I [F] let my husband [M] and my mom [F] spend time together

My father died when I was in grade school, and my mother sacrificed her personal life and relationships to take care of me and my three siblings into adulthood. I don’t ever remember her going on dates, or having boyfriends or anything like that.

As an adult, she and I got to talking about our love lives and how she had noticed that my husband seems like a good man and father. And eventually the conversation turned to how I’m satisfied by him sexually and how she hasn’t had a lover of any kind in over a decade. I definitely got the longing vibe from her, like it was something she missed and really needed. And I felt so bad and so sorry for her.

Fast forward to a night or two later. My husband and I have a very fun and open way of communicating and lying in bed with him I blurted out “Would you ever want to have sex with my mom?” He was obviously skeptical of my question at first. But I told him about the conversation I had with her and that I think sex was something she really missed and needed. He was still apprehensive and reluctant but we bashed out some of the hypothetical details and I assured him I was okay with it and it wouldn’t affect our relationship. He was eventually on board.

My mother was a different animal so to speak. We are close but not always about intimate matters as she’s often shy and reserved to discuss them. I very delicately brought up the topic of her love and sex life again and gently steered the conversation to my idea about letting my hubby satisfy her needs. She was less receptive to the idea than he was. But I was able to get her to admit it wasn’t because she wasn’t attracted to or intrigued by my husband. She was mostly worried about ruining our marriage. I reassured her just as I did my husband.

I’m skipping over some details because this is getting to be long winded, but needless to say my husband and my mother have been meeting each other about once a week for about the last year or so for him to satisfy her needs.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jm1lzh/i_f_let_my_husband_m_and_my_mom_f_spend_time


  1. I am assuming that you and your mom look alike and she’s still slim and hot too?

  2. Love the idea of having a mother and daughter. My MIL isn’t very attractive though.

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