Step Sister Corruption Part 38 – Day 4 Next Lesson (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

I still can’t believe the scene I just witnessed.

Honestly I never knew Kelly had it in her to actually seduce mom.

Had she become dominant? Or was it for the essential need that she wanted that drove her to over come her submissive nature?

That was probably why she did what she did, just to answer her need that allowed her to overcome her submissive nature.

It was quite the feat to see. I still didn’t believe it actually happened.

We walked outside and I looked at Kelly in astonishment.

Kelly looked at me incredulously, “What?”

I looked at her, “I still can’t believe you did that.”

Kelly looked at me, “Come on Gabe you know I can’t wait as long as mom wants us to wait before I get any type of legxercise.”

She walked over to my car, “Come on we need to go somewhere.”

Then an evil idea hit me.

Why is it evil ideas hit me when I least expect it? Why didn’t I think to have Kelly sic on my mom in order to get our way?

That is something a dom would make his sub do.

I’m sure Summer would have thought of that.

Summer…..hmmmm I wonder if my idea Summer would be all for.

I looked at Kel and said, “Go get your second mask.”

Kelly blinked at me completely confused as to why I would bring up her masks.

I repeated myself, “Go get your second mask….oh and a sharpie.”

Kelly was confused. I walked up to her and moved her to the few blind spots on the outside cameras that was in the corner of the garage and the house…..just underneath the camera.

I grabbed her arms and put them above her head. I leaned in for a kiss which Kelly greedily opened her mouth begging for a kiss. My other hand slipped under her shorts to feel nothing but wetness.

Kel moaned in my mouth before I broke the kiss and said, “Go….get….your….mask. And…..a …sharpie.”

Kel nodded and as I slipped my hand out from her shorts and let her go did she slowly walk off. I imagine she was fighting her urges.

While she was gone I pulled up my phone and opened a text to Summer.

Me: What are you doing?

I waited a few seconds before Summer text back.

Summer: At work though almost off. Why what’s up?

I completely forgot that Summer worked at Pink’s Gym. I have no idea what she does there because I can’t go in. I just know that, unlike Kelly, Summer’s membership was at a heavily discounted rate.

Me: How long before you’re off?

Summer: 45 minutes. Just waiting on my replacement to show up.

Me: Want to have fun?

Summer: Depends where

Me: How about at Lilith’s Arcade?

Lilith’s Arcade was your typical mature store….sort of. It did more than sell various adult items. There was more to than just toys and clothing. There was actual games, private stations, a small movie theater, g holes, and various other things.

The perfect place for Kelly’s next thing she needed to learn…..or at least see if this particular lesson was to Kelly’s liking.

Summer: You have me interested. Why?

Me: Just meet me there. It’ll take me about an hr or so to get over there.

Summer: Ok I’ll meet you there.

I text back.

Me: Perfect

Just then Kelly came back with the mask in her hand and a sharpie in the other.

Kelly spoke, “I still don’t know why you need these?”

I smiled at her, “You’ll see. Now hop in.”

Kelly hopped into my car and off we went.

10 minutes into the drive I convinced Kelly to give me road head which she instantly smiled, unbuckled, leaned over, unzipped me, and immediately went to work.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to drive when there’s a moist mouth?

Let me tell you it was exhilarating and nerve racking.

My only saving grace is that hardly anyone takes our road towards town because it isn’t a main exit out of town. It’s a long exit if people were wishing to take the scenic route which most sane people never did.

Hell even the cops hardly patrol our street so technically I could drive way beyond the speed limit until I got close to town before I had to abide by the speed limits.

Still I drove the speed limit…..and tried not to look like a drunk by swerving this way and that.

When I got on the main highway that took me around the city.

I quickly found my exit and fired my pent up goo into Kelly’s wanting mouth that I hadn’t blasted in Jessica because her alarm rudely interrupted pound time. Damn her wanting more cash.

Still it was nice to finally release some tension.

It took every fiber of my being to not roll my eyes into the back of my head as I fired more than a mouthful into Kelly’s gullet which she greedily swallowed without any orders to do so.

I will admit I did swerve just a bit but I made it look like part of my exit routine as I left the highway onto the road that will take me to Lilith’s Arcade.

It took me another 25 minutes from exiting the highway to get over to Lilith’s which like us is a little outside of town.

Kelly instantly saw the location and looked at me with horror as she comprehended why I needed the mask.

I smiled at her and said, “Welcome to your next lesson Kelly.”

Kelly blinked as we pulled into a free space.

The lot at Lilith’s was nearly packed unlike any other adult store. It was roughly 4 stories tall.

Like I said this wasn’t your stereotypical adult store.

One the bottom floor was a casino lounge with actual machines, a craps table, a couple of poker tables, a couple of blackjack tables, and a roulette table.

Naturally you had to be 21 to be on this floor. And security sure as fuck won’t let us go beyond the 1st floor with providing ID that we were over 21 and I highly doubt they’ll let Kelly onto the 1st floor with what I had planned. But they will let her go to the second floor or up with my idea….I hope.

One the second floor was your typical toys, clothing, and displays.

This floor or above you only had to be 18 which we qualify for.

The third floor was your gaming locations both sit down and VR, your private rooms for whatever including access to g holes…..for a small fee that is.

And on the fourth floor was the mini theater showing movies.

From the 2nd floor up is where either of us could go.

All we had to do was enter into the main foyer and quickly hit the elevator to go to the 2nd floor or up. I just hope security doesn’t stop either of us.

I haven’t been to the Arcade often maybe once or twice since I turned 18 that was before I found what the internet could offer and have various items delivered to my door without having the feel like a perv.

And for what I had planned probably was something that wasn’t uncommon at the Arcade…..I hoped.

We sat in the car as Kelly stared at the place in wide eyed horror only imagining what I had planned.

She didn’t realize it but she subconsciously made her hand disappear into her shorts.

I waited for one person and one person only….Summer.

We didn’t have to wait long before Summer’s car pulled into the lot and parked diagonally from me.

It was time……



  1. Ever play a videogame where you think you figured everything out, then it throws something completely new at you that you didn’t expect? That, except it’s this story. It’s surprising how quickly you can churn these out, considering how good they are.

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