Drive-In Seduction • Chapter 2 • Concession

They got popcorn and a couple Cokes, and walked around for a bit. Dusk had fallen, but it was still too light on the horizon to start the movie. They both ran into friends they knew, until the PA announced the parking lot lights would be turning off in five minutes, when they made their way back to the truck.

In their wanderings, they didn’t see Rob at all. Sally was hopeful that this meant he was back at the truck, having come to his senses, but that wasn’t the case.

Once back at the truck, there was another pickup parked alongside, and as they approached, the passenger door opened, and a young girl jumped out. “Hey, Sally! Fancy seein’ you here!” She quickly took Sally in her arms for a hug.

Sally smiled and hugged her back, in a way that even Lenny could see was forced. “Hey, Ronnie.”

Lenny knew Veronica’s date from the football team. “Hey, Phil.”

Phill looked up, “Oh! Hello, Lenny! Surprised to see you! I heard you joined the Army.”

“I did. I don’t have to report for a few weeks, though.”

“That’s cool.” Phil looked at the darkening sky. “Look, I got to run get snacks before the movie starts. I’ll talk to you later!” He jogged away toward the snack bar.

“I’m gonna get this set up, Sal,” Lenny said, climbing in the truck, and placing the speaker in the window.

Ronnie looked over at him, and said, “You and Lenny, huh? He’s a catch!” Sally thought about correcting her, but then, being a tad jealous that her friend was on an actual date, decided to let it ride.

“Yeah,” she replied. “I’m looking forward to tonight.”

Ronnie smiled, and replied, “From what I hear about him, you’re going to have a GREAT night!”

Just as Sally was processing that, the floodlights dimmed, and the projector came to life with cartoons announcing that the movie will start in a couple minutes. “Well,” Ronnie said, giving her friend another quick hug, “I guess I better get ready, too, huh?” She winked at her, and climbed up in the cab of her boyfriend’s truck.

Sally was wondering what she meant as she took one long look around for her brother, and seeing no sign of him, climbed in the passenger side of the truck.

Lenny smiled at her, and said, “Scoot closer, so we can share this.” He patted the popcorn bucket on his lap. Sally was happy to comply, wanting to at least appear to be on a real date. She glanced over at the pickup next to them, and she could see Ronnie looking right at her, giving her the thumbs up.

“Your friend seems nice,” Lenny said.

Sally looked over at him, and said softly, “We’re not really friends. It’s just that… well, she’s really popular, y’know, but she’s a horrible gossip, so I wanted to play nice, I guess.”

“Oh, so THAT’S the Veronica I’ve heard about.” Lenny said, taking a swig of his Coke. “Well, Phil’s a good kid. Second string, but he works hard at practice. I hope the coach gives him a shot next season.” He looked over at Ronnie, now fixing her makeup in the mirror. “How long has that been goin’ on?”

Sally sighed. Everyone was so much more grown-up than she was. “I didn’t even know they were dating.” She saw Phil return to the truck, balancing popcorn and drinks, looking nervous as heck. She saw Ronnie smile as he approached.

“From what I hear about her, he’ll probably get lucky.” Lenny took a long sip from his coke as Sally stared at him, mouth open.

“Really?” Sally was incredulous.

“She likes football players. That’s all I know.” He put the coke on the dashboard. “Good for him.”

Sally stared at him. “Is that all you boys ever think about?” she asked with a wry smile that belied her tone.

Lenny smiled right back at her. “Well, not ALL.” He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “But right now it ain’t football season, so that’s all we’re left with.” He dropped his hand and tickled her under her armpit to let her know he was joking.

She shrieked and pulled away from him, laughing. “Stop it!”

“I heard her congratulate you, y’know, for being on a date with me.” Lenny smiled again.

He was teasing her, and she didn’t really know how to respond. “It’s just …, I…, I didn’t want her to know that we’re not… well, I guess, we’re not on a real date, okay? I would die if she knew you were basically just babysitting me, is all.”

“Are you kidding me?” Lenny put his arm back around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. “What makes you think this isn’t a real date? We got popcorn and everything.”

“Shut up!” She punched him gently in the ribs, but still let him pull her closer.

“I’m a little disappointed, Sal,” Lenny said. “After all the time we’ve known each other, just to find out I’m just not good enough for you.” He winked at her.

“You love teasing me, don’t you?”

“Well, yeah, but…,” Lenny leaned close to her ear. “All I’m saying is that it’s easy to make it LOOK like we’re on a real date.”

Sally looked at him. Was he suggesting… “What do you mean?”

“You really need me to explain, Sal?”

“I… I dunno…” Was this really happening?

“If you want to make it look like you’re on a date with me, all you have to do is say so. You heard her; apparently, I’m a catch.”

Sally shivered involuntarily. “Lenny…, be serious.”

Lenny leaned over and nuzzled her neck, She was surprised at the sudden intimate contact, and how the feel of his lips on her neck sent tingles all the way down to her toes, lingering in a spot about halfway down. “I like your perfume, Sal.”

She didn’t know what to do, aside from enjoy the sensations. She moaned involuntarily, then caught herself. “Stop…” she whispered weakly.

Lenny moved his lips from her neck to her ear, and whispered back, “All I’m saying is that I can see that your friend is REAL interested in what’s going on over here.” He placed a gentle kiss on the nape of her neck, and Sally swooned inside. ‘Oh my god! He just kissed me!’ she thought to herself.

“Really?” she whispered.

“She keeps looking over at us.” Lenny pulled away to look in her eyes, and knowing that Ronnie was watching, smiled at Sally, placing a hand behind her neck, then whispered, “Did you want to give her something to gossip about?”

“You can’t mean…”

Lenny nodded. “You know what to do. Just lean toward me, and show her that we’re on a real date.”

He really wanted to kiss her. Sally didn’t hesitate. She leaned forward, tilting her lips toward his, closing her eyes the moment their lips met. He pulled her head to his, pressing their lips together, and kissed her hard. Almost subconsciously, Sally lifted her arms around his neck, holding him as tight as he was holding her.

When he opened his mouth and licked her lips, it was the most natural thing in the world to open her mouth back. Soon, their tongues were intertwined, as she moaned into his mouth.

Sally was in heaven. This was, without a doubt, the best kiss she had ever experienced in her young life. Her unrequited crush on her brother’s best friend was now a full-blown infatuation. Every sense was alive within her, She could feel her nipples tingling in her bra, and shifted in her seat, twisting toward him, knowing that pressing her breasts into his chest would help to alleviate the tingling.

As if he knew what she wanted, Lenny moved his other arm behind her back, pulling her torso to him, crushing her chest to his. Sally moaned deeply. Lenny pulled his lips from hers for a moment, turned his head to the other side of her nose, took a deep breath, and pulled her lips to his for another deep french kiss.

Sally was almost breathless, and reluctantly pulled back, opening her eyes to look into his as she breathed heavily.

“So? How was that?” Lenny asked, smiling, now rubbing her back with both hands.


Lenny laughed gently. “You ready for more?”

Sally was about to pull herself to him for another kiss, but at the last second, said, “Wait… Is Ronnie watching us?”

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Phil was talking animatedly in the truck next door, but that Ronnie wasn’t paying any attention to her date, instead staring intently back at him and Sally.


“Oh.” Sally was suddenly shy, pulling her arms down a bit.

“Hey… I thought you wanted her to see us kiss.”

“I do, … Well, I did.” She paused, then turned around just in time to see Veronica look away suddenly. “Now I just wish she’d mind her own business.”

Lenny pulled her body tightly against his. “Who cares about her if we’re having fun?”

Sally smiled. “If you insist…,” pulling his face to hers and kissing him passionately. They took great pleasure in kissing each other, and Sally moaned as he expertly massaged her back, from her shoulders, down her spine to the small of her back, then back up the sides, pressing on her ribs as she breathed heavily though her nose.

As they kissed, the cartoons ended, the outside lights shut off completely, and as darkness engulfed the car, the first feature started. Still they kissed.

Initially, Lenny only wanted to help Sally show off, knowing it would serve to increase her social standing. However, once he tasted her sweet lips, he knew he was in trouble. She was so soft, her aroma and taste so tantalizing, that he knew he would have trouble stopping.

Lenny knew Sally always had a bit of a crush on him, and since he genuinely liked her, he never mocked her for it. Still, this was his best friend’s sister. Could he really cross that line? His hands hit a sensitive spot on her ribcage, making her moan deeply, breaking the kiss.

“Oh, Lenny,” she panted, “I love…” She stopped herself before she said to him the words she had told him hundred of times in her dreams, but what she had vowed to herself just as many times that she would never admit to him in person.


She looked in his eyes, whispering, “I love the way you’re massaging me.”

“You do, huh?” Lenny smiled, and pulled her face to his again, meeting in another deep, wet kiss. As he ran his hands back down her back, she pulled herself tighter to him, and as he brought his hands up her sides, she relaxed her hold on him, Lenny decided to take this up a notch, reached his hand around her chest to grasp a firm, teenage breast.

She was so conflicted right now. She was loving the kiss, and what his hands were doing, and the feeling of her breasts crushed against his chest. She could feel his hand wandering around to her front, and knowing where he was headed, subtly pulled away to give him room. His hand enveloping her breast felt amazing, but at that moment, she realized that good girls didn’t let boys feel them up, especially not on the first date, and knowing Veronica was in the next car over, probably watching her this instant, she pushed him away.

“Lenny!” Sally said loudly, breaking the kiss, and forcing his hand away from her chest. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Lenny just smiled, noticing the reflected light of Ronnie’s eyes in the next car. She heard the cry, and saw what caused it. He nuzzled into Sally’s neck and whispered, “Just giving you the full date treatment, babe.”

Sally pushed him away to stare at him ruefully, and noticing he was looking over her head, immediately figured out what he was looking at. “Did she see that?” she whispered.

“I think so,” he replied, giving her a quick kiss before pulling away and leaning back in his seat. “Maybe you should have slapped me instead,” he whispered.

Sally smiled, then turned her back to him, and laying back into the crook of his arm, snuggled up against him. “Try that again, mister, and I may do just that.”

“Oooh… I like it when you get feisty, Sal.” Lenny said, reaching for her breast again, only to have his hand slapped away.

“Behave yourself!” Sally said loudly, knowing that his move was just for show. “Fresh!” She added, winking at him.

“Patience, baby.” Lenny gently rubbed her arm as he settled down in his seat. The Opening credits were nearly over. “The night is young.”

