Daddy’s Girls – Chapter 45: Restrained Passion (MMMMffff, oral, light BD)

Once inside, they had the girls line up facing their respective fathers. Bill produced a shopping bag, and asked each of the dads to reach in, removing a colorful scarf. The girls all stared, intrigued.

Mike spoke first, “Turn around, sweetheart.” He placed his hand on Stacey’s shoulders and gently spun her around, until her back was to him. “That goes for each of you, ladies.”

Stacey looked worried, but Becky just shrugged, while Beth and Laurie smiled. They all turned around as ordered. In unison, each of the dads tied the scarves securely around their daughter’s eyes in a blindfold.

“Seriously, Daddy?” Stacey whined.

“Silence, young lady.” Her father gently turned her back around, then took her wrists and pulled them together in front of her. Stace felt a loop of rough cloth being placed around her right hand. “Wait a minute… how… what am I supposed to do now?”

“It goes like this, Mike,” Bill said. “You see… just loop the ends together like this,,…” Stacey felt the loop being removed then replaced around her wrist. “Then,” Bill continued, “You pull there to tighten it up.” She heard the familiar ripping sound of velcro, then felt the loop tighten around her wrist.

“Okay, I got this.” Mike roughly took her other hand, placed it in a similar loop, and tightened that one, too.

“Ah, I see!” said Paul. “That’s actually quite cool. Wherever did you learn to come up with such a contraption, Bill?” He was busy placing Laurie’s hands into her furry handcuffs, and clicking them tight around her wrists, as the other men laughed.

“Well, you see, the fuzzy handcuff store in town was closed for renovations, so…” Bill took his daughter’s hands in his, looping his homemade contraption around her wrists as the other dads laughed. “So I had to improvise.”

“Nice!” Don added, clicking his daughter’s furry cuffs closed around her wrists. “That hot tub’s as good as fixed already, with MacGyver here working on it!”

The girls felt their fathers’ strong hands on their shoulders, then the familiar feeling of their father’s lips on theirs with a tender kiss.

“Mmmm, Daddy, I love the way you kiss me…” Becky started. She was still hoping to extricate themselves from this situation, but couldn’t deny what a turn-on it was to be bound and blindfolded like this.

“But not just me, right?” Bill whispered then backed away,

Becky felt another pair of hands on her shoulders, then another pair of soft lips pressed to hers. This was exciting! Who was kissing her? She felt a tongue licking at her lips, and opened her mouth to welcome the invader.

Beth was conscious of the other girls moaning around her, as she gave in to the moment, and moaned alike into her lover’s mouth, smiling inwardly, that all of them together in that moment were in fact kissing their lovers, no matter whose lips were on who’s.

Laurie was loving this, moaning loudly and kissing passionately while blindfolded only heightened the eroticism of the moment. She could feel herself getting wetter between the legs, even though she knew deep down that this slow torture had only just begin.

After a few minutes of deep, delicious kissing, the man holding her in his arms pulled away. All four girls groaned in unison, until another pair of arms enveloped them, and another pair of lips pressed down firmly upon theirs.

Stacey was pressing her generous chest against the man in front of her, and became aware of his hands moving down to grip her ass firmly, and moaned her assent. Those hands pulled the blouse out from the skirt waist, and then moved back up her sides underneath the thin fabric, gently pressing her ribcage as they moved inexorably up to rub the sides of her heaving breasts, then around front to grope and squeeze her magnificent melons.

“Mmm… Oh, Mr. Sampson,” Stacey moaned, breaking apart the kiss. She was convinced that she could tell the dad’s apart by the way they kissed.

“Guess again,” Don whispered, pinching her nipples.

As the girls’ moaning and panting increased in volume, it was easy for each of the ladies to deduce that their compatriots were being molested in the same way at the same time.

Beth groaned sadly when the hands that were treating her young tits so delightfully let go of her tender flesh, after giving both her nipples one last tender pinch and twist.

“Oh, why’d you stop?” she whispered to her silent partner.

“Yeah, I was really getting into that!” Laurie said, standing next to her.

It was then the girls realized they were all being played with in turn; that their fathers must be moving from one daughter to another, doing the same thing at the same time to each of them.

Laurie gasped as a pair of manly hands grabbed her boobs forcefully and squeezed hard. “We ain’t done yet, Missy,” Bill’s voice gruffly whispered in her ear, “Not by a long shot.”

“Good,” she whispered back, before his lips silenced hers with a deep tongue kiss.

Becky noticed when the hands mauling her breasts pulled out from under her blouse, then began unbuttoning the shirt, and thrust her chest out to help speed up the process. It seemed being deprived of her sight, and having her hands bound, only heightened her arousal at what was happening.

The man removing her clothing now kissed her at the nape of her neck, almost making her swoon. “Oh, yes… kiss me there…,” she encouraged.

“Just there?” Mike’s voice whispered back.

Becky smiled, “No, EVERYWHERE… but you can start there…”

“Yes… do it!” Beth whispered loudly beside her. Beth was breathing heavily from the suspense, and moaned when she felt her assailant pull the sides of her blouse aside, exposing her boobs to the cool air of the cabin. Her nipples were harder than she could ever imagine, and she pushed out her chest, hoping the manly hands gently caressing her sides would alleviate the longing in her by playing with them. “Please… touch me…,” she begged.

She startled to feel a pair of lips beside her ear, then Paul’s voice breathing into it, “I am touching you, sweetheart.” His thumbs were now underneath the swell of her tender breasts, gently rubbing her there. “I can feel your goosebumps right here…,” he added, smiling.

“Ny nipples…,” she said breathlessly. “Touch my nipples, please…” She gasped when he immediately complied, palming her boobs, then gently pinching her nipples with a twist.

All four girls were now panting loudly, quietly encouraging their silent partners to continue molesting their young tits, and then all four groaned in unison when those hands pulled away at the same time.

“Please…” Stacey whispered, “Don’t stop…”

“Quiet, slut!” Laurie said playfully. “You’ll break the spell!” Everybody laughed. Becky could tell that Don was now in front of her by his throaty chortle.

There was a pause of a few seconds, then each girl felt the tender kiss of a soft pair of lips on an erect nipple, and moaned aloud in unison. The moans grew louder as those nipples became fully engulfed in the hot wet mouths of their respective lovers, while an unseen hand mauled the other breast. The girls could tell by the angle of the face mashed against their chests that the men were kneeling before them.

Each of them thrilled to feel manly hands running up their legs, under their short skirts, to cup and squeeze their nubile ass cheeks in their skimpy panties. Then, the hands slipped into those panties to caress their naked flesh. They felt the lips on their tits suck even harder on the nipples as these hands slid the panties down their legs, exposing their asses, before the hands returned to caress their naked buttocks.

This went on for a few minutes, while the girls panted aloud, and then groaned as a chorus when the lips and hands moved away from them at the same time. They only had to wait for a few seconds before another set of lips began making love to their breasts, and another set of hands squeezed their cute little bums.

It wasn’t long before a hand moved between their legs, to gently tickle their pubes and caress their pubic mounds, then fingers insinuated into their soaking wet pussy lips. The girls moaned aloud as their tits were sucked while they were finger fucked.

Suddenly, the men pulled away in unison again, only this time, the girls didn’t complain, since they knew where this game was headed. They heard shuffling around them, then felt hands roughly squeezing both boobs, and almost screamed in unison as the lips they were anticipating on their nipples suddenly planted themselves on their wet pussies instead.

The girls all struggled to keep their balance while spreading their legs enough to allow the lips and tongue molesting them greater access to their honey pots.

It was curious to note that the girls had long since given up on trying to figure out which father was servicing them at the time, instead simply giving in to the eroticism of the situation. They were loved, wholly and unconditionally, by each of these men, as they loved each of them, and even though they were blindfolded and restrained, they felt totally safe.

They enjoyed the attention immensely, and even savoring the respites as the dads pried their mouths away from the pussy they were servicing, and switched places, rotating around the circle before them.

However, orgasm eluded each of Daddy’s Girls, as the fathers expertly kept them on edge; seemingly timing their departures for the moment before they went over the cliff.

Beth was the first to complain. “Please…” she intoned, as the lips and tongue she was riding so pleasurably pulled away from her. “Don’t stop… Please; I was so close!”

“Oh, God, me too!” Laurie exulted alongside her. She was silenced with a quick kiss, tasting of girl juice.

“Shhhh…,” he whispered. “If you want something, you must ask properly.” He gently pressed down on her shoulders, and she got the hint and knelt down before him.

All the girls felt the same thing; hands on their shoulders, pressing down until they were kneeling, too, and licked their lips in anticipation.

Beth felt a finger tenderly touch her cheek, running over her lips, and poking inside her mouth momentarily, before pulling out and caressing her jaw. “Now,” the man growled, “ask nicely. ALL of you.”

