

My friend’s wrists flexed against their bindings, but I reached out and held them down.

I knelt on the bed above her, my knees either side of her head, my thighs pressing her arms against her temples, her bound hands resting in my lap. Her breasts were splayed sideways across her chest, and I leaned forward, reached down and slapped her lightly on the thighs to make her spread her legs.

Then I placed my hands on her body. Beginning at her shoulders I ran them down to her elbows, leaving the little hairs on her arms standing on end. I slid them inward to her belly, wheeling around her navel as if my fingers were miniature birds, circling a flight path around it.

The sound of my fingers on her skin aroused my girlfriend. We felt the bed move and then some gentle vibrations as she shifted her weight on the mattress and reached down to begin touching herself.

My fingers continued their flight, shifting higher, swooping up my friend’s torso between the wings of her ribs, into the little valley between her breasts. There they parted into two flocks. Each climbed the opposing mounds of her breasts, and once at the top, they turned and begin circling her areola, like they were celebrating their ascent. After they’d hardened her nipples, they flew away again, down the slopes of her breasts, back through the valley of her chest, across her belly, through the light forest below, to the special mound beyond.

There they flew around each other teasingly, fluttering against her and tangling together, taking little shallow probing dives between her pussy lips, nudging into her folds, picking up her wetness, dropping it over her sensitive clit, gliding over and over her, opening her up.

My girlfriend heard me playing with the wetness and listened even more intently – a surge of erotic jealousy driving her fingers to begin massaging her clit harder and faster.

My friend felt my strong right forefinger run down the full length of her labia, pressing into the base of her pussy, inserting into the dampness there with a little suckling noise, then drawing up slowly, easing her lips completely apart. My finger flattened against her to tease her open entrance, then finally slipped right into her wet hole, easing in, just the same as she would do it, only my finger was bigger, harder, and a little more forceful.

The vibrations of the bed increased in speed and depth as my girlfriend touched herself faster, opening her legs wider, rubbing her clit harder.

My second finger began pushing into her. The heel of my palm pressed into her pubic bone, sending a shiver across her body as the soft fleshy underside of my middle finger pushed against her clit, pressing it in and nudging it up and down, slowly, softly as I moved my fingers in and out of her … then gathered momentum… a little harder, faster…

The build-up of pleasure in her breathing was obvious and goosebumps were alighting on her skin as if there were tiny miniature birds landing all over her body. Soon she began to raise her hips off the bed in ecstasy too. As she did, I slid my other hand beneath her. My palm was under the cheek of her ass, squeezing it, and allowing my fingertips to curve into the crevice. Her back entrance tightened a little at first, but it soon relaxed as my fingers begin gently teasing it.

But it wasn’t just the bodily sensations that were driving her wild. I know her enough to know it was the psychological sensations too – the knowledge that my girlfriend could hear everything I was doing to her: my fingers sliding in and out of her wet pussy, my hand rubbing gently but firmly against her clit. And the fact that she had taken all of my attention – that I was hers, and she’d totally stolen me for that moment.

It was the same in reverse for my girlfriend – I could tell she was excited by the pleasurable throb of jealousy overtaking her and the fact that eventually she’d get to take me back and make me hers again.

My friend was so turned on by the situation that little a involuntary squeak came from the back of her throat. I heard her and stopped for a moment to punish her. Then I went back straight back to it and increased the pace of my movements so my soft palms were hitting her pubic ridge over and over, and the fleshy pads of my fingers were rubbing her clit harder and faster. She squaked againm and again I stopped. The I started up again and angled my fingers upwards inside her vagina to get at that sensitive top ridge. I felt her walls expand, opening up so wide. Soon my fingers were slipping quickly in and out of her gaping wet pussy, just the way she would do it, but pressing a little deeper and opening her a little further.

I could tell when they were both nearly ready to cum. The bed was quaking from my girlfriend’s movements, squeezing her nipple and flicking her clit – and my friend was bucking her hips up and down, forcing my fingers as far as they could go into her pussy. They were overloaded with sensation.

I was most concentrated on my friend’s climax when it began. Her head rolled back, dizzily – as if the little birds had flown to her scalp and were flittering all around her hair. Her body lifted up and down against my hands as I gripped her ass, teased her back hole, and banged my fingers in and out of her pussy with my final efforts. Then it was like the little birds were flying crazily around her, lifting off. Her body began to spasm and I felt her wetness all over the tips of my fingers. I keep thrusting them into her as she coated me in her wet orgasm; writhing and drenching me with her lust, slamming her pussy into my hand, as I placed my mouth over hers to stifle her groans.

The both came hard and loud. Where were the birds now, as our fingers slowed down, milking the last of the orgasms? They were high above, but slowly, slowly, settling again – one at a time, alighting on their bodies, bringing them back to themselves.

As they regained their breath, I looked down at my friend, lustfully. What I didn’t tell them is that once they’d settled down and the orgasm had rolled right through them, I was going to start the process all over again. But this time I was going to tie them both to the bedposts and fuck them[…](https://ibb.co/cY9cKBk)

More adventures in my **[index](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheTowerOfSong/comments/jf3u31/story_index/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jr0674/i_m_fingerfucked_my_best_friend_f_while_my


  1. I LOVE your imagery but it was kinda hard to understand whilst my meat was in hand?

  2. Well I probably will never be able to look at a murmuration again without get wet.

  3. I love the articulation of words, made it much more erotic imo. Does your index contain the same level of delivery or is it unique to this?

  4. I loved this post! When will part II be completed? You have us all waiting in suspense…

  5. That „Joke“ killed the mood for me.
    Simply that tought shows a cracked personality.

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