How my [M25] voice got my headhunter [F32] so horny she had to have the D [MF]

So this was a few years back, but after college I started working in the financial services industry. Within a few years of graduation I started to get recruited by “headhunters” and moved between firms for whoever was offering more money as there weren’t many people my age who’d gotten hired out of college so we were in demand.

So I got a call one day from a female recruiter I’d never spoken with. I’ll call her Jill. At that time I worked in a cubicle so it was tough to really answer a lot of her questions in detail without my boss knowing I was interested in moving to another firm. Luckily I had made friends with the receptionist who answered our phones (actually I was banging her as a FWB but that’s a different story) and she transferred my calls into unused conference rooms where I could have some privacy.

My initial screening call with Jill sounded promising so I gave her some times that would work that following week for an in person interview with the new firm. We traded voice mails over the following week then Jill called me the day before the interview and gave me some rehearsal questions that she wanted me to answer in a specific way to help my chances of getting the job. We finished up then I realized Jill was very flirty over the phone, saying that the female that I was scheduled to meet would probably hire me on the spot just so she could hear my “sexy” voice every day at work. I was taken aback by her innuendo. While I’d gotten some nice compliments on having a deep voice, nobody had ever deemed it sexy.

I went through the interview and a week later, Jill called me up to tell me that I was getting the job offer. Since I had to keep the new job secret from my about-to-be-former-boss Jill suggested that I come over to her offices after work and sign the job offer and fill out the paperwork. Her office was actually much closer to my apartment than my office so I told her it would take me awhile in traffic but would be there around six p.m. after work.

I drove over and took the elevator up. The doors for her company were already closed but she’d given me directions on how to buzz her phone from the lobby. A minute later, the door opened and Jill came out to introduce herself. Standing about 5’2″, she was early thirties MILF type with decent hips and ass that had a nice checked mini skirt hugging her hips tightly. Her legs were toned and tanned. She wore her brown hair down shoulder length. I could see decent B cup boobs pressed tightly against her white silk blouse. She was a very attractive woman. We walked down to her office and I signed the paperwork. I assume we were done but she suggested that we go down the street to a bar to have a celebratory drink.

The place she suggested was within walking distance so we walked over and talked about the new job and the changes it would entail in my lifestyle (more pressure to meet sales goals and more travel) but I was excited about the possibilities. We sat next to each other on bar stools since the tables were full and each ordered a cocktail. I asked about her life and got some stock answers (divorced once, but now seeing a new boyfriend). She was definitely a lightweight drinker as her eyes were already a bit glassy but she surprised me by asking me about my love life, pushing for more details than the evasive answers I initially provided. Finally I broke down and I told her that I had some FWB’s (two of them at the office I was about to leave) but nothing serious. She laughed when I told her about the two side pieces at work and grabbed my bicep through my work shirt.

“Between your voice and your muscles I bet you get to fuck a lot of girls,” she whispered.

I knew from first hand experience that some girls (especially my FWB’s) were into the fact that I was weight lifting a lot at the time, but I was more intrigued about the voice thing again. “So what exactly do you find so sexy about my voice?” I asked, signaling the barkeep for another round as my throat had suddenly gone dry with the topic on the table.

“It’s just so deep and masculine,” she purred, dropping her grip on my arm but her fingers lingered on my thigh. I decided to return the favor and placed my palm on her thigh. Her eyebrows raised up as my palm settled on her thigh, then she took a quick breath and went on. “In fact, you left me a voicemail last week that for some reason just turned me on. It’s kind of embarrassing, but I played it for some other women in my office to ask them if I was crazy to think it was so hot, but one of the girls heard your voice and told me she wanted to fuck you just based on your voice.”

“Is she single?” I laughed.

“Does she have to be single?” Jill asked, then looked around and leaned closer to me so that our faces were only inches apart, raising her eyebrows as she moved closer. “Do I have to be single?”

I stared into her eyes for a moment and saw the desire in her eyes, then shook my head in response. I leaned in to nuzzle her cheek while my hand moved between her legs to explore between her thighs. She twisted her head to intercept my kiss onto her lips, then signaled the bartender for a check while her other hand lightly traced around the growing bulge in my pants. We paid quickly, then walked back to her office building. We debated on her office, then decided my apartment was a better setting. We both got into our cars and she followed me back to my place a mile away. She parked in the guest parking spot at my apartment (I lived alone) and followed me up.

As soon as I opened the door to my apartment she turned and jumped onto me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down on top of her onto the couch. I helped her out of her blouse and skirt while kicking off my clothes. As soon as my boxers touched the carpet she dropped to her knees, greedily taking my hardening length into her mouth. She had a lot more experience in sucking cock than most of the girls I’d dated and turned me on even more by licking and sucking on my balls while snaking a spit moistened finger up my ass.

I warned her that I was going to come if she kept up that pace as she was pressing every button on my cum-quicker list, but she didn’t care. Moments later I was shooting spurt after spurt of cum down her throat, but as soon as she tasted the first drops hit her throat she sucked even harder, almost like her life depended on it. She kept my cock in her mouth for another minute while it slowly softened, then she kissed it one more time before taking it out of her mouth.

“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you,” I laughed as she kissed it again.

“Are you implying that not swallowing is an option for women you date?” she replied with a quick shake of her head. “I love cum way too much to see a drop wasted. Besides, you’re only 25. I’m guessing you will be able to go again soon?”

“Give me ten minutes,” I replied, pulling her up onto her feet. I pulled her towards me, kissing her cum smelling mouth while I reached behind her to unfasten her bra with one hand. She was impressed.

“Most guys fumble for a few minutes with the catch then wait for the girl to take it off.”

“It takes a deft touch,” I replied, then pulled her panties down over her hips. She had a full brown bush with a large pearl sized clit nestled in the tangle of pubic hair. I nudged her back onto the couch then started kissing my way up her thighs, teasing and nibbling for a few minutes before plunging the length of my tongue into her damp slit. She reached down and grabbed my hair, pulling my face onto her clit. I gently pressed down on her abdomen to lift up her hood, then gently started swirling my tongue around her clit. She settled her feet onto the edge of the couch while I started kneading her nipples between the fingers of my left hand while my right hand starting exploring the now soaked folds of her pussy. I slowly pushed my middle and index fingers into her pussy then started stroking her g-spot behind her little spongy area. Her legs started quivering around my ears as my tongue kept strumming her clit in rhythm with my fingers until her hips bucked a few times, lifting her ass completely off the couch as she came.

Jill collapsed back into the couch and pulled my face out of her pussy, begging me to stop because her clit was now too sensitive. I got off my knees and walked into the kitchen and poured two glasses of water, then handed her one. She sat up and gulped down the water, then noticed my cock was semi-hard.

“He looks hungry again,” she purred, reaching out to stroke the length with her free hand. I pulled her off the couch and guided her into my bedroom. She put the water down on a bedside table then sat at the edge of the bed. I put my own water down then walked to her, parting her legs wider so that she straddled me on the side of the bed. Jill reached down to pump my cock in her hands, gently caressing its hardening length.

“Do you have a condom?” she asked hopefully.

I returned to the bedstand and opened the drawer where I kept my condoms. I ripped one out of the package, then rolled it onto my cock, securing the ring around the base. I debated about whether to go down on her again to get her warmed up but she just reached over and pulled me by the cock, aligned it with her pussy entrance, and pulled me into her. She sucked in a shrill breath of air as I pushed myself into her, then raked her nails on my shoulders while securing her ankles around my lower back.

“Fuck me hard,” she growled, then nipped at my right nipple with her teeth. I flexed my pec to make my nipple dance and her eyes bulged out in wonderment. “I’ve never seen a guy do that before. Its fucking hot.”

I grinned then started concentrating on fucking her hard and fast the way that she’d demanded. I knew between blowing my load before and wearing a condom that I wasn’t in any jeopardy of not lasting long enough to satisfy her, but I figured that since she was turned on by my voice I should talk to her, so I started growling the nastiest things I could think to say in the moment.

“You liked swallowing my my hot load, didn’t you little whore? I bet you and the other girls have been fingering yourselves at lunch, thinking about how hot it would be to listen to me fuck you, right?”

“I have been doing that,” she admitted, panting between the sounds of my balls slapping her ass. “I’ve been hiding in my car at lunch playing with myself in the garage so no one can see me. Keep talking – its making me cum.”

I was new at dirty talking at the time so I just repeated variations of the same thing a few times until I felt her hips buck again. Jill started to scream but stifled it by biting my shoulder. She actually drew a little blood, but I was so turned on by it that it put me over the top and I came, releasing my load into the condom.

We cleaned up a minute later then laid down on my bed. My stomach growled, so I offered to heat up some leftovers for dinner since neither of us had had anything to eat. She asked for a glass of wine with dinner. We ate naked at my kitchen table. I pointed out that she had a long drive home and a few drinks in her already but she shook her head and pointed to the bottle of Merlot on my counter.

“I’m staying here tonight.”

“What are you going to wear to work tomorrow?”

“Same thing I wore today but maybe I’ll borrow a shirt from you. I’ll be fine. I have some makeup in my gym bag.”

“My shirts will look like you’re wearing a tent,” I replied doubtfully.

“So I’ll just have to do the walk of shame tomorrow,” she replied. “It will be worth it just so I can tell the girls at work that I fucked the hot-voice guy.”



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