I can’t believe I kissed a girl before (a story about my first kiss at the age of 19) [MF]

I can’t believe I kissed a girl before, it went horribly and I didn’t get to enjoy it but it still happened and I can’t believe someone like me managed to kiss a girl before. I’m in my mid 20’s and the kiss happened when I was 19 years old. This is kind of a long story by the way but an important checkmark in my life so I wanted to share it.

So when I was 19 I was in my first year of college, I dropped out after my first year but that’s besides the point. And the reason why I was 19 instead of 18 was because I went to community college for a year before going to college. Well we had something called orientation week which is a week at the beginning of the school year for the freshmans to go to events and parties and have icebreakers to get to know eachother, at our school by the way it was sort of an overnight thing where we had a really big room and brought our own sleeping bags or mattresses and slept in that room for the week and since they split us freshmens up into semi big groups there were different big rooms in different buildings so everyone could fit.

And the people who was going to live in the dorms got to move into their dorms early and sleep in there instead. So all of this means that the college atmosphere had a flirty vibe to it during orientation week. Ya know, it’s the first time people from highschool are living on their own away from parents, and there’s a new environment where nobody knows eachother, a bunch of icebreaker events and parties is going on during the week, plus we don’t go home after each day we sleep at the school instead. All of this mixed together is what I believe made the first kiss to be able to happen for me because under normal circumstances I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to pull this off.

Well one day during the orientation week while I was walking on campus I saw a girl walking which I’m pretty sure was there for orientation week as well and then I cold approached her. Normally I wouldn’t be able to cold approach girls so easily but since it’s orientation week that had a bunch of events and parties and the flirty vibe the orientation week caused plus the fact that it’s a new environment that I haven’t experienced before where I got to sleep over etc etc I was able to approach her and other girls around the campus during the week kind of easily. Also people was more open than usual because of the reasons I mentioned above.

So then when I cold approached her I noticed she was instantly flirtatious with me and giggling a lot so I automatically put my arms around her shoulders and led her to a bench to sit down and then we both sat down on the bench and then I held her hand and we was both looking at the sky. The sitting on the bench and holding her hands didn’t last long though only like maybe a minute. I had one hand around her shoulders and my other hand was holding her hand and she didn’t seem or look uncomfortable at all she look like she was enjoying it and was comfortable.

So then I looked at her and asked her if I could kiss her and at first she was a little hesitant but she was still giggling and giving a flirtatious vibe so then I asked her again and she said ok and here is where it went awkward and weird. So when we went for the kiss she had her mouth closed while I had my mouth opened, my mouth was opened because I was expecting a makeout session and her mouth was closed because she was expecting a peck. So when we made contact her lips was closed and my lips was opened it lasted for a second. And I didn’t got to enjoy it because I was so surprised and taken aback because her lips was closed and I was expecting to makeout.

If I had only used my brain and went for a peck instead of a makeout session and had my lips closed then I would have enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed a nice first kiss that was a peck, something that couples does when they greet eachother and when they say goodbye to each other. I could have enjoyed that but since I was a dumbass expecting to makeout with a chick who’s a stranger who I haven’t even kissed before I didn’t get to enjoy the kiss. But even though it didn’t went well and I didn’t enjoy it it was still a kiss nonetheless and I finally gotted my first kiss at the age of 19 during my orientation week at college. After the kiss we got up and we said bye to eachother and went our separate way. I didn’t asked for her phone number or anything I don’t know why probably because I was so embarrassed. So that is the story of the time I got my first kiss. This is important because for someone like me who is so unattractive actually getting to check mark kissing a girl from my checklist is huge. So I hope you guys enjoyed my little story from the past.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jnc7yd/i_cant_believe_i_kissed_a_girl_before_a_story