[FF] My first time while my family is out of town

Ugh..I just looked at my post title and want to slap myself for how uninteresting it is..lol, oh well, I’m not exactly trying to win a pulitzer prize here. So I’ve read enough of these by now that I think I have the hang of what you guys want.

My obligatory background details – I am a 34 yr old married mother of a young child. My husband and I have been together a bit over 10 years, married for 6. I do my best to keep my shit together, but I am by no means a model mom. If you are hoping to picture one of those cute yoga pant wearing soccer mom’s, sorry, I’m not your girl. Think more of a nerdy, Harry Potter reading, video game playing (when I’m not tied down with mom duties) sort of domesticated hippy chick who has a purple streak of hair. I’m not tall (5’4″), I’m not big/fat, but I’m not a hard bodied Venus either. My husband has often told me I have an amazing ass, but I’m fairly lacking in chest. Smaller-ish boobs that aren’t anything to brag to your friends about. Bottom line is, I think if you saw me in the store picking out vegetables, if you are a nerdy gamer guy that doesn’t get many chances with women I’d be the girl you met online gaming that you secretly had a little crush on but never had the guts to say anything to. However, if you were the good looking suburban dad who lives in a million dollar house, you wouldn’t really take note of me. I’m not brave enough to post a picture of myself on here just yet, so this will have to do.

So with that completely unhelpful description out of the way…

I really started reading Reddit shortly after pandemic hit. My job sent me to work from home and I needed an escape. I lurked like hell for the first several months, and finally created an account a couple months ago. Almost immediately, I found the endless universe of NSFW content on here. It’s been a nice escape from my daily demands and the moments when I’m annoyed by my husband. He and I have a fairly good marriage, but it’s not perfect. Anyway, I’ve read a number of stories on this subreddit and while it’s obvious a number of them are fake, there are some that I’ve really enjoyed reading. After this experience I’m going to share below, I figured it was pretty hot and worth sharing with the world since I don’t really have anyone else in my life I can tell it to, so why the fuck not?

Once in a while the topic will come up with my husband that I have had an ongoing fantasy about being with another woman. Sometimes I avoid the topic when it comes up because he obsesses over it when it does. He really wants me to have a threesome. He turns into a 13 year old boy talking about it and frankly it gets to be a turn off. I’ve told him that if it’s ever to happen, he needs to shut the fuck up about it and let it happen when I am ready to bring it up.

Before now, I’d never had sex with another woman. I’ve kissed a girl, and that was about it. The rest of it has been porn and fantasies. But during pandemic, the idea has grown in my mind and finally reached fever pitch. I’ve given this a lot of thought, and while I know my husband would really like to be part of it, I came to the conclusion that I needed to try this out for me. Not because he wanted it, but because I wanted it. That’s not to say I’m not going to give him what he’s been asking for, but the first time, I wanted it to be my own experience. And, I’m sure some of you will judge me for this, but I cheated. That’s fine. I have my reasons for doing what I did, and strangely enough, I don’t regret it. Who knows..maybe that means I’m some disconnected sociopath, but I did it, I loved it, and I have no regrets.

Ok, so back to the story. A couple months ago, after spending most of my reddit time on looking at people’s gonewild pictures and reading dirty penpal stories, I started reading some of the local r4r postings. One day I read one that didn’t just catch my eye, but hit me hard. It was a post where when I read it, I instantly got a nervous/excited/sick feeling in my stomach. Enough so that, up to that point, I hadn’t created an account and so I finally did with the intention of responding to this person. She is a bit older than me and got divorced last year. She is someone that is out enjoying post-divorced life and is trying out various sexual experiences. She had taken a break due to COVID but posted that she couldn’t take it anymore and needed some sexual indulgence. I answered her call.

When I first messaged her, I honestly didn’t have an idea of whether or not I would actually follow through. It was my first time reaching out to a real person on here and I didn’t think anything would actually happen. I messaged her, let her know I had read her post, told her about my situation, and just let her know her post spoke to me. She replied and we traded messages for a bit. We finally traded pictures. From the first picture I thought she was beautiful. She’s a bit on the curvier side but certainly not obese, but she has the most stunning eyes. Her eyes were what really pulled me in. She is smart/sharp as a whip. She had me laughing right from the beginning. She told me she liked my look as well and was very kind in the things she said about me. We finally hit a point where we decided to have a phone call just to make sure everyone was legit. It was short, but my excitement level went from 5 to 500 after talking to her. Keep in mind, up to this point, everything was very casual. We hadn’t actually brought up the idea of meeting or anything. It went exactly how I needed it to. Slow, friendly, no pressure, and fun.

We eventually had a zoom call together one evening, and after that things started to get more serious. She finally asked me if I wanted to get together. I was honest with her. I did and I wanted more than just a casual meeting. I told her about my previous discussions with my husband. She had no interest in a threesome and I really wanted something that was just going to be for me. We finally decided that if the opportunity came up, we would go through with it. Finally it did, with a little prodding from me. My in-laws live several hours away, and in their neighborhood there were going to be a number of houses that had planned together to have a safe trick or treating experience for the kids. They wanted us to come up there for Halloween and bring our child so we could go trick or treating in their neighborhood. I saw an opening here and told my husband to take the kid and go spend a week with his parents and that I needed a break. He’s working from home too and she’s doing at home zoom school, so he agreed and they left last Thursday and won’t come back until Wednesday.

I immediately messaged my new friend and told her they were going to be gone for a week. After figuring out the best arrangement, I asked her if she was ok just coming to my house. She lived on the other side of the town we live in and I just felt more comfortable having her come to me. She agreed. The plan was that on Friday night, she’d come over, we’d get some food and alcohol and watch netflix or something and see where things went. Just real casual. So…that’s exactly what we did.

She showed up on Friday night at my door. I was nervous as hell before she came so I took an edible just to relax a bit. When she arrived, she was everything I was hoping she’d be from our conversations. She was beautiful and just kind of took over. She’s very decisive which makes her all the more sexier. She’s very confident. She came in and sat down and we chatted for a while getting to know each other in person. About an hour later, she said lets go get dinner so we hopped in her car to go get some light food at a mediterranean place and some booze. One thing I loved is the whole night we hit it off with tons of conversation. It was never ending chattiness. On the way to pick up dinner, on the way back, back at the house, we talked like old friends. We got back, ate, poured a drink and sat down on the couch to watch something. We didn’t really get too far into TV.

She made the first move and snuggled in close to me and put her arm around me. I knew what was next, and even though I was nervous, I just said “fuck it” in my head and figured I had gone to all this trouble to get here and I was going to go with it. This was all new to me. She was so soft and I felt at home being snuggled by her. She finally kissed me and the minute we kissed, it was like fireworks went off. As the light kisses turned to heavier making out, she’d stop occasionally to see how I was doing. She knew it was my first time and she was so attentive to me. We kissed forever. We would kiss and stop to talk here and there, it was just so perfectly slow and enjoyable. Finally she got her hands under my tshirt and unhooked my bra. She kept making out with me while she felt me up. Her soft hands felt amazing on my tits and the way she played with my nipples got me so fucking hot. Her boobs are much more substantial than mine and I wanted to feel them so much. Eventually both our shirts came off and I absolutely loved burying my face in her tits and playing with them. We spent more time making out and playing with boobs. Eventually we got up and went back to my bedroom. The minute we got to the bed, our bottoms and panties came off and we climbed under the covers naked. It was like heaven feeling her body against mine. We keep making out and exploring each other’s bodies with our hands. That went on for a while until she started to finger me and she asked me if I wanted her to go down on me. Hell yes. She took it slow and it was amazing. She was such a tease and when she finally went for it, I came hard. I mean, it was probably the hardest I’ve ever cum. It wasn’t just one orgasm. It felt like one long wave that I just kind of kept riding that went on forever. I don’t think I’ve ever been that wet and cum that intensely. It was so fucking awesome. It took me a while to get my self together, but I wanted to try going down on her too. I had no fucking idea what I was doing and she was so patient with me and gently guided me. Once I was down there and into it, I was really digging it. I quickly found out that I very much enjoy eating pussy. I finally made her cum too and it felt fantastic hearing her get so excited, seeing her move her body up and down and grip my hands tight as she came. It felt amazing doing that to her.

Things just kind of went on all night. It was the perfect night. We went back and forth between conversation, sex, and some sleep. I don’t know how many times I came that night. The night just kept going and going. It was everything I had fantasized it would be…just spending all night exploring each other’s bodies and talking and fucking. When morning came, we just stayed in bed a long time talking and having more sex. It was great. We smoked a joint and finally got up so I could make some eggs and bacon. She hung around until late Saturday afternoon and then left.

We talked again yesterday on the phone for a couple hours. So here I am. Kind of stuck with a couple problems. There are no questions in my head anymore about whether or not I would like women in real life. I sort of feel bad saying this because of my husband, but that was the best fucking sex I’ve ever had in my life. Like mind blowing. I don’t know what to do with that. The other problem is I’m really into her. She fit me so well. She told me she’s open to the idea of a threesome if it means she can get more of me, so we’ll have to see where that goes. I’m just in contemplation mode right now trying to figure out where to take this thing. But fuck it was hot. I am so turned on just writing this out thinking about the whole thing again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jmtn1v/ff_my_first_time_while_my_family_is_out_of_town


  1. Amazing story honey and welcome to the club. My first time with a woman was very similar though I didn’t have a husband to worry about. She guided me through it and left me loving the experience. Take your time and don’t rush it.

  2. Great story, it was hot. I discovered Reddit and this universe during the past few months too. I’m curious to see where this goes, you seem to be a bit of crossroads.

  3. Amazing, hot, sexual, details, oh the details. I want to hear more. I want to do so much more than help…

    If there ends up being more to this story please post it.

    If you just want to chat about decisions and life impacts from this story message me any time. I promise to remove my sexual desires and open my mom/friend brain up.

  4. If you want actual advice about the relationship stuff in that last paragraph, I’d recommend taking a more… concise version of your story over to r/marriedandbi

    Also, out of curiosity, how much of all this does your husband know about?

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