I [F] forgot about this hookup so he [M] fucks himself back into my memory

Long time listener, first time caller.

A brief introduction about me. Early 20s, ambiguously East Asian (hence the username), 5’4″ and 30D. Numbers in the late 300s, an incredible feat considering I never had any STD/STIs nor pregnancy scares. Since COVID happened and I’ve been on lockdown, I guess I’m trying to live vicariously through past me. My stories (pending good reception and me having the time) will be from various one night stands during my Get Wasted & Fuck Everyone phase that I have now (mostly) grown out of. Confessions will be as factual as possible but some things I just won’t ever remember and other things its my artistic license for the story. Constructive criticism welcome, weird DMs unwelcome.

Let me set the stage. I’m 20 or so and doing fuck all and everyone. Some might say it was an elongated manic period but nonetheless it was incredibly debaucherous. To this day I still don’t remember certain events or nights and this story is about how that got me into trouble.

A typical night out by myself, I go out, get absolutely sloshed, and end up in the late night discotheque in the area. Now usually I go to the one by the stairs but for some reason this night the other club that I usually don’t have mates at was calling me. Right outside this club is a kebab place and I stake it out, as a girl does when she’s on a mission.

Unsurprisingly a bunch of French guys pop in for a 4am kebab and unsurprisingly I decide to talk to them. One of the boys shows a vague interest and I keep the conversation going because I want to go dance in the semi-exclusive club so bad. It’s obvious that this French guy wants to hook up with me and I’m in a mood so I entertain him. I’ve been regaled with tales about my blowjob skills and so that’s usually what I go for, especially when it’s a quicky. C’mon, there’s bottles of champagne at the table and you want me to suck your dick? It’ll be the fucking best five minutes of your life then we’re done sweetie.

There’s a vague recollection of him taking me to the bathroom and I don’t hesitate one iota and fucking go for it. Thanks to my childhood fear of being unable to throw up in a bin, I now essentially cannot throw up, meaning my gag reflex is el Primo. I do my usual spiel of taking him all in (this really gets them going) and absolutely fucking the shit out of my face. I never cry but trust me I will work my jaw and tongue and cheeks til you forget your name.

This surprisingly isn’t the main part of this story. What happens follows directly after we go back to his table after he cums in my mouth. Obviously I swallow as spitters are quitters. Now, when we first got into the club I didn’t pay any attention to who this guy came here with. This guy obviously was out to pull as when we reached his table, a bunch of his lad friends gave knowing glances and one in particular was looking at me quite closely.

I, in my drunken haze, assumed that he was staring at me because I’m fucking hot. Instead I was met with a friendly smile that now I think about it, spelt out more like “Hi-I-know-you-because-we’ve-fucked” but back then I didn’t realize. This new man was a French guy just like the first lad I picked up, which totally makes sense as I am an absolute sucker for lithe Europeans.

Of course the club is loud and so when he introduces himself, let’s call him Pierre, I can’t really hear and have to stand super close to him to hear him talk. He cuts straight to the chase “You fucked my friend, yes?”. Turns out the guy who’s dick I sucked just broke up with his long-distance French girlfriend and so needed some cheering up. I coyly reply with a “maybe” like it wasn’t fucking obvious I just sucked the friend’s dick in the club bathrooms.

Here comes what is still possibly the shock of a lifetime: Pierre whispers in my ear “you don’t remember fucking me?”. Now, until this time I prided myself on my superb memory and general awareness of the various people I hooked up with. So, his crude question came as a complete surprise to me as I truly did not, and still to this day do not, remember ever fucking him. He seems to realize that I do not, in fact, remember, and so in effort to prove he did know me he started to tell me how my apartment looked like.

Imagine being told from a person you have no recollection of you entire studio apartment layout. He proceeded to tell me the location of my bed, dresser, and even what floor I lived on. If I wasn’t at a lifestyle of getting so fucking wasted I honestly would’ve thought he broke into my house. And so me, being a stupid slut, figured that if I couldn’t remember him by his face, I might remember him by his dick. So when he asked, or more so told, me to fuck I couldn’t say no.

He quickly said something to his mate (that if you remember I sucked the dick of) and they both laughed and Pierre grabbed my hand and started walking to the direction of the bathrooms. All the bathrooms were full and the staff was keeping an eye on me (whoops) so he took me out back and so were in the alleyway behind the club. Before I even get to ask him more about how he knew me, he took out his dick and starts fingering me.

I swear to god this was the biggest fucking dick I have ever taken and I am wholly unsurprised I do not remember fucking him as the ‘bigness’ of his dick was verging on painful. But my god, standing outside in the alleyway getting fucked by this French guy who knew me but I didn’t know him was so incredibly slutty and turned me on to no end. His dick was honestly the biggest I have taken so far in my course and I wasn’t able to take him all in.

I definitely would’ve let him cum in my pussy but I was just way too tired to be able to be absolutely railed by his (horse) dick. So we resorted to me literally trying to unhinge my jaw a la snake to be able to take him all in. Again I busted out my blowjob chops and did the typical lick lick suck suck deepthroat deepthroat and got him to cum. Quickly wiped the remaining strands off and hurried back into the club.

This wasn’t the last time I saw Pierre, I ended up swinging by his place for a quickie here and there. Honestly still the biggest dick I’ve ever taken and I slightly feel bad I ghosted him towards the end (he would give me 0 aftercare and wanted me to leave as soon as he came) but all in all had better people to fuck.

I know this isn’t so explicitly sexy but I’m very awkward when it comes to writing explicit sex stories so this is me dipping my toes into the genre, hope it is still entertaining. Hopefully the more I write the more comfortable I will be being sexty.

– crounching tits hidden pussy xx

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jmlrh1/i_f_forgot_about_this_hookup_so_he_m_fucks