[MF] Wasted and fucking all over town. Halloween edition.

Meant to post this on Halloween but I got too trashed to remember. This happened two years ago. Hope some of you are still in the mood for a long ish halloween story.

“I don’t really like Halloween.” She said. “The city just fills up with loud British idiots in superman costumes.”
We had met a couple months prior and had soon gotten stuck in spending every weekend together, fucking, partying, hiking. She was someone, like me, who was ever driven onwards by a need for novelty and adventure. So we were always spurring each other on. Still are in fact.

She was also pretty cynical. Which I generally loved. But when it comes to Halloween she definitely needed to given a proper introduction.

“Yeah but just think of how amazing it is that the whole country will be celebrating a pagan holiday.”

She snorted. “So? It’s all just another excuse to sell people a load of plastic crap that will end up in our oceans.”

“True.” I said. “But it’s also a day where you can wear whatever and do whatever and people will accept it because it’s Halloween. And I guess for me it’s just a special weekend where I push myself a bit harder and give less of a fuck about anything because you know, It’s Halloween. And every Halloween I have to do something wild.”

“Hmmm.” She breathed. And I could hear the pieces fall into place in her head. A small smirk appeared on her face. “Like, what would you wear?”

“I don’t know, maybe my tutu.”

She laughed. I’d told her about the tutu before. “So basically it’s just an excuse to wear your tutu?”

“Well, more like… it’s an excuse to go out with you and have my cock easily accessible underneath a tiny bit of fluffy fabric.”

Her sharp intake of breath was more like a mock shock. But her eyes glittered nonetheless. “And what would I be wearing?”

“Something equally easy access obviously.”

“Hmm I like this.” She was nigh on purring. “Let’s do it.”


So fast forward a few weeks and Halloween weekend had actually arrived. Unfortunately. None of my friends, including myself, had access to a space to hold the kind of epic Halloween party I had come to expect. So it was shaping up to be the most boring Halloween in years. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was going out with a cute Greek girl with a permanent glint in her eyes. That kind of glint that says. “Let’s do it.”

So it was that I rocked up at her flat while she was putting the finishing touches to her costume. She had opted for a sleek black dress with a skeleton print. It hugged her curves in a way that made my eyes burn.

“I know it’s a bit boring but the other stuff I tried all made me look like a child.” She shrugged.
She was only 5ft and weighed less than 40 kilograms so it was definitely easy to mistake her for a child. If it wasn’t for those hips… I reached out to grab her but she slapped my hand away with an evil smile on her face. “No fucking until we’ve left the house.”
“But…” I feigned offence. “Your ass…”
“I’m sure you’ll manage.” She focused on her reflection in the mirror as she started painting more bones on her face. Discussion over.

I went into her bathroom and quickly changed into my outfit. Which basically just involved slipping on a tutu instead of my trousers and doing a quick “zombie treatment” with some fake blood etc. When I came back into her room her two housemates had joined her for a chat. They were two Irish lads, and brothers, who enjoyed the worst kind of banter. Man, I did a lot of inward groaning while she lived there.
I guess they had come to breathe in some of the excitement and sense of possibility before settling down on the sofa for another night of beers and video games.

“What are you supposed to be?” One of them said.

“Zombie ballerina.” I said. Trying not to sound too disinterested.

“Zombie ballerina?”

“Yes, Zombie ballerina.”

They changed the subject, probably sensing that there was no inane banter forthcoming from my side.

The room was pretty small and with the brothers occupying the bed and the deliciously curvy skeleton child sitting on the floor I ended up awkwardly poised on the windowsill across from her.
I tuned out the endless stream of dad jokes and just observed her. My mind repeated her words, quickly turning it into a mantra. “No fucking until we’ve left the house.” I made me want to fuck her that much more.
She looked up at me and leaned back. My attention became laser focus. Her eyes held mine as she slowly spread her legs. No underwear. Of course.
A few feet behind her the two boys lounged on her bed, rattling off shit that I can’t honestly remember.

But here in front of me she unfurled herself, and then let me watch. She always knows how much she turns me on, and she loves to show herself. There is no awkwardness there, no shyness, no over the top performance of femininity. Just the knowledge of her power over me. And fuck it turns me on.

I was glad at this point for the mass of thule around my waist. I didn’t give much fucks about what the Irish brothers thought of me, but nonetheless, I wouldn’t have fancied standing in front of them with a twitching erection in plain sight.

The brothers must have sensed the sexual energy in the room, or rather, they must have sensed something, either way they exited the room as suddenly as they had come.

“Fuck, you turn me on so much.” I groaned.

“Yeah?” She leaned back again to show me what she had temporarily hidden while the brothers stumbled past her.

“Fuck yeah.” My vocabulary was rapidly being reduced to monosyllabic words and simple throat sounds.

“Show me.” She smiled at me with that smirk. Enjoying her control of the situation.

I pulled back my tutu and revealed my dick to her. I was so hard that the head shone like polished hardwood, and the opening made an angry o with a dark void inside.

“Fuck.” She mumbled. The smirk was gone.

I don’t recall deciding to, but my hand was already busy stroking. Lazily pulling my foreskin up and down the shaft, rolling it over the veins. Every time I pushed down a little more blood would squeeze upwards and make the veins bulge and the head expand.

Her eyes were glued to my cock as I showed her how much I wanted her. Her hand snuck between her legs and started rubbing her clit.
She was sat on the floor, I was stood in the window, we didn’t say a word. We just wanked to the sight of each other. Her fingers soon descended and she started fingering herself, making small wet squelching sounds to break the silence. “Don’t come she mumbled.” I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or to herself.

This was what us “not fucking” looked like.

I was starting to consider dragging her out by her hair, just across the doorstep, and fucking her there in the street in front of her house. I was teetering on the edge of control. But I liked her game too much to ruin it.
I swallowed. “Are you… nearly ready to go out?”
It had the intended effect of breaking the lusty spell we had unintentionally put on each other, at least for now.
She nodded. “Yes, almost ready.“ Which, as I was starting to learn, was Greek for “at least another hour.”
So I cracked open a beer, rolled a cigarette and opened the window to smoke and cool down.

I waited while she fussed over her hair, her make-up, and did whatever else that needed doing. We chatted, drank. We had fun, as always.
And we mostly managed to stay off each other. Except for when we kissed and I ended up rubbing my hard dick back and forth between her legs while she dry humped me. It was a close call that one, but again, we teetered on the edge for a while and then backed away.


“Fuck I can feel the cold air up my dress.” We were walking now. On our way to a nightclub in the city centre where they were playing decent techno.
“Yeah same.” I laughed. My dick, in all truth felt like an icicle, and all thoughts of fucking had receded to the background.
Not for her though.
“It’s making me so wet it’s running down my legs.”
I was quiet for a moment, processing this last communique.
Then.”Wow.” I swallowed, trying to wet my throat.
“Wanna feel?” She asked matter of factly.
I stopped walking and turned to her. I kissed her and at the same time moved my hand between her legs.
I saw over her shoulder that there were people walking past us from both directions as my fingers explored her wetness. I couldn’t help myself and slipped inside her, gently massaging her g-spot. She whimpered a bit. By the sounds of it it wouldn’t take long to coax an orgasm out of her.
“Fuck, I love how you just do that.” She groaned into me ear. “You just don’t give a fuck about any of these people around us.”
I kissed her neck. “Nope. Well, not as much as I give a fuck about fingering your pussy and making you come.”
“Oh fuuuck.” She stepped back from me. “Not yet. Let’s dance.”
She started walking again and I followed, catching up. I put my arm around her and we walked silently through the dark streets of Edinburgh.
“I think I’m starting to like Halloween.” She said suddenly.
“I’m glad. I really wanted to share it with you.”

We got to the club relatively early ish. It was still pretty empty. We danced a bit and bummed around smoking cigarettes. Just waiting for the evening to take off properly. We had some drinks, took some drugs. Did all the things that were basically going to make us even hornier. If such a thing was possible.

Then I did something idiotic and lost my bumbag somewhere. My bumbag with my money, my bank card with my name on it, and enough drugs to affect world peace. Or more realistically, to land my barely tutu covered ass in the police station. A minor freak out ensued and a search was organised. It wasn’t anywhere where we had been hanging out. But eventually we found it somewhere stuffed randomly behind a bench. Money gone, but it wasn’t much. Card still there. Drugs diminished but still plenty to have a good evening. So basically whoever found it was ok with taking my shit, but polite enough to leave me enough not to ruin my night. I guess I was ok with that.

Either way I was a bit shocked and we just danced a bit while I tried to let my nerves calm down.
The place wasn’t filling up much though. And there were a lot of drunken idiots that made me feel uncomfortable. There was a lady in a dress, several sizes too small, doing something that was a mix between breakdancing and an impersonation of a fighting sea lion. One of those things that once seen, can’t be unseen. And I found myself questioning if I would ever be able to have sex again.
So I spent the next half hour vaguely dancing and wondering how 3.5 billion years of natural selection had led to this.
I wasn’t having fun.

Anyways, I decided it was time for more drugs and a smoke break and soon we were chilling in the heated garden waiting for our next buzz to hit. A bit of a chat, and some cuddles and luckily I started to feel like myself again, ready to ignore the rest of my species in favour of this one fine specimen that nature, and fate, had selected especially for me to mate with.

Dancing again. Getting into the vibe. The dj was actually really good. Despite the rubbish crowd that, for the most part, seemed to have just wandered in off the street with no actual love for techno. How did I know? Hint: techno head don’t do much breakdancing.

We were getting closer now. We would make out, feel each other up. Oh I just fucking loved to dance with her. The feel of her body moving against mine. And exploring all those delicious curves with my hands. Wow.

I had to lift her up of course. One of the perks of dating someone that weighs less than half you do is that you can lift them up if the situation calls for it. This can be handy when climbing fences and generall trespassing, But mostly it involves the twin activities of dancing/fucking. Like now. Although we weren’t quite fucking. She had her legs wrapped around me while we danced, and made out. My dick was once again full of life and, despite still being hidden by some fluffy fabric, was pressing firmly against her naked pussy.
We danced like that until I got lightheaded. Yes I am no olympic athlete, and I had taken quite a bit of something.
I let her down and she turned away from me. I just watched her dance from about a step back. I watched her hips move, they hypnotised me. My dick was swinging in front of me like a club. I wasn’t sure if the thule ruse was still working, but no one bothered me. Then again, that can mean many things.

I don’t know how much time went by while we danced like that. Every now and then she’d look over her shoulder to find me still leering at her ass without the slightest sense of propriety. Then she’d wink at me and look at my gravity defying skirt swinging back and forth in an obscene fashion.

Then it was time. I don’t know how I decided this, or why in that moment. I just knew I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to fucking fuck her, and I needed it fucking now. I danced up behind her and ground into her ass. She bent backwards and put her arm around my neck. Tongues went to work while my hands pawed at her ass and her boobs. Her free hand soon slipped between us to grasp my dick. “Fuck you’re so hard.” She groaned into my ear.
“I need to fuck you now. It’s been long enough.” Was my response.
“Yes.” Was all she said as she leaned into me.

I could have just slid it inside her there but I had noticed before that in the corner where they normally put the dj’s there were massive lights along that whole wall. There was a low stage there and basically no one was going there and because you were looking into the lights that whole space was basically a black void.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. We stepped onto that stage and danced /dry humped there for a few minutes. People were literally walking straight past us and clearly no one saw us up there. She had stripped back my tutu and was stroking my cock while people were dancing literally 10 feet away from us.
“Now.” I just said.
“Yes?” She asked.
I turned her around in answer and pushed her head down roughly with one hand while the other hoisted her skirt up. I had to squat a bit and she had to come up on her tippy toes. But then, finally, fucking finally, my cock was sliding inside her. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold that awkward squat for long so I fucked her with everything I had. My hands were around her throat while I tried to kill her with my dick. I wish there was some kind of climax to this but there generally isn’t in these situations. I fuck her until I can’t stand anymore. Then we take a breather.
Except this time we took a breather and then I fucked her again, in much the same way.
No one saw us the whole time. It only occurred to me later when I actually thought this through, that if those lights had come off we would have been stood there, on a stage, completely visible to the whole club, while I was sportfucking her from behind. Luckily, they never did come off and we got away safely.

The night wasn’t quite over so we danced some more, and we made out some more and generally just kept riling each other up. At one point some drunk chick came and told us how hot we were together and then sort of just hung around us for a while. I remember looking at each other and wondering if she was hitting on us. I guess we’ll never know.

We ended up sitting on a bench off to the side of the dance floor where all our stuff was thrown onto a pile. Well I was sitting on the bench, she was sitting on my lap. I guess we were taking more drugs, I don’t really remember. People were starting to trickle out at this point. There was a whole group of girls stood right in front of us with their coats on and obviously discussing plans for the rest of the night.

Our close contact had it’s inevitable effect and soon she was gently rocking back and forth on my rigid cock. “might as well put it inside me now.” She whispered in my ear.
She didn’t hesitate, champ that she is. All it took was some minor adjustments of our clothes, and a somewhat obvious helping hand in the darkness between us, and my cock was once again sliding inside her. She was now sitting on my lap, facing away from me, and riding my cock slowly. Not going all out, keeping it quite ambiguous what was going on.
The girls in front of us were clearly stealing glances and wondering, “Are they..?”
And yes, we were, dear girls. We were fucking right there in front of you. Slowly. Gloriously. Fucking.

I let myself ride the sensations for a while. Just relaxing into it. Then she bent back to say in my ear. “Wanna go somewhere else?”
I knew what she was thinking, and I had been thinking the same. A fantasy we had both had since either of us moved here was about to become reality.

The Edinburgh Old Town, which was where we were currently, is a medieval town, located on a hill, and going down from the high street on top is a warren of dark alleys, “closes” they are called. Wander around there in the dark and you can easily fancy yourself transported back in time. What better place for two horny Halloween revellers to go for a wander?

We put on our coats and slipped past the group of girls and out into the dark night. Maybe we left behind some curious discussions about our activities. Or maybe they were too nervous to even mention such a thing to each other. Either way, we were on our way up the hill now. A 6ft1 zombie ballerina and a 5ft demon child, truly trashed, horny beyond belief, wandering around the old city looking for trouble.

We soon made our way up to a place called Victoria Terrace. If you ever visit, I can truly recommend checking it out. It’s like a balcony, with beautiful views on the city below. Not a through route so it’s a nice quiet place to drink a beer, and at 4am, also a good place to fuck your brains out. We weren’t even being covert at this point, first I pushed her down on the stones and just fucked her on the doorstep of a pub. Then we got up, she bent over the railing and I fucked her from behind. Her dress was hoisted all the way up now so she was nearly naked. And I just drank in the sight of her tiny waist and those hips while driving my cock into her. The view of the city was also nice.
Did people see us? I’m sure of it. But only from far away. And luckily not the five strong police team hanging out at street level right below us.
“You do realise there’s a whole bunch of police officers right below us?” She said it in between grunts, struggling to speak while I was driving the air out of her lungs.”
“I know, yes. But if they see us they will have to climb up here, by which time we’ll be long gone.”
“We will?” She asked. “Or will you just keep fucking me until they come and arrest us.”
“Fuck yeah. They would have to physically pull us apart. And then later I’d just fuck you again in prison.” I drove into her extra hard to punctuate my sentence. “Maybe we’d get in the news.”
“Sex crazed foreigners defile Edinburgh streets on Halloween.” She mumbled as she gripped the railing firmly.

I looked around me while I fucked her. There were people walking past below us, being drunk and loud, and wholly unaware, despite the fact that we were making no effort to be quiet. Across from us some apartments still had the lights on and sometimes people would walk past. I was waiting for that moment when someone would stop and watch. But it never happened. Not this time at least.

“Keep fucking me like that.” She said. “Please. I’m gonna cum.” I railed into her with long deep strokes. Not too fast. That would normally be guaranteed to do the trick. But unfortunately, Molly, Mandy, Emma, whatever you want to call her, was keeping her from tipping over that edge. Oh how I would have loved to hear her scream down that street. But it was not to be.

Eventually, we decided it was time for a break. So we straightened our clothes and wandered off into the maze that is Edinburgh old town. It is an amazing place, and that fact didn’t wholly escape us, despite being mostly just focused on each other. We made regular stops to play with each other in the dark corners and alleys. Sometimes we would hide in the dark while some stranger silently wandered past with no idea we were there.

At some point we saw a rooftop garden, easily accessible for those that are willing to hop over a low, albeit spiky fence. We climbed over, obviously, wouldn’t you? Then we took a moment to enjoy the view of the roofs around us. We walked slowly around pointing out landmarks in the skyline around us. One of which was the place where she worked. “Yeah I’ve seen this place from the window before. Who knew I’d be coming here to get fucked in the middle of the night.”
Speaking of which, I found a large metal ventilation shaft, which was basically a large steel cilinder on its side. It had the right height, it almost seemed like it was engineered for this purpose, for us.
“Come check this out.” I told her.
She ambled over. “Oh yes. You want me bent over this?’
“Yes. Please.” I grunted.

She draped herself over our newly discovered fucking furniture. I pulled up her skirt and started fucking her. once again. Lazily, urgently, slow, fast. I took my time fucking her, we were aligned just right so it felt easy for a change, and we could both relax into it.
Yet I was starting to long for some warmth, a cup of tea, a joint and a comfy bed where we could finish our night with a truly epic fuck.
“Hey, I’m getting cold, should we start heading home soon?” I stroked her hair, reinforcing my point with some tenderness.
“Hmm yes.” She started getting up.”But there was a spot there where I want you to sit down and let me ride you.”

I pulled my cock out of her and then stepped back so she could get up. “Sure, lead the way.”
She walked over to the other side of the roof, not even bothering to pull down her dress. Fuck, I loved her body. I was already dying to be back inside her.
I followed her and she gestured for me to sit down on a sloped stone gutter sort of thing. “Just sit back and enjoy the view.” She smirked at me. “You’ve deserved it.”

She started lowering herself down on me but we started hearing voices. We froze for a moment as a few men walked straight past us without ever even looking our way.
“What are you waiting for?” I said, already frustrated.
“Oh someone is impatient, huh?” She loved this.
“Just fuck me.” I said, feeling beyond games. I roughly pulled her hips towards me. While at the same time she pushed down as well.
She sheathed my cock inside her in one sudden movement. Too sudden. Fuck it hurt. We fucked a little bit more but it was too uncomfortable now. “Think I need a break.” I said. “It’s hurtung a bit for some reason.” It wouldn’t be the first time pneumatics forced us to stop. Although generally it took a bit more than this. I was sure a little break would be all we needed.

We walked home, once again mixing with the drunken stragglers. The cold started to really seep into our bones. Not strange when you’re bottom half is essentially naked. We hug-walked and tried to keep each other warm and positive.
“I’m so looking forward to getting into bed and fucking you properly.” I said It loud enough that the people walking in front of us could probably hear it. But as always, there was no reaction.
“I know. I need to come so bad.” She snuggled her head into my shoulder. “All this has just been teasing. I want you to fuck me for real now.”

It wasn’t meant to be though. We got home and in the light of her room realised there was blood dripping down my leg. I do wonder if anyone saw and thought it a good detail of my Halloween costume.
“Holy fuck, look at my cock.” I said to her. My cock had this massive gash on one side. It was at least an inch long and hanging open. You could literally see inside it. And it was still oozing blood.
She came to look. “Fuck.” She just said. “That’s gonna take ages to heal.“
I now needed to come to terms with the fact that there wasn’t going to be an epic fuck to finish the night. To be honest, I failed pretty badly at that. In fact, just to demonstrate how horny we were:
Where most people would probably be on their way to the emergency room to see if they needed stitches, I went to work figuring out how to stroke my ripped cock in a way that didn’t hurt too much and didn’t make it bleed more. I made myself come while she masturbated across from me.
It was pretty desperate, and maybe a bit grim. But hey, it was Halloween.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jn9z2j/mf_wasted_and_fucking_all_over_town_halloween