[MF] How it all started

When I first saw Zelda I thought she was a “#me too” kinda woman….I was very very very wrong.

To start, she is a client of mine and I just started at a new job so I was very above board with her. Also we are both married with families. The last thing I wanted to do is lose my job or my family…but God damn she was sooo fucking hot!!

After working with her a few months, I started to think maybe she would be a fun work flirt or someone super sexy to think about when I was home alone ?

Zelda would drop little hints about her personal life, that kept painting her in a very different light then her work personality. I still was very scared to cross that line and didn’t know if it was just wistful thinking.

I would make every effort to be alone with her and find any excuse to touch her. I even went Jr high game and would brush her ass walking by or walk into a room half hard to see if I could get her to look. But it kinda seemed like it would just be a flirting kinda relationship.

This all kept going for a few months then we started to just talk a little more open and make dirty jokes when others would leave the room. That led to use texting…. it got super dirty so fast. It felt like we talked for months an months but it couldn’t have been more then a weeks. It was so easy to talk to her and every dirty thing I would text thinking that I went to far she would add to it and make it more dirty and I started wanting her more everyday.

Not going to lie from the first day I saw her I wanted her so bad but after all those months working with her and getting closer to her made the sexual tension unbearable.

All this led to the first kiss….
Ill post that story soon ??

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jluecq/mf_how_it_all_started

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