Kidnapped and Raped by a Group of Women (Trigger Warning) [FFFFM] [Non-consensual] [Forced Sex] [Rape]

I don’t know if I should even post this. A month ago I told a story of how I was gang raped by my girlfriend and her friends, Ali, Winona, Rachael, and Kathleen (not their real names) on my birthday. This was, of course, after it had happened (it was my birthday several months ago). I escaped after a couple of days and have tried to put it behind me.

Several people including my girlfriend recommended I go to the police about Ali since she was the main perpetrator who assaulted me, so I did. They said that the evidence was insufficient to press charges and that they’d go “talk to her” to determine what happened. Apparently Ali’s father is a significant donor to their union (or something like that) and so they were hesitant to do anything. I didn’t hear anything at all after that and I began to get nervous since Ali had threatened to find me and torture me if I told anyone about what she did.

One night when Tina was away visiting family in a different city (she was driving there) I received a text from Winona asking to see me so she could, “apologize” for her actions the nights I was raped. I didn’t see the harm of her coming over since I wasn’t about to let my guard down around her again. She seemed sincere at the time, she told me it was all Ali’s idea and that she was really sorry. When she had finished apologizing she offered to share a drink. It was some expensive wine I wasn’t familiar with. She showed me it was unopened so I agreed. After a while though I started to feel light headed, I could barely stand when I wanted to show her out. The last thing I remember clearly was her gagging me, tying me up, and taking me to her car where she shoved me in the trunk.

I woke up some time later with a serious headache, naked, ring gagged, and tied to a bed in a room with no windows. I was covered in something sticky which I assume was my own cum and my entire groin area felt sore. I heard people outside my room so I decided to struggle to try to get free. When that failed I started yelling for help, hoping someone could hear me. The door swung open and I saw it was Ali and Kathleen standing there completely naked. I started panicking, begging to be let go.

“Glad you’re awake. I hope you don’t mind, I let Winona and Rachael have you first. They didn’t care you were unconscious and I prefer my men sensitive.” Ali said menacingly. She continued, “I told you what would happen if you told anyone about our little secret.”

I started struggling like mad, I felt a mix of emotions come over me. Fear and anger came in equal measure as I tried to break free to no avail. She and Kathleen quickly mounted me with Kathleen sitting on my face and Ali inserting my dick into her. I screamed as she did, the feeling wasn’t pleasant. I felt sore and sensitive from Winona and Rachael using me before. I started begging for her to stop but my voice was muffled by Kathleen who was grinding on me and moaning loudly.

I heard Ali say, “this is what your life will be like from now on, fucktoy” as she rode me hard, hurting my dick and balls as she bounced up and down. I came quickly, I had given up on holding it in since I didn’t want to prolong the torture. She didn’t stop after I did, though, she just kept going, causing me to squirm uncontrollably. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as she continued to ride me for what seemed like an eternity. I came two more times before she stopped and switched places with Kathleen. I was pretty flaccid at this point so Kathleen started blowing me as Ali forced me to eat her out. I couldn’t stop anything they did to me. Eventually Kathleen got me hard and rode me nonstop till I passed out.

I woke up later to all four girls, Ali, Kathleen, Winona, and Rachael surrounding me on the bed. Kathleen and Rachael were grinding on my arms, Ali was riding me hard, and Winona was sucking my ears for some reason. She noticed I was awake and began kissing me. I stopped resisting at this point knowing I could do nothing. I heard Ali say, “if he cums without permission zap him.” And saw from the corner of my eye some sort of long tazer thing being handed around. I couldn’t move myself away from Winona who had me in a tight grip in her arms. I started screaming which seemed to turn her on. Eventually I came and even as I screamed for permission, none came. Ali continued to ride me and Kathleen and Rachael started tazing me with some electrical device. I started screaming and thrashing uncontrollably, begging for mercy. This continued for some amount of time.

Eventually they relented and, with Kathleen and Rachael sitting on me, they tied my arms behind my back and some slack rope around my ankles so I could walk but not run. I was too exhausted and barely conscious to stop them. They took me to a bathroom attached to the windowless room where I was left to do my business. I couldn’t shower since I had no hands to turn the knob so I sat quietly crying on the toilet doing my thing. The toilet seat was some fancy electrical one with a cleaning thing attached so they used that after I finished. I was escorted out and tossed on the floor where two of the girls, I no longer remember who, started zapping me with their tazers and Ali began riding me again. I came multiple times on the floor then passed out from the torture. I awoke tied to the bed again with the room empty.

This continued for what seemed like a year (it turned out to be two weeks). They would come in one at a time or in groups and rape me till I passed out then they would continue using me regardless. At night they would sometimes leave some footage from a camera they installed in the room on the tv where I would be forced to watch and listen to me scream and moan for hours. Ali would sometimes come in just to give me a handjob and taze me or whip me with her belt afterwards before forcing me to cum again. The only times when they weren’t tormenting me was when they fed me, usually it was soup, and often it was with my gag on. They mainly took my gag off whenever I got a call from Tina, they forced me to tell her I was alright and at a friend’s house for a bit. While I was being fed, Ali would often talk to me or, more accurately, herself. Despite everything she did to me and me being utterly terrified of her, I have to admit that Ali was attractive; she has a slim but fit build with brown hair, and brown eyes. She said that, “despite being able to have anything and anyone” she and her friends liked the challenge, power, and excitement that came from breaking someone. To her, it was a win-win, I got sex and she got everything else. Apparently she was fixated on me for a while. When I asked her when she would let me go she responded, “a couple of months, maybe a year or two, depends when I get bored of you.”

I tried to escape more than once. As punishment they would all gangbang me then fuck me individually for the whole day. They kept count of how many orgasms each person “took” from me. The winner would get to hogtie me and sleep in the bed where I was tied up as I was forced to lick her the whole night. Ali came up with the sick game and won the both times I tried to run. When she woke up with me inevitably unable to continuous lick her throughout the night, she would stick some sort of vibrator in me, call the girls in, tie me down then rape me multiple times before her day even started.

Near the end I was bruised and broken. I couldn’t resist anymore and any thoughts of escape faded. The last day I was tied up to that disgusting bed, Ali came in and told me I had a surprise guest. My heart sank when I saw it was Tina who quickly undressed and mounted me as Ali licked my balls. As Tina was riding me though, she leaned over and whispered for me to stay with her saying, “just keep this up for a day. I have a plan.” I didn’t know what to do but my thoughts immediately shifted as I could hear the other girls and the event quickly devolved into another gang rape. I don’t remember how many times they forced me to cum. I blacked out several times and I was barely conscious afterwards, twitching even without any stimulation.

As the other girls slept, though, Tina came into my room and started untying me. She signaled for me to be quiet as she did. I was nervous, scared that this was another trick Ali had set up to torture me. When I tried to stand up I couldn’t find the strength and nearly fell to the floor if it wasn’t for Tina who caught me. Tina found my clothes in a drawer, they had been cut and ripped to shreds so I was forced to leave naked. We exited the basement into a grand foyer (I had never seen anything outside of the basement till now). After exiting the house she put me in her car, covered me with some blankets, and we drove off. In the end it took me several days to recover. I just lay in my bed for most of that time. Tina was very understanding throughout the ordeal and gave me space. She severed ties with that group and we’ve moved to a different city after we found jobs there. I still have dreams about that night, about Ali, but most disturbingly is that I sometimes wake up afterwards to find me touching myself. I can’t tell if something is wrong with me. Regardless, I’ve been able to move on and hope to never post an update to this story again.



  1. If this is real, I’m sorry to hear that it happened. Hope they get put in jail regardless of what union they support. If it’s not real, then good job making the story

  2. Umm this is erotic literature not traumatizing literature, if this is real get a lawyer now, if it ain’t get a therapist.

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