Mason’s First Full Physical [Parts 1-2][Fiction][College][M/M]

Mason Johnson is, as of two weeks prior to his appointment, a handsome and athletic young man of 19 years. A few weeks after his birthday he was on track to begin his first semester at the university he’d been dreaming of for years. He had his classes registered, his dorm picked out, and he was accepted into the athletics program. Except, of course, for one small issue in the admissions process. It would seem that somebody forgot to verify Mason’s health records ahead of time. Needless to say the athletics admissions official had an awkward chat with mason, and he would need to get into his GP’s office to rectify this, and get his info updated.

His normal GP was three hundred miles away, having moved only a few months ago, so clearly that was going to be an issue. ***Ok, no big deal***, Mason thought, ***I’ll just schedule with someone new and get it over with.*** So, that’s exactly what he did, he called his usual office and after an oddly long call with a particularly perky secretary, Mason had an appointment with one Dr. Harold Call. He wasn’t familiar with him, but he figured he couldn’t know every practitioner in an office he hadn’t been in for over a year.

The morning came at last. Mason went through his routine as he did every morning, including an early jog and hour-long hot shower. As he let the water roll down his body he wondered what this would be like. What even was a full physical that the secretary mentioned? ***I guess I’ll learn once I’m there*** he thought with a sigh. The water shut off, Mason stepped out the shower, dried off, and was out the door within twenty minutes. He decided to go with a university t-shirt and causal shorts for this. If the doctor needs to see his legs and arms or whatever, why not make it easy for him.

Checking in at the front desk was as simple and quick as anything could be; he was handed a form (by the same perky secretary as before, he noted to himself, as there were two others. It’s not a small office he had to remind himself.), filled out the requisite personal information, and returned it shortly. He didn’t see anything out of the ordinary on the sheet, so he figured it wouldn’t be a very long or personal exam. So he thought. After roughly half an hour waiting a medium-height brunette nurse beckoned him into the back. They walked for a minute, she took his height (5’10) and weight (172), before ushering him into Exam Room 16-A. As far as medical rooms go, this one was not unpleasant: A medical exam bed at the far end to the left, a long countertop to the right filled with instruments, swabs, a waste bin, and other assorted necessities. Once he was situated the nurse told him that Dr. Call would be there shortly and to get comfortable. With a smile she was gone.

The wait wasn’t long, much to his delight, probably only 15 minutes if he had to guess. A few soft knocks at the door preceded a man Mason was not expecting. He was a rather average looking man, six feet tall, clean shaven with short cut brown hair, and notably green eyes. He had to be in his mid 40s, at least. He was not unattractive certainly, he seemed to be in good shape and clean. He spoke in a soft but authoritative voice “Good morning Mason, my name is Dr. Call, I will be providing your physical examination. How are you?” He asked with an outstretched hand.

“I’m doing well, thank you sir” Mason replied with a shake of Dr. Call’s firm-but-gentle hand. “Your secretary was saying this is a full physical? I guess I’m a little curious what that means?” Mason chuckled. Dr. Call returned the gesture, finding the humor in it just as Mason did. “I did notice your chart was a bit lacking in some areas. It makes sense that you’re unfamiliar. Essentially I’ll just be giving everything a look and you’ll be out of here soon.” With that explanation he turned back to sit in a rolling stool by the counter, making a small series of notes.

“Wait. Do you mean.. everything?” Mason asked with an obvious concern about it.

“Oh, yes, I’m sorry I can’t keep forgetting you’ve never had this done. I’ll be checking you head to toe and everything in between. Are you nervous about that?”

“I uh..” Mason paused, surprised even at himself for being so anxious “I guess I’m just nervous. Especially if you’re looking at.. uh” Mason looked down at his feet “Wow.” Mason sighed slowly “I’m sorry doctor. I didn’t expect to get so worked up..”

Dr. Call smiled amiably “Don’t be nervous about that, Mason. And please there is absolutely no need to apologize, it’s a lot, I know. As far ***that*** exam goes, It really is very simple and quick.. if you’re worried we can get it out the way now.” He folded his hands in his lap waiting for a response.

Mason’s head quickly lifted back up to meet his new physician’s gaze “You mean.. right now? I don’t.. uh.. yeah ok, maybe we should”

Dr. Call stood up and put his hand on Mason’s knee “It’s not so bad. You’ll see.” As he started to turn around back towards the counter he said “I’ll just need you to… oh, hold on a second, ok Mason?” He shot a look back with a warm smile before leaving the room. He returned a minute later with a smallish, brightly colored box, on the side a brand name he couldn’t decipher and a large letter M. “Sorry about that. We were out of gloves, had to get another box. I didn’t know if you had a latex sensitivity so I grabbed the next best thing” Dr. Call chuckled. It was in this moment the realization hit Mason hardest. He knew what was coming but now it was right in front of him.

“Alright buddy.” Dr. Call said as he popped open the box, pulling out a pair of blue nitrile exam gloves. “I know you’re nervous but could you please remove your pants and underwear. Let’s have a look down there.” His request finished by the slow tugging of rubber against his hands. The sound was loud, occupying Mason’s ears completely. He also couldn’t help but notice how skin tight they were on Dr. Call. In his slacks, polo shirt, and now gloves, Mason began thinking how attractive Dr. Call really was. This would be bad…


***I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. I can’t…*** Mason’s thoughts were racing in this moment. Here he was, it could not have been more than just a few minutes since Dr. Call introduced himself, and now he was standing in front of the man preparing to expose himself. ***What was the big deal, anyway?*** he caught himself thinking, ***I’ve been naked in the locker room before. Dozens of times. This shouldn’t be as crazy as it feels***. Dr. Call noticed the look in Mason’s eyes as he sat back down into his rolling stool. He plucked at his fingers, adjusting the tips of his gloves, before lacing his hands together in his lap. His right leg folded over his left. He was patient. He knew that this boy was anxious ***He’s never been asked to undress before?*** For a brief fraction of a moment this perplexed the doctor ***He’s in college, and plays sports, his last physician really let him off easy. Maybe for the best.*** Dr. Call quickly scanned his patient again ***Handsome.. athletic.. shy? He’s the whole package, isn’t he.*** Both men locked eyes once again.

“Everything ok, Mason?” Dr. Call asked with sincere concern. His mild, professional, yet devious glare evident that he was excited about what was coming next. “You know there’s nothing I haven’t seen before. I won’t judge you.” He attempted to reassure the young man. It must have worked, that generic phrasing, that technically-true platitude. ***Of course it did. It always does.*** Mason, at 19, was his youngest patient. It was good to know the same techniques worked here.

“Yeah. I’m okay. I just.. never mind. I’m ready to get this done.” Mason was the one who broke eye contact now. His view shifted downwards, to his waist. He unlatched the buckle of his belt, unzipped his shorts, and with a firm grasp on his belt and underwear waistband pushed down. ***The moment of truth*** both men thought. Mason kicked off his clothes from his ankles. He stood back up straight to a warm, kind, and unmistakably eager grin from the attractive physician in the stool a few feet in front of him.

“I can tell you already you have nothing to worry about in one regard” Dr. Call said in his professional manner. In front of him Mason had dropped his pants to reveal a spectacular, though still flaccid, penis. He guessed it was around 4 inches in its current state, circumcised, the skin smooth and the slightest bit more pale than the rest of Mason. The head was pink and symmetrical. Beautiful. Beneath the shaft was a low hanging pair of almost perfectly round testes. “Okay Mason. I’ll need to examine everything. I’ll start with a testicular exam. I’ll be looking for any lumps or abnormalities. Can you please hold your penis to the side so I can get a better look?” He kept his gaze on the area, rolled his stool closer, and with one hand resting gently on Mason’s hip he cupped his other around the young man’s sack.

Mason squirmed as soon as Dr. Call’s hand was making contact with his balls. The hand the man had placed on his hip seemed to tighten its grip, ever so slightly, to keep him in place. The feeling was intense, he was not sure what to expect or how it would feel, but Dr. Call was an expert. Mason could tell that much by the movement alone. The doctor’s hands were warm against Mason’s bare skin and he could feel the man’s fingers rolling across the surface of his ballsack. Slowly, methodical, delicate, he was making this as pleasant an experience as he could. “This isn’t so bad” Mason mused openly. He heard the man chuckle lightly and he felt him focus on the left testicle. Gripping it tighter than before but still pleasantly he rolled it across his fingertips feeling for issues. Mason could only feel the textured tips of Dr. Call’s exam gloves but nonetheless it was enjoyable. The same process repeated on the other side. The same sensations. It wasn’t until this point that Mason felt something change. The doctor had taken his hand off the area and was looking directly at Mason, eye-to-eye. Mason was no longer holding his soft shaft. Rather he had let go at some point. He was erect. ***no no no no*** he panicked “Dr. Call I’m so sorry” he started to apologize.

“Mason, it’s perfectly natural to react this way. Especially when you’re not used to the feeling. I must say, however, you are..” he looked back down at the enlarged piece before him, no less than six and a half inches long. Possibly seven. “You must be enjoying my exam.”

“It’s not a big deal? That’s actually really good to hear, thank you.” He sighed relieved “Was everything, you know, ok down there?”

“So far you’re the picture of health. But I’m not quite done yet down here. Are you ok with me asking you a few questions? Looking at one or two more things?”

“Are you sexually active? Do you wear protection? What kind of acts do you engage in?” Dr. Call leaned back into the rest of his stool, retrieving his chart. “Please answer honestly, it helps keep things moving smoothly.”

Mason gulped. He knew he was inexperienced, but he didn’t want to tell that to the man who was looking right at him in this condition. He knew he had to. “I’m actually not sexually active. I’ve never had sex.” He was embarrassed and tried to hide it, but his face was red, it was plain to anyone who could have seen it.

“Is that so? I have to say I’m surprised. It’s nothing to be worried about, a lot more men than you think are the same way.” He beamed a warm reassurance at Mason. “Any lucky lady would find herself very happy, I think, to see what you have there. Or man.”

Mason felt a rush of adrenaline in that instant. A mix of happiness for the words of encouragement, as well as attraction for the kind doctor. “Actually yeah I’m.. uh.. I’m attracted to men.” The doctor had a strange look in his eyes, almost like he was trying to say something.

“I’d like to take a look at your penis, Mason. If that’s ok? Just to make sure everything is looking as it should.” Mason didn’t hesitate “yes! I mean, sure, yes you can look, sir.” Dr. Call stood up and put his hand on Mason’s shoulder “you can hop back up into the table now, and lie down.” He went back to the counter and removed his gloves. He washed his hands with the sanitizer there, and watched as Mason jumped onto the table, laying flat except for a tower protruding from his waist. Dr. Call pulled out a fresh pair of gloves from the box before walking over to the bed.

“Mason. Tell me something honestly. Are you getting excited by this?”

Mason swallowed something he felt get caught in his throat. He looked up at the doctor and couldn’t contain his enthusiasm “It felt fantastic when you were touching my sack.” He admitted.

Dr. Call smiled. “I was examining your testicles, Mason. A routine procedure. But now I’d like to perform a slightly less medical test. With your approval of course.”

“Whatever it is, I want you to do it.” Mason said. ***I’m actually getting turned on. I can’t believe it. This is really happening*** he thought. ***do it. Do what you want to do. I want your hand on my dick*** “will it feel good?”

“That’s what I want you to tell me.” Dr. Call responded as he started donning his new gloves. Once both were snugly on his hands he put one on Mason’s shoulder and another on his thigh, just below his shaft. He traced his fingers slowly around Mason’s thigh up to his pelvis. He cupped his hand over Mason’s testicles once again and lightly squeezed. His other hand massaging the young man’s shoulder. “Can I have you cough for me?” Mason complied dutifully. And again.

Dr. Call’s hand moved from Mason’s sack up slowly, grazing his shaft with the back of his fingers. He twitched at the feeling rubbing against him. “Is this something you do with all your patients?” Mason asked as casually as he could. “Only the ones who want me to.”

It was true. No way to deny it or try to avoid it. Mason wanted this. He wanted this the moment his pants hit the floor. He wanted this man to stroke his cock. Now it was here. He just had to enjoy it. “How’d you know?” Mason asked with a laugh. “It was in your eyes. And by..” Dr. Call wrapped his loose grip around Mason’s towering cock just below the tip “this right here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get hard quite like you did. Almost immediately and you barely noticed. So natural. Do you still want this?” There was no pause “yes! I want to know how it feels to…” Dr. Call placed his finger, moving it from the boy’s shoulder, to his lips in a hushing gesture. He started stroking Mason’s cock slowly. “Just enjoy it. I’ll go slow, since it’s your first time.” Dr. Call patted Mason’s cheek softly and begun to run his fingers through his hair as he masturbated him. ***Just relax. You’ll enjoy this. I promise*** the doctor thought to himself, though he did not feel the need to say it to his patient.

Dr. Call kept his pace steady as Mason throbbed in his hand. His cock twitching with each stroke. Dr. Call almost considered using lubrication to help ease the process. But Mason did not seem to mind, or even notice, the bit of friction caused by his gloves against bare skin. Mason started breathing heavily, his heart racing, his breathing turning to quiet moans the longer he was stimulated. Dr. Call kept up the procedure. He would stroke up and down Mason’s shaft just slowly enough to keep him from finishing too early. All while alternating between messaging his muscular shoulder and playing with his short hair, giving him words of encouragement throughout. ***I need to get this one back in the office at some point. Regularly if I can. He’s too good to let go.***

Finally the time was near to speed up. The feeling was clear. Mason was starting to swell, his muscles tensing, the tip of his cock getting larger. “How are you doing, Mason? Whenever you’re ready just let it release.” No sooner had the words left the doctor’s lips that he could feel Mason stiffen under him. The athlete, quivering, let out a broken moan, a stuttering expulsion of unprecedented pleasure, as he shot his load. A single uninterrupted strand of cum erupted from his cock, most landing on the bed, floor, or even back onto Mason himself. Some gushed from the head down the shaft onto Dr. Call, currently mid stroke.

Mason relaxed as soon as he emptied his load. Were he not already laying down he would have collapsed there. He shivered as the last drops left his body. The only other thing he felt was Dr. Call’s hand gently rustling through his hair. Through his mild panting he managed to ask “how did I do?” Dr. Call could only chuckle. “You did spectacularly. More importantly did you enjoy it?” Mason’s grin was enough of an answer. From ear to ear the pleasure written on his face was unmistakable. He enjoyed himself. “We should get you cleaned up.”

“What’s next, Doctor?” Mason asked as Dr. Call began wiping him off with one of the towels from beneath the countertop.

“I think we still have a physical exam to finish. Don’t worry It shouldn’t take long. This was only part you were unfamiliar with. We should do it again next time you come to see me, would you agree?”

“I’ll see when I’m available. But I won’t say no to regular visits. I need to keep myself in shape.” The two men glared at each other, sultry thoughts and open invitations floated through the haze of their first encounter. It would certainly be a fortuitous arrangement for both men. They had only just begun.
