Succubus Seduction [M/F] (Demonic Summoning?)

“What’s the worst that could happen, we all go crazy or get really sick and die?” Jenna said sarcastically, taking another sip of beer.

“Exactly, that’s exactly what could happen.” Liam replied seriously. “Summoning shit isn’t for the faint of heart. Weren’t you paying attention to all the stuff in the textbook?!”

“Relax, what better way to have a break from studying than to have an orgy with demons? And if we get sick and die, that will be a university first for sure.” Jenna leaned back against the coffee table. In front of her sat the rest of the group, arranged haphazardly around the tiled floor of Liam’s living room, textbooks, drink cans and loose paper with notes filling the gaps between them. Each of the five students sitting or resting on a cushion.

Lauren broke the silence of the room. “We have almost covered everything for the exam next week anyway….”

“Yeah. And I think we are all well prepared. I’m feeling pretty burnt out from study, but some practical learning might be useful.” Adam joined.

“Fine…. If y’all want to have soul sucking sex with a mythological creature, be my guest, but I’m not having any.” Liam turned his face up in disgust.

Adam took a moment to look over at Rebecca, who hadn’t said anything during the conversation, or for a while. She just sat there, quietly observing the others. Adam had been interested in her from the very start of the semester, since the first day of class. He had jumped for joy when the shy girl had asked to join their study group. He had wanted to ask her out, for a date; coffee, movie, dinner or just a walk in the campus garden, but he was too meek himself to ask her anytime soon.

Jenna opened her pencil case. Extracting a piece of white chalk. “Liam, go get some candles!”

Minutes later the group had prepared for the summon. Liam’s stubby burgundy candles were placed around a meticulously drawn pentagram on the tiled floor where they were all previously sitting. Fitting between the two couches and the pushed back coffee table, the demonic circle was big enough to have all five of the students surrounding it with little room to spare. Jenna studied her textbook, checking the final details of the ritual as everyone else took their place in the circle.

“Okay. So the book says to visualize your intentions, clear you mind and focus on the circle around you. Then we light the candles.” Jenna explained, snapping the heavy book closed before sitting down in her place.

“Then what?” Lauren asked.

“Then, you lay in the circle and…. go to town.” Liam answered crudely.

“While everyone watches!?” Lauren snapped back.

“We will turn way if that’s what you want. Let’s stay optimistic people….. Everyone ready?” Jenna boldly asked. She was greeted with nods from the rest of the gang.

Everyone took a breath almost simultaneously before closing their eyes. For minutes, they all sat still, breathing softly and intensely focusing on the ritual.

Ten minutes went by, then Jenna brought the summoning to an end. “Now, who dares enter the circle to receive their demonic visit.” She asked, pulling a lighter out, lighting a candle, then passing it on to light the others.

“I will.” Lauren said nervously, rising from her position and laying down face up inside the ring with her arms straight and her legs apart. The others turned away from the circle, facing outward. Lauren closed her eyes and awaited her unholy companion. Minutes of silence passed. Suddenly, she felt a pressure in her pelvis, like someone was resting on it. She gasped, then flicked her eyes open, revealing the true cause of the weight. Lauren wasn’t amused by this, and she had a pretty good hunch who did it. She shot up and smashed the book into Liam’s back.

“Hey!” Liam yelled with the innocence of a convicted felon.

“I know it was you arsehole.” Lauren said, removing herself from the circle.

“Next time I’ll dress up as a demon myself and give you a good time.” Liam joked, getting a good giggle out of everyone but Lauren.

“I look forward to it.” The girl shot back, eliciting ‘ooohs’ from Jenna and Adam. “It’s getting late, and I’ve got work tomorrow, so we should probably rap this up.”

“Agreed, let’s hit the sack.” Jenna yawned.

A few minutes later, the group had quickly cleaned up. Clearing the candles and rubbing off most of the chalk circle. They had agreed to stay the night at Liam’s, mostly due to the late hour that they would finish studying, but also because some of them wanted to have a few beers and returning home a little more than buzzed might be an issue. Adam and Rebecca abstained from the alcohol completely, both disliking the taste. You could call it a sleepover, if twenty-somethings had those; The girls were staying in the guest bedroom, Liam would take his room and Adam had brought his portable mattress and a sleeping bag, content to stay in the living room.

After they took turns in the bathrooms, everyone settled in for the night, Adam retired to the living room to set up his bed. He rolled out his mattress along side one of the couches to use as a wall, mimicking his bedroom at home. Then he flicked out his sleeping bag, unzipped the side and layed atop the soft fabric, illuminated by the dull light coming from the others down the hallway.

With a quick glance over, Adam checked he wasn’t inside the partially and messily removed chalk circle. To his relief, he was a good distance away from even getting his toes in it. Now having piece of mind that he wasn’t going to accidentally roll over into the demonic circle during the night, Adam bundled up the top of the sleeping bag to use as a pillow and let his tired mind and body drift off.

He had let go quickly, the late hour and an entire night of study made for an effective treatment for insomnia. However Adam wasn’t very long into his sleep when he felt movement. Almost fully asleep, he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was happening, but he could feel it. Lateral movement, then nothing, followed by more movement. Like someone was dragging his mattress….

A weight lowered onto Adam’s thighs, a leg either side of them, his sleepy eyes shot open. To his shock and surprise, he could see the outline of a person in the dark on top of him.

“Hey there big boy. I’ve been waiting to play with you.” The figure said in a soft, sultry feminine voice.

Adam didn’t instantly recognize it, but it only took a second to work out who the voice belonged to.

“Becca?” His lips parted slowly, letting the name escape. The figure pulled a lit match out from behind her, making her curved silhouette even more defined. She brought the match in front of her, meeting the burning tip with a candle she held in her other hand. The new light source making it easier to see her face and body; and HORNS!

Was this some elaborate plot to get the two of them together by the others, was this Bec going wild or was he actually being seduced by a demon?

“That’s what you wanted wasn’t it? I took this form because I thought it would please you, does it not?” The female asked. In the new light, he could make out her attire; a black wet-look bra and panties. He could also see the dark shadowing around her eyes, but it was most certainly the face of Rebecca; the body, he wasn’t sure about having never seen her this bare. The girl placed the candle on the floor to her left.

He turned his head to the side following the candle, looking over the thin mattress to the floor. To his surprise, he was directly in the middle of the circle now, someone must have moved his bed. Adam took a breath and almost exhaled in a call to his friends in the nearby room, but was silenced by the girls’ finger pressed onto his lips.

She lowered her top half closer to his body, leaning down to whisper in his face. “Shhh…. Your friends can’t help you. They are all asleep, dreaming about how good it would be if I were to visit them….” She rubbed her hands over her body while licking her lips, revealing two small fangs on her top row of teeth.

“So you’re a…. ” Adam began, cut off by the sensation of fingers running over his pants.

“Oh yes. I’m one of them alright.” She said mischievously, continuing her invasion. She rose off him and pulled his pants down in one fluid motion before lowering herself again a little further forward than before; his naked body feeling the unusual coldness of her skin.

“Why Becca?” He began. “Why did you choose Rebecca?”

“Because you wanted me to…. You’ve been eyeing her off for months, dreaming about her, what it would be like to fuck her. I know, I’ve been in your mind. I know every desire, thought and wish. Everything you have wanted to do to her, you can do to me….” She smiled, stroking his erection that was pressed against the front of her panties.

“And…. What do you want from me? What’s the catch?”

“No catch…. Well, I just need some of your essence. But I was hoping that if we had sex… you’d give me some of that anyway when we were finished….” She stopped her gentle stroking and leaned forward into his face. “Do we have a deal, Adam?”

“….yes…” He confirmed hesitantly.

“Excellent.” She said before closing the final distance and sealing the deal with a passion loaded kiss on the lips. Once they was done, she pushed back onto his lap, anchoring his member under her bottom.

She rose again from him and slipped back down to his feet and took his penis into her hands. Her tongue darted out of her mouth between the fangs and licked him like a lollipop, causing tremors in his legs. Once she had enough of that, the horned girl took the entire girth into her mouth, being careful not to puncture him with her long teeth, she wasn’t a Vampire. That sensation made Adam tense up in blissful agony as she continued to probe him with her tongue while providing suction and thrusting slowly in and out of her mouth.

Continuing until she deemed he had had enough, she removed the saliva covered rod and scooted forward again, dick still in hand, teasing gently. With her free hand rested it beside Adam’s head for balance as she got into her new position. She let go of his rod for a second to slip the crotch of her underpants to the side. But the next thing Adam knew, his head was breaching her opening.

With a thud, her bottom slammed against the top of his thighs. She leaned her head back in delight as she had taken his entire length in. Adam gurgled in contained pleasure, trying not to blow his load too soon. After a breath, she began to lift and lower herself rhythmically above him. Using both hands she reached behind her and untied the tight black top that held her assets in place, leaving them free to bounce with her movements.

Adam continued to delay the inevitable for as long as possible as she kept pumping him, until he just couldn’t hold back any longer. With a groan, Adam ejected the biggest load he had ever ejaculated deep into her, then went completely limp from exhaustion. She continued to thrust up and down on him for a few cycles longer as her tongue hung from her mouth like a panting dog, until she was finished herself; spasming on-top of his lifeless body.

After a moment of rest, the girl withdrew Adam’s manhood from her, the spent object slowly shriveling back to normal size. With a flick, she fixed her underpants back over her crotch and grabbed her top from where it fell beside the mattress. Adam moaning softly in reaction to the movement caught her attention.

“Sweet dreams big boy. You’ll see me again soon.” She said softly, leaning in and finishing with a gentle kiss on the forehead, then she turned her head and blew out the candle.

When Adam awoke from the harsh rays of light slipping between the curtain and tickling his face, his sleeping bag was damp with sweat. He quickly remembered what had transpired last night and looked down to check himself. His pants were there, pulled back up over his junk, and he didn’t remember putting them back on. Lifting up his pants he-

“What are you doing?” Lauren asked inquisitively from behind him.

Adam released the band, snapping the pants back to his body. “Uhh, nothing. Um, did you hear anything weird last night.”

“Like what? You going at it with a demon?” She asked with a straight face.

Adam rose from the mattress. “You heard!?”

“No, I’m just guessing since your bed is in the circle… and you are drenched in sweat. I wouldn’t have heard anything over Bec’s snoring anyway. Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret. Was it good?”

“Really good. Just weird.”

“I’m so jealous. Let me know if anything strange happens, like if your dick falls off or something.” She giggled, pouring out some cereal into a bowl.

Adam took the opportunity to use the bathroom before anyone else awoke, got changed and sat down for breakfast just as Lauren was finishing.

“Hey, Loz. Are you sure Bec was snoring all night?” He asked, taking a sip of juice.

“Oh yeah. All fricken night. *Snore* *Snore* Then she’d roll over and then be good for a bit, then back at it again when she rolls over. I’m sure it was probably just a bad night for her. Why? Didn’t you hear it?”

“No, I couldn’t hear it, uh just wondering.”

She got up and moved to the kitchen. “You know. I think you and her would be kinda cute together, if you need me to set yo-”

“Thanks Lauren, but, I’m good.”

“Okay. Offer is still open.” Lauren placed her dishes in the sink.

“Offer of what?” A soft voice from the hallway called out.

Adam turned and nearly ejected his juice when he saw Rebecca coming towards the table.

“Oh, I was just telling Adam about… an, offer, on my old car I’m selling. Five hundred cash. Can you believe that?!”

Rebecca sat down at the table across from Adam. “That’s ridiculous, it’s at least worth triple that, plus you just got new tires didn’t you?”

“Exactly. See, someone else gets it. Why do jerks like that even bother. Anyway, I’m off, see ya guys whenever I see ya.” Lauren quickly shuffled away and ducked out the door.

For a moment, could have sliced the silence with a sword.

“Sleep well?” Adam asked.

“Yeah. Pretty well. The pull out bed was a bit uncomfortable.” Rebecca answered, fiddling with the cord from her pajama pants. “What about you?”

“Yeah. Slept okay. Didn’t get much, but I was out like a light.” He said shyly.

“Heeeeyyy Adam! Did someone get some pussssssyyyyy last night?” Liam droned as he staggered in. Adam’s eyes went wide, then he blushed, turning a ripe shade of tomato.

“What makes… you say that Liam?” He asked nervously.

“Come on. I know what a bed looks like when there’s been some -hubba hubba- ” Liam exaggerated with his terrible Elvis impersonation. “Even if it’s a sleeping bag. That’s a spot where there’s been some nasty stuff happening. Who was it? Was it Lauren? Is that why she was up at some ungodly hour this morning?” He pulled a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water, then skulled it entirely.

“She… She had to go to work.” Bec quickly replied.

Liam slapped his palm to his face. “Derp. That’s right. Well, I’m happy for you bud, whoever He, She, They were. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to bed. Help yourselves to whatever is in the fridge and lock the door on your way out…” He then began to stagger back into the bedroom.

The room was quiet again.



“You had a sex with a succubus last night, didn’t you?” Bec said meekly.

“Yeah.” Adam replied.

“Do you want to tell me… about it… over coffee? She said gaining a little confidence.



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