[MF] TOP 10 SEXUAL FANTASIES PART 1 – Join Charlotte at the start of her 3 part erotic journey through her Top 10 sexual fantasy bucket list

**You can view the illustrated version of TOP 10 SEXUAL FANTASIES PART 1 at** [**https://eroticprose.com/**](https://eroticprose.com/erotic-stories/)

“Hey, here you go. Here’s a list of women’s ten most common sexual fantasies,” Charlotte said, looking up from her laptop to see the reaction of her coworker.

James looked at her blankly, but he fully intended her to get the idea that he was listening and interested.

“The top three are: sex at work; sex in an elevator; and, being forced to have sex or forcing somebody to have sex.”

James remained expressionless. “I suppose you’ve done them all.”

“I have NOT!” the beautiful brunette replied briskly.

“Two out of three?”

“Stop it, James. This is why they are listed as fantasies,” Charlotte said.

James smiled. “So, you’ve at least thought about doing them.”

Charlotte shrugged. “Maybe.”

The current phase was heating up and weeks of sexual tension had been building between the marketing department whiz kids. Charlotte with her cheerleader body and face and James with his classic big city good looks seemed made for each other, at least in the eyes of their fellow employees.

They worked for another twenty minutes before Charlotte announced she was heading to the snack room for a candy bar. James watched her lovely ass sway inside her short skirt as she turned the corner. He listened to her heel click in the hallway, each step getting softer until silence returned to the office.

Charlotte suspected they were alone. It wasn’t unusual when they were working on a deadline project. Since they were both single, leaving at seven or eight was not the end of the world and the company was good at making it up to them. Besides, they liked each other’s company…most of the time.

She inserted her dollar and made a selection. The candy bar rattled to the bottom of the vending machine and she pulled it out. Charlotte began opening it on the way back to the office, oblivious to her surroundings.

She took one bite as she approached the reception area. Charlotte heard, or sensed, the oncoming footsteps behind her, but didn’t have time to turn before the hands were on her.

“Put the candy bar down, Charlotte. I have something much better for you than that.”

James didn’t try to disguise his voice. Perhaps that was what kept Charlotte from crying out at the surprise of his ‘attack’. She put the candy bar on the top of the receptionist’s desk and allowed James to push her steadily toward the elevators.

He had her by both arms, pulled slightly behind her. Nothing about his actions hurt her, but Charlotte was powerless in his strong grip. They neared the elevator doors.

“Push the up button,” James said.

He let go of one hand and Charlotte complied. He quickly took hold of her again. They waited in silence for a few seconds, and then the door slid open. James pushed Charlotte into the dimly lit, mirrored space.

She could feel her heart pounding faster. Fear mixed with anticipation. Part of Charlotte suspected James was being playful, but another small part of her didn’t know. The elevator door closed behind them.

In the mirror, she saw him slam his palm against the big, red Stop button. “James. What are you…,” she began to say.

“I think it’s time we start working on your list,” he said.

“My list?”

“Your sexual fantasies. If we do this right, the top three can be scratched off right now. You are going to be forced to have sex, at work, in an elevator,” James said, pressing hard enough into Charlotte’s back that she was driven against the wall.

Charlotte felt the unmistakable hardness of his erection on her ass. James ground himself into her a little more and moved his hands to the front of her blouse.

“If that article is true, and if you’re honest about your own fantasies, then they should be able to hear you in the next building by the time we’re done,” James said.

His hand cupped her right breast. He felt her bra under the thin material of the blouse and he rolled his palm over the fullness of her twenty-eight-year old chest. James buried his face in her neck, under the flowing brown hair.

“Pretend I’m that VP you’ve been lusting after. Charles. Isn’t that his name, Charlotte? Pretend I’m Charles and he wants to talk to you about a promotion. You’d do anything to work for him, wouldn’t you Charlotte?”

She tried not to smile at James’s use of her own confessions against her. She was about to speak when she felt his hands unbuttoning the top of her blouse. He had released some of the pressure against her body, but Charlotte continued to press her hands against the mirrored wall. She peered straight ahead but was looking into the intense eyes of her colleague.

Charlotte watched the top two buttons being undone. She saw her white bra come into view and James’s hand slide inside the blouse, coming to rest on her left breast. The sense of being violated was lessened by her awareness of the ‘assailant’. However, Charlotte found the whole experience still to be
incredibly stimulating.

James lingered inside her blouse before quickly opening the remaining buttons and yanking the shirt out of Charlotte’s skirt. She saw him admiring her chest in the mirror. Their eyes met, and the lust was obvious.

James reached up and unhooked Charlotte’s bra. The release of the tension on her ample breasts were welcomed, but that was quickly overshadowed by James’s lifting of her bra and squeezing of her ultra-sensitive nipples.

“Oh God, James. No! Not here. Somebody might…oh God! James!”

Prior instances of foreplay by the couple had taken them this far. James knew Charlotte was putty in his hands if he concentrated on her nipples. Now it was time to take her to the next level.

“Yes, Charlotte. Here…and now,” he whispered in her ear while playing with her tits. “It’s your fantasy and I’m going to make it come true.”

His left hand continued to massage her breast. But James’s right hand drifted down her body and onto her leg. He reached for the bottom of her skirt and slid his fingers up the inside of her thigh. He could feel her body stiffen. His cock responded in kind.

Unconsciously, Charlotte dropped a hand behind her and clutched at James’s crotch. Once she had the outline of his cock firmly in her palm, she gripped him harder. They both moaned for the first time.

James’s hand had risen to the bottom of her panties. A quick move onto her pussy confirmed what he suspected: she was soaking wet.

“Ohhhh. So you DO like this?” he said to her.

Charlotte didn’t answer. At least, not verbally. When James’s fingers began probing the moist surroundings of her pussy and clit, she let her body talk for her. She gyrated under his touch, simultaneously trying to avoid his fingers and seeking them out. Meanwhile, she stroked him faster and he reached maximum erection.

James lifted her skirt with both hands. He let it collect around her waist, the tiny panties underneath now in full view. He clutched at her ass, squeezing the cheeks until Charlotte squealed with pleasure.

Little time was wasted. James grabbed the panties and yanked them down her legs while the outline of his fingers could still be seen on her cheeks. Charlotte felt the cool air of the elevator rush up to her legs and loiter around her pussy. Her juices intensified the sudden rush of air. She felt vulnerable and very naked.

Close beside them, the whoosh of the other elevator flying past reminded them where they were…and what they were doing.

“I think it’s time to officially mark these things off the list, Charlotte. Are you ready? Are you ready to be fucked?” James asked while pressing his body against her.

Charlotte shook her head.

“Good girl,” James said softly. “Don’t give in. Because I’m going to force you to enjoy this. I’m going to MAKE you scream when you cum.”

It took him half a minute to open his pants and pull out his cock. Charlotte couldn’t see it yet, but she certainly felt it when James finally rested the cock on top of her bare ass. The warm shaft fell into the crack of her ass and she felt her entire body shudder.

James grabbed her by the hips and pulled her back.

“Spread your legs,” he demanded.

Charlotte complied, adding to her sense of a complete lack of control. She leaned on the wall.

She felt the tip of James’s cock at the entrance to her cunt. She’d never had sex like this before—from behind, standing. She wondered for an instant how it would feel. Would it be better? Worse? Did she have to do anything differently?

The answers came quickly. James pushed forward with a sudden, near-violent thrust and his cock entered Charlotte with surprising ease.

“Oh, God!” Charlotte shouted.

James held her in place, his balls resting on her ass during a couple of seconds before he pulled out. He re-entered her and Charlotte gasped a second time. Then the fucking began in earnest.

James grunted with each thrust. Charlotte exhaled in rhythm with James’s piston-like cock. The size and rigidity of the shaft shocked her, but she couldn’t deny the effect it was having on her. The smell of their sex began to fill the small space.

When James was confident Charlotte was firmly in place and capable of accepting his rapid-fire fucking, he moved his hands back up to her tits and massaged them roughly.

In the mirrored wall, he saw her mouth hang open, although no words came out.

“C’mon, Charlotte. Accept it. You’re going to cum and you can’t stop it. Your nipples are about to explode and your clit is throbbing. I can feel your juices running down my cock. Now cum!”

Her mind fought him. Her body screamed out for more. His hands seemed to be everywhere, and everywhere he touched made her want to orgasm. But not here; not now.

Charlotte was practically in tears by the time her body gave in. She felt the familiar tightening in the pit of her stomach. She felt it deep inside her pussy. It was like a wave with nothing in its way. Charlotte couldn’t prevent it from crashing over her.

“Fuck, no! James! Stop! Ahhhhhh!”

“Yes, Charlotte,” James said in the loudest voice he had used so far. “Yes! You’re going to cum. Fight it as much as you want.”

Instead, she forced her ass back into James’s body. His throbbing cock filled her cunt and slammed along the walls of her vagina. Fingers rolled her nipples and pulled on them while she yelled her approval.

Finally, she cried out and was lost in the most intense orgasm she ever had. Her little hands clung to the wooden railing. Her cunt gladly accepted the full pounding provided by James’s cock. Charlotte wobbled on uncertain legs as the orgasm rose and fell, returned and subsided, never near the end.

In time, James was literally holding her up by smashing her against the wall, continuing to propel his cock up into her soaking wet cunt. Just when she seemed ready to collapse, Charlotte lifted herself off James’s cock and rotated to face him. She fell to her knees and opened her mouth. Before he knew what was happening, she had her lips around his cock.

James watched her long brown hair flop in all directions as Charlotte frantically sucked him off. He was already close to cumming, and the tightness of her mouth made it impossible for him not to orgasm.

The first shot of cum caught her by surprise with its force and volume. She gagged momentarily, allowed excess semen to drip out the sides of her mouth, and accepted the next couple blasts without faltering. By the time James thought he was done, Charlotte’s mouth and chin were covered with white cum.

He watched in amazement as Charlotte used her tongue and forefinger to clean up the mess. Then she kissed his cock and looked up at her coworker.

“Holy shit!” James moaned.

“Think anybody heard us?” Charlotte asked as she rose to her feet.

“Who the fuck cares. Get dressed and I’ll get us out of here,” James said.


As with most young dating couples, trust was a major stumbling block with Charlotte and James. Up until the elevator ‘incident’, Charlotte was not willing to confide in James the amount of trust needed for her to prolong the relationship. But that single event changed her attitude considerably.

She enjoyed his spontaneity, not to mention the unbelievable sexual gratification he provided her. She was ready to follow him nearly anywhere after that.

“So, what’s next on the list?” he asked her two days later at work.

Charlotte looked surprised. “Well, I don’t…I don’t know. I mean, I’ll have to look that up again.”

“Do it.”

She clicked away on the keyboard for a few minutes and managed to reproduce the article in question. “Ahh. Here we go,” she said.

“Well?” James asked.

She read for a minute.

“OK. Number four is: ‘Having sex with a person visiting the home, such as a person repairing the television or a salesperson.’”

James looked at her intently, without saying a word. She understood his meaning immediately.

“Yeah. I think about that sometimes,” she admitted.

James smiled. “I like this list more and more. How are you going to do it?”

Charlotte shrugged. “Didn’t I already tell you I’m having a home security system installed in the condo?”

James’s eyes widened. “No. You never said anything to me. That’s it!”

“But what if the guy is, like, eighty and fat and…,” she started to say.

“C’mon, Charlotte. These companies hire kids at minimum wage or young guys out of work from other jobs. He may not be GQ material, but I bet you wouldn’t turn him down,” James said. “Besides, the fantasy is in the seduction. Let him fuck you. Have a good orgasm. Send him on his way never to be seen again.”

“Where’s the fun for you?” Charlotte asked.

James grinned. “Why, thank you for thinking of me, and asking. I already thought about that. You’re going to video the whole thing. Secretly, of course.”

“James! Isn’t that illegal or something?”

“Not if you use if for purely personal purposes,” he replied, having no clue if that was factually sound or not.

Charlotte stared at him, but he sensed she was buying it.

“I have the right to refuse if this guy’s a loser,” she said.

“Absolutely. Otherwise, I expect a good show.”

Charlotte threw a pen at him, hitting him squarely in the crotch.


Charlotte truly didn’t know how to dress to seduce a home security installer. Scenes from movies and TV shows flashed through her mind. She wavered between showing up in nothing but a thong, to some full-length coat that she could fling open to reveal her nakedness.

But Charlotte wasn’t an ‘in your face’ kind of girl when it came to tempting men. She preferred to offer glimpses of what lies beneath and let the guy decide whether it was worth pursuing or not. Of course, in this case, Charlotte had somewhat of an obligation to make it work…and provide James with the video evidence.

It was this quandary that led her to pull out a pair of her skimpiest panties and her favorite football jersey. The jersey was definitely feminine; with a very low cut v-neck. It was a size too big, and any leaning forward on her part allowed a considerable view of Charlotte’s breasts. The shirt hung not quite halfway down her thighs. In all regards, it met her criteria of tempting, but not quite worthy of ‘Desperate Housewives’.

James had provided the video camera, as well as for instructions on how to start it. They decided a wide shot of the family room would be best. The installer would be working at both doors in the room, and there was plenty of furniture available for Charlotte to use when the time was right.

She was a little torn between hoping he was a cute dude, and fuckable, and hoping he was an ugly, old man so she didn’t have to go through with it. The installation company had given her a three-hour window when he might show up, and a fitful half an hour passed before Charlotte heard the door of his truck slam shut in the driveway.

Charlotte turned on the camera and waited anxiously for the doorbell to ring. When it finally did, she took a deep breath, turned the knob, and opened the door.

Her heart was in her throat when she saw the face of the thirty-year-old man on her porch. He was almost cute; certainly fuckable. She allowed her eyes to quickly take in his tall, lean body while she let him in.

With the door closed behind them, Charlotte realized she was now committed to making this guy want to have sex with her. He introduced himself as Jim, and Charlotte led him into the kitchen eating area where he could put his stuff on the table. She felt strangely slutty in her jersey and panties—and it excited her.

Jim spent a few minutes explaining what he would be installing. Charlotte was only half-listening, unable to think of any questions for him when he asked if she had any. She was far more intent on watching his eyes capture brief glimpses of her body when he thought she wasn’t looking. She, in turn, locked in on his crotch without being so coy about it. The game was on.

While Jim began work on the sensor at the front door, Charlotte made sure to do her chores well within his sight. They never exchanged words and Charlotte avoided making eye contact. But her presence, alone, was enough to lay the groundwork for later.

In due course, Jim made his way to the door leading from the family room to the back porch. This was Charlotte’s cue to pick up the pace and begin her pursuit in earnest. She waited for him to be on a ladder before starting the quest.

She walked over to the door and stood directly below him, her hands on her

“Can I get you anything to drink?” she asked, peering up at him.

“No, thanks. I’m fine,” he said.

Just as she had planned, his glance downward was prolonged by a clear view down her jersey. Jim’s eyes seemed to be locked in place, long after he responded.

“How many of these do you have to do today?” Charlotte asked.

Jim’s head jerked up as if he had been in a trance. With eye contact made once again, he replied, “Oh, uh, two more.”

“Are they all the same? Or have you had any…interesting experiences?”

Charlotte tilted her head to the side as she spoke and her meaning was obvious.

“Nah,” Jim said, drilling another screw into the door frame. “Nothing too interesting.”

“Then all those stories must not be true,” Charlotte said as she made her way up into the kitchen.

“What stories?” Jim said.

Charlotte was in the refrigerator. “The stories of home repair guys having sex with their customers,” she yelled out to him.

“Never happened to me,” he replied.

He heard the refrigerator door slam shut and made the last adjustment to the sensor he just installed. When he looked down, Charlotte was back in her place by the ladder, a bottle of beer in her hand. Jim climbed down as Charlotte took a drink, erotically slipping the bottle between her lips and back out again.

“It’s hard to believe a woman hasn’t tried to seduce a good looking guy like you,” Charlotte said.

Jim grabbed the ladder and moved it across the room to the other door, Charlotte trailing right behind. When Jim looked at her again, she was holding the bottle against her breast on the outside of her jersey. He watched her rub the nipple, and then move the bottle to her other breast. By the time she was done, the cold moisture from the bottle had transferred through the jersey and both nipples were prominently displayed.

She took a drink, tilting her head back, and jutting her breasts out even more.

“I guess I’m just unlucky,” Jim said, stepping up onto the ladder.

He had turned in such a way that Charlotte had easy access to his crotch, which was now just below her eye level. She moved the bottle forward and dragged it slowly across the front of Jim’s jeans. The bulge of his cock was unmistakable. She moved over it twice.

“Sure you don’t want anything?” she asked again.

Jeff reached down and took the bottle. His eyes never left her jersey the entire time he drank nearly a third of what was left. Before he could hand back the beer, Michelle had her hand on his cock, pressing against the outline of his shaft.

She took the bottle, looked up at Jeff, and ran her tongue around the wet rim. She licked her lips and put the bottle on a table next to the couch.

As soon as she leaned back up, she reached for Jeff’s zipper and pulled it down. He steadied himself the best he could on the ladder while Michelle groped for the opening in his underwear. Soon, she had Jeff’s semi-erect cock out of his pants and firmly in her grasp.

“Well, I know what I want,” Michelle said. “And today’s your
lucky day.”

She ran her tongue up Jeff’s cock from the base to the tip, lingering at the swollen head that was beginning to turn bright pink. Michelle dabbed at it a couple of times with her tongue and then gently closed her lips around it. In slow motion, she lowered her head until her lips hit his pants and the entire length of Jeff’s cock was in her mouth.

She sucked harder as she pulled back, looking up at him with her large brown eyes. He had grown another inch in the short time she had him exposed. Two more trips up and down the shaft and he was fully erect.

“You better get down before you hurt yourself,” Michelle told him.

She watched him step off the ladder, facing her, and with his cock pointing up in splendid hardness. She stepped towards him until they almost touched.

“Take off my jersey, Jeff.”

Michelle knew that the way they stood in the room gave the hidden camera a perfect silhouette view. She thought of Nate as Jeff pulled up the bottom of her jersey and gradually revealed her full, firm breasts. He pulled the shirt off and tossed it aside while Michelle shook her hair back into place.

Her hand went immediately to his cock and Jeff ran his fingers over her distended nipples. Michelle stroked him faster as Jeff put both hands squarely on her tits and began to massage them. It only took a few seconds for his mouth to land on one breast, and then the other. His tongue, teeth, and lips worked over her nipples for the next couple of minutes.

She had his pants open almost before he realized what she was doing. Michelle carefully pulled the pants and underwear over Jeff’s cock, and then pushed them down his legs until they settled around his ankles.

Their bodies came together and they kissed. Michelle pushed her stomach against Jeff’s aching cock, rubbing it with her skin until they both moaned. Jeff pulled her up by the ass so that he could feel the soft material of her tiny panties scraping across the bottom of his cock. He lowered himself just enough to allow the shaft to glide over her pussy and clit. Michelle’s tongue confirmed her approval by searching out every corner of Jeff’s mouth.

Michelle broke off the kiss and practically ripped Jeff’s shirt off. In the meantime, he was frantically kicking off his shoes and stepping out of his pants. They were both nervous, eager, and extremely horny.

Jeff was naked. Michelle stood in front of him in just her panties, saying a prayer of thanks that the installation company not only sent a younger man but a well-endowed younger man seems willing to fulfill Michelle’s fantasy.

His eyes were all over her.

“Take it off, Jeff,” she said. “Before I try to fuck you with
it on.”

Jeff smiled, reached for her panties, and dragged them down her legs while she was still talking. He admired the neatly shaven area around her pussy. Michelle stood with her legs together, but Jeff did not worry about whether or not he’d ever get to see the rest. It was a matter of how soon.

He stood back up and said, “Just tell me what you’d like.”

She wrapped her hand around him once more and leaned next to his ear. “I want you to put that gorgeous cock inside my cunt and fuck me until I cum. Then I want you to spray your cum over my tits, Jeff. I want to see long streams of cum dripping off my nipples. That’s what I’d like.”

For the first time, Jeff showed a little aggression. He seized Michelle by the waist and flung her around so that she was near the couch. She gasped as he lifted her and drove her onto the couch. Michelle looked up as she lay on her back, watching his muscular body slide on top of her. The combination of force and pure lust nearly caused her to cry out to him to take her.

But she allowed him to go at his own speed, which was much to her liking. She spread her legs, helped by the pressure applied by Jeff. He paused only long enough to finally get the full view of her exposed pussy that he missed earlier. Then he placed his cock on the thin strip of dark hair above her clit
and stroked her with it.

Michelle used her hand to press down on him, making sure his motions caused the cock to hit her swollen clit. She arched her back and closed her eyes as her desire to cum increased.

Jeff let his cock slide between her legs and into position between the wet folds of skin protecting her cunt. He already had his instructions, so he did not wait or ask for more. Jeff entered her wet hole.

“Oh God, yes!” Michelle cried out.

Jeff felt resistance for a second, and then the flow of Michelle’s juices combined with his erection let him push on. Her body gripped him tightly, all the way up to his balls.

“Ahhhhhh, fuck,” Michelle groaned with pleasure.

Jeff remained inside her as far as he could go. He put his hands under her ass and lifted her off the couch. He slid his knees forward a few inches, and then he was ready. Staring down into her desperate eyes, Jeff started to fuck the beautiful young woman.

He watched her tits roll on her chest in rhythm with their movements. Even though her eyes were closed now, it was as if she sensed his interest. Michelle put both hands up to her breasts and played with them. She rolled the nipples and pushed the tits up with her palms. Jeff fucked her harder.

“Yes, Jeff. Like that! Harder!”

The couch creaked under them as Jeff pounded faster. Their bodies smacked together with each thrust and Michelle exhaled loudly each time his cock drove into her. One of her hands slid down to her clit and she rubbed it furiously.

“Almost. God, yes! Almost…there.”

“C’mon, Michelle. I want to hear you cum,” Jeff told her.

She concentrated on the incredible feeling of his thick cock filling her cunt for the next couple of minutes. If she’d been able to, Michelle would have gone all afternoon letting him fuck her wildly. But the orgasm she promised to capture on video for Nate was about to overtake her.

“Now! Now, Jeff. I’m cumming!”

He pulled her towards him, slamming into her cunt with hard, meaningful thrusts. Each of his grunts was matched by her moans.


Michelle started to cum. Her body shook as she clutched at the cushions of the couch. Once the initial shock was over, she grabbed Jeff by the ass and held him closer. He never slowed down and pounded her with his cock until the sounds of her soaking wet cunt filled the room.

Michelle rolled her head back and forth as the intensity of her orgasm took over. She wrapped her legs around Jeff’s ass and dug her heels into his cheeks. She squeezed his cock as hard as she could with her cunt, using what little control she had leftover her muscles to heighten their pleasure.

Jeff listened and looked at the contorted face of the woman under him. Only when he determined that she was about finished cumming did he pull out.

Michelle’s eyes flew open and she saw Jeff stroking his cock above her stomach. His mouth was open, but he didn’t speak. His eyes closed for an instant and then he cried out.

“Ahhhhh, fuck yes!”

Michelle got her to wish. Cum flew from the tip of Jeff’s cock, landing first on her neck, and then starting to accumulate around her tits. Blast after blast added to the pool of cum. It dripped down her breasts and into her cleavage and stuck to her nipples. It trailed down to her navel.

Jeff grunted twice more, but only a few extra drops of cum were produced.

Michelle smiled up at him.

“Wow! That was GREAT!” she exclaimed.

“You made it easy,” Jeff said.

“And you have two more today?” she asked, spreading his cum over
her tits with her fingers.

“Somehow I’m thinking this won’t happen again today.”

Michelle licked her middle finger sensuously.

“Then maybe you can come back later,” she said with a wink.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jm0bta/mf_top_10_sexual_fantasies_part_1_join_charlotte

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