[F/M] The Morning After (just an intro)

So, this started as an intro to a role play I wanted to write but never was able to find the right partner or the time to commit to it when is started. Thinking of continuing it just as a story on my own … first time posting so hopefully I do it right ?

It was early, too early. I knew that without having to even open my eyes. My body ached from whatever the hell went on last night and my head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. With my face in the pillow, I finally managed to force my eyes open. It was dark, the only light in the room coming from street lamps outside of the window, but immediately I knew that my surroundings were unfamiliar. I let out a heavy sigh, scolding myself on the inside for drinking too much and sleeping too long in this bed that belongs to God know’s who. Face still in the pillow, I felt around the nightstand next to me for my cell phone to look at the time .. no luck. I stretched a little further to reach the floor, the cold touch of the hardwood taking me by surprise. My hand roamed the floor for a minute or two, feeling over one .. two heels, a bra, a tank top, and then finally my jeans from last night. Trying not to make much noise, I pulled the jeans onto the bed and lifted myself up onto my elbows. I felt the pockets until I reached the right one and pulled out my phone.

“Shit,” I let out as the bright light filled the room. My mind was too busy trying to remember the events of the night to even think of what a bad idea that was. I quickly dimmed the light on the phone and found the time – 4:37 a.m. What the fuck was I going to do at 4:30 in the morning? I had 3 missed calls from my girlfriend, and I remembered going to a club downtown to celebrate her promotion at work. The usual drinks started flowing, dancing happened, and then the guy happened … fuck – the guy. I knew all along that I had obviously been in a strangers bed, but replaying the events of the night made the whole thing more real. I dropped my head and closed my eyes, praying that this time I at least went home with a decent guy.

“Please be good looking, please, please, please,” I pleaded to myself. With another deep breath I raised my head, turning to look at the person I was sleeping next to. Of course my luck, his back was to me and I craned my neck to try and get a glimpse of his face. In the dark it was hard to tell, but it seemed that my drunk goggles had done an okay job for me last night. I stared a bit longer at the man next to me. What little bit of light shining through the window was illuminating the shape of his shoulder and back that was in my view. Again, in the dark, it was difficult to see, but I could tell that this was a man who took decent care of himself. The blanket was only covering up to his hips, and I could see how his body was sculpted almost to his bum. I reached for the blanket to sneak a peek of that bum, but as I did I felt him rustle a bit next to me.

Almost instantaneously, I face-planted back into the pillow, my curly auburn hair covering my face, and pretended to be asleep. Who likes that awkward morning after conversation anyways? Isn’t it best to sneak out while they’re still sleeping? This was usually my plan, but at 4:30 in the morning it was such an awkward time. What Uber driver would be wandering around at 4:30 in the morning when the bars close at 2? I figured that if I could find out where I am, maybe I could walk home. I also suddenly felt the urge to pee. After about 5 minutes of laying still and ensuring he was still asleep, I decided to make my move. Moving as slow as possible, I slid my legs out from under the blanket and let them fall to the floor. I reached down and grabbed my red tank top I’d worn last night, and pulled it over my head. Using my phone for a bit of light, I found my panties on the floor as well. I stood up to slide the pair of black panties back on and tip-toed my way to what I thought was the bathroom.

Being a girl with the best luck in the world, what I thought was the bathroom was just a closet. Shit, shit, shit. I scanned the room again looking for a door and heard him rustle in bed again – I froze and finally saw the bathroom. Once he was settled again, I tip-toed my way across the room, making more noise than I planned for or would have liked to make, but gees. How much stuff could one person have on the floor? The door creaked as I opened it and I slid inside, pushing the door almost closed behind me. I felt around the wall for the light switch, and when I finally found it, I was pleasantly surprised at how nice it was in there. For a dude, he had a pretty clean bathroom. No dirty towels or underwear laying around. It seemed nicely decorated with a dark marbled counter-top and matching tile. I was impressed; it really is the little things.

I quietly lifted the seat and sat down to do my business. The cold of the toilet seat caught me more by surprise than it should have, and I actually jolted a bit from the sting. What was that about? I thought to myself, but quickly remembered I had an escape to plan. I pulled up my uber app just in case, but found none even close. I realized we weren’t even close to the city, which would make walking impossible. I quickly text my girlfriend, Michelle, letting her know that I was okay and to please answer me if she got this because I needed a ride ASAP. Not sure if I should flush the toilet or not, I shrugged and put the seat back down after pulling my panties back up. I set my phone on the sink as I washed my hands, taking in the wonderful sent of the hand soap. As I washed my hands I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My curly hair was disheveled and going every which way and my eyes were darkened by the smearing of my makeup – I was a hot mess. But other than my unsettled hair and makeup, a slight red mark on my neck caught my attention. I leaned in closer to the mirror to get a better look, my hand reaching for the markings which were a little sensitive to the touch.

This made me curious about the sting I felt from the toilet seat and I turned to see my ass in the mirror. I had to stand on my tip toes for it to be in view, and I reached behind to pull my panties to the side. With a difficult view, I could still see that my ass was quite pink. “What in the fuck did I get myself into?” I asked myself. But as my hand traced the lines of the red spots, I felt a sensation run down my legs and up my back to my neck. My mouth parted as I took in a sharp breath, realizing that the events of this morning – looking at that man and admiring his form, seeing the marks on my neck and my ass, touching them – had all gotten me a bit aroused. I shook my head, thinking to myself that I should probably get out of here before I had a very awkward encounter. I grabbed my phone from the counter, taking a last look in the mirror as I opened the door and flicked off the light.

When I turned my head around, I had already walked straight into what felt like a brick wall. The collision startled me, causing me to drop my phone, take a step back, and let out an expletive that should not be coming out of a lady’s mouth. I reached down to pick up my phone as I heard a quiet, but quite sexy chuckle from in front of me at the same time the light flickered back on. Once I grabbed my phone and was back standing upright, I found myself face to face – well, my face was in his chest because holy shit, this man was tall – with the man I’d been trying to avoid all morning.

“You forgot to flush,” he said through a smile. The tired, raspy tone to his voice doing nothing to help my current slight state of arousal.

So much for avoiding that awkward encounter, I thought to myself as I let out an awkward laugh.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jnofdc/fm_the_morning_after_just_an_intro