Step Sister Corruption Part 29 – Day 3 Meet the geek (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

I excused myself from breakfast and told Summer and Kelly that I needed coffee which they thought was a brilliant idea.

They originally wanted that nasty burned coffee room the major coffee company. Not me I wanted real coffee…..or in this case coffee that wasn’t fucking burned.

Of course Summer and Kelly teased me that the place I wanted to go to was nothing but eye candy and overpriced coffee.

I smiled telling them they were half right. There was major eye candy……if you’re a guy that is. But the coffee is actually good and fairly priced.

A shit ton better than the place they wanted.

We agreed that we would go to our separate coffee places and would meet up at Ben’s location so he could fit her for her mask. And then be back home for our spa appointment with mom.

The girls gave mea head start and dad gave me $50 to pick up coffee from my location. Apparently they cared a certain coffee that he enjoys.

The place I was going to was ‘Thongs n Linoleum Baristas’ or as I like to call it just linoleum for short.

For those that are unaware Linoleum is your typical shack with girls dressed in skin clad clothing usually thongs and apparel to hide their nipples or lower lips but show off enough skin to attract males. And they make a decent cup of coffee in my opinion.

Five years ago it was only the more main stream popular coffee places and some mom and pop shops that offered fresh coffee. Then a few years ago when certain laws changed places like Thongs n Linoleum Baristas started popping up all over the place.

Hell we had 4 of them in our city. But my main focus was one linoleum location in particular.

And before anyone tries to argue I’m only going for the eye candy just like any red blooded straight guy.

I have three reasons why I always go back.

1.) Yes the girls are cute and dressed in whore wear.

2.) They make an actual good cup of coffee for about $1.50 and it isn’t burned. I’m a traditionalist I don’t like creamer or sugar or any overly sweet flavoring in my coffee.

Maybe I should have started with that fact.

And the other reason why I wanted to go to this particular linoleum location was….. Jessica worked there.

Yes Jessica the girl who I hadn’t seen in about four or five days.

A girl who I hadn’t stuck my dick in in so many days.

Granted I had been swimming in a pool of pussy otherwise known by the names Summer and Kelly. Both of whom had been more fun than I had ever expected.

I pulled up to linoleum. The female on the speaker who I knew was Karinna. One of Jessica’s co-workers who was also a looker.

Most girl’s who work at linoleum are cut or gorgeous with banging bodies. That was their biggest selling point beyond offering coffee.

Karinna: Welcome to Thongs n Linoleum what can I get started for you hun?

I spoke to the speaker not really looking at the digital read out of their menu. I had already made up my mind. “Yeah can I get a large hot coffee. And a bag of your dark roast?”

Karinna: Sure thing sweetie. What size bag would you like?

I ordered knowing the size dad wanted, “2lb. “

Karinna: And what type of coffee would you like?

I smiled, “Dark roast is fine.”

Karinna: If you come to the first window I’ll have that order ready for you.

I pulled up hoping to see Jessica working in the background. But when I pulled up I saw Karinna in a tiny thong with sparkling pasties over her nipples and obvious oils on her body to make it shimmer. In the back I saw a different girl working I think was Mia.

Karinna instantly recognized me. She smiled at me, “How’s it going sweetie?”

I have visited this particular linoleum often enough to see Jessica that most of the girl’s knew who I was and that I was Jessica’s.

Linoleum had a strict no significant other/parent policy but as long as the significant other or parent didn’t make a fuss or caused any problems the owner and manager typically looked the other way.

I smiled at Karinna, “Where’s Jessica?”

Karinna semi pouted, “And here I thought you were here to check out my body and drop Jessica’s little form.”

I laughed, “I’ll admit your cute Karinna but I already have a working relationship with Jessica. She working today?”

Karinna semi pouted again but she still smiled, “Hold on sweetie I think she’s working the afternoon shift but I’ll go double check.”

Karinna walked by Mia and said something to her before walking off.

Mia walked up in her two piece mini bikini that barely covered her nipples or lower region spoke, “That’ll be 27.80 Gabe.”

Like I said the girl’s knew me.

I handed her the $50 dad gave me and said, “Can I get small bills back?”

Mia nodded as she worked the register and handed me back my change in $5’s and $1’s. I immediately threw the two singles and a fiver into the tip jar leaving me with $15 and some coins. Mia smiled and looked both ways before flashing me her small boobs without the fabric covering her nipples.

God do I love Linoleum.

I know the girls aren’t supposed to ‘flash’ the customers their goods when they tip but once again as long as the police don’t show up, the better business bureaus, or anything bad happens management typically looked the other way.

Mia smiled before handing me my coffee and bag.

A person behind me obviously in a hurry honked their horn. That or the guy behind me wanted to see some young female flesh before they went to work.

I sighed and was about to drive off now that I had my coffee when Karinna walked back forward and spoke, “Hey Gabe she’s working the afternoon shift until close if you want to come back.”

I nodded and said, “Thanks Karinna. I left a tip.” And winked at Mia before I drove off towards my next location. Last thing I saw was Mia smile and blush.

I drove away from linoleum towards the direction of Ben’s place. I lightly sipped the sweet bitter wakey wakey nectar otherwise known as strong ass coffee completely ignoring that Karinna was flirting with me or that Mia flashed me.

Took me about 25 minutes to drive over to Ben’s place. Curse of living in a semi large city it takes time to get anywhere. Then there’s the 15 minute drive outside the city just to get to my place. So depending on where you need to go it’ll take 30-50 minutes from my place.

I’ll admit being outside the city is nice and quiet but trying to get take out to come to where we are is a literal bitch and a half. Usually if they do agree we have to pay extra for delivery.

Just as I was putting my car into park at Ben’s place is when I saw the girl’s pulling up in Summer’s car.

Guess we planned that just right.

That or the girl’s were waiting around the block waiting for me.

Summer got out of her car sipping on her obviously girly coffee wearing cut off shorts her thong straps clearly visible and some type of short tight hoodie that showed off her chest and stomach.

Kelly on the other hand was wearing an actual Jean dress that stopped at mid thigh with the buttons down the center. The dress would have looked good on any girl but the buttons were definitely being tested for how tight it was. Especially in the bust department.

I could tell Kelly didn’t want to be here where as Summer she was content.

Summer gave me a smile and a peck on the cheek as soon as she was close.

She even pinched my ass causing me to jump.

Still we walked up to Ben’s door and rang the door bell.

We waiting what felt like forever before someone answered the door.

The person who answered was of medium height, medium build, not too fat nor too skinny, short combed over brown hair, blue eyes behind glasses…..Ben.

Ben like I said was a decent all around guy but I could see way girls, especially Kelly, didn’t think so high of him.

Maybe if Ben lost the glasses, possibly bulked up, changed his hair style, and changed his all over personality which I would think be a major downgrade to his already interesting personality. If he did all that I’m sure a lot of girl’s would thinking differently of him.

I’m sure however once he gets to wherever he is going he’ll find a girl like him and they’d probably multiply like rabbits.

Ben took one look at me and smiled, “Hey Gabe.”

I smiled at him holding up my fist towards him, “Thanks for doing this man I really appreciate it.”

Ben looked at my fist and wrapped it with his and smiled, “Sure.”

He opened the door and stepped aside, “Come in.”

We all walked into his house which in my opinion was your typical house.

Ben walked passed us after closing the front door and said, “We’ll be going out back to my shed.”

His shed?

I sort of knew Ben had a lot of crap but I hadn’t been to his place in at least two years. Usually we just play online and he tells me the newest do dad he got or how he was building a new costume for some convention. I really don’t pay attention to which convention he goes to but he does send me photos or posts photos at the convention with equal nerds…….hot nerdy girls.

Sometimes made me rethink attending conventions.

Ok a lot of times after seeing girls who are just as hot as Kelly or Summer dressed in some cosplay.

We followed Ben out back expecting to see some rickety metal shed not some personal mini cabin with ac attached on the side and solar panels on top.

I was actually impressed.

Ben noticed my and the girl’s reaction to his ‘shed’.

Ben smiled, “You like it?”

I could only nod to his question.

Ben being smug, “Yeah it took me and dad all summer to build.”

I looked at him, “When’d you do this?”

Ben smiled, “Last year.”

He waved, “Come on we don’t have all day.”

We walked into his shed to be greeted by all sorts of equipment to where even I had no idea what it was and I’m an electronics guy…..ok I’m a gamer but close enough.

Ben walked around started turning on different equipment before he finally looked at Kelly, “Ok so which way we going?”

Kelly blinked.

I leaned over and whispered, “I think he means are you getting naked or handing him $900.”

Kelly blushed but spoke, “Let’s just get this over with.”

I could tell Kelly was trying to be diplomatic because she didn’t use one curse word or call him a nerd or anything.

Ben smiled, “Perfect. We’ll started with your mask. If you could sit here I’d greatly appreciate it.”

Ben pulled out a simple stool and Kelly sat down.

The moment she sat down Ben quickly started applying little dots all over her face, ears, jaw, and neck. Once he applied his bajillion dots. I was impressed how quickly he worked applying so many of the little things.

I looked at him and sat, “What are those?”

Ben turned, “Just ink with electric dye in it. Its what is used in the industry.”

He looked at Kelly, “Don’t worry it washes off easily.”

He looked at her, “Ok do you mind if you get naked?”

Kelly blushed but started unbuttoning her dress. Each button showed just a little bit more flesh. Eventually and painfully slow Kelly was standing barefoot in front of us all. Kelly’s face was completely red.

Ben held up his ink vial, “Find if I continue?”

Kelly sighed, “It’s what I agreed to.”

Ben nodded and spoke, “Thanks.”

He quickly went back to work applying a metric fuck ton of little dots all over Kelly’s body. He had her move this way and that to make sure whatever he was looking for worked.

After he was satisfied with all the dots he held a wand that was about 6” long.

He spoke, “This is a dual scanner and activator for those dots. This will send all the information to my computer.”

Kelly nodded.

Ben smiled and started waving the wand over Kelly. First her face and as he waved the wand I watched Kelly’s face slowly come onto the screen.

Then he slowly waved the wand along her neck and on the computer her neck was attached to the face and head.

He moved over to the arms slowly moving the wand. In the screen an arm slowly started forming adding to the neck and shoulder. Then the other arm.

Then her chest.

Her abdomen. Her legs. Her rear. Her back. And even in between her legs.

Each place the wand waved the form on the computer slowly filled out into the model being built looked exactly like Kelly…..just in grey.

Ben spoke, “Cool everything is scanned. Now time to calibrate. Say something.”

Kelly blinked and said, “Like what?”

Just then the face on the screen moved and was moving exactly how Kelly did.

Ben smiled at that, “Ok now jump.”

Kelly blinked at him, “You want me to do what?”

Ben repeated his statement, “Jump. It’s to calibrate all the other dots.”

Kelly sighed and jumped. The model on the computer did the same thing.

Ben looked at the replay and said, “Ok this time with more arm movement.”

Kelly sighed again but did as instructed.

Ben watched the movement obviously happy with the results on his computer.

He looked at her, “Ok walk around a little bit.”

Kelly looked frustrated but did as asked.

Ben had her do a couple more things like jumping Jacks, lunges, quick sprint. Each thing she did we watched on the computer the model doing exactly what Kelly was doing. Even her frustration and angry face was there.

Then he had her smile, frown, grin, smirk, shock, and speak a couple of lines.

He looked at everything, “Ok I think I almost got everything, just need photos and I should be good.”

Ben reached over and grabbed a camera. He held up the camera, “Is this ok?”

Kel looked at him remembering her deal. I guess anything was better than forking over $900. She nodded.

Ben smiled and quickly took photos of her body.

Within a few minutes he put the camera down and said, “Alright I think I got everything.”

I smiled at Ben, “Perfect. So how long before you get the mask done?”

Ben scratched his head thinking of my question and mused on it for a moment before finally speaking, “I should have it done by tonight. Not entire sure when. I’ll text you when I’m done.”

I nodded and asked, “What do we owe you?”

Ben looked at Kelly and smiled, “If you do a couple quick poses for me I’ll call it good.”

Summer leaned in and whispered something to Kelly who had like me stood by saying nothing beyond showing some impressed looks at Ben’s setup.

After she was done whispering in Kelly’s ear Kelly blushed but said, “Fine.”

Ben smiled and handed Summer the camera.

Ben had Kelly draped over him pressing her large chest into him while he had a goofy smile on his face. After a couple of poses he was content taking the camera from Summer.

He handed Kelly a small box of wet wipes and said, “This should help remove them or you can shower.”

Kelly gave him a half smile and used the wet wipes to remove the dots from her face neck arms and legs. She really scrubbed at them like she was trying to remove the geek funk off her.

But after a few minutes she got most of the dots off her.

We thanked Ben and left finding the time to be roughly 11:20pm.

We had spent a little over two hours at Ben’s place. Boy time sure does fly when you’re having fun.

We agreed that the girl’s would pick up something on their back home while I headed home so we weren’t late for mom’s spa treatment and our special talk.

As I drove home to find my cup was nearing empty.

The only thing on my mind now was a refill and pussy.

Which urge will I satisfy first?



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