You were my sexual soulmate. You came when I came. We drew out each other’s kinks and got intoxicated off them. One carnal escapade was never enough–more like two to six times a day. You *always* made me cum, and if I didn’t shower with you post-coitus, I touched myself in the still warm bed thinking about the way you just ravaged me.
When we made love, we were completely present. Every touch, taste, sight, and sound was heightened. I wanted you to melt into me like osmosis, and I finally understood how intercourse was the physical manifestation of true adoration. I craved you in the deepest, most intimate part of myself. I yearned to let you in–to make us whole together. When you kissed me, it felt like your soul was traveling from your body, through our mouths and into me, so they could live in one place together. And then back again into yours, as your drew them out of me.
Your eyes locked a gaze with mine, and you really saw me. All of me. And it invigorated you. You filled me fuller than I had ever felt in my life, instantly sparking my mysterious inner core as you entered.
I told you your bed was an island I never wanted to leave. “Let’s just live here like two nomads, blissfully stranded but not lost.”