Hotel Meetup Part 1 [MF]

It started like any other day for Mia; Waking up at 4 am, driving her husband to work, getting lunches ready and sending the kids off to school before Mia continues to potter around the house. Started that way, however, this morning Mia received a couriered post, a simple envelope with her name on it. She opened it up to find a letter and a familiar branded hotel key card, the letter only had “Room 204, 12 am Today, Hope to see you, T”

Mia began to realise who this is from and what this means “Tony…” she whispered. The mere saying of his name caused her legs to quiver a little, remembering what they got up to before at the hotel. She tried to tell herself that was a mistake to be forgotten, however she’d be lying if she didn’t relish in the thought of what might happen. Looking at the clock, “10:15, What do I do? Should I go? Should I message him?… What do I wear?” at that point Mia caught herself starting to give in to the idea.

Time passed by as Mia tried to do housework, between getting distracted with the thoughts in her mind. A mixture of panic and curiosity pledged her mind as she kept glancing at the clock, before long it was 11 am, Mia has decided to confront Tony and try to convince him this is wrong. Quickly getting dressed, she headed out to the hotel set on telling him… “this is wrong, of course, it was wrong, what we did was wrong…But why am I going? Why do I want to go?”. Soon, Mia was parked outside the hotel, holding the keycard and looking at her watch, “11:40… I shouldn’t be here Tony… I-I think this is wrong… yeah that’ll work”. With purpose, Mia walked into the hotel, walked to the elevator and began to ride it up, glancing in the mirror on the wall, she noticed that her outfit wasn’t as conservative as she intended, subconsciously she ended up revealing her busty cleavage and her tights were a little more see-through and torn than she originally thought, however, she didn’t stop herself. Doors opened and she marched down the corridor till she found room 204.

Mia halted, checking her watch, “11:59…” she whispered, holding up the keycard. Once more her mind began to race with thoughts of what to say to Tony once she opened the door, what he would say in response… Then, her watch beeped, “12 am… Fuck it” she thought and proceeded to walk into the room.

Once inside, she expected to see Tony there, greeting her and trying to charm her, however… this was not the case, no one was in the room? Mia walked in and saw, across the desk, an assortment of ropes, silk scarves, a blindfold, leather straps and another letter.

“Hi Mia, I see you turned up then, I’ll be there in exactly 10 minutes, get undressed and just lay there on the bed and place this blindfold on, T”

“Ahh! Why does he do this to me, I know I shouldn’t be here and yet…” she grabs the blindfold, “And yet I want to be here, what’s wrong with me? As Mia sits on the bed, holding the blindfold, she questions what she wants, as she thinks about it more, she feels her body getting warmer, she feels her body telling her what it wants and Mia begins to listen. “I… do want this… I do want him…” Slowly, Mia undresses and lays down on the bed, taking a quick deep breath and placing the mask on.

What feels like an eternity passing, waiting for Tony to come, Mia begins to wonder what she is doing, what will happen, how will she feel afterwards, but suddenly she hears the familiar sound of the door unlocking, her heart races as the footsteps get closer to her. She starts to feels the tingling sensation of Tony’s fingertips, gliding on top of her leg. Starting at her calf, brushing against her knee, moving to her inner though… Mia does her best to hide the quiver as Tony gets closer to her already warm pussy but his fingers then jumping her breasts, gently working his way around her areola, feeling Mia’s nipple get harder before again jumping. Now Tony has moved to her warm, soft lips, placing his thumb against them and whispering, “Hello sweetheart, shall we have some fun”. Mia’s heart was jumping out of her chest as he said that, but all she could do was smile and respond, “yes…sir”.



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