Chronicles of a Corporate Whore- Part 1 (Emancipation of one Pure Queen.) [MF]

(I’m F44, India. A wife, a mother and a corporate whore. This post was born out of a conversation with a fellow Redditor who insisted on talking about how I became who I’m now. At first I thought of writing it as it was. But everyone in this sub is doing it already. So, I decided to tweak the narrative a little and make it something else. Be warned it’s long. So, if you just want to know what happened, I’ve included a plain version in the comments.)

Long long ago, in a distant land where flowers bloomed, birds chirped and sun shined, there lived a king and a queen. Their kingdom was small, gold was less and loans aplenty, but despite those few thunderclouds that loomed above their heads, the king and the queen were happy. They were content and so in love. Soon, they had a cute baby, a beautiful princess,

They believed in the power of education and so both the king and the queen learnt and mastered their discipline, determined to use it for the good of humanity. While the king dabbled in matters of elements of the world and set his life aside to discover the secrets of the universe in pursuit of academic excellence, the queen learnt of the ways of governance and joined a group of elite magii to do good to the world.

But the leader of the magii had his eyes set in the queen’s beauty and pursued her. Disgusted the queen left the elite circle cursing them to disappear from the face of the earth. She didn’t tell the king of the hardship she faced because the king himself was too troubled by the elements not disclosing their secret to him. She wiped her tears and decided she would find a better circle of wizards to do good to humanity, and she found them.

They were bigger, more aggressive and more experienced wizards than her previous guild. The queen thought she had finally found her forever home, where her work and contribution will gain recognition. But here too, the situation was the same– or rather, worse. She was humiliated, bullied and reduced to nothing. And when she went to their leader, a time-hardened, calm, wise man, his eyes were never on the queen’s face, but rather nestled a few inches below, on her bosom, and as she talked about the evils being perpetrated in the guild, the leader’s eyes traced down her body as if undressing the queen right there, stripping her of her dignity and shame.

Repulsed, the queen went back to her castle, determined to leave them too. But when she reached her castle did the reality dawn upon her. The princess needs to study, and she has been entrusted to the greatest master of the land, but such masters don’t come cheap. Gold was needed. The king was still studying the elements of the universe, compelling them to tell him their secrets, but such efforts don’t come cheap. Gold was needed. Their castle nestled in a beautiful valley replete with flowers and birds, where the royals walked and waltzed; the soft, fluffy beds where the king and queen made love both gentle as a breeze and furious as a tempest; the love nest where the king brought the queen right after their grand wedding and made all their first memories, was in a posh locality, and such addresses don’t come cheap. Gold was needed.

But it was gold that seemed to be dwindling in their reserves.

The queen tore off her resignation letter and went to the guild the next day, determined that she will tell the leader and even manage to convince him. She was the best, her masters had told her, her friends had told her, even the leader in the guild had told her once. She could convince him.

But he remained unaffected. Rather, his eyes twinkled and were now lustfully gazing right at the queen’s admirable bosom much to the queen’s chagrin. The leader of the guild told her that she could get what her heart desires, more power, more gold, a stellar reputation, but like all things in life, it too comes at a price. She had to turn to dark arts.

Furious, the queen cursed him, and left him and joined another smaller guild where she worked hard and made enough gold for the royal family to barely make through, and the king, the queen and the princess lived happily ever after.


Don’t like the ending? Feels too much a fairy tale?


That’s because such endings happen in fairy tales. In real life, the queen remains silent, nods her head, and sacrifices her innocence and purity at the altar of the darkness. And she would proceed to the lair of the leader, her wedding ring still on her finger, and proceed to let the leader take a good look at the queen’s nubile body. Her succulent breasts that heaved with every breath she drew, her trimmed waist, her ample ass that swayed so lightly. This time the leader shows no remorse or shame. He knows the queen has stepped to the darkness, and it’s a matter of time before she becomes it. He doesn’t ask the queen to undress, but merely keeps looking at her, doing it all by himself with his eyes as he talks about intimate matters, matters which she would giggle when her husband, the king would whisper in her ear when they both lie naked in fur beds as his warm hand traces her body, sending ripples across her being to the place below her navel, between her thighs and materalises into a few dew drops. Pure and sweet. The nectar of the gods.

But this time, it wasn’t the king, it was an old wizard, who asked her of her sex life, of how hard her king-husband fucked her, and if she loved to take his royal manhood in her pretty mouth, and if the king shot gallons of thick, virile cum into her inviting mouth, and if she swallowed it and licked her lips like a queen. Involuntarily as she answered them, she realized the same tremors that she used to feel when her husband traced his finger pass through her, and a few drops of nectar spilled from her womanhood. She hated herself for it. She hated her body for it.

The leader then began to ask her if she really wanted the gold, the power and the success, and the queen was quick to respond, ‘yes’. There was an unmistakable lilt in her voice. She was desperate. And the wizard saw something more in them. Greed. He knew if groomed well, the sweet, loving queen would become an asset for the dark world.

Touching his now prominent manhood, he said, if the queen will learn to unlearn all that she knows. She doesn’t respond. The wizard, patiently, repeated the question, and she nodded her head. The wizard begins to furiously stroke his crotch, and says, it’s time for her to pay the price of gold in blood. Her blood.

Her heart skips a beat. The weight of her wedding ring was too much for her to hold, but she doesn’t remove it. She sits beside him. The wizard though old was a good looking man, grey hair, receding hairline, stocky but looking at the bulge in his pants, definitely well endowed. A giant magic wand.

He doesn’t lift a finger, but sits patiently, waiting for the queen. The fair, just, pure queen. Relishing the idea of making her slip by herself. The queen fights back a tear that threatens to fall, but she had already crossed the threshold. She closes in the distance and her lips hovers near his, unsure, uncertain. The wizard quickly closes the gap and tastes her, her soft, crimson-stained lips, licking, biting, sucking, relishing the taste. The queen doesn’t respond for a few seconds, but then the wizard’s words ring in her head: “I want you to commit to it. You can not get gold without darkness. You need to evolve. You need to die and be reborn again.”

And when the last brick of resistance gives away she eases herself into the wizard inviting, exploring lips. His hands cups her soft breasts and squeezes them, making her moan. The same moan that had escaped her lips two night ago when the king sucked on them hungrily. The same moan the wizard had imagined she would make everytime he stroked his cock thinking of her. And that made him bolder and more wanton, and let his hands explore this exquisite’s creature’s pristine body. The queen realized her nipples had become erect and her breasts enlarged. And her pussy was flaring up like a magical cavern expecting a visitor. The wizard deftly slid his hand under her and began to squeeze her rotund ass. Lust cruised through the queen’s body, and she bit her lips. The wizard had begun to focus on arousing her by placing strategically planted kisses across the length of her neck and on the neckline of her kurti, licking her, kissing her, invoking the lustful spirit that slept within her.

Her hands involuntarily moved across his back as she held him closer without even her realization, as he squeezed her ass cheeks harder, spreading it, playing with it. Her pussy leaked, and she was now a subservient to her desires, to his ploy. The wizard quickly pulled up her kurti and touched her bare body. Fair, smooth, and pure. Untouched by no man but her husband, the king. he then slid his fingers into her leggings, and her hand rested over her panties. Fire engulfed her, as she moaned lightly and gasped for air. The wizard smiled. The queen was not just wet, she was drenched.

As he rubbed her flaring, vying-for-attention-pussy with one hand, he unbuttoned her kurti and liberated her boobs from its captivity with the other. Beautiful round globes that fit a man’s hand perfectly, almost as if created just for that, the crest marked with a light pink, perky nipples, standing prominently honestly proclaiming of its desire to be licked, sucked, pinched, rubbed and twisted.

And the wizard wasted no more than a moment to relish what was presented to it as the queen watched in surprise interlaced with lust as the man sucked and suckled her like a hungry animal, slobbering and noisily. That was alone to set her pussy to leak uncontrollably. As she drowned in the sea of lust, her phone rang, snapping her back to reality. It was her husband. The king. She quickly answered his call, her hair disheveled, her tits hanging out and her one leg still on the wizard’s leg. After a few seconds of talking, she sat still, silent, shaking, as reality tided over her, and she was sucked into the cesspool of emotions. Tears flowed freely as the fire in her pussy ebbed. She was still drenched but emotionally she was torn.

The wizard calmed her down, made her tea, and asked her again, if she still wanted gold, fame, and power, and she nodded. But she needed some more time. The wizard agreed. “A body can submit if the mind submits, and the mind can submit if the soul submits”

She knew her soul was to tarnished. The wizard agreed to drop her home. It was late, after all, and the queen was in no state to travel on her own. Inside the car both were quiet. It was the first time the queen realized her vile side, the unbridled lust she inhibited. The way she kissed him, the way her body enjoyed the new sensations, the way she watched him suckle her boobs, the way she moaned, and the way her wet panties reminded her of her deeds. Before she left the car, the wizard told her that by next week, she will be promoted to a position where her efforts will get due recognition and where she can amass more gold. She apologized for not being able to keep her end of the promise that evening, and before the wizard could say anything, she said, she will try to train herself to focus on the goal, and nothing but the goal

The wizard smiled.

And in that smile, the queen too knew she can now no longer return to light. She closed the door and walked to her castle, to her king and to her princess, as her wetness between her thighs clung to her pussy that was still hungry. Greedy.



  1. The story has a lot of flowery elements and metaphors, so if you’re not up for it, here is the gist:

    My boss was a man in his early to mid fifties. A sweet and gentle man. But I knew he would always have his eyes roaming all over my body even while explaining to me about work or advising me about how to handle certain clients. It was something I never liked about him. But that was the only I disliked about him. You see, back then, I was not the woman I’m now. My moral compass was firm and so were my principles.

    But then when my career wasn’t taking off, I was hit with multiple problems. My husband was still doing his phD with no steady income, I had a daughter who was going to a fancy school and we had loans. And I used to go to my boss to complain about how my work wasn’t being credited and of the discrimination I was facing. My boss tried to help me out in the small ways he could without dipping his feet too much. But that didn’t help.

    One day I may have sounded really desperate to be rescued–I know I don’t come across as the torch bearer of feminism, when I say this, and I’m cringing when I type this–but I have always believed that I need to first get whatever help I can from anywhere. He consoled me. And he was a thorough gentleman throughout.

    But then in the next few days he started getting really ‘close’ with me, by offering me advice and stuff, and then one day he told me that due to a shift of people between offices and locations, there is a vacancy in a post I was always eyeing for. The pay was higher, and I would be reporting to him directly. But he told me I wasn’t cut out for it. That was when he said that while I knew my laws, theories and was good at what I do, I lacked the gusto needed for the more strategically inclined roles. That I was too ‘simple’.

    Soon, I realized what he meant. See, he never breached the topic explicitly. He had always trodden the topic by skirting around the bush with a certain sense of determination. And when I replied with a positive outlook, he started being a little more bold in his stares and the usage of sexual euphemisms. He was clearly testing the waters. Meanwhile, I was being prepped by my long term friend to whom I had confided my situation and of the ‘talk’ my boss was giving. And she was the one who told me of certain ‘compromises’ one needs to make. It was a price. Because a person who is too uptight can never make decisions that are too hard and yet necessary to get the desired outcome.

    Soon, despite what my inner voice said (to run) I yielded in.

    My boss wasn’t a tough manipulator. He let me take my time. In fact, I love him for that. The first time when I got to his place to ‘discuss’ about a case fully aware what the discussion would be, I cried. I tried my level best to hold my tears, but I couldn’t. We were making out. And I was trembling from shame and guilt. He told me to relax, and dropped me home. We didn’t have sex then.

    But I never was the same after that.

  2. Damn this was my first post. I don’t think I’ll make it for another 2 days

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