[M]y wi[F]e and I try to work out problems. Eventually leads to a swapping situation that I later learned was meant to be a cuckolding type of situation, but it didn’t turn out how they thought.

Ok, this is still fairly fresh for me, so this may be more of a therapeutic post than a straight up sexy post. I am honestly not sure how to proceed from here. I am incredibly hurt, but also super excited and feeling very vindicated. I guess I need to lay the groundwork a bit first.

Wife and I have been married for 13 years. Our life has not been the smoothest as most older Millennials can sympathize with. No need to dig into all of that. Our life has been complicated by family drama from my family and her family has been minimally supportive, but also come with their own unique blend of stress. My wife, Debby, grew up on a fairly typical mid-western middle class family. She was the only child and her mom drilled into her the no sex before marriage idea. Debby and I went to school together and reconnected again in college. That is where we started dating which eventually led to our marriage.

Ok, now to set the more immediate stage and how this story got its roots really going. For reference, Debby is average height and only slightly overweight. We are talking maybe 30 lbs past her prime weight. She was a college cheerleader and the stress of family and not so great jobs has just left her softer than she was before. I personally like her with the little bit of extra, but that is me. She has a butt that isn’t quite as bounce a quarter off it round as it used to be, breasts are C/D cup depending on the bra size, but she is still beautiful to me. I used to be a college football player, in particular a lineman, for a Division III school, and I wound up being the figurative whipping boy for the starters for a few years before I realized how good I was and the answer was not that good. For reference, one guy who used to routinely whip my butt lasted 2 seasons in the Arena league getting his butt whipped for a rank of heirarchy. I say this to mean that I am 5’11” and at that time, a solid and muscular 265lbs. A decade of incredible stress and desk jobs left me topping out way higher which comes into play with this story.

Since the birth of our 2nd kid in the last 7 years, we have had more and more relationship issues. In particular, my family has left me depressed and stressed out like crazy. My wife having to deal with the kids and me and her crappy jobs has left her stressed out. We deal with this differently. While we both want love and support, I wanted physical intimacy, both sex and non-sex intimacy, while she wanted romance and to be my focus. Can’t blame either of us, but I was working 10 hour days with a 1 hour commute in each direction, she had retail jobs with odd, random hours, my family was no option for help and her family resented the hell out of her when we asked for help. What does that leave us with? No time to ourselves, no spare money, no support, 2 kids, and spouses who became resentful of each other. Flash forward to the start of the year with lockdowns and a handful of things started to be put in motion. For a couple of years, I have been taking on more housework to try to lighten the load on Debby. I honestly try to do what I can, but romance as she looks for it has been nonexistent. On the flip side, there is no physical intimacy. Barely hugs at this point. It may sound miserable, but outside of these aspects, our marriage was, I thought, doing fairly well all things considered. Now, my fuck up in all this is that late at nights, I would be down in the basement doing work (new job, no commuting, but salaried and work from home now, so more work for me for less overall pay,…hooray?) and on and off have downloaded Tinder. Right there it sounds terrible on my part, but I honestly was looking more for people to talk to. The whole isolate with only your family gets old quickly. Now, something to point out is that in college before Debby and I dated, I was active in the local swinger community near my college, so I have some experience in group play. I put this into my profile as people on Tinder legitimately looking for anything other than sex are gonna have a lonely time. Maybe that is just my experience. Being a dude, I would do the typical swipe until I couldn’t swipe anymore barely paying attention, get bored, find some porn, and go from there. My fuck up is that I swiped right on one of Debby’s friends and Debby found out. This started a huge rift between us, but I felt we were working through it. I have proof I never did anything and showed her everything I had done, so I didn’t expect her to just get over it, but I didn’t expect her to leave me or do anything outrageous.

Now, remember how I said Debby was raised with the whole no sex until marriage idea? Well, that apparently gave her a huge hang up on sex in general and she has never been comfortable with sex. At the start of our marriage, I didn’t have a ton of experience even though I had some experience, so I tried to take it slow. Slow never really sped up. As the years went on and I gained more weight, it became clear that she had 0 interest in physical closeness, hence my part of the marriage issue. Now, the other thing to note is that I had started losing weight last year and lockdown helped me kick that into high gear. I am not quite to my college weight, but I am within 3-4 months of getting there. I have lost a ton of weight, but since I have always been muscular to begin with, it isn’t immediately noticeable unless I am wearing less clothes. Guess what? Lockdown attire has been a lot of sweatshirts, bum around jeans, old t-shirts that are too big, and generally not being near each other much. Add in the fact that she is hurt about me cheating, we interact for maybe 30 minutes a day.

Again, I didn’t suspect she was doing anything as retaliation. Her job always has odd hours and, since the whole tinder thing, she has wanted to work on herself. She has been going to the local library and trying to reconnect with friends again to re-discover herself. Honestly, I had no doubt where and what she was doing as everything lined up and she has never shown any inclination to try to cheat at all ever.

Flash forward to 2 weeks ago. She was in taking a shower and her phone is on the table. I see she gets a text from a number I don’t recognize. Not uncommon this time of the year. What could be read on the front screen caught my attention, so I grab her phone, open it up, and take a look. It looks like a conversation with a friend or co-worker that is mostly sharing their mutual interest in music and tv shows, but there is definitely an undercurrent of flirting. There are also some gaps in the conversation that don’t make sense like she had deleted some comments. Ok, that caught my attention. Especially after my whole Tinder thing, I didn’t want to fly off the handle, but I was upfront and honest with her and this feels like she is hiding it. I wait until the kids go to bed and talk to her about it. She is acting like it is nothing, but I know her too well to know that there isn’t something. I am also quite blunt, so I outright ask if she is cheating. No. Is she thinking of this guy in that way and she starts breaking down. We talk. She knows my prior swinging history and since I am not in too much of a position to do anything on this, I ask if that is something she wants to explore. She is unsure and will think about it. About 2 days later, she says she talked to him, Teddy (since I am not actually sure of his actual name to be honest) and he is also in a relationship, but they are more open about being with others and wouldn’t mind trying to do a double date at one of our places. She thought about it and decided that doing a mutual date with nothing happening actually sounded nice. Again, at this point, I am more interested in the fact that there is this whole aspect to my wife that I have known for years that I have no clue about and was interested in exploring with her. I agree and we set up a date for last Saturday at their place.

Saturday rolls around and we get dressed up and go. Debby is looking cute in a semi nerdy outfit, but she is definitely looking nicer than I normally see her, even for when we would get to go out. Now, at this point, I am thinking I am going to get lucky. Earlier this year, I started getting back in to my doctor (virtually) and worked to get some health issues better controlled. One thing I bit the bullet on and finally addressed was some issues with ED I had related to my blood pressure and weight. Since my weight is coming down, he prescribed the magic blue pill and I took one before we went out. Of note, I haven’t told Debby about this since we weren’t intimate. I was hoping it would be a surprise.

We get there and Teddy and his girlfriend are there. The first two things I notice is that one, this apartment is not that nice, but their stuff inside seems to be. The extreme difference caught my attention. Two, they were both in fantastic shape and dressed up very nicely. Like, of the group, I am by far the least appropriately dressed. That set off some type of alert in my mind, but again, experience with swingers in college, not the most uncommon thing I have experienced. We sat down and shared a few drinks. Teddy and Debby started the chatting, so I introduced myself to his girlfriend, Tara. She was about Debby’s height, but petite as hell and definitely in shape. She had shoulder length brown hair, a nice tan, clearly worked out, and was wearing a tight black dress that hugged her butt nicely. Now, I am not trying to be Don Juan here as I just met these people, so I am being my most outgoing, yet appropriate version I can be. I am, in other friend groups, known as the wild man, so I was restrained. Debby and Teddy are off talking about a TV show that, honestly, I am super into but Debby is way ahead of me, but I decide to go and talk to Tara. She asks me to sit with her on the couch, so I take a seat. She works in healthcare, so I am hitting her with lots of questions and asking what she has been seeing. Lots of “I could tell you stories” type of replies and I probe further. We talk for about an hour and I am definitely getting some vibes off Tara. I go to get another drink (my 4th by this point, I believe. I can hold it) and I see Debby and Teddy in the kitchen giggling like crazy. Debby is a light weight and I ask how many she is on and she say this is her third. That is like absolutely hammered level for her, but she seems to be keeping it together. Teddy is also giggly. He is maybe an inch or two taller than me, skinny and definitely in shape. Honestly, he and Tara look like they are a definite couple in that they both appear like they will go for a 10 mile run as a warm up. That is not Debby and I, but whatever. I get Tara and I another drink and head back. When I get back, she is sitting way too close, but again, I am trying to not be weird about anything. She asks if I want to know more of her stories and I say yes. She gets extremely close and talks about a time that she sucked off Teddy’s friend. Ok, this is heading the way I thought. Now, after all that has been going on, I am not about to get killed right like this, so I politely stand up and go to Debby. At this point, her and Teddy are familiarly close with each other. I ask to talk to Debby and she doesn’t want to leave the conversation. I politely ask Teddy to step out for a second when Tara comes walking back in. She is standing in the doorway and just outright asks we know what swingers are. So, at this point, a few things are clicking for me and I look to Debby. She is still giggling and, in fact, is looking happily embarrassed. I tell Tara I do, look to Debby and ask her what she wants to do. She looks right at Teddy and kisses him.

I will be honest, my first instinct here was to hit him. I held back though as, well, you know, chance at sex. I turn to Tara and she is clearly enjoying the show. I stand back by the door and ask what she wants. She wants to watch Teddy, but starts running her hand along my arm. Teddy breaks the kiss and goes back to their bedroom to which Tara and I follow. It doesn’t take long and Teddy and Debby are getting naked and clearly moving forward. Thinking back on it, I was suspicious of the fact that she was responding so quickly. She never reacted this quickly for me ever and trust me, not for lack of efforts on my end. Still, it was honestly super hot. As we are doing this, Tara is alternatively touching me and playing with herself. It was clear she wasn’t wearing any panties, but she still had her dress on. As they are going, Debby and Teddy are getting pretty vocal. This also caught my attention because Debby has never been vocal with me. It only took a minute or two before Debby was begging for Teddy to fuck her. He took his admittedly decent size cock and eased right into her. I will be honest, that fucking pissed me off. I turned to Tara, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and brought her in for a kiss. She seemed to enjoy me taking charge. As I am getting clothes off her, she is doing all she can to watch Teddy fuck my wife. He is also trying to whisper stuff to Debby, but I can start hearing it. He is asking if she wants his cock. Yes. Is this the best cock ever? Yes. Is this the biggest cock she has ever had? God yes. That right there fucking pissed me off.

At this point, I am done with them and just want to fuck the shit out of Tara. Again, I took that pill a while before, so by now, I am ready to go. Tara is still looking straight at Teddy and basically ignoring me, but still encouraging me. I get undressed, go down on Tara for a moment to make sure she is wet (probably not a needed step as she was clearly crazy turned on), and lined up to fuck her.

I should take a quick moment to point out that with my previous weight gain and ED issues, Debby had only ever been with me and trying to be intimate with a severely overweight guy who can’t keep it hard is not going to give you the most realistic expectation for cock size. That being said, the moan that Tara let out when I fully entered her was one of the absolutely hottest things I have ever experienced. That also got her full attention away from Teddy and Debby. Tara was legitimately surprised and looked down to actually see my cock. At that point, she let out a “holy shit, you’re bigger than Teddy”. I gotta say, that right there made me feel like king of the fucking world. I slowly entered her and she let out another fantastic moan. From there, I just buried me head in her neck and tried to fuck her like I have never fucked before. There was no passion, there was no caring, there was me trying to take my cock and shove it as far inside her as I could as hard as I could. Gauging by the sounds she was making, I felt I was doing pretty good. The other thing I realized with this pill is that I can last decently long. I am not talking superhero levels here, but a guy my size jackhammering this tiny little girl’s pussy as hard and fast as I was for what I am guessing was almost 10 solid minutes was a feat. At least for me. When the time came, I didn’t even think about pulling out. I wrapped my arms around her ass, pulled her in tight, sat back and pulled her up so she was basically sitting in my lap as I unloaded every bit of cum I could right inside her. Now, the second I was done, I laid her back down and, as I have a fetish for this, I immediately dove in to her pussy and ate her out. Sloppiness and all, I was going to town like I would never experience pussy again. It didn’t take very long and Tara clearly came and came hard. I don’t know if she actually came during sex or just afterwards since I wasn’t paying attention, but I know she definitely came from that. I lifted my head from her pussy, climbed up on the bed, and pulled her in for the most passionate kiss I could and she returned the favor. About this time, I had noticed that I wasn’t hearing anything else. I looked over and say Debby and Teddy on the bed. Teddy was clearly still ready to go, but Debby didn’t look as thrilled with this turn of events. I asked if she enjoyed the show and she decided she was done and wanted to leave. Since I had a few drinks, I asked if we should get an uber. She said she didn’t want to leave with me and will get her own ride. She dressed while we were in silence and she quickly left. Teddy was not looking the happiest either and went to go take a shower.

I decided to wait a bit to try to sober up before I left. I asked Tara what was going on and she was laughing about the whole thing. Her and Teddy keep their relationship open, but don’t go into lots of details so she didn’t know much about Teddy and Debby other than they had been fucking. Oh, kept a straight face on that one, but that was news. I asked if they had been fucking, what the deal with Teddy was here. Apparently, a part of his kink is being a bull and cuckolding husbands. In fact, that is the reason he had been able to get Debby to agree to this. Apparently she was looking to experience the pleasures in life (sex) that she never bothered to try before me and after my whole Tinder thing, she wanted some measure of revenge. They had agreed that apparently this was going to be the best way to make that happen without Debby being able to feel at fault. I asked Tara if we were not supposed to have sex and she was told that the plan was for Teddy to fuck the shit out of Debby with me there. I was supposed to feel so bad about myself and not be able to get it up that Tara and Teddy were going to humiliate me while he fucked the hell out of Debby. The fact that I didn’t get embarrassed and, as Tara says, actually have a bigger cock than Teddy sort of threw that plan out the window. Once I started fucking Tara, she was going to roll with it as she has a bit of a preference for guys bigger in stature than Teddy anyways, but once I started fucking her as hard as I did, she was cool with it. Once I came in her and ate her out, she was satisfied on the night. I let her know that I had a vasectomy last year, so there isn’t any pregnancy scare to worry about. She felt good about that since no condoms had been used at all through this. Plus, she gets screened regularly as does Teddy, so they know they were good.

I decided to take a short walk to clear my head before I drove home. Debby was already in bed afterwards. I tried talking with her about it Sunday, but she wouldn’t talk. Monday, I managed to get her to talk with me and we are in the process of figuring this out. I know I originally fucked up with the whole Tinder thing, but I wasn’t the one who actually went out and fucked someone. Oh, yeah, she denied that at first. I told her it was Teddy and Tara who informed me and that immediately shut her up.

So, that is where I am at. I am super hurt and fucking furious at this whole situation. Granted, I have done my own work in fucking up our relationship, but she took a pretty fucking huge move herself. Honestly, I am not sure if we will stay together through this. The fact she wanted to humiliate me fucking pisses me off, but knowing that the exact things she wanted to humiliate me about wound up being the things she was wrong about are fucking fantastic. I have lost a lot of weight, my cock is bigger than her “bull’s”, and that I fucked harder than he does anyways (Thanks for that note Tara!), I don’t feel so bad myself. Now to see how it turns out from here.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jpam4h/my_wife_and_i_try_to_work_out_problems_eventually


  1. I want to wish you the best of luck, honestly. It sounds like it is going to take a LOT of work to recover from not only this incident but maybe years of neglect in the relationship department.

  2. This is the kind of story I’ve always wanted to see on here. The emotional aftermath of some wild shit. Sorry youre going through this and sorry for my clear amusement but a lot of the stories I read on here leave me wondering what happens after.

  3. Damn that’s fucked up that both her and Teddy would try to set you up and humiliate you like that, but sounds like it backfired on both of them. Oh well karma’s a bitch ?

  4. I know that everybody has a part on the issues of relationship, however she maliciously cheated and planed to umhumiliate you in front of the guy who she cheated with, i understand that life is not simple and you have a family but make sure to not prioritize others feelings above your own, you deserve to be happy, I couldn’t stay in that relationship, hope you are well, best wishes.

  5. Utilize it.
    This went relationship ending levels of wrong. I bet your wife feels it, too.
    Make that a point to start from by realising that it might be the point of no return towards the end otherwise.
    Let her unload it all and have her listen to you. Like, what you wrote here. Vrutal honesty.
    If you can pick the pieces up from there, you got a chance. With truthfulness and without any vitriol. On both sides.
    You’ll both have to let go of your grudges, though …

  6. What a bitch. Sorry, not sorry.

    Browsing Tinder is not the same thing as fucking someone and then trying to humiliate someone.

    I’m glad you enjoyed your night with Tara.

    Your wife has created a hole in her attempt for “revenge”. Either you’re both in it together trying to find a way out… or you’re on the outside and have to pull her out of it.

    It’s going to suck, but you can do this.
    Si se puede

  7. Woah, dude. I am really sorry. I’m blown away by the level of malice you and your wife hold for each other based on this description. I mean go to counseling to find a way to treat each other with respect as co-parents, but I can’t imagine your marriage can possibly survive this.

  8. You need to tell your wife that you are hurt and humiliated like she wanted and that why you fuck Tara for revenge. Since she fuck teddy behind your back when you didnt cheated yet

    I think she want to here that. She want you to tell her that she is still her choice and you get jealousy is another man touch her. That what she want. Valid at that she still hot after getting old and two kids.

    It will work

  9. I know you’re mad that she was seeking revenge to hurt you. But I want you to remember she did this because she was feeling hurt. That’s where that comes from. You may need counselling to unpack the how, but you don’t need counselling to know it’s there. If you love her, tell her you love her. Many many times a day. Tell her you want to devote yourself to rebuilding your relationship like you’ve been rebuilding your body. Commit to this first. Don’t wait for her to be on the same page before you do it. She will join you. Forgive, love, and fuck. Fuck her like she’s never been fucked before.

  10. COVID craziness is making wild things happen. I could see this happening w/ my own wife under similar circumstances.

    Try to talk to her. See if you two can work things out. Maybe admit that you really were looking for action on Tinder (come on, man – if you just want to find friends there are other ways) but that nothing happened. Which is bad but her cheating and scheme to forcefully cuck you is worse.

    You two have hit a cycle of seeing who can hurt the deepest. That cycle needs to be broken before the marriage is hopelessly done.

  11. This story was so satisfying lmao good for you. I do wonder why you’re still in this marriage though. Doesn’t sound good or salvageable. She literally cheated on you. Not only that but she wanted the guy to fuck her in front of you so she could hurt you even more. Please please please do yourself and your kids a favour and get a divorce

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